Battle of Fort Stevens
Fort Stevens Civil War History
Battle of Fort Stevens
Other Names: Battle of Washington; Battle of Washington City;
Battle of Washington, D.C.
Location: District of Columbia
Campaign: Early’s Raid and Operations against the B&O
Railroad (1864); 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaigns
Date(s): July 11-12, 1864
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Horatio G. Wright and Maj. Gen.
Alexander McD. McCook [US]; Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early [CS]
Forces Engaged: Divisions
Estimated Casualties: 874 total
Result(s): Union victory
Union Artillery in Fort Stevens |

Photo Courtesy Library of Congress |
Summary: On July 11, 1864,
Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early’s exhausted Confederates reached the outskirts of Washington near Silver Spring. (Early's Route to Washington.) Skirmishers advanced to test the fortifications which at the time were
manned only by Home Guards, clerks, and convalescent troops. During the night, veteran units from the Union VI Corps disembarked
from troop transports and marched north through the streets of Washington to bolster the defenses.
(Right) Soldiers of Company F, 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, in Fort Stevens. While this fort would come under enemy fire during the American Civil War, there was
a total of sixty-eight fortresses that formed a strong, defensive ring around Washington in 1864. Library
of Congress.
On July 12, Early was finally in position
to make a strong demonstration, which was repulsed by the veteran Union troops. In the afternoon, VI Corps units advanced
against the Confederate skirmishers, driving them back from their advanced positions in front of Fort Stevens and DeRussy. President Lincoln watched the action from Fort Stevens and came under fire
from Confederate sharpshooters. Recognizing that the Union Capitol was now defended by veterans, Early abandoned any thought
of taking the city. Early withdrew during the night, marching toward White’s Ford on the Potomac, ending his invasion
of Maryland. “We didn’t take
Washington,” Early told his staff officers, “but we scared Abe Lincoln like Hell!” Union casualties were 374 while Confederate losses
were estimated at 500. (See also Maryland Civil War History).
Battle of Fort Stevens / Washington D.C. Map |

Battle of Washington / Fort Stevens Map |
Battle of Fort Stevens Map |

Civil War Battle of Washington Map |
Early had a good start. He proceeded down the Valley without opposition,
bypassed Harpers Ferry, crossed the Potomac River, and advanced into Maryland. Grant dispatched a corps under Horatio G. Wright and other troops under George Crook to reinforce
Washington and pursue Early.
The Battle of Fort Stevens, also known as the Battle of Washington City or Battle of Washington, D.C., was one of several battles fought during
Early's Raid and Operations against the B&O Railroad (June-August 1864). Early's Operations against the B&O Railroad,
often times referred to as Early's Raid or Early's Maryland Campaign, was part of the Shenandoah Valley Campaigns of 1864 and was the second of three principal campaigns fought throughout the valley
Battle of Washington, DC, Route Map |

Battle of Fort Stevens Route Map |
Battle of Washington, DC, Map |

Civil War Battle of Fort Stevens Map |
Early's invasion of Maryland had the desired effect on Grant, who dispatched
the rest of the VI Corps and XIX Corps under Maj. Gen. Horatio G. Wright to Washington on July 9. The steamer carrying the
Union force arrived in southeast Washington around noon on the July 11, at about the same time that Early himself had reached
the outskirts of Fort Stevens with the lead elements of his troops.
The arrival of the VI Corps brought desperately needed veteran reinforcements.
It also added another high-ranking officer into a jumbled Federal command. The Washington defenses played host to a number
of generals ejected from major theaters of the war or incapacitated for field command due to wounds or disease. Maj. Gen.
Alexander M. McCook was one of the former, having not held a command since being relieved of command after the Battle of Chickamauga.
McCook was, however, placed in command of the Defenses of the Potomac River
& Washington, superseding Christopher Columbus Augur, who commanded the Department of Washington. Augur also commanded
the XXII Corps, whose troops manned the capital's defensive works. Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck called upon Maj. Gen. Quincy
A. Gillmore in New York City to take command of a detachment from the XIX Corps. The U.S. Army's Quartermaster General, Brig.
Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs, took command of an "Emergency Division", composed of federal employees who were armed during the
raid, directly under the command of McCook. Even President Abraham Lincoln personally arrived at the battlefield.
McCook tried to sort out the problem of too many high-ranking generals in
the face of Early's advance. He was unable to rid himself of the generals, and their attempts to gain leverage over one another,
but a somewhat workable command structure was established. With McCook in overall command, Gillmore commanded the northeast
line of fortresses (Fort Lincoln to Fort Totten), Meigs commanded the northern line of forts (Fort Totten to Fort DeRussy—including
Fort Stevens) and Augur's First Division commander, Martin D. Hardin, commanded the northwest line of forts (Fort DeRussy
to Fort Sumner). Wright and the VI Corps were initially to be held in reserve but McCook immediately decided against this,
stating that he felt veteran troops needed to take the front lines against Early's troops. As it was, Hardin's troops engaged
in some light skirmishing, but as McCook intended, it was to be Wright's veterans who bore the brunt of the fighting.
Battle of Washington, DC |

Civil War Battle of Fort Stevens History |
Battle: At
about the time Wright's command was arriving in Washington, Early's corps, after its fight at Monocacy, began to arrive at the breastworks of Fort Stevens. Yet, Early
delayed the attack because he was still unsure of the federal strength defending the fort, much of his army was still
in transit to the front, and the troops he had were exhausted due to the excessive heat and the fact that they had been on
the march since June 13. Additionally, many of the Confederate troops had looted the home of Montgomery Blair, the son of
the founder of Silver Spring, Maryland. They found barrels of whiskey in the basement of the mansion, called Blair Mansion,
and many troops were allegedly too drunk to get a good start in the morning. This allowed for further fortification by
Union troops.
Around 3 p.m., with the bulk of their force present, the Confederates commenced
skirmishing, probing the defense maintained by Brig. Gen. Martin D. Hardin's division of the XXII Corps with a line of skirmishers
backed by artillery. Near the start of the Confederate attack the lead elements of the VI and XIX Corps arrived at the fort,
reinforcing it with battle-hardened troops. The battle picked up around 5 p.m. when Confederate cavalry pushed through the
advance Union picket line. A Union counterattack drove back the Confederate cavalry and the two opposing lines confronted
each other throughout the evening with periods of intense skirmishing. The Union front was aided by artillery from the fort,
which shelled Confederate positions, destroying many houses that Confederate sharpshooters used for protection.
Battle of Washington and Surrounding Area |

Defenses Surrounding Washington City Map |
President Lincoln, his wife Mary, and some officers rode out to observe
the attack, either on July 11th or the 12th, and were briefly under enemy fire that wounded a Union surgeon standing next
to Lincoln on the Fort Stevens parapet. Lincoln was brusquely ordered to take cover by an officer, possibly Horatio Wright,
although other probably apocryphal stories claim that it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Private John A. Bedient of the 150th
Ohio Infantry, the fort commander, other privates of the Ohio National Guard, and Elizabeth Thomas.
Additional Union reinforcements from the VI and XIX Corps arrived overnight
and were placed in reserve behind the line. The skirmishing continued into July 12, when Early finally decided that Washington
could not be taken without heavy losses which would be too severe to warrant the attempt. Union artillery from Fort Stevens
attempted to clear out Confederate sharpshooters hidden in the buildings and fields in front of the fort; when the artillery
fire failed to drive them off, the IV Corps brigade of Daniel Bidwell, supported by Oliver Edwards' brigade and two Veteran
Reserve Corps regiments, attacked at about 5 p.m. The attack was successful, but at the cost of over 300 men.
Battle of Fort Stevens Civil War Map |

Battle of Washington Map |
Analysis: The Battle of Fort Stevens was an American Civil
War battle fought July 11–12, 1864, in Northwest Washington, D.C., as part of the Valley Campaigns of 1864 between forces
under Confederate Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early and Union Maj. Gen. Alexander McD. McCook. Although Early caused consternation in
the Union government, reinforcements under Maj. Gen. Horatio G. Wright and the strong defenses of Fort Stevens minimized the
military threat and Early withdrew after two days of skirmishing without attempting any serious assaults. The battle is noted
for the personal presence of President Abraham Lincoln observing the fighting.
Early's force withdrew that evening, headed back into Montgomery County,
Maryland, and crossed the Potomac River on July 13 at White's Ferry into Leesburg, Virginia. The Confederates successfully
brought the supplies they seized during the previous weeks with them into Virginia. Early remarked to one of his officers
after the battle, "Major, we didn't take Washington but we scared Abe Lincoln like hell." Wright organized a pursuit force
and set out after them during the afternoon of the 13th. (See also: Battle of Fort Stevens: The Civil War Battle of Washington and Maryland Civil War History.)
Confederate Order of Battle:
Army of the Valley District
LTG Jubal Early
Second Corps, Army of Northern
Division |
Brigade |
and Others |
Division MG Robert E. Rodes |
Battle's Brigade
BG Cullen A. Battle
- 3rd Alabama
- 5th Alabama
- 6th Alabama
- 12th Alabama
- 61st Alabama
Grimes' Brigade
BG Bryan Grimes
- 32nd North Carolina
- 43rd North Carolina
- 45th North Carolina
- 53rd North Carolina
- 2nd North Carolina Battalion
Cook's Brigade
BG Philip Cook
- 4th Georgia
- 12th Georgia
- 21st Georgia
- 44th Georgia
Cox's Brigade
BG William R. Cox
- 1st North Carolina
- 2nd North Carolina
- 3rd North Carolina
- 4th North Carolina
- 14th North Carolina
- 30th North Carolina
Division MG Stephen D. Ramseur |
Lilley's Brigade
BG Robert D. Lilley
- 13th Virginia
- 31st Virginia
- 49th Virginia
- 52nd Virginia
- 58th Virginia
Johnston's Brigade
BG Robert D. Johnston
- 5th North Carolina
- 12th North Carolina
- 20th North Carolina
- 23rd North Carolina
Lewis' Brigade
BG William Lewis
- 6th North Carolina
- 21st North Carolina
- 54th North Carolina
- 57th North Carolina
- 1st North Carolina Sharpshooters Battalion
Breckinridge's Corps
MG John C. Breckinridge
Division |
Brigade |
and Others |
Division MG John B. Gordon |
Evans' Brigade
Col E.N. Atkinson
- 13th Georgia
- 26th Georgia
- 31st Georgia
- 38th Georgia
- 60th Georgia
- 61st Georgia
- 12th Georgia Battalion
York's Brigade
BG Zebulon York
- Hay's Louisiana Tigers
brigade (consolidated)
- 5th Louisiana
- 6th Louisiana
- 7th Louisiana
- 8th Louisiana
- 9th Louisiana
- Stafford's Brigade (consolidated)
- 1st Louisiana
- 2nd Louisiana
- 10th Louisiana
- 14th Louisiana
- 15th Louisiana
Terry's Brigade
BG William Terry
- Stonewall Brigade (consolidated)
- 2nd Virginia
- 4th Virginia
- 5th Virginia
- 27th Virginia
- 33rd Virginia
- Jones' old 2nd Brigade (consolidated)
- 21st Virginia
- 25th Virginia
- 42nd Virginia
- 44th Virginia
- 48th Virginia
- 50th Virginia
- Stuart's old 3rd Brigade (consolidated)
- 10th Virginia
- 23rd Virginia
- 37th Virginia
Division BG John Echols |
Wharton's Brigade
BG Gabriel C. Wharton
- 45th Virginia
- 50th Virginia
- 51st Virginia
- 30th Virginia Sharpshooters
Echols' Brigade
Col George S. Patton
- 22nd
- 26th Virginia
- 23rd Virginia Battalion
Vaughn's Brigade
BG Thomas Smith
- 36th Virginia
- 60th Virginia
- Thomas' Legion (dismounted)
- 45th Virginia Battalion
Division |
Brigade |
and Others |
Cavalry Division MG Robert Ransom, Jr. |
Imboden's Brigade
BG John D. Imboden
- 18th Virginia Cavalry
- 23rd Virginia Cavalry
- 62nd Virginia Mounted Infantry
- Unauthorized Virginia Cavalry
McCausland's Brigade
BG John McCausland
- 14th
Virginia Cavalry
- 16th
Virginia Cavalry
- 17th
Virginia Cavalry
- 25th
Virginia Cavalry
- 37th
Virginia Cavalry Battalion
Johnson's Brigade
BG Bradley T. Johnson
- 1st Maryland Cavalry Battalion
- 8th
Virginia Cavalry
- 21st
Virgina Cavalry
- 36th
Virginia Cavalry
- 22nd Virginia Cavalry Battalion
- 34th
Virginia Cavalry Battalion
Jackson's Brigade
BG W.L. Jackson
- 2nd
Maryland Cavalry Battalion
- 19th
Virginia Cavalry
- 20th
Virginia Cavalry
- 16th
Virginia Cavalry Battalion
- 47th
Virginia Cavalry Battalion
Horse Artillery |
- Jackson's Company Virginia
Horse Artillery
- McClanahan's Company (Staunton)
Virginia Horse Artillery
- Baltimore Light Artillery (2nd
- Lurty's Virginia Battery
BG Armistead L. Long |
Braxton's Battalion
Maj Carter M. Braxton
- Allegheny (Virginia) Artillery
- Lee (Virginia) Artillery
- Stafford (Virginia) Artillery
King's Battalion
Maj J. Floyd King Maj William McLaughlin
- Wise Legion (Virginia) Artillery
- Lewisburg (Virginia) Artillery
- Monroe (Virginia) Artillery
Nelson's Battalion
Maj William Nelson
- Amherst (Virginia) Artillery
- Fluvanna (Virginia) Artillery
- Milledge (Georgia) Artillery
Union Order of Battle:
Defenses of the Potomac River
& Washington
MG Alexander McDowell McCook
Division |
Brigade |
and Other |
Division BG Montgomery C. Meigs |
First Brigade
BG Daniel H. Rucker
- Quartermaster's employees
- Detachment from Provisional Brigade
Second Brigade
BG Halbert E. Paine
- Quartermaster's employees
- 2nd District of Columbia
- 12th Veteran Reserves
3rd Brigade
Col Richard Butler Price Col Addison Farnsworth, July 12
- 7th New Jersey
- Quartermaster's employees
- Convalescents
VI Corps
MG Horatio Wright
Division |
Brigade |
and Others |
Division BG Frank Wheaton |
1st Brigade
Cpt Baldwin Hufty
- 4th New Jersey
- 10th New Jersey
- 15th New Jersey
2nd Brigade
BG Emory Upton
- 2nd
Connecticut Heavy Artillery
- 65th New York
- 121st New York
3rd Brigade
Col Thomas S. Allen
- 37th Massachusetts
- 40th Pennsylvania
- 82nd Pennsylvania
- 119th Pennsylvania
- 2nd Rhode Island (Battalion)
- 5th Wisconsin (Battalion)
Division BG Lewis A. Grant |
1st Brigade
Col George P. Foster
- 62nd New York
- 93rd Pennsylvania
- 98th Pennsylvania
- 102nd Pennsylvania
- 139th Pennsylvania
2nd Brigade
Ltc Charles Hundson
- 2nd Vermont: Ltc Samuel E. Pingree
- 3rd Vermont
- 4th Vermont
- 6th Vermont
- 11th Vermont Heavy
3rd Brigade
Col Daniel
- 7th Maine
- 43rd New York
- 49th New York (battalion)
- 77th New York
- 122nd New York
- 61st Pennsylvania (battalion)
Artillery |
Artillery Brigade
Col Charles H. Tompkins
- 5th
Maine Light Artillery
- 1st Massachusetts Light Artillery,
Battery A
- 1st New York Light Artillery,
- 1st
Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery C
- 1st
Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery G
- 5th U.S. Artillery, Battery
XIX Corps (Detachment)
MG Quincy
A. Gillmore
Division |
Brigade |
and Others |
Division BG William
Dwight |
1st Brigade
Col George
L. Beal
- 29th Maine
- 30th Massachusetts
- 114th New York
- 116th New York
- 153rd New York
2nd Brigade
BG James
W. McMillan
- 12th Connecticut
- 160th New York
- 47th Pennsylvania
- 8th
3rd Brigade
Col Leonard B. Currie
Division Artillery |
- New York Light Artillery, 5th
Division BG Cuvier
Grover |
1st Brigade
BG Henry
W. Birge
- 9th Connecticut
- 12th Maine
- 14th Maine
- 26th Massachusetts
- 14th New Hampshire
- 75th New York
2nd Brigade
Col Edward L. Molineux
- 13th Connecticut
- 3rd Massachusetts Cavalry (dismounted)
- 11th Indiana
- 22nd Iowa
- 131st New York
- 159th New York
3rd Brigade
Col Jacob Sharpe
- 38th Massachusetts
- 128th New York
- 156th New York
- 175th New York
- 176th New York
4th Brigade
Col David Shunk
- 8th Indiana
- 18th Indiana
- 24th Iowa
- 28th Iowa
XXII Corps
and Dept. of Washington
MG Christopher
C. Augur
Division |
Brigade |
and Others |
North of the Potomac BG Martin
D. Hardin |
1st Brigade
Col James
M. Warner
- 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery
- 151st Ohio
2nd Brigade
Col Joseph
A. Haskin
- 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
- 8th Illinois Cavalry, Detachment
- 150th Ohio
Col Charles
Russell Lowell
- 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry
South of the Potomac BG Gustavus A. DeRussy (not
engaged) |
1st Brigade
Col Joseph Whistler
2nd Brigade
Col Thomas Wilhelm
District of Washington Col Moses N. Wisewill |
1st Veteran Reserve Brigade
Col George W. Gile (attached to Hardin's Division)
- 1st Regiment, Veteran Reserve
- 9th Veteran Reserve Corps
- 22nd Regiment, Veteran Reserve
- 6th Regiment, Veteran Reserve
- 19th Regiment, Veteran Reserve
- 20th Regiment, Veteran Reserve
2nd Brigade |
- incomplete and un-brigaded
Division Col William Gamble (not
engaged) |
composition unknown |
Front Line Commanders
In addition to their own commands these officers supervised
a section of Washington's fortifications during the battle.
Commander |
Line |
Alexander M. McCook |
Defenses of the Potomac
River & Washington (overall command) |
Quincy A. Gillmore |
Fort Lincoln
to Fort Totten (Northeast line) |
Montgomery C. Meigs |
Totten to Fort DeRossy (Northern line including Fort
Stevens) |
Martin D. Hardin |
DeRussy to Fort Sumner (Northwest line) |
Horatio G. Wright |
Front line pickets and
skirmishers |
(Sources and related reading below.)
Recommended Reading: Season of Fire: The Confederate Strike on Washington
(Hardcover) (300 pages). Editorial Review from Booklist:
In 1864, Confederate General Jubal Early, outraged by Union depredations in the Shenandoah Valley by the Federals, launched
a bold but futile raid on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.
With this event as the central focus of his narrative, Judge has written a fascinating and riveting account of the men in
battle. He masterfully maintains both dramatic tension and historical accuracy by relating the events through the memoirs
of the actual participants. Judge explains the military maneuvers in language that laypersons can easily grasp, and his portrayals
of the key participants breathe life into the account. Continued below.
Among the more
memorable key-players are Early, the daring general of the valley; Lew Wallace (who would later author “Ben Hur”),
who attempts to block Early's advance; and George Davis, from Vermont, who was awarded the Medal of Honor during this
fiercely contested campaign. This is a fine recounting of a relatively obscure but quite interesting series of events, and
both the general reader and Civil War aficionados will enjoy it. The book also contains sixty-one illustrations.
Advance to:
Desperate Engagement: How a Little-Known Civil War Battle Saved Washington,
D.C., and Changed American History. Description: The Battle of Monocacy,
which took place on the blisteringly hot day of July 9, 1864, is one of the Civil War’s most significant yet little-known
battles. What played out that day in the corn and wheat fields four miles south of Frederick, Maryland, was a full-field engagement
between 12,000 battle-hardened Confederate troops led by the controversial Jubal Anderson Early, and 5,800 Union troops, many
of them untested in battle, under the mercurial Lew Wallace, the future author of Ben-Hur. Continued below.
When the fighting
ended, 1,300 Union troops were dead, wounded or missing or had been taken prisoner, and Early---who suffered 800 casualties---had
routed Wallace in the northernmost Confederate victory of the war. Two days later, on another brutally hot afternoon, Monday,
July 11, 1864, Early sat astride his horse outside the gates of Fort Stevens in the upper northwestern
fringe of Washington, D.C.
He was about to make one of the war’s most fateful, portentous decisions: whether or not to order his men to invade
the nation’s capitol. Early had been on the march since June 13, when Robert
E. Lee ordered him to take an entire corps of men from their Richmond-area encampment and wreak havoc on Yankee troops in
the Shenandoah Valley, then to move north and invade Maryland.
If Early found the conditions right, Lee said, he was to take the war for the first time into President Lincoln’s front
yard. Also on Lee’s agenda: forcing the Yankees to release a good number of troops from the stranglehold that Gen. U.S.
Grant had built around Richmond. Once manned by tens of thousands of experienced troops, Washington’s ring of forts and fortifications that day were in the hands of a ragtag
collection of walking wounded Union soldiers, the Veteran Reserve Corps, along with what were known as hundred days’
men---raw recruits who had joined the Union Army to serve as temporary, rear-echelon troops. It was with great shock, then,
that the city received news of the impending rebel attack. With near panic filling the streets, Union leaders scrambled to
coordinate a force of volunteers. But Early did not pull the trigger. Because his men were exhausted from the fight at Monocacy
and the ensuing march, Early paused before attacking the feebly manned Fort Stevens, giving Grant just enough time to bring
thousands of veteran troops up from Richmond. The men arrived at the eleventh hour, just as Early was contemplating whether
or not to move into Washington. No invasion was launched,
but Early did engage Union forces outside Fort Stevens. During the fighting, President Lincoln paid a visit to the fort, becoming the
only sitting president in American history to come under fire in a military engagement. Historian Marc Leepson shows that had Early arrived in Washington
one day earlier, the ensuing havoc easily could have brought about a different conclusion to the war. Leepson uses a vast
amount of primary material, including memoirs, official records, newspaper accounts, diary entries and eyewitness reports
in a reader-friendly and engaging description of the events surrounding what became known as “the Battle That Saved
Recommended Reading: Jubal
Early's Raid on Washington. Description:
"Cooling has produced what is sure to become the definitive scholarly account of the campaign. Drawing on a vast array of
sources, including seldom-used veterans' accounts, Cooling presents a comprehensive campaign study from origins to aftermath.
Not only does Cooling masterfully describe the specific movements of the opposing forces, but he also never loses sight of
the wider context in which the campaign was fought. Continued below…
In fact, Cooling's greatest contribution may be his clear demonstration that Grant was fooled by Early's
operations and took an uncommonly long time to react to a very serious threat." - American Historical Review." About the Author:
B.F. Cooling is chief historian of the Department of Energy and has won the Douglas Southall Freeman Award and the Fletcher
Pratt Award for best Civil War history book.
Freedom Rising: Washington in the Civil War. Description:
In this luminous portrait of wartime Washington, Ernest B. Furgurson–author of the widely acclaimed Chancellorsville
1863, Ashes of Glory, and Not War but Murder--brings to vivid life the personalities and events that animated the Capital
during its most tumultuous time. Continued below.
Here among the sharpsters and
prostitutes, slaves and statesmen are detective Allan Pinkerton, tracking down Southern sympathizers; poet Walt Whitman, nursing
the wounded; and accused Confederate spy Antonia Ford, romancing her captor, Union Major Joseph Willard. Here are generals
George McClellan and Ulysses S. Grant, railroad crew boss Andrew Carnegie, and architect Thomas Walter, striving to finish
the Capitol dome. And here is Abraham Lincoln, wrangling with officers, pardoning deserters, and inspiring the nation. Freedom
Rising is a gripping account of the era that transformed Washington into the world’s most influential city.
Recommended Reading:
Reveille in Washington, 1860 - 1865. Description:
Winner of the 1942 Pulitzer Prize in History, it is an authentic, scholarly description of life in Washington during the Civil War, written in a highly readable style. The "star" of the book
is, indeed, the city of Washington D.C. Many players
walk across the D.C. stage, and Leech's research paints vivid portraits not seen before about the Lincolns, Walt Whitman,
Andrew Carnegie, Winfield Scott, John Wilkes Booth, and many others. It's the "Capitol" that you have never really seen
or heard that much about. Continued below.
It's a scrappy, dusty, muddy,
unfinished city, begging for respect. Washington City, as
it was called then, was both a respite for Union soldiers, as well as the Union Army’s “prostitution headquarters.”
From the so-called 'highlife to the lowlife', the politician to the pauper, all receive their respectful, or rightful, place
in this delightful but candid prose.
Recommended Reading:
The Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864 (Military Campaigns of the Civil War)
(416 pages) (The University of North Carolina Press). Description: The 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaign is generally regarded as one of the most important
Civil War campaigns; it lasted more than four arduous months and claimed more than 25,000 casualties. The massive armies of
Generals Philip H. Sheridan and Jubal A. Early had collided and contended for immense stakes... Beyond the agricultural bounty
and the boost in morale to be gained with its numerous battles, events in the Valley would affect Abraham Lincoln's chances
for reelection in November 1864. Continued below.
The eleven
essays in this volume reexamine common assumptions about the campaign, its major figures, and its significance. Taking advantage
of the most recent scholarship and a wide range of primary sources, contributors examine strategy and tactics, the performances
of key commanders on each side, the campaign's political repercussions, and the experiences of civilians caught in the path
of the armies. The authors do not always agree with one another, but, taken together, their essays highlight important connections
between the home front and the battlefield, as well as ways in which military affairs, civilian experiences, and politics
played off one another during the campaign.
Recommended Reading: The Shenandoah
Valley Campaign of 1864 (McFarland & Company). Description: A significant part of the Civil War was fought in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, especially
in 1864. Books and articles have been written about the fighting that took place there, but they generally cover only a small
period of time and focus on a particular battle or campaign. Continued below.
This work covers the entire year
of 1864 so that readers can clearly see how one event led to another in the Shenandoah Valley and turned once-peaceful garden spots into gory battlefields. It tells
the stories of the great leaders, ordinary men, innocent civilians, and armies large and small taking part in battles at New
Market, Chambersburg, Winchester, Fisher’s Hill and Cedar Creek, but it primarily tells
the stories of the soldiers, Union and Confederate, who were willing to risk their lives
for their beliefs. The author has made extensive use of memoirs, letters and reports written by the soldiers of both sides
who fought in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864.
Sources: National Park Service; Library of Congress; Official Records of
the Union and Confederate Armies; Diary and Memoirs of Lt. Col. William Williams Stringfield; Civil War Preservation Trust;
Bernstein, Steven. The Confederacy's Last Northern Offensive: Jubal Early,
the Army of the Valley and the Raid on Washington. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2011.
ISBN 978-0-7864-5861-5; Cooling, Benjamin F. Jubal Early's Raid on Washington 1864. Baltimore, Maryland: The Nautical &
Aviation Publishing Company of America, 1989. ISBN 0-933852-86-X; Kennedy, Frances H., ed., The Civil War Battlefield Guide,
2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998, ISBN 0-395-74012-6; Leepson, Marc. Desperate Engagement: How a Little-Known Civil War
Battle Saved Washington D.C., and Changed American History. New York: Thomas Dunne Books (St. Martin's Press), 2005. ISBN
978-0-312-38223-0; Vandiver, Frank E. Jubal's Raid: General Early's Famous Attack on Washington in 1864. Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 1988. ISBN 978-0-8032-9610-7; Eicher, John H., & Eicher, David J., Civil War High Commands, Stanford
University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8047-3641-3.
Try the Search Engine for Related Studies: Battle of Fort Stevens Washington DC Civil War History, General
Early Shenandoah Valley Campaign Map and Maps, General Jubal Early’s Shenandoah Valley Campaigns, Raid and Operations
against the B&O Railroad. The Forts and Defenses of Washington during the American Civil War and the Shenandoah
Valley Operations, Photo, Photograph and Picture.