Confederate Flag

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Confederate Flag Controversy
"Take Down This Rebel Flag!"

Confederate Flag Debate 
A Little History Lesson

Blacks were not people according to the U.S. Constitution
While it is true that some individuals have perpetrated crimes under the banner of the short-lived four year Confederacy (1861-1865), the vast majority of all criminal acts have been committed under the Star-Spangled Banner, the flag of the United States of America (1776-present).
When the 13 Colonies rebelled and declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, chattel slavery had already been abolished in England, but the wicked institution would now thrive under the newly formed United States. Slavery, now officially adopted by the fledgling nation, would continue to expand rapidly for nearly another century before being abolished by an amendment to the U.S. Constitution during the last month of 1865.
Although slavery had been sanctioned and formally espoused by the United States government since 1776 (not Confederate government), the institution was even given special protection by the Federal Constitution. All fugitive slave laws were also Federal laws (not Confederate or Southern laws) and the nation's Constitution made "the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons." Black persons, in other words, were counted only as part human according to the Constitution. The three-fifths clause, as it was also known, would be repealed by the 13th Amendment in December of 1865 and eight months after the Civil War had ended. Why did politicians wait so long to repeal the clause? Couldn't Washington have amended the Constitution fifty or seventy-five years earlier?
Slavery existed because of the Federal government
Myth: The South promoted and protected slavery and the slave trade.
Fact: The U.S. Constitution promoted and protected slavery and the slave trade.
Myth: State laws promoted and protected slavery and the slave trade.
Fact: Federal laws promoted and protected slavery and the slave trade.
Many Northern and Southern politicians serving in the nation's Capitol were made very wealthy by selling and buying goods that had been produced by slaves. No matter how it was perceived and argued, chattel slavery was condoned and protected by members of both houses of Congress, and they, the Federal politicians, and not the States, had the final say on all things concerning the institution. 
Follow the money. Chattel slavery existed exclusively in the nation because of supply and demand. For every seller there must be a buyer. The sole fact that it benefited few can be seen by the elite class in the agrarian South and the wealthy buyers in the North. Remove the demand, remove the buyer, and the goods that had been manufactured on the bloody backs of slaves and the institution itself would have collapsed. Slavery could therefore only exist and thrive because of the consent of Washington. So why did it take politicians nearly 100 years before abolishing slavery? The answer is rather obvious—money.
Concerning the removal of the Confederate flag from state capitals and other state offices, because some say it is a symbol of slavery, there is also a cry to remove the namesakes of former Confederates from all Federal military installations. Names such as Bragg, Hood, and Lee are some that resonate with the writer. Time will also show that the removal of the Rebel flag is merely the introduction of political correctness, and that all Confederate symbols will soon come under fire. But other groups have voiced their concerns about American symbolism, particularly Native Americans.

Confederate Cherokee veterans embrace the Rebel flag during the 1903 Confederate Reunion

(About) Cherokee of the famed Thomas Legion pose for the last Confederate Reunion at New Orleans in 1903. The Cherokee Indians had been victims of many broken promises made by Washington and were even evicted from their ancestral lands in 1838 during what was known as the Trail of Tears. Only desiring a better life for their families and motivated by dreams of a brighter future, the Eastern Cherokee had cast its lot with the Confederacy. Absent ownership of a single slave, the tribe would rally behind the Rebel flag, the symbol that represented hope and opportunity for a people that had known only oppression.

Native Americans
So will the U.S. Flag be targeted for removal next, because it was under the Stars and Stripes that the slave trade had existed in the first place. The short-lived Confederate States of America (1861-1865) lasted for 4 years, but the Federal institution of slavery remained lawful in the land from 1776 and until after the war ended in 1865. And while Native Americans were dealt busted treaties by Washington, they were on the receiving end of the Federal government's wrath and genocidal exploits that lasted well beyond the Massacre of Wounded Knee in 1890.
The majority of Native Americans, not being protected by the 14th Amendment in 1868, would not taste citizenship until 1924 (year Indian Citizenship Act passed) and nearly 60 years after African-Americans became citizens.
Will Andrew Jackson, Trail of Tears infamy, be replaced on the twenty-dollar bill? Will the U.S. military also cease and desist with its nom de guerres of Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, and Lakota? And then there is the Black Hawk, which is named for a leader of the Sauk tribe. The Tomahawk is a low-altitude missile and the drone Gray Eagle was named in honor of an Indian chief. While Operation Geronimo saw the death of Osama bin Laden, Cherokee remains rather synonymous with a jeep.
A fighter jet named Jew 
Are they merely namesakes and badges of honor and of the warrior creed or are they racist overtures that have been used to disguise some deep seated reminder of who is the victor and who is the loser in both past and present America? How would we react if the now unified Germany referred to one of its air force fighter jets as Jew and to its main battle tank as Gypsy?
According to logic, the United States Flag should be subjected to debate and then lowered one last time in the coming years. But what banner would replace Old Glory, would it be all white in color and lacking the stars and bars? Whereas all white may give the blatant impression of racism, on any flag the color denotes surrender, a term that best describes the present atmosphere in our political correct society that just can't seem to find any middle ground.
For nearly a century prior to the Civil War and the existence of the Bonnie Blue Flag of the short-lived Confederate States of America, the American flag had been hoisted daily from sea to shining sea while the U.S. Constitution and Federal laws continued to aid and abet chattel slavery. So which national flag really symbolizes slavery, hatred and wrongdoings of many peoples and races?
See also



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