Report of Col. L. S. Baker, First North Carolina Cavalry, of engagement at
Brandy Station.
June 10, 1863. Capt.: I have the honor to report that my regiment was engaged at various times
yesterday, from early in the morning to late in the evening.
The entire regiment was engaged fighting the enemy's
infantry in the morning with good success.
Capt. [W. R.] Wood (a squadron dismounted) charged the enemy's infantry,
driving them rapidly back. I consider that the most brilliant part of the day's work performed by the regiment.
regiment made two charges with perfect success on cavalry, capturing the standard of the Tenth New York Regt., and routing them.
whole regiment behaved admirably. Capt. [R.] Barringer was wounded severely in the face. Killed, 5; wounded, 12; missing, 14.
By the best calculation I can make, by referring to the several captains, the number of prisoners captured and sent to
the rear was 137.
Nearly all these, with their arms, horses, and whatever they had, were turned over to the provost-marshal
and other officers in the rear who seemed to take charge. I cannot tell the number of horses and equipments captured,
as they were turned over with the prisoners; but I find this morning in my regiment 19 horses, 9 saddles, 36 guns, 28
pistols, and 12 sabers. Seven horses have been sent to the brigade quartermaster. The others were required to supply the places
of horses killed, wounded, and lost.
The arms have been turned in, and I would be glad to retain all the pistols,
as I am very deficient in that particular arm, and sufficient quantity of the arms to supply the deficiency caused by accidental loss
on the field.
I have the honor to report the names of Capt.'s Wood and [W. H. H.] Cowles for marked gallantry, and
to acknowledge my thanks to my adjutant (Lieut. [J. L.] Gaines) for his great coolness and assistance rendered me in
reforming my regiment and keeping them in proper order to resist the enemy.
My major ([J. H.] Whitaker), although
on the sick report and very unwell, remained all day, doing all in his power.
I am, captain, with much respect,
S. BAKER, Col. First North Carolina Cavalry.
Capt. T. G. Barker, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Cavalry Brigade.
Source: Official Records, Series I, Vol. 27, Part II, Reports, Serial No. 44