Recommended Viewing:
Hillbilly: The Real Story (2008) (The History Channel). Description: Join host Billy Ray Cyrus on a journey into the hollers and runs of Appalachia to discover the proud legacy of the region's mountain folk. Learn how hillbillies,
long misunderstood and maligned as isolated and backward, actually have a 300-year history of achievement and success that
has contributed significantly to our national identity. In this two-hour special you'll meet outcast immigrants, war heroes,
isolated backwoodsmen, hard working miners, fast moving moon shiners, religious warriors, musicians and statesmen. Continued
You'll learn
of their contributions, which include establishing the first labor unions, battling the British, and spawning some of the
most popular aspects of American culture today, like NASCAR and country music. And you'll see them in a whole new light. “The numerous candid interviews highlight this outstanding addition.”
Related Reading:
Recommended Reading: Our Southern Highlanders: A Narrative of Adventure in the Southern Appalachians and
a Study of Life Among the Mountaineers (548 pages). Description: A narrative of adventure in the southern Appalachians and a study of
life about the mountaineers. Horace Kephart is the man most responsible for the existence of the Great
Smoky Mountain National
Park spanning the North Carolina and Tennessee
border. Continued below...
Using his numerous
journals, he wrote of first-hand observations of the mountains and people during his 10 years of travels through the Appalachians. 6x9 trade
paper, 548 pages. Includes foreword by Ralph Roberts.
Recommended Reading: The United States of Appalachia: How Southern Mountaineers Brought
Independence, Culture, and Enlightenment to America.
Description: Few places in the United States confound and fascinate Americans like Appalachia,
yet no other area has been so markedly mischaracterized by the mass media. Stereotypes of hillbillies and rednecks repeatedly
appear in representations of the region, but few, if any, of its many heroes, visionaries, or innovators are ever referenced. Continued
Make no mistake,
they are legion: from Anne Royall, America's first female muckraker, to Sequoyah, a Cherokee mountaineer who invented the
first syllabary in modern times, and international divas Nina Simone and Bessie Smith, as well as writers Cormac McCarthy,
Edward Abbey, and Nobel Laureate Pearl S. Buck, Appalachia has contributed mightily to American culture — and politics.
Not only did eastern Tennessee boast the country's first antislavery
newspaper, Appalachians also established the first District of Washington as a bold counterpoint
to British rule. With humor, intelligence, and clarity, Jeff Biggers reminds us how Appalachians have defined and shaped the
United States we know today.
Recommended Reading: Western North
Carolina: A History from 1730 to 1913 (Hardcover: 679 pages). Description: From the introduction to the appendix, this volume is filled with interesting information.
Covering seventeen counties—Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon,
Madison, Mitchell, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, and Yancey—the author conducted about ten years searching and
gathering materials. Continued below...
the Author: John Preston Arthur was born in
1851 in Columbia,
South Carolina. After relocating to Asheville,
North Carolina, in 1887, he was appointed Secretary of the Street Railway Company,
and subsequently the Manager and Superintendent until 1894. Later, after becoming a lawyer, he was encouraged by the
Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) to write a history of western
North Carolina.
Recommended Reading: Hillbilly: A Cultural History of an American
Icon. Description: In this pioneering work of cultural history, historian Anthony Harkins argues that
the hillbilly-which has been portrayed in the various guises of "briar hopper," "brush ape," "ridge runner," and "white trash"-has
been viewed by mainstream Americans simultaneously as a violent degenerate who threatens the modern order and as a keeper
of traditional values of family, home, and physical production, and thus symbolic of a nostalgic past free of the problems
of contemporary life. "Hillbilly" signifies rugged individualism and stubborn backwardness, strong family and kin networks
but also inbreeding and bloody feuds. Continued below…
Spanning film, literature, and
the entire expanse of American popular culture, from D. W. Griffith to hillbilly music to the Internet, Harkins illustrates
how the image of the hillbilly has consistently served as both a marker of social derision and regional pride. He traces the
corresponding changes in representations of the hillbilly from late-nineteenth century America, through the great Depression, the mass migrations of Southern Appalachians in the 1940s and 1950s, the War on Poverty in the mid 1960s, and to the present
day. Harkins also argues that images of hillbillies have played a critical role in the construction of whiteness and modernity
in twentieth century America. Richly illustrated
with dozens of photographs, drawings, and film and television stills, this unique book stands as a testament to the enduring
place of the hillbilly in the American imagination.
North Carolina Mountains
Elevations Heights Peaks, Name of the Highest Mountain in North Carolina, Height, Elevation of Highest North Carolina Mountain,
Tallest North Carolina Mountain Elevations. What is the tallest Mountain in North Carolina?