

Maine and the Civil War (1861-1865)
No one of the loyal states can claim preeminence over the Pine Tree
State in its conduct during the Civil war. The uni- versal sentiment of her people was that the Union must be pre- served
and the supremacy of the law maintained at whatever cost of life and treasure. All the patriotism of their revolutionary
ancestors showed forth in the prompt and energetic action taken by her citizens in support of the general government,
and in the determination that our institutions should be preserved as handed down by the fathers. The excess of her
devotion to the Union, and some of her enormous sacrifices in blood and treasure will be briefly recorded in the following
pages. Unnumbered pages would not suffice to tell in detail the splendid history of individual sacrifice and heroism
on the part of her citizens during the con- tinuance of the great struggle for the life of the nation.
The distant mutterings of rebellion had been heard for many months,
and four of the Southern States had already passed or- dinances of secession, while several others were threatening to
pass similar ordinances, when the legislature of the State of Maine took steps to assure the government at Washington
of its unswerving loyalty, and passed on Jan. i6, 1861, by a large ma- jority, the following joint resolutions: —
"Whereas, By advices received from Washington, and by information received
in many other ways, it appears that an ex- tensive combination exists of evil-disposed persons to effect the dissolution
of the Federal Union, and the overthrow of the Gov- ernment; and whereas the people of the state are deeply attached to
the Union and thoroughly loyal to the government, and are heartily devoted to their preservation and protection; therefore,
"Resolved, That the governor be, and hereby is, authorized and requested
to assure the president of the United States of the loyalty of the people of Maine to the Union and the government thereof;
and that the entire resources of the state in men and money are hereby pledged to the administration in defence and support
of the Constitution and the Union."
When the news reached the people of Maine that the first gun of rebellion
had been fired upon our national flag, and that the United States fort, Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, S. C, had been
assaulted and reduced, April 12, 1861, a great wave of patriotic ardor swept over the whole state. Everywhere her sons
and daughters were inspired by a spirit of determination to avenge the blow that had been struck, and to aid the government
in crushing the treasonable movement. Men forgot their party affiliations, and patriotic assemblages gathered in all
the princi- pal places in the state to voice their undying devotion to the Union. All were animated by the same spirit
of sacrifice, and active steps were at once taken to form military organizations. The hills and valleys of Maine resounded
with martial music and the gleam of bristling bayonets was seen throughout the land. In some towns, in less than twenty-four
hours, full com- panies of volunteers were formed, ready to march. The pulpit and the press united in the demand that
the state should do its full share in upholding the government. Banks and private citi- zens hastened to tender such
material aid to the government for war purposes as might be found essential. Mr. Henry B. Hum- phrey, a wealthy gentleman
of Thomaston, offered to arm and equip a company of artillery at an expense of $15,000. Mothers, wives and sisters
were animated by the same loyal spirit, and some of the women of Skowhegan, eager to testify their devo- tion to the
nation, got out a field piece and fired a salute of 34 guns. The first companies to tender their services were the Lewiston
Light Infantry, Auburn Artillery, and Portland Rifle Guards. The first named organization was the first to fill its ranks
and be accepted and ordered into service by the governor. In Cherryfield, four hours after the enlistment roll was opened,
fifty volunteers had entered their names. A poll of a volunteer company in China on the question of an immediate tender
of their services to the state, showed no dissenting voice. Many other towns acted with almost equal zeal and promptitude.
The long reign of peace had rendered military organizations unnecessary,
and the opening of hostilities found the militia of Maine in a neglected and unprepared condition. There was an enrolled
but unarmed militia of about 60,000 men, and not more than 1,200 of these were in a condition to respond to any sudden
call to arms in the emergencies contemplated by the constitution of the state. Nevertheless, within two weeks of the
president's call for 75,000 volunteers, April 15, 1861, the 1st regiment of infantry was organized under the command
of the gallant Na- thaniel J. Jackson of Lewiston, and in less than a month the 2nd
regiment was also ready for service, commanded by the brave and lamented
Charles D. Jameson of Bangor. Sickness some- what delayed the departure of the 1st regiment from the state, and the
2nd was the first to start for the seat of war, armed and equipped so well that it received the warm encomiums of Mr.
Cameron, the secretary of war.
Maine was most fortunate in having, from the commencement of the war,
able and incorruptible chief magistrates, imbued with the loftiest patriotism, and whose great ambition was to furnish
men and means for the suppression of the rebellion as promptly and economically as it was possible to do. At the outbreak
of hostilities, Israel Washburn, Jr., was in the gubernatorial chair, and labored under almost insurmountable difficulties
in his ef- forts to organize an effective military force from the crude and chaotic elements- of the state militia
system. He found himself without sufficient authority of law to meet the requisition made on him by the president
for a portion of the state militia to be used in suppressing the armed uprising against the Federal gov- ernment,
and on April 16, the day following President Lincoln's first call for troops, he called the legislature in extra session,
to convene on the 22nd. He used this language in his proclama- tion summoning the law-making body: — "The fact that the laws of the United States have been, and now are opposed,
and their execution obstructed, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana
and Texas, by a com- bination too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by
the power vested in the marshals by the laws that are; the fact that a requisition has been made on me by the President
of the United States for a portion of the militia of the state to aid in suppressing such combinations, and causing
the laws to be duly executed; the fact that I find myself without sufficient authority of law to enable me to respond
thereto as the exigency of the case requires, — these facts present in my judgment, one of those extraordinary
occasions contemplated in the constitution for the convening of the legislature. In consid- eration whereof, I, Israel
Washburn, Jr., governor of the State of Maine, in virtue of the power vested in me by the constitution to convene
the legislature of this state, hereby require the sena- tors and representatives to assemble in their respective chambers
at the capitol in Augusta, on Monday, the 22nd day of April instant, at 12 o'clock noon, and then and there to consider
and determine on such measures as the condition of the country and the obligation of the state may seem to demand."
The legislature sat for only three and a half days, but during
that time, enacted with commendable promptness and unanimity all laws
necessary to enable the state to do its share in meeting the remarkable crisis of the country. An act was passed to receive,
arm, and equip ten regiments of volunteers, not to exceed 10,000 men, and authorizing a loan of $1,000,000 to meet this
expense. A bill was also passed to raise a volunteer corps of militia of three regiments, not to exceed 3,000 men,
who should be armed, equipped and drilled at the expense of the state, and subject to be called into actual service
at the demand of the proper authorities. The volunteers in actual service were to receive two months bounty and the
regular pay of $11 per month. Steps were also taken to place the whole militia force of the state in the most effective
condition. The governor was author- ized, if in his discretion the public safety should demand it, to make provision
for the organization of coast guards to protect the commerce and harbors of the state from privateers. It au- thorized
a loan of $300,000, in case it was deemed necessary to provide this coast guard. This prompt and patriotic action of the
legislature influenced all classes. The ship-builders and ship- owners of the state met and offered their vessels
to the govern- ment; lumbermen, fishermen, and men of all professions hastened to volunteer their services in the
companies which were now being rapidly formed. A general order was at once promulgated calling for 10,000 volunteers,
to be organized into ten regiments, without regard to military districts, to be immediately enlisted and mustered
into the active militia service of the State.
Strange as it may now seem, the general government believed that the
rebellion would be quickly repressed, and the original call for troops on April 15, was for only three months service.
The legislative act authorizing these troops to be raised in Maine, caused them to be enlisted for two years unless
sooner discharged, and the 1st and 2nd regiments were so enlisted; the former was mustered into the service of the
United States for three months, and the latter for two years. On May 3, 1861, the president issued another call for
troops. Under this call, and under acts approved July 22 and 25, 1861, 500,000 men were required, orders were issued
from the war department, requiring all state volun- teers to be mustered into government service for three years. Meanwhile
the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th regiments had been organ- ized and enlisted for two years under the above mentioned act of the
legislature, when the three years requirement was issued from Washington, which necessitated an amendment in the state's
mode of enlistment. The men in the four regiments above mentioned were asked to sign a contract to serve for an additional
year, and
those who declined, with the exception of the 1st and 2nd regi- ments,
were discharged.
Such was the zeal of the patriotic citizens of the state, that within
a few weeks after the adjournment of the extra session of the legislature, companies had been organized far in excess
of the needs of the hour. After sending forward the first six regi- ments, the last of which was mustered into the
service of the United States on July 15, 1861, Gov. Washburn decided to discontinue enlistments in consequence of
word received from Washington that no more troops from Maine would be accepted. The following organized companies
were now required to dis- band, or, if they preferred, be placed upon such footing as to drill and compensation, as
would measurably relieve them from the sacrifices entailed in keeping up a military organization, and yet secure their
services when called for:
Capt. West's, East Machias; Capt. Sawyer's, Dixmont; Capt. Roberts',
Dexter; Capt. Boynton's, Newport; Capt. Carlisle's, Bangor; Capt. Cass', Bangor; Capt. Lawrence's, Gardi- ner; Capt.
Norris', Monmouth; Capt. Duly's, Phipps- burg; Capt. Jones', Waldoboro'; Capt. Crowell's, Winter- port; Capt. Robinson's,
Unity; Capt. Jones', China; Capt. Chase's, Fairfield; Capt. McDonald's, Buckfield; Capt. Houghton's, Woodstock; Capt.
McArthur's, Limington ; Capt. Andrews,' Biddeford. Four of these companies elected to main- tain their organizations,
viz: Duly's, Jones' of Waldoboro', Rob- inson's and Andrews, and to devote not less than two days per week to drill
and instruction until otherwise ordered, and to be paid pro rata therefor, without quarters or rations. The other companies
were given leave of absence, without pay or rations, until called for. Twelve of these commanding officers, together with
large portions of their commands, as then existing, subse- quently entered the service of the United States in regiments
which were later accepted, as was also true of Capt. Hutchin's company, of New Portland, which was also put upon leave
of absence.
About this time Brig.-Gen. Thomas W. Sherman visited the state and concerted
measures with Gov. Washburn in regard to his naval expedition, when it was then learned that more regi- ments would
be required. The work of organizing new regi- ments was accordingly recommenced with vigor, and four other regiments
were speedily mustered into the United States service.
In the first battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, the troops of Maine
bore an honorable and conspicuous part, and despite the reverse suffered by the Union Army of McDowell, won fame
for themselves and glory for their state. Of the Federal troops actually
engaged in this fight, nearly one-fourth were from Maine. This disaster to the national forces led to an order by Gov.
Washburn directing the enlistment of additional regiments of volunteers. This document recited: — "Whilst observing,
with the most grateful pride and admiration, the brave conduct of our regiments already in the field, the governor
and commander-in- chief calls upon the loyal men of the state to emulate the pa- triotic zeal and courage of their
brothers who have gone before them. The issue involved is one on which there can be no divided opinion in Maine. It
affects not only the integrity of our Union, but the very life of republican government. For the preserva- tion of
these, Maine will pour out her best blood, and expend her richest treasure. Having already contributed generously of the
flower of her youth and manhood, Maine must send yet more of her stalwart sons, to do battle for the preservation
of the Union, and for the supremacy of law."
The recruiting service of the state was again in active opera- tion
from this time forward, until the general government re- lieved Maine from all further participation in the work early
in the following year. Many of the states were ahead of Maine at this time in the quota of troops furnished the government,
and were still rapidly forming new military organizations, so authority was given Maine by the war department to organize
five more regiments of infantry (with power to increase the num- ber to eight), a regiment of cavalry, six batteries
of light artillery, and a company of sharpshooters. Many voluntary organiza- tions of an informal nature for military
service had been formed in various parts of the state since the outbreak of hostilities; or- ganizations which not
only took their rise without compulsion, but were maintained after repeated refusals to their applications for formal
enlistment in the service of the state. Not in many years had there been seen such an array of citizen soldiery parad-
ing for discipline and review, as was to be observed in the months of September and October, 1861. Little trouble
was therefore found in raising these additional troops, together with four com- panies of coast guards, which served
by authority of the war de- partment. All told, the State of Maine raised during the year 1861 sixteen regiments (one
of them one of the best cavalry regiments in the service), six batteries of artillery, and a company of sharpshooters,
besides four companies of coast guards. This was 2,500 in excess of her quota, and those regiments which had gone
forward to the seat of war gloriously maintained the high reputation of the state for bravery and self-possession in the
numerous battles.
The elections for state officers and members of the legislature in 1861,
on the issue of the vigorous prosecution of the war, sustained the government by a majority of nearly 60,000. Ar- rangements
were made during this year for the erection of a fort at the mouth of the Kennebec river. An appropriation of $100,000
by Congress had been made for this purpose four years earlier, but Secretary Floyd had refused to take the necessary steps
for procuring a title and domain over the land necessary for its location. It is only just to say that the movement to
in- crease the defences of the seaboard cities and towns of the state, originated with Hon. John A. Poor of Portland.
His attention was drawn to the subject, early in 1861, and when the official note of Oct. 14, 1861, addressed by Mr.
Seward, secretary of state, to the governors of the loyal states on the sea-coasts and lakes, was issued, Mr. Poor
laid certain papers before Gov. Washburn, who promptly responded, and sent Hannibal Hamlin, Reuel Williams and Mr.
Poor to Washington, as commissioners. They brought the matter properly before the secretary of war, and secured the
appropriation. The fort was called Fort Popham, in honor of Gov. Popham. who, in 1608, erected a fort on the same
site. Mr. Poor was further employed by Gov. Washburn as commissioner in 1862, and his report of Dec. 12, of that year,
was laid before the legislature early in 1863 and printed. At the close of this session, he secured the adoption of vigorous
resolutions, addressed to the authorities at Washington, which at once led to the supplying of proper guns and needed
arma- ment for the coast defences of the state, — a measure which had been neglected by the ordnance bureau
of the United States year after year.
As most of the active militia of the state had been absorbed into the
Federal service, it was found necessary to form several companies of home guards for coast defence. Fort McClary, at
Kittery, was garrisoned on April 30, 1861; Fort Scammel, in Portland Harbor, on July 22, and Fort Sullivan, at Eastport,
on Dec. 4. These companies were organized under the author- ity of the act passed at the extra session of the legislature,
pre- viously mentioned, and were recognized by the national govern- ment. Informal organizations of similar corps
at Wiscasset and Boothbay were also recognized. Capt. R. H. Tucker, Jr., had command at the former place. Near the
close of the year 1862, a patrol guard was detailed from Co. I, Capt. B. M. Flint, of Calais, for that city, to ward
off a threatened lawless incursion across the eastern border of the state.
An event of much interest to the people of the state, and to the
nation at large as well, occurred at the beginning of the year 1862,
when Mr. Seward, secretary of state, granted permission for British troops to pass across the territory of Maine into
Canada. As the movement of British troops to Canada at this time was in connection with the British demand for the
release of Mason and Slidell, who had been taken from the British steamer Trent, the State of Maine was considerably
agitated, and care- fully inquired into the matter. The government explained that the principle on which this concession
was made to Great Britain was that, when humanity or even convenience, renders it desirable for one nation to have
a passage for its troops and munitions through another, it is a customary act of comity to grant it, if it can be
done consistently with its own safety and welfare. There was no thought that the State of Maine would feel ag- grieved;
but if so, the directions would be modified.
During the progress of the war the Confederates made increas- ing efforts
to acquire a navy, and already several powerful ves- sels flying their flag were inflicting much damage upon northern
commerce. In the spring of 1863 rebel privateers appeared off the coast of Maine and attacked a number of vessels.
On June 26, 1863, the crew of the Confederate bark Tacony, under the command of Lieut. Reade, entered Portland Harbor
in the dis- guise of fishermen, on board a fishing schooner they had recently captured. After the capture of the schooner,
their commander had transferred to her his crew and effects, and then burned the Tacony. The night after their unsuspected
arrival in the harbor, they succeeded in capturing the United States revenue cutter, Caleb Cushing, an armed vessel,
as she lay at anchor. Inquiry the next morning soon disclosed the method of her disappearance, and a volunteer fleet
was sent in pursuit. Being a sailing vessel, the cutter was soon overhauled in the outer harbor. After a brief resistance,
the Confederates set the cutter on fire and took to their boats in an attempt to reach the fishing schooner. The magazine
of the cutter was stored with 400 pounds of powder, which exploded at 2 p. m. with terrific force, in full view of thou-
sands of citizens who were watching the proceedings from vantage points on the shore. The daring Confederates, 23
in number, were captured before they could reach the schooner, and proved to be from the man-of-war, Florida. Their
leader held a regular commission from the Confederate government and they could not, therefore, be adjudged pirates.
After a short confinement at Fort Preble, they were exchanged. This episode increased the demand for a further strengthening
of the state's seaboard defences by the national government, which was induced to act
before the end of the year 1863, and Gov. Samuel Cony thus alluded to
the work in his inaugural message: "Upon the call of this state by the resolves of the legislature touching the de- fenceless
condition of her coast and northeastern frontier, and the urgent solicitation of my predecessor, the United States in
addition to large expenditures upon the permanent fortifications in the harbor of Portland, at the mouth of the Kennebec
river, and the narrows of the Penobscot, has constructed earthworks at Rockland, Belfast and Eastport, at each of
which places two batteries of 5 guns each have been mounted, while both at Castine and Machiasport a single battery
of 5 guns have been supplied."
A succession of victories by the Union armies in the latter part of
1861 and the earlier months of the following year, in both the east and west, led the North to believe that the Con- federacy
would soon collapse, and inspired the following resolu- tion on the part of the Maine legislature, Feb. 18, 1862: "Re-
solved, That the legislature, for ourselves and in behalf of the state, tender to the gallant officers and soldiers
of the army, and to the officers and soldiers of the navy of the United States, our warmest thanks for the brilliant
victories recently won by their valor and skill in the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Missouri North Carolina,
Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, and that the governor be requested to order a salute to be fired in testimony of
our appreciation of the honor and glory which these signal successes reflect on the arms of the Union."
In compliance with this resolve, a salute of 100 guns was fired at the
capitol. On April 3, 1862, the adjutant-general of the United States ordered the volunteer recruiting service in Maine
to cease and all enlistments were suspended until May 21. Brig.- Gen. Milroy having been defeated on May 8, at the
battle of Bull Pasture mountain, W. Va., by the forces under "Stonewall" Jack- son, authority was given on the aforesaid
date to raise the 16th regiment of infantry for three years service. No further call for troops was intimated.
One of the kaleidoscopic changes incident to the war now en- sued. The
army under Gen. Banks was routed at Winchester, May 25; Jackson's army escaped from Gens. Fremont and Shields and
the genius of the wonderful Southern commander even in- flicted a severe defeat on Gen. Shields; a few weeks later came
the Seven Days' retreat of Gen. McClellan's army from the Chickahominy to the James, involving a series of terrible
battles before Richmond. These events made it apparent that the war was far from ending, and that additional armies
must be raised. July 2, 1862, the president issued a call for 300,000 men for
three years, the quota assigned to Maine being 9,609. Within a few weeks
a requisition was made upon Maine for her quota under this call, and the 16th regiment then ready, together with the
17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, authorized by General Orders, and numerous recruits for regiments in the field, furnished by
cities, towns and plantations upon requirements based upon popu- lation, were accepted in satisfaction of the requisition.
Mean- while, an inspiring appeal to the people of the state had been issued on July 4, 1862, by Gov. Washburn, in
which he said: "An additional number of troops is required by the exigency of the public service, and if raised immediately,
it is believed by those who have the best means of knowledge, that the war will be brought to a speedy and glorious
issue. * * * That her natural interests may be protected and advanced; that tranquil- ity and peace may be restored
throughout the land; that the Constitution and the Union, which have been to us all the source of unmeasured blessings,
may be preserved ; that Liberty, of which they were the inspiration and are the selected guardians, may be saved;
and that the light of one great example may shine brighter and brighter, to guide, cheer and to bless the nations; to
aid in all these, I invoke the people of this state, a prompt and hearty response to this new demand upon their patriotism.
And may they all unite in the work that is before them, each laboring in his own sphere, doing what he can by his
example, influence and sympathy — proffering his treasure, his time, his strength, his heart and his highest
hopes to the cause of his country.
General orders will be issued immediately, giving authority for raising
new regiments of infantry and calling into actual service a portion of the ununiformed militia of the state."
Volunteering in all parts of the state was so prompt that the last of
the above regiments, the 20th, was mustered into the service of the United States before the end of August. Before their
organization was completed, the president, on Aug. 4, called for 300,000 militia, to be raised by draft, and to serve
for nine months, unless sooner discharged. The quota of Maine, under this call, was 9,609, from which some deduction
was made on account of the large number of enrolled militia in the mer- chant marine and the navy. Permission was
also given to satisfy the requisition with volunteers, either in whole or in part. On Aug. 9 general orders were issued
by the war department, which prescribed regulations for the enforcement of the draft, di- rected the selection of
rendezvous for the troops, commandants for the encampments, and the enrolment of all able-bodied male citizens between
the ages of eighteen and forty-five; it also di-
rected, provisionally, the appointment of a commissioner from each county
to superintend the drafting and hear and determine the excuses of persons claiming exemption from military duty. Under
a law enacted by the legislature at its last session, all citizens subject to military duty had been enrolled in June,
and only a supplementary enrolment was now found necessary to fulfil the requirements, hence no commissioners were
appointed at this time in Maine. The enforcement of the draft was finally ordered for Sept. lo, but it was only found
necessary to com- mence proceedings in a few towns, which were then deficient in their quotas. Under this stimulus,
the municipal authorities of these towns, made arrangements to supply their quotas by vol- untary enlistment, and
without resort to the draft.
Three places of rendezvous were deemed sufficient: — ''Camp Abraham
Lincoln," at Portland, Col. John Lynch, commandant; "Camp E. D. Keyes," Augusta, Col. George W. Ricker, com- mandant;
"Camp John Pope," Bangor, Col. Gideon Mayo, com- mandant. At Portland and Augusta, three regiments of nine months'
troops were rendezvoused and organized at each en- campment, and at Bangor, two regiments. As some of the towns were
still deficient in their quotas at the close of October, a general order was issued, appointing a commissioner for each
county to make a draft on Nov. 29, if any town should then be found wanting. These commissioners devoted their energies
to such good purpose in facilitating enlistments for delinquent towns, that they found it unnecessary, in any instance,
to resort to the harsh measures of the draft.
Seventy-seven cities and towns in the state even exceeded their quotas
under the calls of July 2 and Aug. 4, sending from one to twenty-five men in excess of the demand, thus relieving other
parts of the state. The town of Portage Lake had only one able-bodied man left in it; the town of Saco exceeded her quota
under each call by no less than twenty-five men; and the town of Machias not only furnished its full quota with splendid
promptness, but declared a willingness to respond to any future calls in like manner. Many towns had more men in the
service than were required of them, but these recruits were credited to and received the bounty of other places, their
places of residence never receiving the credit they deserved.
The citizens of Maine were divided into three parties at the election
which took place on the second Monday of Sept., 1862: viz, the Republican, the Democratic, and the "War Democrats." The
Republicans placed in nomination Abner Coburn as their
candidate for governor; the "War Democrats" nominated Col. Charles D.
Jameson, colonel of the 2nd Maine regiment; and the regular Democratic party nominated Bion Bradbury, who had previously
failed to receive the nomination of the "War Demo- crats." The convention of the Republican party adopted a series of
resolutions, in substance as follows: 1st. — inviting the pa- triotic citizens of Maine to unite on a simple basis
to support the policy and principles characterizing the administration of Abraham Lincoln; 2nd. — that the rebellion
must be put down at any cost; 3d. — expressing sympathy with, and praise of the American army and navy, and
approving national and state measures for their relief and reward; 4th. — expressing respect for and confidence
in the present governor, Mr. Washburn; 5th. — expressing confidence in Hon. Abner Coburn, the nominee for governor.
The resolutions adopted by the "War Democrats," expressed "unwavering support to the government in all neces- sary
and proper efforts to subdue the existing rebellion and vin- dicate the authority of the Constitution and Union over every
inch of territory in the United States, and gratitude to our army and navy," but voiced resistance to "all measures
and efforts to convert this war for the Union into a crusade for negro emanci- pation;'' approved the "patriotic course
of the brave Gen. Mc- Clellan," and "viewed with detestation and scorn the wicked at- tempts of scheming politicians
to undermine and weaken him and his army in their brave efforts for the vindication of the Union." The resolutions
of the regular Democrats declared among other things, "That the purpose of the Democratic party is the restoration
of the Union as it was, and the preservation of the Constitution as it is; and to secure these objects we will stand
shoulder to shoulder with Union men everywhere in sup- port of the Federal government in maintaining its safety, in- tegrity,
and legitimate authority by all constitutional means." The platform recited certain of the Bill of Rights of the Federal
constitution, and "condemned and denounced the repeated and gross violation by the executive of the United States,
of the said rights thus secured by the constitution; and also repudiated the monstrous dogma that in time of war the
constitution is sus- pended, or its powers in any respect enlarged beyond the letter and true meaning of that instrument;"
etc. At the election held on Sept. 8, Coburn received 45,534 votes; Jameson, 7,178, and Bradbury, 32.331, a Republican
majority over both the others of 6,025. Four Republican Congressmen, one Democratic Con- gressman, and a Republican
majority of 81 in the state legis- lature were elected at the same time.
By the close of the year 1862, there had been sent into the field from
the State of Maine, twenty-seven regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, one regiment of heavy artillery, six
batteries, and one company of sharpshooters, exceeding 30,000 men. These were all volunteer troops, and were distributed
in Virginia on the Peninsula; southwest of Washington; at Port Royal, S. C.; Fernandina and Pensacola, Fla.; and at
New Or- leans. In addition to the troops above mentioned, a considerable number were also recruited for regiments
in the field, which had become depleted from active service.
The draft was enforced by the general government under the conscription
law for the first time in the year 1863. In June of this year, Lee's great army of nearly 100,000 men had crossed the
Potomac and his advanced corps under Ewell had entered Pennsylvania. The authorities at Washington were much alarmed by
the presence of this army on their north and on June 29 a draft of 100,000 men was ordered by the war department. The
draft proceeded in Maine, during the summer months, in a gen- erally peaceable and orderly manner. Maj. J. W. T. Gardiner
was appointed acting assistant provost-marshal-general of Maine, and boards of enrolment were organized by the United
States in the five congressional districts of the state. The only resistance made to the enforcement of the draft
was in the towns of King- field, Freeman and Salem, in the 2nd district, when, in July, the malcontents to the number
of a few score of men rallied at Kings- ton and made some show of armed rebellion. This uprising was promptly subdued
by a force of men made up of Co. G, 3d divi- sion of the state militia (composed chiefly of returned veterans), and
a detail of United States regulars; the whole under the com- mand of Post Adjt. Webber, on the staff of Maj. Gardiner.
The number of men held for service or accepted as substitutes under the draft, was about 2,500. As many towns had
voted in public meeting to pay the commutations of such of their citizens as might be drafted. Gov. Coburn, in view
of the trouble which might result from this action, propounded the two following questions to the justices of the
Supreme Court: 1. — "Has a city or town any legal right to pledge its credit to raise money for the purpose
of paying the commutations of such of its citizens as may be drafted into the service of the United States under the law
aforesaid? 2. — Has a city or town any legal right to raise money by taxation to provide commutations for such of
its citizens as may be drafted?"
The court ruled that Congress had full power, under the con- stitution,
"to command all the resources of the nation, the lives
of its citizens, to prevent, by any and all proper means, that fear- ful
anarchy which would be so imminent if its dissolution should become an accomplished fact;" that the liability to serve,
procure a substitute, or pay the commutation fee, as created by the
Enrollment act of March 3 was of a purely personal nature; that this
was "an act to raise soldiers, not to raise money," etc. Each of the questions was answered in the negative.
Following the draft, another call for troops was made by the president
on Oct. 17, for 300,000 volunteers to serve for three years. This gave rise to an eloquent proclamation from Gov. Coburn
which opened as follows: "Of this additional force Maine is expected to furnish her quota, and she will not dis- appoint
that expectation. Now, as heretofore, her patriotic men will respond to the call, and promptly furnish her full share
of the force necessary to vindicate the integrity of our govern- ment, and maintain the supremacy of the laws of the
"Our people, with almost entire unanimity, have determined that the
present rebellion shall be suppressed, and that the Union which it was designed to destroy, shall be maintained. For
this purpose they entered upon the contest, and to this end they will persevere until the object be accomplished, and
until the world shall be satisfied that free men can endure more, and persevere longer for the preservation of free
government, than can the most determined and desperate traitor for its destruction.
"The length of the conflict is not to be measured by years, but by events.
Treason is to be put down, and to that end should all the measures of the government be subservient."
Pending the draft in 1863, Gov. Coburn received permission through a
general order of the war department, to recruit the 29th and 30th regiments of infantry, 2nd regiment of cavalry, and
7th battery of light artillery, which organizations were termed veteran volunteers, and furnished with "service chevrons"
by the war department, to be worn as a badge of honorable distinction, as was done with all men who reenlisted. By
the end of the year the above troops were nearly ready for the field and in addition a large number of men were enlisted
for regi- ments already at the front. Ten Maine regiments were mustered out of the service of the United States during
the year 1863, the terms of their enlistments having expired, and at the close of the year, there remained in active
service sixteen regiments and one battalion of infantry, one regiment and one company of cavalry, one regiment of
heavy and six batteries of light artillery, and one company of sharpshooters. In addition to the government bounty
of $402 for veteran recruits and $302 for new recruits,
Maine offered in October, 1863, a bounty of $100 to all recruits entering
incomplete organizations then in the state, and $55 to recruits entering regiments or corps in the field; besides this,
as in 1862, numerous cities and towns paid extra bounties to recruits enlisted within their limits, anticipating legislative
grants for legal authority in such cases. It had been hoped in this manner to escape any resort to the draft in Maine.
As in previous years, many of the seafaring population entered the naval service.
When the war broke out, the bonded state debt was in round numbers about
$700,000. This was increased by expenses in- cidental to the war to $1,472,000 on Jan. 1, 1863, and during that year
there was added a further war debt of $950,000, making the total debt of the state, on Jan. 1, 1864, $2,422,000. The legislature
of 1863 increased the state tax of that year over the tax of the previous year by the addition of a mill on the dollar
of valuation. It also renewed the act of the previous year, exempting for another year the state banks from the severe
penalties imposed by their charters in the event of their suspend- ing specie payments. This legislature also remitted
one-half of the state tax imposed upon the banks by their charters, as Con- gress had imposed a tax upon the circulation
and deposits of the local banks.
The Republican state convention of 1863 voted unanimously to sustain
the national administration in its efforts to subdue the rebellion, and placed in nomination for governor Samuel Cony,
who had in the previous year been a prominent member of the party known as "War Democrats," and had made an active
can- vass of the state in favor of Col. Jameson. The Republicans and the War Democrats united in the canvass this
year under the name of the Union party. The Democrats renominated their candidate of the previous year, Bion Bradbury,
and adopted resolutions announcing their devotion to the Constitution and the Union, but severely denouncing many
of the war measures of the Government. They declared that in the opinion of the convention the war was conducted by
the present administration "not for the restoration of the Union, but for the abolition of slavery and the destruction
of the Union." In the election which followed on Sept. 14, Cony received 67,916 votes, and Bradbury 50,366 —
a majority for Cony of 17,550. The Union party also had a majority of 118 on joint ballot in the legislature, elected
at the same time.
Among the more important war measures passed by the legis- lature of
1864 was an act authorizing Maine soldiers in the field to vote for electors of president and vice-president; also a re-
solve by a two-thirds vote providing for an amendment to the constitution
of the state, so as to allow soldiers absent from the state, except those in the regular army of the United States, to
vote for governor and other state and county officers. This amendment was ratified by the people by a majority of
45,303. The whole number of votes cast by soldiers was reported to be 4,915. A law was also enacted for the payment
by the state of a uniform bounty of $300 to any person enlisting under any calls except those made prior to Feb. 1,
1864. This was done to correct the practice which had arisen in large cities and towns, which in their anxiety to
avoid the draft outbid each other in the amount of bounties, thus depriving the poorer towns of the ability to fill
their quotas. The law operated well until the call of July 18, 1864, under which recruits were taken for one year. The
state offered only $100 for this class of recruits, which proved to be insufficient, and the old methods were again re-
sorted to by the cities and towns.
Under Gov. Cony's administration in 1864 six companies of cavalry were
raised late in the winter for Baker's D. C. cavalry, in addition to one raised by his predecessor. The 31st and 32nd
regiments of infantry were also raised under the call of Feb. 1, 1864. Ewell's daring raid up the Shenandoah Valley early
in July, 1864, during which he invaded Maryland and the District of Columbia and severed the communications of Wash- ington
with the North, so alarmed Gov. Cony that he issued a proclamation declaring the national capital in danger, and call-
ing for volunteers for 100 days' service for its protection. A general response was made throughout the state; but
fortunately the danger proved of short duration, as the invading force was small and retired in a few days into Virginia,
with a mass of plunder, without forcing Grant to release his hold upon Peters- burg. On July 18, the president issued
his call for 500,000 men to serve one, two and three years, and all further action upon the governor's proclamation
was at once suspended.
During the year 1864, Maine contributed to the military and naval service
of the country an aggregate of 18,904 men, of whom 3,380 were enlisted under the call of Oct., 1863, and 3,525 were
veteran soldiers, who reenlisted. Enlistments for the navy numbered 1,846. Allowances of credits for naval en- listments
anterior to 1864 were made to the number of 3,675. The term of their original enlistment having expired, the 3d, 4th,
5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th and 14th infantry regiments were mustered out of the service during the year. A large portion
of these organizations had reenlisted, and these, together with others
whose terms of enlistment had not yet expired, were transferred to other
regiments, so that only about 2,000 men all told were thus lost to the army. By the close of this year the state had fur-
nished for the military and naval service more than 61,000 men, a number nearly equal to one-tenth of her whole population,
and an excess of several hundred over all calls. By a resolve approved March 19, 1864, the treasurer of the state
was author- ized to borrow $3,000,000 by the issue of six per cent, bonds payable in 25 years. He sold bonds to the
amount of $2,765,000, which increased the funded debt of the state to $5,137,000 on Jan. 1, 1865. At the same date
the total ascertained funded and floating debt amounted to $5,714,625.31.
Toward the close of the year 1864, so much of the territory of the Confederacy
had fallen into Union hands, that a large number of troops were required to occupy and garrison it ef- fectively.
Moreover, it was believed that the rebellion could be finally crushed with larger armies, and so President Lincoln called
for 300,000 more men on Dec. 19. Maine did her share in meeting this demand, but, like most of the other states, did not
complete her full quota, as the necessity for more men had ceased to exist.
The Republican state convention assembled at Portland on June 29, and
renominated Samuel Cony for governor by acclama- tion. The Democrats, in their convention at Bangor on Aug. 16, unanimously
nominated for governor, Joseph Howard of Portland. After a political campaign conducted with unusual earnestness until
the presidential election in November, Gov. Cony was reelected on Sept. 12, by a majority of 15,913, and the legislature
chosen at the same time showed a Republican majority of 118 on joint ballot. The vote for presidential elec- tors
in November gave a Republican majority of 17,592, and the electors chosen cast the vote of the state for Abraham Lin-
coln for president, and Andrew Johnson for vice-president. William P. Fessenden, having resigned as U. S. Senator
from Maine to accept the office of secretary of the treasury. Gov. Cony appointed Nathan A. Farwell in his place.
An attempt was made to rob the bank at Calais, on July 18, by a small
party of Confederate raiders from St. John, N. B., led by one Collins, a captain in a Mississippi regiment. The daring
plan was frustrated, but led to an uneasy feeling along the northeastern and eastern frontier. Volunteer organiza- tions
were formed in Eastport, Calais, Belfast, and other border towns to patrol the streets at night, and the regular police
force was increased and armed. In view of the possible danger from
this source, Gov. Cony ordered several companies of home guards to stand
ready to move to any part of the state at a moment's warning.
This brief narrative of the splendid part Maine took in the War of the
Rebellion must now be brought to a close. Else- where in this work will be given in detail the splendid services of
some of her noble sons, among them the gallant Gen. O. O. Howard, conspicuous at Gettysburg, and afterwards in the cam-
paigns of the Southwest, where he rose to the command of one of the armies under Sherman; Gen. Hiram G. Berry, whose
military talents and substantial service brought him to high command, and whose death on the field of Chancellorsville
was a sore loss to the army; Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain, whose military experience and honors won were altogether
remarkable; and many others equally worthy of mention here did the limits of this sketch per- mit. It may be remarked
that three sons of Senator Fessenden and two of Senator Hamlin served with distinction, one of each family giving
his life for the cause.
Soon after the capitulation of General Lee, the Maine troops began to
return home to their families and friends. The regi- ments returned, sunburned, ragged and worn, sacred for their losses
and crowned with honor. Many flags had been captured, but not one had been lost, by the gallant sons of Maine.
The troops furnished by Maine to the Union army during the progress
of the war comprised two regiments of cavalry; one regiment of heavy artillery; three companies of garrison artillery;
one battalion of seven batteries of light artillery; one battalion of six companies of sharpshooters; thirty regiments
and sixteen companies of infantry, inclusive of the coast- guard battalion of seven companies, a total of 72,114;
or, re- duced to a three years standard, 56,776. In addition to the above, the state was credited with a total of
6,750 men in the navy and marine corps, and also furnished about 800 men for the 1st D. C. cavalry, an independent
organization under the command of Col. L. C. Baker. It will thus be seen that Maine contributed considerably more
than one-tenth of her 'total popu- lation' to the service of the nation. Of the numbers above given, 2,801 were killed
or died of wounds, according to the army list; 4,521 died of disease; and 6,642 were mustered out for disabilities
resulting from casualties occurring in service or from sickness.
The financial credit of the state was well sustained through- out the
war, notwithstanding upwards of $15,000,000 were contributed in one way or another by her inhabitants to the national
cause. The funded debt of the state on Jan. 1, 1861,
was $699,500, as against $5,164,500 on Jan. 1, 1866, the in- crease
of $4,465,000 being due altogether to the extraordinary expenses growing out of the war. From Jan. 1, 1861, to Jan. 1,
1866, the state expended for war purposes a total of $7,357,572,
of which $4,578,636 were paid for bounties. The amount advanced by cities
and towns for aid to families of soldiers to Jan. 1, 1865, was $1,599,536. In addition to the above, the cities and
towns of the state contracted a debt of not less than $6,556,183 for bounties. No one would have deemed it possible that
the state of Maine could have sent so many troops into the field, or that she could raise such vast sums of money to meet
the expenses of the war.
Soon after the outbreak of the war, arrangements were made to transmit
such portions of the pay of persons in service as they chose to allot for the benefit of their families or themselves.
State and municipal authorities cordially cooperated with the war department in securing the acquiescence of soldiers
in this wise arrangement for the welfare of themselves and fami- lies.
Everything possible was done by the state authorities and by the better
portion of the citizens of both sexes in aid of the sick and wounded soldiers, and to improve the sanitary conditions
of Maine troops in the field. State agencies for the relief of the disabled and destitute soldiers of the state were
maintained at New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Among the many who labored in this splendid work, were George
R. Davis, agent of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, Portland; Cols. Frank E. Howe of the New England Soldier's Relief
Association, New York; Robert R. Corson, Philadelphia; and Charles F. Mudge of the special relief department of the U.
S. Sanitary Commission, Boston. The Washington Relief Association, composed of citizens of Maine residing in Wash- ington,
was a potent agency for good in relieving the wants of wounded, sick and destitute soldiers in and near that city.
In conclusion, it may be truly said that Maine gave unstint- edly of
her treasure of her best blood to secure the perpetuation of the Union. Nearly every home had its martyr, a willing sac-
rifice on the altar of country. The record of the Pine Tree State throughout the long four-years' struggle was indeed
a glorious one, and will challenge comparison with that of any other of the loyal states.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 1

