Loss in Union Officers--List of Generals Killed--Surgeons
and Chaplains Killed
Highest ranking general killed in battle |

The highest ranking Union general killed in the Civil War |
General John Sedgwick was the highest ranking Union general killed during the Civil War. While astride his horse and chiding
his men for flinching at the sounds of Confederate sharpshooters who were some 1,000 yards distance, Sedgwick said that "they
couldn't hit an elephant at this distance," only to be struck instantaneously under his left eye causing the commander
to fall lifeless to the earth. The kill shot was made by a Confederate using the Whitworth rifle at a debatable
distance of 700 yards.
While many histories include
the heroic Union generals of the Civil War, this list includes the generals as well as the chaplains and surgeons who
served the Union faithfully and as a result died in battle. It does, however, include
the names of the elite colonels who had commanded a brigade at the time of their death, which was a command usually
assigned to a brigadier general. It states their respective last battle, and the total casualties for each of the
general ranks. In this tabulation, total casualties refer to battle deaths only, i.e. those who died and were mortally
wounded. Included are the percentages in killed for each of the general grades, and
the percentages, the total losses in killed and mortally wounded for military chaplains and surgeons, including
some lesser known details of their respective deaths. Casualty totals for some of the Union's 300 fighting units are
also examined in correlation to the casualty totals for each classification of officers, meaning chaplain, surgeon, and
general. The classification which included killed was generally reserved for battle deaths only, while died was used
on a broad scale, from died of disease to accidents. While casualty doesn't necessarily equate to killed or fatality, it
does refer to wounded, and depending on the statistician, such as Fox and Dyer, casualty, not killed, was also a term
that applied to soldiers who died while prisoner-of-war. So it is important to understand the terms used while referring to
casualty and fatality. See also Total Civil War killed and
dead by category for each Union and Confederate state,
The loss in officers killed or wounded, in proportion to their number, was in excess of that of their men. Of the total
number killed and wounded during the war, there were 6,365 officers, and 103,705 enlisted men; or, one officer to 16 men.
In the common regimental organization there was one officer to 28 men; and this proportion would have consequently required
only one officer to 28 men among the killed. The loss of officers, however, was not so excessive as the difference in these
ratios would indicate; for, as the ranks became depleted the latter proportion was not maintained. In the Army of the Potomac, just before starting on the Wilderness campaign, the morning reports showed
one officer to every 21 men "present for duty, equipped." As this latter proportion was a frequent one, it may be assumed
that the difference between it and the actual ratio in the killed indicates fairly the excess of the loss in officers.
At Gettysburg, the officers lost 27 per cent. in killed and wounded, while the enlisted men lost 21 per cent.,-- as based
on the number engaged. At Shiloh, the loss in officers killed and wounded was 21.3 per cent., and in men 17.9
per cent.,-- as based on the morning reports of Grant's six divisions. This
greater loss among the officers did not occur because they were so much braver than the men in the ranks, but because the
duties of their position while under fire involved a greater personal exposure. Sharpshooters were always on the alert to
pick them off; and, even in the confusion of a hot musketry fire, any soldier, no matter how poor a marksman, would turn his
rifle on any conspicuous man in the opposing ranks whose appearance indicated that he might be an officer. In close quarters,
guns were not apt to be aimed at privates if a Lieutenant was in sight near by. There was just as good stuff in the ranks
as in the line; in fact, the line officers were recruited almost entirely from the ranks; but when the gallant private donned
an officer's uniform, he found his chances not at all improved, to say the least.
This additional exposure is well illustrated by a comparison of the casualties at Gettysburg with those of the Wilderness.
In the first named battle the percentage of loss among the officers was one-half greater than in the latter. At Gettysburg,
the fighting was done in open fields, where the officers were in full view; at the Wilderness, the fighting was done in dense
thickets which concealed the opposing armies. In the latter, both officers and men were hidden by the leafy screens, and hence
their casualty lists show a like percentage of loss. In the Franco-Prussian
war there was a remarkable excess of loss among the German officers. The percentages of killed and mortally wounded in the
entire German army were: Enlisted men, 3.1; Line officers, 8.0; Staff officers, 9.6.
The largest number of officers killed in any infantry regiment in the Union Armies is found in the Sixty-first Pennsylvania,
of the Sixth Corps, in which 19 officers were killed or mortally wounded during the war. Among the number were three colonels:
Col. Rippey was killed at Fair Oaks; Col. Spear fell while leading a successful assault on Marye's Heights; and Col. Crosby,
who had lost an arm at Fort Stevens, was killed in the final and victorious assault on Petersburg. The total loss of the Sixty-first
in killed and died of wounds, was 19 officers and 218 enlisted men; total, 237. It was a gallant regiment and was bravely
led, as its loss in officers clearly shows. The following list embraces every
regiment which lost 16 or more officers killed during the war:
Regiment |
Division |
Corps |
Killed |
61st Pennsylvania |
Getty's |
Sixth |
19 |
5th New Hampshire |
Barlow's |
Second |
18 |
12th Massachusetts |
Robinson's |
First |
18 |
48th New York |
Terry's |
Tenth |
18 |
73d New York |
Hooker's |
Third |
18 |
81st Pennsylvania |
Barlow's |
Second |
18 |
145th Pennsylvania |
Barlow's |
Second |
18 |
31st Maine |
Potter's |
Ninth |
18 |
20th Massachusetts |
Gibbon's |
Second |
17 |
14th Connecticut |
Gibbon's |
Second |
17 |
62d Pennsylvania |
Griffin's |
Fifth |
17 |
63d Pennsylvania |
Birney's |
Third |
17 |
5th Michigan |
Birney's |
Third |
16 |
16th Massachusetts |
Humphreys's |
Third |
16 |
61st New York |
Barlow's |
Second |
16 |
l26th New York |
Barlow's |
Second |
16 |
82d Ohio |
Schurz's |
Eleventh |
16 |
100th Pennsylvania |
Stevenson's |
Ninth |
16 |
6th Wisconsin |
Wadsworth's |
First |
16 |
Heavy Artillery
1st Maine |
Birney's |
Second |
23 |
8th New York |
Gibbon's |
Second |
19 |
A heavy artillery regiment had just twice as many line officers as an infantry
regiment. The largest regimental loss of officers killed in any one battle, occurred in the Seventh New Hampshire at the assault
on Fort Wagner, the regiment losing 11 officers killed or mortally wounded in that bloody affair. Among the killed was Col.
Putnam, who fell after he had gained an entrance within the outer works of the fort. He was a graduate of West Point and an
officer of the Regular Army; like many other Regular officers he had received permission to accept the command of a volunteer
regiment. The Twenty-second New York Infantry lost at Manassas 19 officers killed
and wounded out of 24 present in action; 9 of them were killed, among whom was the Lieutenant-Colonel, Gorton T. Thomas.
The following list includes every infantry regiment in the service which lost 8 or more officers killed in any one engagement:
Regiment |
Battle |
Division |
Corps |
Killed |
7th New Hampshire |
Fort Wagner |
Seymour's |
Tenth |
11 |
7th New York |
Fredericksburg |
Hancock's |
Second |
9 |
22d New York |
Manassas |
Hatch's |
First |
9 |
59th New York |
Antietam |
Sedgwick's |
Second |
9 |
145th Pennsylvania |
Fredericksburg |
Hancock's |
Second |
9 |
43d Illinois |
Shiloh |
McClernand's |
---------- |
8 |
87th Indiana |
Chickamauga |
Braiman's |
Fourteenth |
8 |
1st Michigan |
Manassas |
Morell's |
Fifth |
8 |
14th New Hampshire |
Opequon |
Grover's |
Nineteenth |
8 |
24th Michigan |
Gettysburg |
Wadsworth's |
First |
8 |
120th New York |
Gettysburg |
Humphreys's |
Third |
8 |
In addition, mention should be
made of the loss of officers in the heavy artillery at certain battles. The First Maine H. A. lost 12 officers, killed or
wounded, at Spotsylvania, May 19th, of whom 6 were killed or mortally wounded; and at Petersburg, June 18th, the same regiment
lost 32 officers, killed or wounded, of whom 10 lost their lives. In the Eighth New York Heavy Artillery, 9 officers were
killed at Cold Harbor. But the large number of extra officers allowed these regiments will not admit of their classification
with the infantry regiments just mentioned. There is a remarkable difference
between the loss of officers in battle and by disease, as compared with that of the enlisted men. In battle, one officer was
killed for every 16 enlisted men; but, among the deaths from disease, one officer died to every 72 men, and in the colored
regiments, one officer to every 215 men. The officers had better facilities for purchasing food, and were furnished with better
quarters while in camp; but in an active campaign, in bivouac or on the march, they encountered substantially the same exposure
and privation; they were exposed to the same storms and their food was equally scanty. There was not enough of difference
in the fare to account for this remarkable difference in the death-rate. It might account for some of it, but for the greater
part the reason must be looked for elsewhere. The general officers never hesitated
in time of battle to share the danger with the men whenever it became necessary. The gallantry with which they were wont to
expose themselves is fully evidenced by the long list of those who were killed.
General Officers Killed in Action
Army Commanders.
Major-General James B McPherson |
Army of Tennessee |
Killed at Atlanta |
Corps Commanders
Major-General Joseph K Mansfield |
12th A C |
Killed at Antietam |
Major-General John F Reynolds |
1st A C |
Killed at Gettysburg |
Major-General John Sedgwick |
6th A C |
Killed at Spotsylvania |
Division Commanders
Major-General Isaac I Stevens |
Killed at Chantilly |
Major-General Philip Kearny |
Killed at Chantilly |
Major-General Jesse L Reno |
Killed at South Mountain |
Major-General Israel B Richardson |
Killed at Antietam |
Major-General Amiel W Whipple |
Killed at Chancellorsville |
Major-General Hiram G Berry |
Killed at Chancellorsville |
Brevet Major-General James S Wadsworth |
Killed at Wilderness |
Brevet Major-General David A Russell |
Killed at Opequon |
Brigadier-General William H Wallace |
Killed at Shiloh |
Brigadier-General Thomas Williams |
Killed at Baton Rouge |
Brigadier-General James S Jackson |
Killed at Chaplin Hills |
Brigadier-General Isaac P Rodman |
Killed at Antietam |
Brigadier-General Thomas G Stevenson |
Killed at Spotsylvania |
Brevet Brigadier-General James A Mulligan |
Killed at Winchester (1863) |
Brigade Commanders
Major-General George C Strong |
Killed at Fort Wagner |
Brevet Major-General Alexander Hays |
Killed at Wilderness |
Brevet Major-General S K Zook |
Killed at Gettysburg |
Brevet Major-General Frederick Winthrop |
Killed at Five Forks |
Brevet Major-General Thomas A Smyth |
Killed at Farmville |
Brigadier-General Nathaniel Lyon |
Killed at Wilson's Creek |
Brigadier-General Robert L McCook |
Killed at Decherd, Tenn |
Brigadier-General Henry Bohlen |
Killed at Freeman's Ford |
Brigadier-General George W Taylor |
Killed at Manassas |
Brigadier-General William R Terrill |
Killed at Chaplin Hills |
Brigadier-General Pleasant A Hacklemall |
Killed at Corinth |
Brigadier-General George D Bayard |
Killed at Fredericksburg |
Brigadier-General Conrad F Jackson |
Killed at Fredericksburg |
Brigadier-General Joshua W Sill |
Killed at Stones River |
Brigadier-General Edward P Chapin |
Killed at Port Hudson |
Brigadier-General Stephen W Weed |
Killed at Gettysburg |
Brigadier-General Elon J. Farnsworth |
Killed at Gettysburg |
Brigadier-General Strong Vincent |
Killed at Gettysburg |
Brigadier-General William H Lytle |
Killed at Chickamauga |
Brigadier-General William P Sanders |
Killed at Knoxville |
Brigadier-General Samuel A Rice |
Killed at Jenkins' Ferry |
Brigadier-General James C Rice |
Killed at Spotsylvania |
Brigadier-General Charles G Harker |
Killed at Kenesaw Mountain |
Brigadier-General Daniel McCook |
Killed at Kenesaw Mountain |
Brigadier-General Hiram Burnham |
Killed at Fort Harrison |
Brigadier-General Daniel D Bidwell |
Killed at Cedar Creek |
Brigadier-General Charles R Lowell |
Killed at Cedar Creek |
Brevet Brigadier-General Arthur H Dutton |
Killed at Bermuda Hundred |
Brevet Brigadier-General Griffin A Stedman |
Killed at Petersburg |
Brevet Brigadier-General George D Wells |
Killed at Cedar Creek |
Brevet Brigadier-General J H Kitching |
Killed at Cedar Creek |
Brevet Brigadier-General Sylvester G Hill |
Killed at Nashville |
There were also 23 Brevet Brigadier-Generals
who were killed in action, but who were without brigade commands. They were regimental or staff officers whose brevets, in
most instances, dated from the day they were killed. There were 35 general officers who died of disease during the war. Among
them were several prominent and able officers-- Generals Sumner, C. F. Smith, Birney, Mitchel, Welsh, Buford, Corcoran, Ransom,
Crocker, and other noted generals. A large number of brigades were commanded
by Colonels, some of whom held a brigade command for a long time, during which they displayed marked ability, but without
any recognition of their services on the part of the Government. The list of Brigadiers killed in action would convey an erroneous
impression as to the losses in that grade,, unless accompanied by a supplementary list of the other brigade commanders who
also lost their lives in battle. The following list is composed of Colonels
who had been entrusted with brigades, and were exercising such commands at the time of their death. They were men of noble
spirits, intrepid soldiers, whose gallantry and ability had won the admiration and respect of all.
Killed in Action
Brigade Commanders, With Rank of Colonel
Colonel Edward D Baker |
71st Pennsylvania |
Ball's Bluff |
Colonel Julius Raith |
43d Illinois |
Shiloh |
Colonel Everett Peabody |
25th Missouri |
Shiloh |
Colonel George Webster |
98th Ohio |
Chaplin Hills |
Colonel John A Koltes |
73d Pennsylvania |
Manassas |
Colonel William B Goodrich |
60th New York |
Antietam |
Colonel George W Roberts |
42d Illinois |
Stones River |
Colonel Frederick Schaefer |
2d Missouri |
Stones River |
Colonel George C Spear |
61st Pennsylvania |
Marye's Heights |
Colonel David S Cowles |
128th New York |
Port Hudson |
Colonel George B Boomer |
26th Missouri |
Vicksburg |
Colonel Edward E Cross |
5th New Hampshire |
Gettysburg |
Colonel George L Willard |
125th New York |
Gettysburg |
Colonel Eliakim Sherrill |
126th New York |
Gettysburg |
Colonel Haldinand S Putnam |
7th New Hampshire |
Fort Wagner |
Colonel James E Mallon |
42d New York |
Bristoe Station |
Colonel Edward A King |
68th Indiana |
Chickamauga |
Colonel Hans C Heg |
15th Wisconsin |
Chickamauga |
Colonel Philemon P Baldwin |
6th Indiana |
Chickamauga |
Colonel William R Creighton |
7th Ohio |
Ringgold |
Colonel Patrick E Burke |
66th Illinois |
Rome Cross Roads |
Colonel Orlando H Morris |
66th New York |
Cold Harbor |
Colonel Lewis O Morris |
7th New York (H A) |
Cold Harbor |
Colonel Henry Boyd McKeen |
81st Pennsylvania |
Cold Harbor |
Colonel Frank A Haskell |
36th Wisconsin |
Cold Harbor |
Colonel Jeremiah C Drake |
112th New York |
Cold Harbor |
Colonel Richard Byrnes |
28th Massachusetts |
Cold Harbor |
Colonel Patrick Kelly |
88th New York |
Petersburg |
Colonel William Blaisdell |
11th Massachusetts |
Petersburg |
Colonel Simon Mix |
3d New York Cavalry |
Petersburg |
Colonel Calvin A Craig |
105th Pennsylvania |
Deep Bottom |
Colonel Nathan T Dushane |
1st Maryland |
Weldon Railroad |
Colonel Joseph Theburn |
1st West Virginia |
Cedar Creek |
Colonel Louis Bell |
4th New Hampshire |
Fort Fisher |
In each regiment
there were officers whose duties did not require that they should go into action-- the Chaplain, the Quartermaster, and the
Surgeons. Although they had no tactical position in the line of battle, there was a loss of life among their number which
entitles them to some other place in the records of the war than that of mere non-combatants. Many of them waived their exemption
from danger, and gallantly volunteered for service in the field; while others-- the surgeons, for instance-- attended calmly
to the performance of their duties amid perils which would test the stoutest heart.
Though the surgeons seldom took an active part in a battle, they were required to be near, and much of the time were under
fire. Some of them went on the field with their regiments in order to render timely aid; others were stationed near by at
some field hospital, where they often found themselves exposed to serious danger. During the war, 40 Surgeons were killed
and 73 wounded while bravely attending to their duties on the battle field. They had not the excitement of the fight to dull
their sense of danger; they had not the incentive of promotion; they were not spurred by ambitious hopes; victory might bring
laurels to others, but not to them; they met their fate, actuated and sustained by no other impulse than the sense of duty.
Many Surgeons died from disease while in the service, and their names also lengthen the Roll of Honor. A record of these patriots,--
their names and regiments, and the battles in which they lost their lives,-- appears in the Medical and Surgical History of
the war. Several lives were also lost among the Quartermasters, some of them
having been killed while serving as volunteer aids, while others fell while attending to the duties of their position when
under fire. Among the first to scale the heights of Missionary Ridge was a Quartermaster-Sergeant of a Michigan regiment,
who had borrowed a gun and volunteered for the fight. It will, doubtless, be
a surprise to many to note the number of Chaplains killed in battle. These gallant members of the Church Militant were wont
to take a more active part in the fighting than has been generally credited to them. They were frequently seen in the thickest
of the fight, some of them handling a rifle with the skill of a marksman, while others, unarmed, would move about among their
men encouraging them to do their best. Among the Chaplains killed in action,
there were:
Name |
Regiment |
Battle |
Rev Arthur B Fuller |
16th Massachusetts |
Fredericksburg |
Rev Orlando N Benton |
51st New York |
New Berne |
Rev John M Springer |
3d Wisconsin |
Resaca |
Rev Francis E Butler |
25th New Jersey |
Siege of Suffolk |
Rev John L Walther |
43d Illinois |
Shiloh |
Rev Levi W Sanders |
125th Illinois |
Caldwell's Ferry |
Rev John W Eddy |
72d Indiana |
Hoover's Gap |
Rev Horatio S Howell |
90th Pennsylvania |
Gettysburg |
Rev Thomas L Ambrose |
12th New Hampshire |
Petersburg |
Rev George W Bartlett |
1st Maine Cavalry |
Cold Harbor |
Rev George W Densmore |
1st Wisconsin Cavalry |
L'Anguille Ferry |
In addition, there
were several who lost their lives by the diseases incident to the hardship and exposure of a soldier's life.
Chaplain Fuller, of the Sixteenth Massachusetts, had resigned from the service and had just received his discharge, when he
learned that his regiment was about to go into action, at Fredericksburg. Crossing the river in the boats with the forlorn
hope, he joined the skirmishers of the Nineteenth Massachusetts, who were then fighting their way through the streets. He
fell dead, rifle in hand, in front of a grocery store on Caroline Street. Springer,
of the Third Wisconsin, fell mortally wounded at Resaca, after having "seized a musket" and fought for four hours in the "hottest
of the fight." Howell, of the Ninetieth Pennsylvania, was shot at Gettysburg
during the retreat through the town, and died on the steps of a church. Butler
was killed at the Siege of Suffolk, while carrying water to some wounded men.
Bartlett, of the First Maine Cavalry, was killed at Cold Harbor. He was struck in the breast by a shell and "literally blown
to pieces." Benton fell at New Berne, and General Reno states in his official
report that he "was killed while nobly encouraging the men to do their duty."
Eddy, of the Seventy-second Indiana, fell at Hoover's Gap, Tenn., struck by a cannon ball. Of Chaplain Ambrose, who was killed
in the trenches at Petersburg, the regimental historian says that "a braver man never lived; a truer man never wore the garb
of Christianity." At Resaca, among the Confederate dead which lay so thickly
in front of the Twenty-seventh Indiana, was a family group: a gray-haired Chaplain and his two sons.
The official reports make frequent mention of Chaplains whose gallantry and zeal had attracted the notice of their general.
In the Chancellorsville reports, General Berdan, commander of the famous Sharpshooters, states that "Chaplain Barber, of the
Second Regiment, took a rifle and went in with the skirmishers, with his usual bravery."
At Antietam, Gen. J. R. Brooke mentions in his report "the brave Chaplain of the Sixty -sixth New York, Rev. Mr. Dwight, who
was constantly in the field, in the thickest of the fight." Gen. Giles A. Smith,
in his report of the battle of Atlanta (July 22d), states that Chaplain Bennett, of the Thirty-second Ohio, "carried his musket
and fought all day in the ranks, which I learn is his custom on all such occasions."
The officers of a brigade petitioned that Chaplain H. C. Trumbull, of the Tenth Connecticut, be brevetted a Major; stating
that, "always at his post in time of danger, he has, on two occasions at least, displayed marked and conspicuous gallantry;
dashing into the thickest of the fight to rally and encourage the wavering line." Gen. Terry forwarded the paper with the
endorsement: "No officer of his regiment has displayed more gallantry in action, or done more to animate the men to do their
duty." Aside from such notices, these men have not received the recognition
due their services, but lack of space forbids further mention here. Many of
the Chaplains had served in the ranks as enlisted men prior to their appointment. They were regularly ordained clergymen,
whose patriotic zeal had impelled them to exchange their pulpits for the camp; so, when a vacancy occurred in the chaplaincy
of a regiment to which any such belonged, the Colonel was very apt to recommend the clerical musket-bearer, whose gallantry
perhaps had already attracted his attention. In this connection, mention should
also be made of the many clergymen who left their pastoral duties to accept commissions in the army, some of whom held regimental
or brigade commands. Among the brigade commanders killed at Cold Harbor was the Rev. Jeremiah C. Drake, Colonel of the One
Hundred and Twelfth New York, an officer conspicuous for gallant and meritorious service on many occasions. A similar instance
is found in the Confederate Army in the case of Bishop Polk, a corps-general, who fell while on the Atlanta campaign.
The musicians formed a numerous class among the non combatants. Although their legitimate duty in time of battle was confined
to that of stretcher-bearers, they often participated in the fighting. At Shiloh, the band of the Forty-eighth Ohio laid aside
their instruments, procured rifles, and went into the fight, where two of their number were killed. Still, it must be confessed
that the dead drummer-boy was not so common a feature on the field as might be inferred from the work of battle-field artists.
The frequent loss of life among the stretcher-bearers attests the faithful work of the men employed in that duty, most of
whom were musicians. At the battle of the Weldon Railroad, the ambulance train of the Fifth Corps lost 2 sergeants killed
and 6 stretcher-men wounded: 8 horses were killed, and shells passed through two of the ambulances. This was not an uncommon
Recommended Reading: The Gallant Dead: Union
and Confederate Generals Killed in the Civil War (Hardcover). Description: More than 400 Confederate
and 580 Union soldiers advanced to the rank of general during the course of the Civil War. (More than 1 in 10 would die.) A total of 124 generals died--78 for the South and 46 for the North.
Continued below...
Weaving their
stories into a seamless narrative of the entire conflict, Derek Smith paints a fascinating and often moving portrait of the
final moments of some of the finest American warriors in history, including Stonewall Jackson, Albert Sidney Johnston, Jeb
Stuart, James B. McPherson, John Reynolds, and numerous others.
Advance to:
Recommended Reading: Generals in
Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders (Hardcover). Description: More than forty years after its original publication, Ezra J. Warner’s Generals in Blue is now
available in paperback for the first time. Warner’s classic reference work includes
intriguing biographical sketches and a rare collection of photos of all 583 men who attained
the rank of general in the Union Army. Here are
the West Point graduates and the political appointees; the gifted, the mediocre, and the inexcusably bad; those of impeccable
virtue and those who abused their position; the northern-born, the foreign-born, and the southerners who remained loyal to
the Union. Continued
valuable introduction discusses the criteria for appointment and compares the civilian careers of both Union and Confederate generals,
revealing striking differences in the two groups. Generals in Blue is that rare book—an essential volume for scholars,
a prized item for buffs, and a biographical dictionary that the casual reader will find absorbing.
Civil War High Commands (1040
pages) (Hardcover). Description: Based on nearly five decades of research, this magisterial work is a biographical register and analysis of the people
who most directly influenced the course of the Civil War, its high commanders. Numbering 3,396, they include the presidents
and their cabinet members, state governors, general officers of the Union and Confederate
armies (regular, provisional, volunteers, and militia), and admirals and commodores of the two navies. Civil War
High Commands will become a cornerstone reference work on these personalities and the meaning of their commands, and on the
Civil War itself. Continued below...
Errors of fact and interpretation concerning the high commanders are
legion in the Civil War literature, in reference works as well as in narrative accounts. The present work brings together
for the first time in one volume the most reliable facts available, drawn from more than 1,000 sources and including the most
recent research. The biographical entries include complete names, birthplaces, important relatives, education, vocations,
publications, military grades, wartime assignments, wounds, captures, exchanges, paroles, honors, and place of death and interment.
In addition to its main component, the biographies, the volume
also includes a number of essays, tables, and synopses designed to clarify previously obscure matters such as the definition
of grades and ranks; the difference between commissions in regular, provisional, volunteer, and militia services; the chronology
of military laws and executive decisions before, during, and after the war; and the geographical breakdown of command structures.
The book is illustrated with 84 new diagrams of all the insignias used throughout the war and with 129 portraits of the most
important high commanders. It is the most comprehensive volume to date...name any Union or Confederate general--and it can be
found in here. [T]he photos alone are worth the purchase. RATED FIVE STARS by americancivilwarhistory.org
Recommended Reading: The Civil
War Battlefield Guide: The Definitive Guide, Completely Revised, with New Maps and More Than 300 Additional Battles
(Second Edition) (Hardcover). Description: This new
edition of the definitive guide to Civil War battlefields is really a completely new book. While the first edition covered
60 major battlefields, from Fort Sumter to Appomattox, the second covers all of the 384
designated as the "principal battlefields" in the American Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report. Continued
As in the first edition, the essays are authoritative and concise, written by such leading Civil War
historians as James M. McPherson, Stephen W. Sears, Edwin C. Bearss, James I. Robinson, Jr., and Gary W. Gallager. The second
edition also features 83 new four-color maps covering the most important battles. The Civil War Battlefield Guide is
an essential reference for anyone interested in the Civil War.
Recommended Reading:
Generals in Bronze: Interviewing the Commanders of the Civil War (Hardcover).
Description: Generals in Bronze: Revealing interviews with the commanders of the Civil War. In the decades that followed the
American Civil War, Artist James E. Kelly (1855-1933) conducted in-depth interviews with over forty Union Generals in an effort
to accurately portray them in their greatest moment of glory. Kelly explained: "I had always felt a great lack of certain
personal details. I made up my mind to ask from living officers every question I would have asked Washington or his generals
had they posed for me, such as: What they considered the principal incidents in their career and particulars about costumes
and surroundings." Continued below…
During one interview session with
Gen. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Kelly asked about the charge at Fort Damnation.
Gen. Chamberlain acquiesced, but then added, "I don't see how you can show this in a picture." "Just tell me the facts," Kelly
responded, "and I'll attend to the picture." And by recording those stirring facts, Kelly left us not only his wonderful art,
but a truly unique picture of the lives of the great figures of the American Civil War. About the Author: William B. Styple
has edited, co-authored, and authored several works on the Civil War. His book: "The Little Bugler" won the Young Readers'
Award from the Civil War Round Table of New York. He is currently writing the biography of Gen. Phil Kearny.
Regimental Losses In the American Civil War 1861-1865, Fox's Regimental Losses, Chapter IV.
A Treatise On the Extent and Nature of the Mortuary Losses in the Union Regiments.
With Full and Exhaustive Statistics Compiled From The Official Records On File in The State Military Bureaus And At Washington
By William F. Fox, Lt. Col., U.S.V.
President Of the Society Of The Twelfth Army Corps, Late President Of The 10th N.Y. Veteran
Volunteers' Association and Member of the New York Historical Society
Albany, N.Y. Albany Publishing Company 1889