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Battle of Mine Run, Virginia
NOV. 26TH - DEC. 2ND, 1863
Battle of Mine Run
NOV. 26TH - DEC. 2ND, 1863
Mine Run, Va, Nov. 26-Dec. 2, 1863. Army of the Potomac.
At the time of this campaign the army of the Potomac was
commanded by Maj.-Gen. G. Meade and consisted of the 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 5th and 6th army corps, respectively under
Maj.-Gens. John Newton, Gouverneur K. Warren, William H.
French, George Sykes and John Sedgwick. The divisions of
Newton's corps were commanded by Brig.-Gens. Solomon Meredith,
John C. Robinson and John R. Kenly; those of Warren's corps
were under Brig.-Gens. John C. Caldwell, Alexander S. Webb and
Alexander Hays; of French's, Maj.Gen. David B. Birney, and
Brig.-Gens. Henry Prince and Joseph B. Carr; of Sykes', Brig.-
Gens. Joseph J. Bartlett, Romeyn B. Ayres and Samuel W.
Crawford; and of Sedgwick's, Brig.-Gens. Horatio G. Wright
Albion P. Howe and Henry D. Terry. Kenly's division of
Newton's corps did not accompany the expedition, being left to
guard the railroad near Brandy Station. The cavalry corps was
under Maj.-Gen. Alfred Pleasonton, whose division commanders
were Brig. Gens. John Buford, David McM. Gregg and George A.
Custer, and the artillery was under Brig.-Gen. Henry J. Hunt.
While Custer's division of cavalry was attracting the
attention of the enemy in front of his position at Raccoon and
Morton's fords the rest of the army was to proceed to the
lower fords of the Rapidan river, Jacobs', Germanna and
Culpeper Mine, and cross simultaneously. French, with his
corps, was to proceed to Jacob's ford and his line of march
being closest to the then known position of the Confederates,
was to be followed by Sedgwick as a support. Warren was to
cross at Germanna ford and Sykes, supported by the two
divisions of the 1st corps, was to proceed by way of Culpeper
Mine ford. Pursuant to the above plan the army was put in
motion at 6 a.m. of the 26th, the heads of the 2nd and 5th
corps reaching their crossing places between 9 and 10 a.m.
For some unknown reason the 3rd corps did not reach Jacob's
ford until noon. The crossing was then made at all three
fords, but the delay of French had so retarded the movement of
the whole army that it was nightfall before it was all on the
south side of the stream, and it was impossible for Meade to
reach Robertson's tavern that day as he had planned. French's
artillery could not be crossed at Jacob's ford because of the
steep banks on the south side and it was necessary to wait
while it was sent around by way of Germanna ford 2 miles
below. Meantime Custer's division of cavalry proceeded from
Stevensburg, took position at Raccoon and Morton's fords and
made a demonstration as if to cross. This movement caused the
enemy to move a heavy force of infantry into the intrenchments
and to open an artillery fire of 30 pieces on Custer, who
replied with his pieces and until dark the fight was kept up.
The army bivouacked a few miles south of the Rapidan and moved
at daylight for Locust Grove or Robertson's tavern the 2nd
corps arriving about 10 a.m. Warren's advance had quite a
skirmish with the enemy, whose pickets were driven in and a
number of prisoners from Ewell's corps were captured. Meade
ordered Warren to hold his position until the arrival of
French's corps, which was momentarily expected. About 11 a.m.
Meade received a despatch from French stating that his column
was on the plank road awaiting Warren's and a courier was
immediately returned to inform him that Warren was at
Robertson's tavern awaiting his arrival. At 1 p.m. another
message was received from French to the effect that the
Confederates were throwing out a force on the right flank of
his column on the Raccoon Ford road. Warren again ordered him
to hurry forward. Prince's division on advancing came to a
fork in the road and not knowing which to take, waited for 2
hours for an order from French. When it came it was for the
division to take the right hand road and after a time another
order was given for it to return and take the other fork. As
a consequence the enemy attacked again near Payne's farm, and
a severe fight ensued. Prince's line fell back and Carr, on
the left of Prince, had one of his brigades driven back some
distance, when the enemy was checked by a reinforcement from
Birney's division. These operations kept Sedgwick from
joining Warren, who was therefore on the defensive all day.
Gregg's cavalry division moving past the 5th corps advanced as
far as New Hope Church where it was briskly engaged for a
time, but succeeded in driving the Confederate cavalry until
it was reinforced by infantry. when Gregg in turn was
compelled to retire until relieved by Sykes' division, which
repulsed the enemy. Sykes had been informed of French's
failure to reach Robertson's tavern and had been ordered not
to advance beyond the church, so did not follow up his
success. Newton late in the afternoon was moved from the
plank road to Robertson's tavern to support Warren and during
the night the 5th and 6th corps also arrived there. Next
morning Meade made his dispositions to attack, but on driving
in the Confederate pickets it was found that the enemy had
abandoned his position. Pursuit was immediately ordered and
the enemy was discovered in a strongly intrenched position on
the west bank of Mine run. Convinced that there was little
possibility of success no attempt was made to assault, but
Warren's corps and one division of the 6th was sent to
demonstrate on the Confederate right. It took some time to
prepare for the movement so that the start was not made until
the next morning at daylight. Arriving at the position
desired the force was deployed and Gregg and Warren together
reconnoitered the Confederate position. About 1 p.m. an
advance was ordered and the enemy was driven 3 miles to his
intrenchments at the head of Mine run. It was dark before the
Federals were ready to assault, so the movement was postponed
until next morning, the 30th. During the day of the 29th
Gregg's cavalry had a rather heavy fight at Parker's store in
repulsing a force of Confederates attempting to get at a wagon
train in Gregg's rear. On the night of the 29th it was agreed
at a conference of the corps commanders that a simultaneous
assault should be made along the whole Confederate line next
morning. All the preparations were made, the Union
skirmishers having even advanced across Mine run and driven in
those of the enemy, when word was received from Warren that
after reconnoitering the enemy's position in daylight he had
concluded that it would be folly to attack. Meade hastened to
confer with him, but Warren's idea of the matter was unchanged
even after he and the commanding general had gone over the
situation together.
Admitting the failure of the expedition Meade determined
to withdraw and the army started on its return on Dec. 1, and
the next day reached the points from which it had started a
week before. The casualties in the Army of the Potomac for
the whole campaign were 173 killed, 1,O99 wounded and 381
captured or missing. The Confederate losses were not reported
for the campaign as a whole, but Ewell's corps (the 2nd) in
the Payne's farm and Mine run affairs on the 27th and 28th
suffered to the extent of 83 killed and 518 wounded.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 6
Tags: Battle of Mine Run
Virginia Campaign Civil War Mine Run Map Battle of Mine Run Campaign Battlefield Map History Confederate Union Army Northern
Virginia Army Potomac Killed General Lee George Meade.