Battle of Hanover Court House: North Carolina Standard:
37th North Carolina Infantry Regiment Casualties
North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 18, 1862
(Transcriber’s note, very faded, some were
Killed, wounded and missing, Battle of Lebanon Church, May 27
Company A
Killed: J.P.
Sh – brood, John El - - - - n Wounded: George Bryant, several flesh wounds in hip, (first name illegible) Marsh,
shot through body and both hips flesh wounds, A. Gentry, face, probably mortal, Jonathan Perry, elbow, W.J. Davis, arm,
George Craven, both legs, Reuben Sexton, shoulder, missing, John Ward, heel shot off by ball, L. Cox, John Weaver,
shot in legs, missing, Lowry Miller, side, missing, H.H. He - - - trin, cheek, severe, missing, Sgt. Reuben Darby, leg,
missing Missing: H. Blevins, David Eldreath, Jacob Eldreath, Eli Calloway, J.H. Vannoy, Robert Gentry, W.A. Walker,
Robert McCormack, John A. Henderson(?), C.R. Carter, John Wyatt, William Walsh, Joshua S - - - - per, M.V. Mullins,
W. Cox, Jr., W. Cox, Sr., R.R. M. Lane, George Black, Lt. W.A. Stuart
Company B
Missing: L.H. Carlton,
C.C. Miller, S. Grier
Company C
Wounded: Frank Warsham, slightly in hip and finger, J.L. Reid, slightly
in finger, R.r. Warsham, slightly in finger Missing: Samuel L. Hucks, Thomas A. Sloan
Company F
James L. Caldwell, Daniel L. (last name illegible, starts with a ‘D’, maybe Davis?), R.M. H - - key, William
Willes(?) Wounded: Lt. George R. - - - - ath, mortally wounded, shot in the head; A.L. Bell, slightly wounded
in thumb, Thomas P - - - - - -, finger shot off, William J. Martin, breast injured, Jno Wallace in shoulder, Sgt. P.(?)
M. Sales, arm, L. Bu - - - in arm, A.S. Hannah in thigh, one name totally illegible Missing: A. Anderson,
W. Anderson, J.B. Barlow, J.A. Botnigarm(?), L. Dala(?) or Dale(?), J.C. Howell, B.H. Kelley, Moses Treadway
Killed: Jas. Robinette, W.P. Robinette, J.B. Robinette, Anderson Reid, John N. Austin Wounded:
H.P.(or F.?) Echart(?), shot through jaw and half of tongue cut off; Lawson Crench(?), slightly in jaw, A. Brown, severely,
V.S Teague, flesh wound left arm, Sgt. T.H. Chapman, shot through jaw passing out through the mouth, Corp. W.C. Walker,
hip severe, H.C. Puishel(?) hand, A.E. Robinette Missing: Corp. William D. McCracken, John Hennington, N.G. Fox,
William Fox, G.w. Barnes, Lt. R.L. Steele, David Austin, Hiram Kirby, John C. Robinette, Thomas Winkler, Noah De –
ler(?) A.A. Gryder, W.W. Gryder, George Barnes, wounded and missing
Company H
Killed: Andrew Summey, Robert Turner, H.A. Wright, George F. McGinnis Wounded:
Capt. William G. Morris, slightly in neck, Lt. H.C. Fite in arm, H.M. Rhine in arm badly, John W. Weathers shoulder, Jas.
A. Cannon arm, Robert F. Ragan face, ------- Ford, face, W.G. Ford shoulder, Jas. P. Briomer(?) side, John Thomason
slightly in arm, George W. McKee head, Jas. Fite, hand, Emmanuel Clortiger hand, W.R.D. Abernathy, arm, missing, George
Ball shoulder, missing, Oliver Brown in body badly, missing, John Jenkins, in body badly, J.H. Pas - - - in arm badly,
Robertus Rutledge badly in leg, P.S. Rhyne, missing, Jas. A. Stowe, in body, missing, P.W. Watson, missing Missing:
Rufus Armstrong, L.J. Clemmer, L. Canedy, Jessie Elmore, Robert Ferguson, T.A. Wilson, L.W. Lyriah, G.N. Ferguson, James
Neal, David Morrison
Company I
Killed: Sgt. E.B. Wolf, Abram Clouts, J.J. Spears, David Stinson Wounded: Joseph Black,
supposed killed and left, Jas. Montgomery, supposed killed and left, A.P. Young, supposed killed and left, Jacob Shor
(Shar?) badly wounded and left, Stirling Russell, supposed killed, Robert Walker, supposed killed, Corp. Wilson, flesh
wound in arm, J.P. Gordon, slight in hip, G.W. Williamson, arm and shoulder, Lowry Adams in foot, William Kisiah,
in foot, J.S. Tagert in thigh, W.D. Conlay in leg, Thomas A. Sharp in hand, Eli Patterson in hand slightly, B.G. Henry
in hand. Missing: L.A. Barnes, John Higginson, James Phillips
Company K
Killed: William R.
Muller, G. Douglas, W.D. Jones Wounded: Capt. J.B. Johnson slight in foot, John Price, right forefinger shot
off, J. M. Halsay, right forefinger shot off, D.K. Evans, severe in shoulder Missing: J.K. Bingham, mortally wounded,
Corp. F. Lory, mortal in side, M.D. L. Parsons, flesh wound in thigh, Abram Evans, Corp. W.R. Jones, John Gurbb(?),
James Richardson, and Isham Jones
Company D and E were on picket duty and surrounded by the enemy, but Company
D escaped with 50 men and 15 of Company E.
The 37th Regiment was during the engagement proper under the direction of
Lt. Col. Barber as I had charge of a larger force. The North Carolinians will have cause to remember the Battle
of Lebanon Church as the bloodiest battle they were ever in.
C.C. Lee Colonel, 37th Regiment
Recommended Reading: Battle of Hanover
Court House: Turning Point of the Peninsula Campaign, May 27, 1862 (Hardcover).
Product Description: Researched from official reports as well as contemporary accounts,
this is the first detailed look at the battle most widely known as Hanover Court House
and Slash Church. The opening chapters
set the stage for this crucial battle and outline the events that led up to May 27, 1862, and the high tide of the Peninsula
Campaign. Continued below...
The book’s main focus is the series of battles that took place between the forces of Union V Corps
commander Fitz John Porter and Confederate general Lawrence O’Bryan Branch. Photographs of the battle's central participants
are included, along with appendices featuring the official reports of commanders and lists of casualties from both sides.