
Ohio and the Civil War (1861-1865)
Ohio (1861-1865), part 4
Total Ohio Civil War Troops and Total Killed |

Total Ohio Civil War Soldiers in the Union Army and the State's Total Killed and Casualties |
During the year 1864 the Federal government called upon Ohio for troops
to be furnished within that period as follows: Feb. 1, 1864, 51,465; March 14, 1864, 20,598; July 18, 1864,
50,797; total, 122,857.
By a revision of
the credits this quota was reduced to 102,653. The method already adopted was used in raising these troops. First,
bounties were offered until as much as $1,000 was paid to get a recruit up to the mustering officer and as much more to
get him to the front. To fill deficiencies under the first two calls, a draft was ordered in May, which produced 7,711
men; of whom 6,290 paid commutation amounting to $1,887,000, and the remain- der 1,421, went into the service in person
or by substitutes of their own procuring. For the same purpose a draft was ordered under the last call, commencing
in September. These facts do not have a patriotic ring, but such was the record, and no state did better than Ohio,
for she supplied the government with all the men called for, and more too, on Dec. 1, the excess amount- ing to 2,984
men. Eleven new regiments were organized in 1864, running the numbers up to 183 of infantry, and old regiments were
recruited. In April the governor tendered to the Federal government the service of 30,000 militia for 100 days, and on
his suggestion a meeting of western governors was held at Wash-
ington, when Brough, Morton of Indiana, Yates of Illinois, and Stone
of Iowa, together offered President Lincoln 85,000 militia for the purpose of holding the frontier and lines of communica-
tion, so that the experienced troops could be released to take part in a united effort to crush the rebellion. The
reasons which in- duced this offer were thus stated by Gov. Brough:
"The policy of this movement did not admit
of doubt or hesi- tancy. The summer campaigns were about to open in Virginia and Tennessee. Both of them must necessarily
operate upon continually lengthening lines of communication, requiring large forces to protect them. At the same time
it was necessary that the Virginia army should cover and protect the national capital, and that of Tennessee hold
safe the border. In previous campaigns we had suffered from this species of depletion to an extent that se- riously
impaired the value of our successes. At the time of con- sidering this proposition a large body of hardy and veteran troops
were engaged in garrison duty, and guarding lines of com- munication, which could be as well done by less experienced
men. To relieve these, and throw them forward, was to give to each of our operating armies a large reserve force.
The time before the opening of the campaigns was too short to admit of a call, with its attendant of a draft, even
if the legislation of Congress, not then completed, had admitted of such a measure. The policy was, therefore, apparent,
of supporting our active armies by the militia, until legislation could be perfected, and an additional call be made.
"The states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, had another manifest interest in this movement. In order to save our
southern bor- ders from incursions and raids, it was evidently sound policy to so strengthen our main armies as to
furnish full employment for the rebel forces in their own territory. In this particular the re- sult fully justified
the wisdom of the movement. But one raid was attempted during the season, and that was checked and over- whelmed in
Kentucky before reaching the Ohio river."
The offer was at once accepted by the Federal government and 30,000
were immediately called for from Ohio, the work of or- ganizing them falling upon Adjt.-Gen. B. R. Cowen. People doubted
if the militia would respond and on the day set (May 2) a cold, heavy rain fell, that seemed a gloomy token of failure.
But at night came the thrilling news that 38,000 were in camp for duty at various towns and cities of the state. The
govern- ment at Washington was amazed, and was not ready with muster- ing officers, so that the movement of the men
was delayed. Gov. Brough asked that he might send more than 30,000 and Stanton accepted all he could raise, to fill
up the deficiencies of other states, saying: "They may decide the war." From Ohio's offer- ing were organized for
the 100 day's service forty-one regiments and one battalion, with an aggregate strength of 35,982 men. Of these,
one regiment and the battaHon were reserved at John- son's island, one regiment at Camp Chase, one at Gallipolis and
two at Camp Dennison. The remaining thirty-six regiments, embracing an aggregate strength of 31,051 men, were sent out
of the state into Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Six went to the front under Gen. Benjamin
F. Butler; two were in the battle of Monocacy, where they suffered a loss of 4 killed, 7 wounded, and a number of
prisoners; one was stationed at Martinsburg, Va., where it suffered a loss by capture of over 200; one regiment was
with Gen. Hunter in his severe march to Lynchburg and back, reporting the loss of only 1 man; other regiments were
stationed at Baltimore and Washington, and saw active service in the raid upon the latter city in July, 1864; three of
the regiments went into Kentucky to meet Morgan's last raid and at Cynthiana lost heavily in killed, wounded and captured.
The war was not ended when their term of service expired, but they did much to "decide the war," for Grant needed
all the veterans they released from guard and other duties for his cam- paign in Virginia.
In the army that moved across the Rapidan commencing May, 4, 1864, under
the command of Gen. Grant, there were a compar- atively small number of Ohio regiments, the great mass of Ohio soldiers
at the front being at that time in North Georgia, for the campaign to Atlanta. In all Ohio contributed eighty-six regi-
ments and sixteen batteries to this magnificent army, that ma- neuvered and fought under Gen. Sherman for a hundred
days from Dalton to Jonesboro and occupied Atlanta in the early days of September. Thousands of these Ohio soldiers
were numbered among the killed and wounded in the battles of Resaca, New Hope, Kenesaw mountain, Peachtree creek,
Atlanta and Jones- boro, and the innumerable skirmishes of the Atlanta campaign. When Sherman marched to the sea he
took with him forty Ohio infantry regiments, three of cavalry and two of the Ohio bat- teries. Over thirty Ohio regiments
were left behind in Georgia and Tennessee under Gen. George H. Thomas, when Sherman marched from Atlanta, and they
shared in the bloody victory of Franklin and the rout of Hood's army before Nashville.
In the midst of the presidential
campaign of 1864, and while a draft was impending, discovery was made of a secret organ- ization, akin to the "Knights
of the Golden Circle," opposed to the war and the enlistment of troops. The adjutant-general estimated that it embraced
from 80,000 to 100,000 members in Ohio. But no serious trouble resulted. There were rumors also of expeditions from
Canada to release Confederate prisoners, of whom there were large numbers held at Camp Chase, near Columbus, on Johnson's
island, and at Camp Douglas, Chicago. An attempt was actually made in September against Johnson's island (principally
a place for the detention of Confederate cap- tured officers) by John Yates Beall, of Virginia, who, with a few comrades,
seized the steamer Philo Parsons, at Sandwich, cap- tured and scuttled the steamer Island Queen, and cruised about Sandusky
bay, awaiting a signal from another conspirator to make an attack on the war boat Michigan. But the attempt failed, the
Parsons was scuttled on the Canada shore, Beall was cap- tured later and being accused of attempting to wreck an express
train, was hanged at Governor's island. New York. Other at- tempts to release Confederate prisoners from Northern
prison camps were planned, but all failed.
On Oct. 27, great excitement
was created at Cleveland by rumors of a raid by Confederates from Canada. The civil, mil- itary and United States
authorities made great preparations to receive the raiders. It was feared that the purpose was to in- terfere with
the presidential election, which was to be held in a few days, and Gen. Joseph Hooker, then in command of the department,
issued the following order:
"Headquarters Northern Department,
"Cincinnati, Oct. 27, 1864. "Circular.
"The commander of this department has received information that it is the intention of a large body of men on
the northern frontier, on each side of the line, open on one side, and in dis- guise on the other, to so organize
at the ensuing national election as to interfere with the integrity of the election, and when in their power to cast
illegal votes; in fact, in any way interfere with the honest expressions of the electors.
"In view of the foregoing
facts, it is made the duty of all officers of the government, both civil and military, as well as loyal citizens,
to guard well the integrity of the ballot-box.
"All military officers, including provost marshals and their assistants,
will be held to a strict accountability for the adoption of such measures within their districts or commands, as will
not only prevent illegal voting, but to arrest and bring to justice all who attempt such voting, or endeavor to prevent
the honest exercise of the elective franchise.
"The citizens and civil authorities of the towns and cities on
the northern frontier are particularly requested to give any information they may have, or may from time to time receive,
to the provost marshals or military authorities, whose duty it is to inform the nearest provost marshal general or
other military authority, and to take measures to arrest and confine any and all connected with such organizations.
The late raid on the lakes and in New England are ample evidence that neither life nor property are safe.
provost marshals and assistants, and all military com- manders, will take measures to obtain and report at once any information
that may lead to the prevention of this interference with the rights of the people, or aid in the arrest and punishment
of the offenders; they from time to time will report by telegraph any new facts.
"Local authorities will receive
all the aid within the control of the military commander.
"By command of Maj.-Gen. Hooker.
"C. H. Potter, Ass't Adj't Gen."
But the fears proved to be largely unfounded, and the pres- idential
election in Ohio passed off very quietly, resulting in the giving to Mr. Lincoln a majority of 59,418, including the vote
of the soldiers in the field.
The year 1865 opened with Sherman marching northward from Savannah to crush
the united remnants of the Confederate armies that had held Atlanta and Charleston, and with Grant and Sheridan waiting
for passable roads to compel the surrender of Richmond. On April 9, the telegraphic news of the surrender of Lee was
received with the wildest rejoicing in Ohio, but a little later — April 14 — the state was plunged in mourning
by the horrifying news that President Lincoln had been assassinated. In the sad journey of the martyred president's
body to Illinois, a stop was made at Cleveland, where the coffin was placed under an open temple and viewed by thousands.
At Columbus the body lay for a day in the rotunda of the capitol, upon a mound of flowers, while the walls about were
hung with the tattered battleflags of Ohio regiments. The streets were draped in mourning, minute guns sounded through
the day, and the people crowded in tearful silence about the body of the great leader of the Union.
the grand reviews at Washington — May 23 and June 8, 1865 — the Ohio troops with Grant and Sherman in large
part were mustered out and returned to their homes in June and July, and the men with Thomas and other commanders
in like manner came home, all being received with the highest manifestations of honor and approbation. But it was
some time before all re- turned, for fifteen reorganized Ohio regiments assembled in Texas to expedite the departure
of the French army from Mex- ico, and other Ohio troops were kept on garrison duty through- out the South. But before
the close of the year all but eight of the Ohio regiments had ceased to be, and the soldiers were again quietly engaged
in the peaceful pursuits of civil life. The last of Ohio's volunteer army, the 25th infantry, 11th cavalry and Battery
B, 1st artillery, were mustered out in June and July, 1866.
It would be impossible to make an exact estimate of the
number of men who entered the national army from Ohio during the war for the preservation of the Union. Those embraced
in reg- imental and company organizations of the state can, of course, be enumerated, and, with some degree of accuracy,
followed to the time of their death, discharge, or final muster out. The summaries compiled by the adjutant-general
of the state show that Ohio furnished troops under the various calls as follows: Call of April 15, 1861, for 75,000
— 12,357; July 22, 1861, for 500,000 — 84,116; July 2, 1862, for 300,000 — 58,325; June 15, 1863,
for militia — 2,736; Oct. 17, 1863, for 500,000 — 32,837; March 14, 1864, for 200,000 — 29,931; April
22, 1864, for militia — 36,254; July 18, 1864, for 500,000 — 30,823; Dec. 19, 1864, for 300,000 —
23,275; grand total, 310,654.
Map of Ohio Civil War Battles |

Map indicates the few Civil War battles fought in Ohio |
Ohio Civil War Soldiers in Killed and Casualties |

Ohio Total Civil War Killed, Deaths, Died, and Dead by Category |




These were 4,000 more than the state was allotted as her share, and reduced to department
standard they represent quite 240,000 three-year soldiers. The total list of Ohio organizations includes 231 regiments,
26 independent batteries, 5 independent com- panies of cavalry, several corps of sharpshooters, large parts of five
West Virginia regiments, two Kentucky regiments, two of United States colored troops, and a large proportion of two Massachusetts
colored regiments. Besides, the state gave nearly 3,500 men to the gunboat service on western waters and there were
many enlistments in the U. S. navy. According to Reid's summary, Ohio contributed one third of a million men to the war.
But, "from the best prepared statistics of the provost marshal-general and adjutant-general of the U. S. A. and the adjutant-general
of Ohio, excluding reenlistments, 'squirrel-hunt- ers' and militia, and including a low estimate for regular enlist- ments
in the army and navy not credited to Ohio, it is found that Ohio furnished of her citizens 340,000 men of all arms of
the serv-
ice for war; reduced to a department standard, they represent 240,000 three-years soldiers."
(Address by Gen. J. Warren Kei- fer, at Newark, 1878.) The regimental organizations were di- vided as follows: 26
regiments of infantry for three months, 43 regiments of infantry for 100 days, 2 regiments of infantry for six months,
27 regiments of infantry for one year, 117 regiments of infantry for three years. 13 regiments of cavalry for three years,
3 regiments of artillery for three years.
To these should be added the independent batteries of artillery and
companies of cavalry and sharpshooters, the enlistments in Kentucky and West Virginia regiments, and the colored organ-
izations of other states above mentioned.
Out of her troops who went upon the field, 11,237 were killed or
mortally wounded (of which 6,563 died where they fell) and 13,354 died of disease. Out of every thousand, on an average,
37 were killed or mortally wounded, 47 died in hospital, 79 were honorably discharged for disability, and 44 were
marked as de- serters. But such an average, like most averages, is deceptive. The item of desertions is hardly applicable
to the regiments that went to the front, and, while some regiments suffered scarcely any loss in battle, others were
nearly destroyed. A brief dipping into the military records will illustrate. The 1st reg- iment lost 527 killed and
wounded in 24 battles; the 2nd 537. The 3d went on Streight's raid into Georgia and were all killed, wounded or captured
and confined in prison pens where many died. The 7th, out of 1,800 enlisted from time to time, returned home with
but 240 able-bodied men. Similar figures might be given of other regiments. "The total losses in battle of all kinds in
both the American and British armies in the seven years' war of the Revolution, excluding only the captured at Saratoga
and Yorktown, is 21,526. This number falls 4,000 below Ohio's dead- list alone during the late war. * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * The loss of Ohio officers is known to have reached 872, nearly ten per cent, of the grand total
of officers." (Gen. Keifer.)
The total war expenses of the state government, beginning with $1,500,000 in 1861
and ending with over $500,000 in 1865, was $4,741,373, to which should be added the fund for relief of soldiers and
their families, which rose from $500,000 in 1862 to $2,000,000 in 1865, and aggregated $5,618,864. Besides the total of
these two items, over $10,000,000, more than $52,000,000 were paid as local bounties to soldiers, and over $2,000,000
in bounties of $100 each to 20,708 veterans in 1864. Furthermore, Ohio paid $1,332,025 in direct national tax for
the support of the war, a sum that was refunded in later years. The grand total of Ohio's war expenditure is given
at nearly $65,000,000.
This enormous total does not, of course, represent all the pecuniary sacrifice of the state
or of her people. Notable among the other contributions were those made through the agency of the Sanitary commission.
The Cincinnati branch, laboring effi- ciently all through the four years for the relief of Ohio soldiers, devoted
large amounts of money to the cause and forwarded vast stores of clothing and supplies donated from all parts of the state.
It established a soldiers' home in 1862, a soldiers' cem- etery at Spring Grove, and under its auspices was held the Great
Western Sanitary Fair at Cincinnati, that yielded the commission over $250,000. Outside of Cincinnati the principal association
was the Soldiers' aid society of Cleveland, the first general organization in the United States for such a purpose, which
disbursed in money and goods and food much more than $1,000,000 established a home,
and also held a fair that brought in $78,000. The Columbus society, active in the same sort of work, established a
soldiers' home in 1862. In every part of the state, these greater efforts were rivalled, according to the ability of
smaller communities, and the work was without compensation or hope of reward. Everywhere the women gathered to scrape
lint for bandages, and make up boxes of clothing and dainties for the brave men in camp or hospital. And it may be
said further, that among these quiet workers there were very few who were not earnest supporters of the war to the
bitter end. They labored to hold the people true to the cause of establishing and perpetuating a national America,
with no more compromises for its betrayal. The angelic work of Misses Alary Clark Braton and Ellen F. Terry in organizing
and conducting the Sanitary commission at Cleveland on a scale coequal with the war, right- fully classes each of
them with Florence Nightingale of the Cri- mean war.
Men of Ohio birth — Grant, Rosecrans, Buell, McDowell,
Sher- man, Sheridan, McPherson, Crook — commanded armies with, on the whole, more success than the generals
of any and all other states. Indeed, if we may include McClellan, who, it may be said, was presented to the nation
by Ohio, the greater Union armies were, the greater part of the time, under the leadership of Ohio men. The most successful
of these were the sons of Ohio pioneers and were reared in log cabins or humble village homes, in the western atmosphere
of equality and fearlessness.
Gens. Rutherford B. Hayes and James A. Garfield, and Bvt. Maj. William McKinley,
each became president of the United States. Garfield and McKinley with the immortal Lincoln — what a galaxy
of greatness — constitute the Republic's martyred presidents.
Grant, Sherman and Sheridan are the only men
who have held the rank of general in the U. S. A. since Washington.
Ohio furnished in the Civil war 20 major-generals,
27 major- generals by brevet, 30 brigadier-generals, and 150 brevet brig- adier-generals — 229 general officers
in all.
An appended list (see Appendix) of these officers (prepared mainly by Gen. John Beatty of Ohio) is not
complete as to all grades of general officers. It omits Gens. Eli Long, Charles G. Marker, Samuel S. Carroll and others
(not born in Ohio) but who each commanded an Ohio organization before promotion, and the list does not include many
others, Ohio born, who be- came generals in that war from other states, notably Halbert E. Paine (Wis.), Benjamin
Harrison (Ind., since president of the United States) and Robert M. Mitchell (Kan.).
Among the naval officers
particularly distinguished for patri- otism was Henry Walke, of Virginia birth, who had been reared and educated at
Chillicothe. He was unfaltering in upholding the honor of the flag at Pensacola, aided in saving Fort Pickens to the
nation, and on the Mississippi river from the fall of 1861 to the fall of 1863 had a conspicuous part in all the naval
fight- ing, as the commander of the famous Carondelet. Afterward he chased the Confederate cruisers on the Atlantic,
and his ser- vice was rewarded by promotion to commodore in 1866, and to rear-admiral in 1870. Among the naval officers
on the Atlantic coast, commanding a monitor in the attacks on Fort Sumter and other Confederate strongholds, was Daniel
Ammen, a brother of Gen. Jacob Ammen, and a native of Brown county, Ohio; James Findlay Schenck, a brother of Gen.
Robert C. Schenck, was made a commodore in 1863, and took an important part in the attack upon Fort Fisher. Reed Worden,
S. C. Rowan and Roger M. Stembel who became admirals in the navy were from Ohio and each performed great service in
the Civil war.
Not only did Ohio furnish great commanders but she gave the nation great statesmen, like Chase,
whose administration of the treasury department was one of the memorable features of that period — not perfect
according to some critics, but on the whole as good as human imperfection would permit; Stanton, secre- tary of war
— stern, tireless, single in purpose — who will always be conspicuous among the heroes of the most dramatic
era of American history; Benjamin F. Wade, the bold and unhesitating leader of the war party in the senate; John Sherman,
wise, calm, deliberate — a power in steadying the ship of state; John A. Bingham, a famous leader, and Schenck
and Garfield, who were both statesmen and soldiers. Samuel Shellabarger, member of Congress from Ohio, was distinguished
for bringing into requisition his great legal learning in high statesmanship.
Among the newspaper men of the Union,
Edwin Cowles, of Cleveland, a native of Ashtabula county, and Murat Halstead, born in Butler county, were inferior
to none in ability or devo- tion to the government. Whitelaw Reid, the Xenia editor, be- came war correspondent of
the New York Tribune, and upon his observations many thousands based their hopes of success. The potent weapon of
ridicule was turned so strongly against the opponents of the war by David Ross Locke in the Toledo Blade, that it
was soberly declared in a speech at Cooper institute. New York, that three things saved the Union, "the army, the navy,
and the letters of 'Petroleum V. Nasby.'"
Again, if songs are more important than laws, as was believed in
ancient times, Ohio was eminent in that field also. In the trenches of the Crimea, it is said, the English all sang "Annie
Lau- rie." In the Union army they sang "Lorena," written by a young Zanesville preacher. Soldiers of many states,
when they thought of home, hummed the plaintive lines of "Rain upon the Roof," by Coates Kinney, of Xenia. Nor was
there lackofpoets to express the patriotic sentiment of the people. In the latter days of the war nothing cheered
the people more strongly to the final and supreme effort than the "Sheridan's Ride." of Thomas Buchanan Read.
is wholly impracticable of course to mention by name the private soldiers of Ohio who rendered faithful service to the
country, or to make special reference to those even who were killed in battle and interred in battlefield-graves on
the scenes of their bloody conflicts where they fought and fell. "There are none so obtuse, however, as not to know
that in patriotism and courage, and frequently in education, wealth and natural capacity, the private soldier of the
Union army was the full equal of those under whom he served, and to whose orders he gave prompt and unquestioning
obedience. In war, as in politics, all cannot be leaders, and often in both spheres the selfish and incompetent push
clamorously to the front, while men of superior merit stand modestly back, content to accept any place in a good work
to which accident may assign them." (Gen. John Beatty in Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio.)
While those
who bore the brunt and burden of the conflict are, as has been suggested, too numerous to receive special per- sonal
recognition, those who survive and the friends of the dead and the living may find pleasure in reviewing the history of
the Ohio organizations here given, the brilliant achievements of which were made possible by the courage, loyalty
and heroism of the well led private soldiers.
The abridged sketch of Ohio in the war for the preservation of
the Union of Washington, and for the perpetuity of constitu- tional liberty in America's Republic, and in the world, is
con- cluded by a brief summary tribute to the service of her soldiers in that war.
They fought and bled on every great battle-field of the war, from Big Bethel (June 10, 1861), the first, to Blakely
at Mobile (April 9, 1865), the last battle of the war.
Ohio soldiers followed Thomas to victory at Mill Springs,
and Garfield, of Ohio, at Prestonburg, Ky., in Jan., 1862.
Ohio soldiers formed a large part of the army that
stormed the works and captured Fort Donelson, where, under Grant, a son of Ohio, the eagles of the Union soared first
to victory on the grander theatre of war. They fought at Island No. 10, at Shiloh, Corinth, luka and Perryville. Her
soldiers bore a large share in the deadly conflicts at Stone's river, and Chickamauga, under Rosecrans, another of
Ohio's great and patriotic generals.
They were of the grand army under Grant, Sherman and Mc- Pherson —
what a trio of Ohio generals ! — which swung around to the south of Vicksburg, and fought and won the battles of
Champion's hill, Jackson and Big Black river, and joined in the siege and capture of Vicksburg.
They fought
at Arkansas Post, Port Hudson and Grand Gulf. They also manned gunboats under Adm. Porter, which, with the aid of
the army, opened the "Father of Waters" to the Gulf.
During the war they campaigned against the Indians in the far
West. They were with Hooker, and thundered down "the defiance of the skies" from above the clouds at Lookout mountain.
They were under the eagle eye of Thomas at Chickamauga, and in scaling the heights and seizing the redoubts on
Missionary ridge.
They formed a great part of each of the grand divisions of that triune army in which solid
"Old Pap Thomas" led the center, McPherson (of Ohio) the right and Schofield the left; the whole under "Old Tecumseh
Sherman," who is neither last nor least of Ohio's great generals. Under his directing eye that army blazed a pathway
almost through mountains, forced the passage of streams, overcame natural and artificial defences, and a great army,
well commanded; fought battles daily for weeks, with more regularity than they partook of their daily bread; stormed the
fortified heights of Resaca, and Kennesaw mountain; assaulted the works at Ruff's mills, where the gallant Gen. Edward
F. Noyes (since governor of Ohio and minister to France), lost a leg; also the fortifications at Jonesboro and Atlanta,
and, after capturing the latter place and leaving behind a considerable de- tachment, swept off eastward to Savannah
and the Sea, thence northward through the Carolinas to the Old Dominion, tearing out the vitals of the Confederacy,
striking terror to the enemy and carrying the flag to victory.
They were present at the captures of Nashville,
Memphis, New Orleans and Richmond. The Ohio soldiers fought and tri- umphed at Franklin, under Cox and Stanley, both
of Ohio, and at Nashville, under Thomas.
Ohio "boys in blue" fought at Pea ridge, and assaulted at Forts Wagner
and Fisher; they also, under Gen. Wm. B. Hazen, of Ohio, stormed Fort McAllister, on the Atlantic coast.
fought at Rich mountain, Bull Run, Cheat mountain, Port Republic, at Fair Oaks, Malvern hill. Cedar mountain, Groveton
and Manassas, South mountain and Antietam, Win- chester (under Milroy and others), Fredericksburg, under Burn- side
; Chancellorsville, under Hooker, and Gettysburg, under Meade; also at Mine Run. They were of the Army of the Po- tomac
in that "all summer" campaign of 1864, in which an almost continuous battle raged from the Rapidan to Petersburg. They
bled and died at Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor. They constituted, throughout the war, a part of the body-guard
of the capitol.
They were under that other son of Ohio, Gen. Sheridan, at Opequan and Fisher's hill, in the
Shenandoah Valley, in the former of which Gen. Crook (an Ohio man), with Hayes of Ohio (since president of the United
States), at the head of the Kanawha division, hurled, like an avalanche, the Army of West Virginia upon Breckenridge's
forces, overthrew the left wing of Early's army and insured its defeat and rout.
They were with Sheridan, too,
at the bloody battle of Cedar creek, where he rode from Winchester, "twenty miles away," to the music of the cannon's
roar and, at the end of the day, achieved a victory, which, for completeness, is without a parallel among the important
field-engagements of the war, if in the annals of history.
The battle of Marengo, in Italy, in some degree affords
a parallel to the battle of Cedar creek in its dual character — practically two battles in one day — and
also in the complete overthrow and almost total annihilation of the army, victorious in the onset of the battle. In
other respects the two battles were dissimilar. Napoleon won the battle of Marengo by the oppor- tune arrival on the
field of Desaix, the hero of the battle of the Pyramids, with six thousand fresh troops. The battle of Cedar creek
was won by the timely arrival of Sheridan, without troops.
Ohio's soldiers were in the sieges of Petersburg and Rich-
mond; also of Charleston, S. C, under Gillmore, another of her heroes. They defended Knoxville, under Burnside. They
rushed to glory over the ramparts at Petersburg. They bared their breasts to the storm at Five Forks (under Sheridan
and Custer of Ohio), and at Sailors' creek, under the same and other offi- cers of Ohio.
They were in at the
crowning success, and witnessed the sur- render of the Army of Northern Virginia, under Lee, at Appo- mattox, to Gen.
Grant. They were with Sherman at Bentonville, and in the redemption of North Carolina, and the capture of that other
great Confederate army, under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston.
Her generals and soldiers held posts of honor, when they
were posts of responsibility and danger. Many of the scenes of conflict where Ohio's sons fought and fell are nameless,
and they are almost numberless. They were in every place of dan- ger and duty, where blood flowed and battle-flags
were unfurled. They marched, bivouacked, fought and died along the shores of the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, on
the Rio Grande, the Mis- sissippi, the Cumberland and Tennessee. They, as sailors and marines, were under Dahlgren,
DuPont, Porter, Foote and Far- ragut, and with them also, on the rivers, the gulf and the sea, won glory and renown,
and paid the debt of patriotism and valor.
Ohio blood was poured out wherever sacrifices were required. They were
neither sectional in their opinions or their duty. Be- lieving in one flag and one country, they fought side by side with
men of all sections and of all extractions, and for the preserva- tion of the God-granted and natural boon of liberty
and equality.
They were component parts of each of the grand Union armies which contended upon the thirty-one
principal battle-fields of the war. They were generally present at each of the 2,731 battles, affairs or skirmishes
of the war. Their trials, sufferings and dangers were not confined to the combats of the contending hosts.
(The * indicates a graduate of West Point; the t that
the officer was major-general by brevet, usually for some special gallantry on the battle-field.)
*Ulysses S. Grant, born at Point Pleasant, Ohio, April 27, 1822. *William T. Sherman, born at Lancaster, Ohio,
Feb. 8, 1820. *Philip H. Sheridan, born at Albany, N. Y., March 6, 1831.
*Don Carlos Buell,
born at Lowell, March 23, 1818. *George Crook, Montgomery county, Sept. 8, 1828. *George A. Custer, Harrison county,
Dec. 5, 1839. *Quincy A. Gillmore, Lorain county, Feb. 28, 1825. James A. Garfield, Cuyahoga county, Nov. 19, 1831.
*James B. McPherson, Clyde, Nov. 14, 1828. *Irvin McDowell. Columbus, Oct. 15, 1818. *Alex. McD. McCook, Columbiana
county, April 22, 1831. *William S. Rosecrans, Delaware county, Sept. 6, 1819. *David S. Stanley, Wayne county, June
1, 1828. Robert C. Schenck, Warren county, Oct. 4, 1809. Wager Swayne, Columbus, Nov. 10, 1834. *Godfrey Weitzel,
Cincinnati, Nov. 1, 1835.
Jacob D. Cox, born in New York,
Oct. 27, 1828. *William B. Hazen, Vermont, Sept. 27, 1830. Mortimer D. Leggett, New York, April 19, 1831. *George
B. McClellan, Pennsylvania, Dec. 3, 1826. *O. M. Mitchel, Kentucky, Aug. 28, 1810. James B. Steedman, Pennsylvania,
July 30, 1818.
*William T. H. Brooks, born at New Lisbon, Jan. 28, 1821. *William W.
Burns, Coshocton, Sept. 3, 1825. tHenry B. Banning, Knox county, Nov. 10, 1834. *C. P. Buckingham, Zanesville. March
14, 1808. John Beatty, Sandusky, Dec. 16, 1828. Joel A. Dewey, Ashtabula, Sept. 20, 1840. tThomas H. Ewing,
Lancaster, Aug. 7, 1829. tHugh B. Ewing, Lancaster, Oct. 31, 1826. *James W. Forsyth, Ohio, Aug. 26, 1836. t*Robert
S. Granger, Zanesville, May 24, 1816. t*Kenner Garrard, Cincinnati, 1830. t*CharIes Griffin, Licking county, 1826.
tRutherford B. Hayes, Delaware, Oct. 14, 1822. tJ. Warren Keifer, Clark county, Jan. 30, 1836. William H. Lytic,
Cincinnati, Nov. 2, 1826. *John S. Mason, Steubenville, Aug. 21, 1824. Robert L. McCook, New Lisbon, Dec. 28, 1827.
Daniel McCook, Carrollton, Julv 22, 1834. John G. Mitchell, Piqua, Nov. 6, 1838. Nathaniel C. McLean, Warren county,
Feb. 2, 1815. tEmerson Opdycke, Trumbull county, Jan. 7, 1830. Benjamin F. Potts, Carroll county. Jan. 29, 1836. A.
Sanders Piatt, Cincinnati, May 2, 182 1. tJames S. Robinson, Mansfield, Oct. 11, 1828. tBenjamin P. Runkle, West Liberty,
Sept. 3, 1836. J. W. Reilly, Akron, May 21, 1828. * William Sooy Smith, Pickaway county, July 22, 1830. *Joshua
Sill, Chillicothe, Dec, 6, 1831. John P. Slough, Cincinnati, 1829. Ferdinand Van Derveer, Butler county, Feb. 27,
1823. t*Charles R. Woods, Licking county. tWilliard Warner, Granville, Sept. 4, 1826. tWilliam B. Woods, Licking
county. tCharles C. Walcutt, Columbus, Feb. 12, 1838. M. S. Wade, Cincinnati, Dec. 2, 1802.
Ammen, born in Virginia, Jan. 7, 1808. tSamuel Beatty, Pennsylvania, Sept. 16, 1820. t*B. W. Brice, Virginia, 1809.
Ralph B. Buckland, Massachusetts, Jan. 20, 1812. H. B. Carrington, Connecticut, March 2, 1824. George P. Este,
New Hampshire, April 30, 1830. tManning F. Force, Washington, D. C, Dec. 17, 1824. tJohn W. Fuller, England, July,
1827. tCharles W. Hill, Vermont. tAugust V. Kautz, Germany, Jan. 5, 1828. George W. Morgan, Pennsylvania. William
H. Powell, South Wales, May 10, 1825. *E. P. Scammon, Maine, Dec. 27, 1816. Thomas Kilby Smith, Massachusetts, 1821.
tJohn W. Sprague, New York, April 4, 1827. fErastus B. Tyler,
New York. t*John C. Tibbal, Virginia. tAugust Willich, Prussia, 1810.
See also
Source: The Union Army, vol. 2
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