
Battle of Bull Run: Virginia and the Civil War
Union Army Report for Battle of Bull Run
Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, 1862. Army of
Virginia and Army of the Potomac. In this battle, known as the second Bull run, is included the action at Gainesville
late on the afternoon of the 28th, and the battle of Groveton on the 29th. Gen. Pope's forces at this time consisted of
the Army of Virginia and the Army of the Potomac. The former was made up of three corps: the 1st, commanded by Maj.-Gen.
Franz Sigel, in- cluded the divisions of Schcnck, Von Steinwehr and Schurz, the inde- pendent brigade of Gen. Robert
H. Milroy, and the cavalry brigade of Col. John Beardsley. The 2nd corps, under the command of Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks,
was composed of the divisions of Williams and Greene, and the cavalry brigade of Gen. John Buford. The 3d corps, commanded
by Maj.-Gen. Irvin McDowell, consisted of the two divisions of King and Ricketts, the cavalry brigade of Gen. George
D. Bayard, and the re- serve corps under Brig.-Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis. Reynolds' division was temporarily attached
to this corps. In the Army of the Potomac there were also three corps, the 3d, 5th and 9th. The 3d was com- manded
by Maj.-Gen. S. P. Heintzelman and consisted of the divisions of Kearny and Hooker. The 5th was commanded by Maj.-Gen.
Fitz John Porter and embraced the divisions of Morell and Sykes. The 9th corps, commanded by Maj.-Gen. Jesse L. Reno,
included two divisions, the 1st commanded by Maj.-Gen. Isaac Stevens, and the 2nd by Reno in person. With this corps
was also the 1st provisional brigade of the Kanawha divi- sion, commanded by Col. E. P. Scammon. The 1st brigade, 1st
division of the 6th corps, Brig.-Gen. George W. Taylor, was engaged at Bull run bridge toward the close of the battle,
and there were some unat- tached organizations.
The Confederate forces — known as the Army of Northern Virginia
— were under the command of Gen. Robert E. Lee, and consisted of the right and left wings. The former, commanded
by Maj. Gen. James Long- street, included the divisions of Anderson, D. R. Jones, Wilcox, Hood and Kemper. The left
wing, commanded by Maj.-Gen. Thomas J. Jack- son, was composed of the divisions of Taliaferro, A. P. Hill, Ewell, and
the cavalry division of Stuart. Authorities differ as to the strength of the two armies, but it is probable that Pope
had about 63,000 men of all arms and Lee 54.000.
By Stuart's dash upon Pope's headquarters at Catlett's station
on the night of Aug. 22, the despatch book of the Federal commander fell into the hands of Lee, who learned from it
the position and approximate strength of the Union forces in his front, and determined to send part of his army to
the right and rear of Pope, with a view to capturing or de- stroying his command, which was then in the vicinity of Rappahannock
Station at the point where the Orange & Alexandria railroad crosses the Rappahannock river. On the 25th Jackson
was sent via Thoroughfare gap to strike Pope in the rear, while Longstreet kept up a show of force in front. The next
day the latter took up his march to join Jackson, and Pope got wind of the movement. At sunset on the 26th his forces
were somewhat scattered. Reno, Kearny and Hooker were at Warrenton Junction ; Sigel was at Warrenton ; McDowell was
confronting Longstreet at Waterloo bridge ; Banks was at Fayetteville ; Sykes" was south of Beale- ton, and Morell
was at Kelly's ford, below Rappahannock Station. Or- ders were sent to the different commands to move toward Gainesville
and Manassas Junction, with a view to concentration. Jackson had by this time gained the Federal rear and occupied
the road from Gainesville to Bristoe Station. Shortly after midnight Stuart's cavalry assaulted the Union garrison
at the junction and captured the place, together with the commissary and quartermaster stores collected there. About 7
a. m. on the 28th Taylor's brigade of the 6th corps came up from Alexandria and made a gallant effort to recapture
the stores. In the skirmish Taylor was mortally wounded. Jackson was now in imminent danger of capture or annihilation.
In one respect, however, he had the advantage of his op- ponent. He was aware of the positions of the various detachments
of the Union forces, and could at least hazard a shrewd guess at Pope's in- tentions, while the latter was puzzled
as to what Jackson might do. The general opinion of the Federal officers seems to have been that Jackson would move
to the southward, fall on the wagon trains under Banks, then near Warrenton Junction, and join Longstreet near Warrenton.
To unite with Longstreet was of paramount importance, and in order to do this Jackson resolved to move northward to
the old battle-field of 13 months before, where he was well acquainted with the ground, and secure a strong position
where he could hold out until Longstreet's arrival. Accordingly on the night of the 27th Taliaferro moved by the Sudley
road and at day- light on the 28th was north of the Warrenton pike. At i a. m. on the 28th A. P. Hill moved to Centerville,
and at 10 o'clock joined Taliaferro. Ewell crossed Bull run at Blackburn's ford, proceeded up the east side of the
stream to the stone bridge, where he recrossed and by noon the whole command was together.
When Jackson began
this movement McDowell and Sigel were in the neighborhood of Gainesville, directly between the two wings of the Con- federate
army. As an evidence that Pope had no intimation of Jackson's purpose, he sent an order to McDowell at 9 p. m. on the
27th to move at daylight the next morning for Manassas. In this report he said: "If you will move promptly and rapidly
at the earliest dawn of day upon Manassas Junction we shall bag the whole crowd." This order caused McDowell and Sigel
to waste the greater part of the 28th in a useless march to Manassas under the impression that Jackson would wait
there to be surrounded. McDowell appears to have had better judg- ment than Pope, for in his report he says: "I varied
from your orders to march with 'my whole force' only so far as concerned Gen. Ricketts' division and the cavalry of
Buford and Bayard. Knowing that Longstreet would be coming through Thoroughfare, I sent early in the morning Col.
Wyndham's 1st New Jersey regiment of cavalry to the gap, and sent up other cavalry as fast as I could get hold of it,
and on receiving word the enemy was coming through I detached Ricketts' division to hold him in check. This departure
from your orders to move with 'my whole force' on Manassas I felt called upon to make to carry out the spirit of your
plan of crushing the enemy at that place before his reinforcements, of whose position I had just received positive
intelligence, could join, as those reinforcements, I thought, could be better held in check at the gap than this side
of it."
Before his advance reached Manassas, McDowell received another despatch from headquarters, stating
that the enemy was east of Bull run, and directing him to march his command toward that place. King's division, which
had formed the rear in the march of the fore- noon, now became the advance. As this division was marching east on
the Warrenton pike about 5 p. m. Jackson, thinking the Union army was in retreat, sent Taliaferro's division and two brigades
of Ewell's against King. The latter met the attack bravely by throwing forward a strong skirmish line, supported by
the infantry in force, while the batteries were placed where they could enfilade those of the enemy, compelling them
to change their position. For over two hours the two lines doggedly held on amidst an incessant fire of artillery and
musketry, after which the fight waned somewhat, but was contin- ued until 9 p. m., when the enemy retreated from the field.
About the time that this action commenced Jackson sent a body of cavalry down the Sudley road, to harass the rear of
a retreating army as he thought, and this detachment ran into Sigel's troops marching north- ward to strike the pike.
Here another sharp skirmish ensued in which the Federals were victorious. These two affairs are known as the battle
of Gainesville. Reynolds, hearing the firing, from his posi- tion near Bethlehem Church, at once put his troops in motion
and late in the evening encamped near Sigel, about a mile from Groveton. King took steps to hold his position, but
late that night he learned that Ricketts, who had checked Longstrcet at Thoroughfare gap, was falling back toward
Gainesville to avoid being cut off by a flank move- ment through Hopewell gap, and after consulting his brigade com- manders
decided to fall back to Manassas. At 1 a. m. on the 29th Ricketts also fell back toward Manassas, moving via Bristoe Station.
At daylight on the 29th Reynolds occupied a position on the south side of the Warrenton pike near Groveton. Sigel's
corps lay farther east, near the crossing of the Sudley road. Reno and Heintzelman were farther east, toward Centerville,
while McDowell and Porter were near Manassas Junction. Jackson occupied the ridge north of the pike, behind the line
of the unfinished railroad, his left resting on Catharpin run near Sudley springs, and his right on the heights not far
from Groveton. Pope proceeded on the theory that, because Jackson had left Manassas so suddenly, the enemy was retreating,
and pre- pared to strike with his whole force. McDowell and Porter were ordered to move toward Gainesville early on
the 29th in order to gain the Confederate rear; Sigel was to attack the enemy's right, and Reno and Heintzelman were
to move forward and engage him in front. Sigel carried out his part of the program and opened the battle of Groveton
by a vigorous attack about 6 a. m. The batteries began shelling the woods and under cover of this artillery fire Schurz
and Milroy advanced, the enemy falling back to the embankment formed by the railroad cut, where a fierce conflict
ensued. The Federals charged the embankment twice, but each time were repulsed. The Confederates then sallied out
in pursuit, but were checked by the fire from the Union batteries. Meantime Reynolds had pushed Meade's brigade across
the pike in an effort to turn the enemy's right, but the movement failed because Schenck, who was supporting it, was com-
pelled to withdraw Stahel's brigade and send it to the assistance of Milroy. In the advance on the railroad a gap
was left between Schurz and Milroy. This was closed by the latter, but at the expense of weakening his line. Seeing
this the Confederates made a vicious charge against Schurz and succeeded in breaking his line. The men were rallied
without difficulty, however, the enemy driven back to the railroad, Schimmelfennig's brigade gaining possession of a part
of the embankment and holding it against repeated assaults until relieved by fresh troops in the afternoon. A little
while before noon the divisions of Hooker, Kearny, Reno and Stevens arrived on the field. Some of the troops belonging
to these commands were used to relieve those who had been engaged all morning, but aside from some skirmishing and
artillery firing there was no more aggressive action until about 4 p. m.. Pope deciding to wait for McDowell and Porter
to come up.
These two officers, pursuant to Pope's order of the preceding even- ing, moved at an early
hour on the Gainesville road. At 11:30 the advance was at Hawkins' branch, about 2 miles northwest of Beth- lehem
Church, where the enemy was encountered. This proved to be a portion of Longstreet's corps. Skirmishers were thrown forward
across the branch and a few shots exchanged, but a general engage- ment at this point was not desirable. King's division,
then near the church, was ordered to march up the Sudley road and join Reynolds, Ricketts being directed to move in
the same direction soon afterward. Later McDowell advised Porter to attack the enemy in front, while with his own
command he would move up the Sudley road and join the forces there on the left. Porter assumed that he was to wait until
he heard from McDowell before beginning the attack and remained idle all the afternoon. This conduct on his part was
made the sub- ject of a court of inquiry. Late in the day Pope ordered Heintzelman to attack simultaneously at two
points on the enemy's line. Heintzel- man sent in Hooker's and Kearny's divisions, the former against the center of
the line and the latter farther to the right against Hill's division. Grover's brigade led the assault made by Hooker
and the charge has been described as "one of the most gallant and determined of the war." With loaded pieces and fixed
bayonets they advanced slowly until the enemy's fire was drawn, when they fired a volley and rushed forward to carry
the position with the bayonet. The rail- road embankment was carried in a desperate hand-to-hand conflict in which
bayonets and clubbed muskets were the principal weapons. The center of Jackson's line was broken by this terrific onslaught,
but Grover was not supported and the advantage thus gained was of short duration as the Confederates came rushing
into the breach, forcing Grover to retire. Kearny's attack was delayed until after Grover's repulse and was made with
the same bravery and determina- tion. It was successful at first and for a short time it looked as though Jackson's
left had been turned. Gregg's brigade of Hill's division held on with the bayonet until the brigades of Lawton and Early
could come to his relief, and these reinforcements drove Kearny back.
On the march up the Sudley road King was
suddenly taken ill and the command of the division fell on Brig.-Gen. John P. Hatch, who arrived on the field, accompanied
by McDowell, between 5 and 6 p. m. At that moment the Confederates could be seen readjusting their line and the impression
was gained by the Union generals that they were retreating. Hatch was ordered along the pike toward Groveton to convert
the retreat into a rout if possible. Hatch made a dashing assault on what he believed to be the retreating army of Jackson,
and encountered Hood and Evans of Longstreet's command advancing to meet him. After a sharp action of nearly an hour Hatch
was compelled to fall back, leaving one piece of artillery in the hands of the enemy. About the same time Reynolds undertook
to renew the attack on the extreme left, but was repulsed by the severe artillery fire of the Confederates and withdrew.
The battle of Groveton was over.
Not until the repulse of Hatch by Hood and Evans did Pope know that Longstreet
had joined Jackson. Even then he was inclined to believe that only a small portion of the Confederate right wing had reached
the scene of action. Porter arrived at headquarters early on the morning of the 30th and tried to convince the commanding
general that all of Longstreet's forces had been on the field since noon of the preceding day. This statement Pope
regarded as an ex- cuse on the part of Porter for not obeying orders, and, although it was corroborated by other officers,
he still clung to his cherished opinion that Longstreet had not come up. The battle of the 29th he considered a great
victory, and sent a despatch to that effect to Gen. Halleck at 5 a. m. on the 30th. Flushed with this notion of victory,
and believing the Confederates to be in full retreat, he re- solved to continue on the offensive. Accordingly, at noon
on Satur- day, the 30th, he issued the following order:
"The following forces will be immediately thrown forward
in pur- suit of the enemy, and press him vigorously during the whole day. Maj.-Gen. McDowell is assigned to the command
of the pursuit. Maj.-Gen. Porter's corps will push forward on the Warrenton turn- pike, followed by the divisions
of Brig.-Gens. King and Reynolds. The division of Brig.-Gen. Rickctts will pursue the Haymarket road, followed by
the corps of Maj.-Gen. Heintzelman; the necessary cavalry will be assigned to these columns by Maj.-Gen. McDowell, to
whom regu- lar and frequent reports will be made. The General Headquarters will be somewhere on the Warrenton turnpike."
Jackson still held his position along the line of the unfinished rail- road. To reach the Haymarket road in his
rear Ricketts must march some 5 miles via Sudley springs. Had Jackson been inclined to re- treat by that route he
could have struck the road far in advance of Ricketts before that officer could have reached a point to intercept him.
But Jackson had no intention of retreating. He knew that Longstreet, during the night, had moved forward to a position
south of the Warrenton pike, from which he could call reinforcements if it became necessary. Hood lay across the pike
a short distance west of Groveton, ready to move to the assistance of the right or left, or to hold in check any movement
down the pike toward Gaines- ville. Behind him were Wilcox and Anderson. D. R. Jones and Kemper lay farther south,
extending the line almost to the Manassas Gap railroad. This part of the line was effectually concealed by the woods
and its existence was unknown to the Union officers. The engagement was opened by a fierce artillery fire and Porter pushed
forward Morell's division, supported by Sykes, against Jackson's line, under the impression that the Confederates
were in retreat. Farther to the right Hatch made a determined assault on the embankment, receiving a slight wound
as he led his command to the charge. Both attacks were gallantly made and Jackson was so sorely pressed that he sent
for reinforcements to Lee, who ordered Longstreet to send the required aid. But Longstreet knew that reinforcements were
unnecessary. He had planted his batteries in a position to enfilade the Federal lines as they advanced, and now opened
fire. In less than ten minutes the Union troops were compelled to retire, suffering heavy losses. A large part of
the forces of Reno, Heintzel- man and Ricketts were thrown against Jackson, but all failed to ac- complish any permanent
advantage. To advance against a sheltered foe, while at the same time subjected to an enfilading fire of artillery, was
too great an undertaking.
Meantime Reynolds, to whom had been assigned the duty of guarding the left against a
flank movement, had discovered Jones and Kemper advancing from that direction and reported it to head- quarters. He
was first ordered to form his division to resist an attack, but was later directed to cross the pike and support Porter.
This gave Longstreet the opportunity, of which he was not slow to avail himself, to strike the assailants on the left
flank, and he hurriedly massed his unemployed forces south of the pike for that purpose. Sykes sent Warren's brigade
to hold the movement in check, but it was swept aside by overwhelming numbers. All thought of "pursuit" was now abandoned
by the Union commanders and the struggle became one for the possession of the pike. Longstreet advanced his whole
line with a rush. Hood in advance supported by Evans, while Kemper, Jones and Anderson swung farther to the Confederate
right until the line extended east of the Sudley road. West of this road was an eminence known as Bald hill, and on the
east side of it, near the Henry house, was another elevation. Both had been occupied by the Federal batteries early
in the morning, and these guns now did effective service in checking the impetuous ad- vance of the enemy. The possession
of these two hills was now the key to the situation. Sigel was hurried to the support of the batteries; two brigades
of Ricketts' division under Gen. Tower and two more batteries were also sent forward to Bald hill, and two brigades of
Sykes' division to the Henry hill, where they were soon afterward reinforced by heavy detachments from the commands
of Reynolds and Meade. The battle was thus transferred to the south side of the pike, and the Federal army suddenly
thrown on the defensive.
Jackson, as soon as he saw that Longstreet's advance was likely to be a success, sallied
out of his works and advanced toward the pike, but was met and turned back by Reno and Heintzelman. The fight now
centered around Bald hill. McLean's brigade of Schenck's division was sent to the support of the troops there engaged
in a stubborn defense, and held the hill against several attacks from dif- ferent directions. Schenck was severely
wounded while bringing up reinforcements. Schurz' division was then sent in and for a time held the Confederates back.
In the fight here Gen. Tower was wounded and Col. Fletcher Webster, a son of Daniel Webster, was killed while leading
his regiment, the 12th Mass., into action. Longstreet massed his forces for a final assault and by main force of superior
numbers carried the hill, but not without paying a severe penalty in killed and wounded.
At the Henry hill
a similar scene was being enacted. Here Sykes' regulars stood in readiness to receive the onset. The two brigades
were commanded by Buchanan and Chapman, veterans of the Mexican war, who had stood together at Molino del Rey. Behind
them were all the troops it was possible to bring to their support, as this was the last stand that could be made
west of Bull run. If it were lost the Union army was doomed to utter defeat. Already most of the troops were falling
back toward the stone bridge, and the possession of Henry hill was absolutely necessary to cover the retreat. The
Confederates had exhausted most of their energies in the capture of Bald hill, but they charged Sykes with a show of courage
and enthusiasm only to be repulsed with severe loss. Again they advanced and again the invincible line of regulars stood
the shock. Before the third attack could be made darkness fell with the hill still in the hands of the Unionists.
During the night the rem- nant of the army fell back to Centerville.
The losses of the Union army from the 25th
to the 30th, including the engagements at Bristoe Station, Gainesville, Groveton and Bull run. amounted to 1,747 killed,
8,452 wounded and 4,263 captured or missing. Lee claims to have captured 7,000 prisoners and 30 pieces of artillery,
but the facts do not bear out the statement. The reports regarding the Confederate loss are somewhat conflicting. Taking
the figures of the different division and brigade commanders they had, in the battles of the 28th to 30th, inclusive,
1,553 killed, 7,812 wounded and 109 missing. The probabilities are that the losses on both sides have been understated.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 5

