The Last Ninety Days of the War in North-Carolina: Electronic Edition
© This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Used by permission
Civil War Cavalry Raid |

General George Stoneman |
ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by
CHARLES F. DEEMS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of
THE papers on
the LAST NINETY DAYS OF THE WAR IN NORTH-CAROLINA, which originally appeared in the New-York WATCHMAN, and are now presented
in book form, were commenced with no plan or intention of continuing them beyond two or three numbers. The unexpected favor
with which they were received led to their extension, and finally resulted in their republication.
To do justice to
North-Carolina, and to place beyond cavil or reproach the attitude of her leaders at the close of the great Southern States
Rights struggle--to present a faithful picture of the times, and a just judgment, whether writing of friend or foe, has been
my sole object. Slight as these sketches are, they may claim at least the merit of truth, and this, I am persuaded, is no
slight recommendation with the truth-loving people of North-Carolina.
Correspondence between Governor Swain and General Sherman--Governor Vance's
Position and Conduct--Kilpatrick--The Conduct of the Servants--"Lee's Men"--President Lincoln, . . . . . |
General Stoneman -- Outrages -- Cold-blooded Murders -- General Gillam--Progress
through Lenoir, Wilkes, Surry, and Stokes--Stoneman's Detour into Virginia--The Defense of Salisbury--The Fight in the Streets
of Salisbury--General Polk's Family--Temporary Occupancy of Salisbury--Continuous Raiding, . . . . . |
Iredell County -- General Palmer's Courtesy to Mrs. Vance -- Subsequent Treatment
of this Lady by Federal Soldiers--Major Hambright's Cruelty in Lenoir--Case of Dr. Ballew and Others--General Gillam--His
Outrages at Mrs. Hagler's--Dr. Boone Clark--Terrible Treatment of his Family--Lieutenants Rice and Mallobry--Mrs. General
Vaughan--Morganton, . . . . . |
Plundering of Colonel Carson--Of Rev. Mr. Paxton--General Martin repulses
Kirby--Gillam plunders during the Armistice--Occupation of Asheville--Wholesale Plunder--Dispatch from General Palmer, . .
. . |
Stoneman's Cavalry Raid Map |

Cavalry Raid with Battles and Skirmishes |
I AM persuaded that it requires
the exercise of an implicit faith, and a total rejection of the evidence of things seen, to believe that General Sherman as
a man, deplored the policy which, as a general, he felt bound to pursue. I shall, however, give him the benefit of his own
professions, which, whether sincere or not, are certainly in unison with the part he played in the treaty with General Johnston.
The following correspondence will be read with interest:
CHAPEL HILL, April 19, 1865.
Major-General W. T. Sherman, commanding United States Forces:
GENERAL: . . . On my return
to this village on Saturday morning, fifteenth instant, I found that General Wheeler, with his division of cavalry, had been
encamped here for two days. He resumed his march on Sunday morning, leaving the country denuded to a considerable extent of
forage, and taking with him a number of horses and mules. General
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Atkins arrived with his brigade on Monday morning, and is in camp here now.
I have had several interviews with General Atkins, and have pleasure in stating that he manifests a disposition to execute
his orders with as much forbearance as he deems compatible with the proper discharge of his duty. Nevertheless, many worthy
families have been stripped by his soldiers of the necessary means of subsistence. A Baptist clergyman--a most estimable,
quiet, and charitable citizen, and the most extensive farmer within a circle of three miles--is almost entirely destitute
of provision for man and beast; and with a family of more than fifty persons, (white and colored,) has not a single horse
or mule. Other instances, not less striking, exist, of families in less affluent circumstances; but I refer particularly to
Mr. Purefoy, because he has been my near neighbor for about thirty years, and I hold him in the highest estimation. He, like
many others, is not merely without the present means of subsistence, but unless his horses and mules are restored or replaced,
can make no provision for the future. The delay of a few days even may render it impossible to plant corn in proper time.
I am satisfied from the impression
made on me in our recent interview, that personally, you have no disposition to add to the unavoidable horrors of war, by
availing yourself of the utmost license which writers on the subject deem admissible, but that, on the contrary, you would
prefer to treat the peaceful tillers of the soil with no unnecessary harshness. I venture to hope, therefore, that the present
state of negotiations
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between the contending armies will enable you to relax the severity of the
orders under which General Atkins is acting, and I am satisfied that if you shall feel yourself justified by the course of
events in doing so, an intimation of your purpose will be welcome intelligence to him.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
FIELD, RALEIGH, N. C., April 22, 1865.
Hon. D. L. Swain, Chapel Hill, N. C.:
MY DEAR SIR: Yours of April
nineteenth was laid before me yesterday, and I am pleased that you recognize in General Atkins a fair representative of our
The moment war ceases, and
I think that time is at hand, all seizures of horses and private property will cease on our part. And it may be that we will
be able to spare some animals for the use of the farmers of your neighborhood. There now exists a species of truce, but we
must stand prepared for action; but I believe that in a very few days a definitive and general peace will be arranged, when
I will make orders that will be in accordance with the new state of affairs.
I do believe that I fairly
represent the feelings of my countrymen--that we prefer peace to war; but if war is forced upon us, we must meet it; but if
peace be possible, we will accept it, and be the friends of the
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farmers and working classes of North-Carolina, as well as actual patrons of
churches, colleges, asylums, and all institutions of learning and charity. Accept the assurances of my respect and high esteem.
I am, truly yours,
W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General Commanding.
Without ascribing to General
Sherman any extraordinary degree of merit as a writer, I am inclined to give him credit for sincerity in these professions,
simply because of the corroborating evidence afforded by his conduct in the treaty with Johnston. Their first agreement was
not ratified at Washington, and General Sherman's position therein was severely censured; but no one who rightly estimated
the condition of the South at the close of the war, and the state of public feeling among us, has ever doubted that, if that
treaty had been ratified, the happiest results would have followed, and an immense amount of trouble, expense, and evil would
have been avoided by the whole country. I repeat what I have said previously, that General Sherman alone, of all the prominent
men and leaders among our antagonists, was at that time possessed of the requisite ability and statesmanship and magnanimity
to comprehend the situation, and seize the opportunity and the means for an equitable adjustment of our difficulties. I greatly
regret not being able to present my readers with a copy of his letter of invitation to Governor Vance to return to Raleigh.
On the fourteenth of April General Johnston sent him his first letter, requesting a suspension of hostilities, with a
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view to entering into arrangements for putting a stop to the war. This application
was replied to by General Sherman in a really noble and generous spirit, and their correspondence resulted in those interviews
at Durham's Station, on the North-Carolina Central Railroad, which concluded the war and have become historical. No one can
read that correspondence without seeing unmistakable evidence that General Sherman manifested an eager anxiety to save the
South from further devastation. Perhaps a late remorse had touched him; but however that may be, in the civil policy
he has always advocated toward the South, he has shown himself at once generous and politic. If he had pursued an equally
far-sighted course as a soldier; if he had advocated a humane forbearance toward the defenseless people who were crushed beneath
his march; if he had enforced a strict discipline in his army, and chosen to appear as a restorer rather than as a destroyer,
there are few at the South who would not join to pronounce him the hero of the war on the Northern side, and his name would
worthily go down to posterity by the side of the great captain of the age, who declared, when leading his victorious veterans
into France, that rather than suffer them to pillage the country as they passed, he would resign his command. * * * * * * * * * *
While Generals Johnston and
Sherman were engaged in their negotiations at Durham's, Governor Vance found that by having obeyed President Davis's summons
to Greensboro before accepting General Sherman's invitation to Raleigh, he was effectually precluded
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from all further participation in the affairs of the State. I am not at liberty
to say why or how this was; but it is probable the Governor himself does not very deeply regret it, since it is not likely
he would have been permitted by the Federal authorities to retain his office, even if he had returned to Raleigh and resumed
the reins. All General Sherman's views and official acts as peacemaker were speedily disavowed and overruled at Washington;
and though Governor Vance was willing to have made the experiment, being urged thereto by his best friends, yet, as matters
have since turned out, it is as well that he was prevented. He and his noble State were equally incapable of any attempt
to make terms for themselves, even had it been likely that any terms would have been granted. Our fortunes were to be those
of our sister States whom we had joined deliberately, fought for, and suffered with; and Governor Vance was never more truly
our representative than in the treatment he received from the Federal Government after the surrender.
Our Governor left Hillsboro
on Saturday, arrived in Greensboro on Sunday morning, April sixteenth, and found that President Davis had left for Charlotte
the day before. The whole Confederate Government left Danville the preceding Monday, April tenth, arrived at Greensboro on
the same day, and had ever since been living in the cars around the railroad station at that place. Mr. Trenholm being very
ill, had been taken to Governor Morehead's. But the Confederate President, and all the Government officials lived for
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five rainy days in the miserable leaky cars that had brought them thither,
having abundant government stores of provision in their train. On the slope of a hill near by, which tradition points out
as that on which General Greene had held a council of war previous to the battle of Guilford, in 1781, President Davis and
his Cabinet, and Generals Beauregard and Johnston held their last conference a day or two before Governor Vance's arrival.
It had resulted in the first terms which General Johnston was authorized to make with General Sherman, and he was already
on his way back to Hillsboro, to hold his first interview with the Federal commander. Failing to see the President, Governor
Vance would now have returned to Raleigh. All that can be said at this point is, that he was not permitted by our military
authorities to pass through their lines while the negotiations were pending. He then followed President Davis to Charlotte,
and had a final interview with him, giving him notice of his intention, as General Johnston was then on the point of surrendering
the army, to surrender himself to Sherman, and use what means were in his power to save the State and State property from
further ruin, treating the Confederacy as at an end. Returning to Greensboro, he found the first terms agreed upon had been
rejected at Washington, and the two commanding generals were engaged in a fresh negotiation. Failing still to receive permission
to proceed to Raleigh, he wrote a letter to General Sherman, and sent it by Treasurer Worth, who found on his arrival in Raleigh
that General Sherman was gone, and General
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Schofield was in command, who refused to allow Governor Vance to return at
The Governor then remained
quietly in Greensboro until Schofield's arrival there, when he had an interview with him, giving him necessary information
as to State property, records, etc., etc., and bespeaking his protection for them and for our people, especially in those
localities where they were at feud with each other. He then tendered his own surrender, which General Schofield refused to
accept, saying he had no orders to arrest him, and he might go where he pleased. Governor Vance then told him he would join
his family at Statesville, and would be found there if requisition should be made for him. He arrived in Statesville, rejoining
his family on the fourth of May--by a curious coïncidence, the very day on which, four years before, he had left them, a volunteer
for the war! And four such years!--sketched for us thirty years ago in that sublime and solemn picture upon the canvas of
Webster, where lay a land rent with civil feuds, and drenched in fraternal blood. He remained until the thirteenth, when he
was arrested by order of the Federal Government, by Major Porter, commanding a detachment of three hundred cavalry, Ninth
Pennsylvania, conveyed a prisoner to Raleigh, and thence to the Old Capitol Prison at Washington City.
On the thirteenth of April,
General Sherman entered Raleigh. The day before, General Stoneman had occupied Salisbury. He entered the State from Knoxville,
Tenn., taking most of the towns in his way. and committing an immense amount of damage, and
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finally arriving in Salisbury just in time to destroy utterly all the valuable
State and Confederate property which had been so sedulously conveyed from Raleigh, to escape General Sherman! The particulars
of this important and successful move I have as yet been unable to procure. I hope, however, to present them at some time
in a detailed and authentic narrative. The coöperation with Sherman was timely, and would have been a perfect success if Stoneman
had ventured to hold Salisbury. He might easily have done so, though, to be sure, he did not know that; but if he had, he
might have given checkmate to the Confederacy at once. President Davis would never have reached Charlotte. As it was, the
raiders from Stoneman's command, who cut the Danville road above Greensboro, were within half an hour of capturing the whole
Confederate Government in its flight.
During the occupation of Chapel
Hill by Kilpatrick's cavalry, the citizens of the place possessed their souls in as much patience as they could muster up,
endeavoring to arrive at a stoical not to say philosophical frame of mind, in view of the sudden dislocation of all things--among
other things, maintaining a decent degree of composure upon the establishment of Liberia in our midst, and accommodating ourselves
to this new phase of things with a good deal of grim humor. The negroes, however, behaved much better, on the whole, than
Northern letter-writers represent them to have done. Indeed, I do not know a race more studiously misrepresented than they
have been and are at this present time. They behaved well
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during the war: if they had not, it could not have lasted eighteen months.
They showed a fidelity and a steadiness which speaks not only well for themselves but well for their training and the system
under which they lived. And when their liberators arrived, there was no indecent excitement on receiving the gift of liberty,
nor displays of impertinence to their masters. In one or two instances they gave "Missus" to understand that they desired
present payment for their services in gold and silver, but, in general, the tide of domestic life flowed on externally as
smoothly as ever. In fact, though of course few at the North will believe me, I am sure that they felt for their masters,
and secretly sympathized with their ruin. They knew that they were absolutely penniless and conquered; and though they were
glad to be free, yet they did not turn round, as New-England letter-writers have represented, to exult over their owners,
nor exhibit the least trace of New-England malignity. So the bread was baked in those latter days, the clothes were washed
and ironed, and the baby was nursed as zealously as ever, though both parties understood at once that the service was voluntary.
The Federal soldiers sat a good deal in the kitchens; but the division being chiefly composed of North-western men, who had
little love for the negro, (indeed I heard some d--n him as the cause of the the war, and say that they would much rather
put a bullet through an abolitionist than through a Confederate soldier,) there was probably very little incendiary talk and
instructions going on. In all which, in comparison with other localities, we were much favored.
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So we endeavored to play out
the play with dignity and self-possession, watching the long train of foragers coming in every day by every high-road and
byway leading from the country, laden with the substance of our friends and neighbors for many miles, (though in many cases,
let me say, the Government made payment for food and forage taken after peace was declared,) watching them with such feelings
as made us half ashamed of our own immunity, wondering where it would all end, and that we should have lived to see such a
day; reviewing the height from which we had fallen, and struggling, I say, to wear a look of proud composure, when all our
assumed stoicism and resignation was put to flight by the appearance, on a certain day, of a squad of unarmed men in gray,
dusty and haggard, walking slowly along the road. A moment's look, a hasty inquiry, and "Lee's men!" burst from our
lips, and tears from our eyes. There they were, the heroes of the army of Virginia, walking home, each with his pass
in his pocket, and nothing else. To run after them, to call them in, to feel honored at shaking those rough hands, to spread
the table for them, to cry over them, and say again and again, "God bless you all; we are just as proud of you, and thank
you just as much as if it had turned out differently;" this was a work which stirred our inmost souls, and has left a tender
memory which will outlast life. Day after day we saw them, sometimes in twos and threes, sometimes in little companies, making
the best of their way toward their distant homes, penniless and dependent on wayside charity
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for their food, plodding along, while the blue jackets pranced gayly past
on the best blood of Southern stables. But I am glad to record that wherever a Federal soldier met any of them, he was prompt
to offer help and food, and express a kindly and soldierly cordiality. Grant's men, they all said, had been especially generous.
There was something worth studying in the air and expression of these men, a something which had a beneficial and soothing
effect on the observers. They were not unduly cast down, nor had any appearance of the humiliation that was burning into our
souls. They were serious, calm, and self-possessed. They said they were satisfied that all had been done that could be done,
and they seemed to be sustained by the sense of duty done and well done, and the event left to God, and with His award they
had no intention of quarreling. It was a fair fight, they said, but the South had been starved out; one dark-eyed young South-Carolinian
said, for his part he was going home to settle down, and if any body ever said "secesh" to him again, he meant to knock 'em
over. Many looked thin and feeble; and a gallant major from Fayetteville told me himself that when ordered to the last charge,
he and his men, who had been living for some days on parched corn, were so weak that they reeled in their saddles. "But we
would have gone again," he added, "if Lee had said so."
The news of the death of President
Lincoln, received at first with utter incredulity, deepened the gloom and horrible uncertainty in which we lived.
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That he was dead simply may not have excited any regret among people who for
four years had been learning to regard him as the prime agent in all our troubles. But when the time, place, and manner of
his death came to be told, an unaffected and deep horror and dismay filled our minds. The time has not yet come for Southern
people to estimate President Lincoln fairly. We never could admire him as he appeared as a candidate for the Presidency, nor
look upon him as a great man, in any sense of the word. But even if we had recognized him as a lofty and commanding genius,
fit to guide the destiny of a great nation through a crisis of imminent peril, the smoke of the battle-fields would have obscured
to us all his good qualities, and we should have regarded him only as the malignant star, whose ascendency boded nothing but
evil to us. He was always presented to us in caricature. The Southern press never mentioned him but with some added sobriquet
of contempt and hatred. His simplicity of character and kindliness of heart we knew nothing of; nor would many now at the
South, much as they may deplore his death, concede to him the possession of any such virtues. They judged him by the party
which took possession of him after his inauguration, and by his advisers. But a sense of remorse fills my mind now as I write
of him, realizing how much that was really good and guileless, and well-intentioned and generous, may have come to an untimely
end in the atrocious tragedy at Ford's Theatre. The extravagance of eulogy by which the Northern people have sought to express
their sense of
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his worth and of his loss, has had much to do with our unwillingness to judge
him fairly. To place the Illinois lawyer by the side of Washington would have been an offense against taste and common-sense;
but to compare him to the SON OF GOD, to ascribe to him also the work of "dying the just for the unjust," is an impious indecency
which may suit the latitude of Mr. Bancroft, and the overstrained tone of the Northern mind generally, but whose only effect
at the South is to widen the distance between us and the day when we shall frankly endeavor to understand and do justice to
President Lincoln.
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ON the same day that General
Sherman entered Raleigh, General Stoneman occupied Salisbury, April 12-13th, thus completing the chain of events which was
closing in upon the Confederacy. Among the prisoners kept at Salisbury were some of the better class, who were at large on
parole. This they broke in the winter of 1864-'5, and, making their escape over the mountains into Tennessee, carried
such accounts of the accumulation of stores, etc., at Salisbury, as made its capture an object of importance.
General Stoneman entered the
State during the last week of March, by the turnpike leading from Taylorsville, Tennessee, through Watauga county to Deep
Gap, on the Blue Ridge. His force was probably six or seven thousand strong, though rumor increased it to fifteen, twenty,
thirty, and in one instance to sixty thousand.
They entered Boone, the county-seat
of Watauga,
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on the twenty-sixth of March. The village was completely taken by surprise.
No one was aware of the approach of an enemy till the advance-guard dashed up the main street, making no demand for surrender,
but firing right and left at every moving thing they saw. Mrs. James Council, hearing the noise, stepped into her piazza with
her child in her arms, and immediately a volley of balls splintered the wood-work all around her. She, however, escaped unhurt.
The people of this county had been warmly attached to the Confederate cause, and had bravely resisted East-Tennessee raiders
and marauders. The county-seat was therefore, perhaps, especially obnoxious; and whatever may have been General Stoneman's
policy, there were subordinate officers in his command who were only too happy in the opportunity to retort upon a defenseless
and unresisting population. The jail was burned by order of General Gillam. For this it is said
he was sternly rebuked by General Stoneman; but all the county records, books, and private papers were destroyed. Private
houses were of course plundered, and the citizens were consoled by the assurance that "Kirk was to follow and clean them out."
Several citizens were shot under circumstances of peculiar aggravation. A party of the raiders went into the field of Mr.
Jacob Council, where he was plowing with a negro. He was over the conscript age, a prudent, quiet man, who had taken no part
in the war. He was shot down in cold blood, notwithstanding his piteous appeals for mercy, because, upon the negro's statement,
he was "an infernal rebel." Another, Warren
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Green, was killed while holding up his hands in token of surrender. Another,
Calvin Green, was pursued and surrendered, but they continued firing upon him after his surrender. He then resolved to defend
himself, and fought, loading and firing till he was shot down and left for dead. He shattered the arm of one of the Federal
soldiers, so that it had to be amputated that night. But instead of dying himself, he recovered, and is now living. Steele
Frazier, a lad of fifteen, was chased by a squad of half a dozen. He made a running fight of it. Getting over a fence, he
coolly waited till they were within range, and then fired and shot one through. He then ran again, loading, and turned again
and killed another of his pursuers; and notwithstanding the pursuit was kept up some distance, the balls whistling round him,
he finally made good his escape, and will probably make none the worse citizen, when he is grown, for his adventurous boyhood.
Through the whole of this
raid General Stoneman is represented to have been apparently anxious to mitigate the distresses and horrors of war as far
as was practicable, by courteous and humane treatment of the people. His record and that of General Palmer are in refreshing
contrast to those of his subordinate, General Gillam, and of certain other higher names in the Federal army. There is one
story, however, told of him in Boone, which, after all, may be due to his quartermaster or commissary-in-chief. Mrs. Council
had been kind to some Federal prisoners confined in the jail; and the invaders hearing of it, requited her
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by affording her protection during their stay. Kirk's raiders, however, came
down after Stoneman had passed on, and stripped the place of all that had been left -- the gallant Colonel Kirk himself making
his headquarters with this lady--keeping her a close prisoner in her own room, while he and his men made free with the rest
of the house and the premises. That they left little or nothing but the bare walls, may be inferred from General Stoneman's
remark on his return to the place after the capture of Salisbury. Standing in the piazza and taking a survey of what had once
been a happy and beautiful home -- the fencing all gone, the gardens, shrubbery, and yard trampled bare, covered with raw
hides of cattle and sheep, decaying carcasses, and all manner of filth--he turned to the lady and said, "Well, Mrs. C., I
suppose you hardly know whether you are at home or not." Gratefully remembering his former courtesy to her, she exerted herself
to entertain him with such scanty stores as the raiders had left. A firkin of uncommonly fine butter had been overlooked by
them, and she placed some of this on the table. The General commended this butter especially, and asked her if she had any
more of it. She told him it was about the only thing to eat she had left, and congratulated herself on its safety under his
protection. What was her mortification, a short time after, to see the firkin ordered out and placed in the General's own
provision-wagon. So much that is favorable to General Stoneman's character has reached me, that I can not help hoping he was
ignorant of this unspeakably small transaction.
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On the twenty-seventh of March,
the column was divided. General Stoneman, with one division, went direct to Wilkesboro. The other, under General Gillam, crossed
the Blue Ridge at Blowing Rock, and went to Patterson, in Caldwell county, thence rejoining Stoneman at Wilkesboro. At Patterson
General Gillam took the responsibility of ordering the extensive cotton factory there to be burned. General Stoneman is said
to have regretted this destruction especially, as Mr. Patterson, the owner, had received a promise that it should be spared,
and the people of East-Tennessee had been largely supplied from it. But General Gillam, when not immediately under General
Stoneman's eye, could not restrain his propensities. He announced that "the Government had been too lenient, and rebels must
look out for consequences," and ordered the torch to be applied.
While the raiders were in
the Yadkin river-bottom, they were detained three days by freshets. Small parties scoured the country, carrying off all the
horses and mules, and burning the factories. There seemed to be no systematic plan of destruction; for while some mills and
factories were burned, others in the same neighborhood and quite as easily accessible were spared. Much depended on the personal
character and disposition of the commanding officer of these detachments. If he happened to be a gentleman, the people were
spared as much as possible; if he were simply a brute dressed in a little brief authority, every needless injury was inflicted,
accompanied with true underbred insolence and malice. The privates
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always followed the lead of their commander. The factories on Hunting Creek,
in the upper part of Tredell, were burned with large quantities of cotton. Eagle Mills alone lost eight hundred bales. Among
General Gillam's exploits in Wilkesboro, was the finding the horse of the late General James Gordon in the stable of a brother-in-law
of the General. This, General G. immediately, with great intrepidity, "captured;" and further to impress the family with a
sense of his heroic achievement, he had a man to mount the animal and parade him slowly up and down before the door of the
house for an hour or two.
Leaving Wilkesboro on the
thirty-first of March, General Stoneman moved over into Surry county, in the direction of Mount Airy, and thence into Virginia,
aiming for Christiansburg, on the Tennessee Railroad. A portion of the command being detached to Wytheville, was met near
that place by General Duke's cavalry, and repulsed, but rallying, took the town and destroyed the depot of supplies there.
Having effectually destroyed the road above Wythesville, between New River and Big Lick, General Stoneman turned back upon
North-Carolina, reëntering it from Patrick county, Virginia, and marching rapidly through Stokes county, appeared suddenly
in Salem and Winston on the tenth of April. Here he sent out various detachments to cut the North-Carolina Central Road and
the Danville and Greensboro Road, destroy bridges, supplies, etc., etc. One of these parties, as I have said before, narrowly
missed capturing the train conveying the whole Confederate government, in its
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flight to Greensboro. They burned the bridge at Jamestown, and were about
to fire the depot, but upon a sudden false alarm, fled precipitately withou finishing their work. At
High Point they burned the depot and large quantities of government stores, also seventeen hundred bales of cotton belonging
to Francis Fries, of Salem. The public buildings and stores at Lexington and Thomasville were saved by the arrival of a body
of Ferguson's cavalry, who chased the raiders back to Salem. The general plan of the whole raid seemed to contemplate the
destruction of stores and the cutting off communications without risking a battle.
At Salem and Winston private
property was protected, no pillage being permitted. This was probably owing to the fact that the inhabitants having had notice
of the approach of the raiders, sent a deputation to meet them and make a formal surrender of the town. I am not aware that
a demand for surrender was made of any place during the entire raid, or that any place beside Salem and Winston, which may
be regarded as one, offered a surrender. The first notice of the presence of any enemy, in most cases, was given by the unlooked-for
arrival of the advance-guard galloping in and taking possession.
At Mocksville, a number of
the citizens, supposing it was only a small squad that was hurrying through the country and plundering, prepared to give them
a warm reception, and a short distance from town fired upon the advancing column. Soon finding their mistake, they retreated.
Threats of burning the village
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for this audacious thought of resistance were made, but as General Stoneman
was pressing forward with all speed upon Salisbury, no time was allowed for any such exchange of compliments.
General Stoneman's detour
into Virginia had completely mystified the people of North-Carolina. They breathed freely as he passed over the border, and
congratulated themselves that the dreaded raid, which for weeks had been anticipated, was so soon at an end. The troops which
had been posted by General Beauregard at Salisbury, for its protection, were moved off to Greensboro and to the railroad bridge
across the Yadkin, and the town was left with little or no defense. If Stoneman had marched thither from Wilkesboro, he would
probably have been repulsed with disaster; for a large body of infantry, with artillery and cavalry, had been concentrated
there; but when Salisbury was attacked, on the morning of the twelfth of April, the whole effective force did not much exceed
five hundred men, including two batteries on their way to join Johnston at Raleigh. Of these five hundred two hundred were
"galvanized" Irish, recruited from among the Federal prisoners--besides artisans in the government employ from the various
shops, Junior reserves, and a number of citizens who volunteered in defense of their homes. In the absence of General Bradley
T. Johnson, the commandant of the post, General Gardner took command, and disposed his handful of men at various points on
the road toward Mocksville, so as to man and support the batteries, there being nowhere more than one hundred and fifty men
at any point.
Page 200
The attack began at daylight.
By eight o'clock the batteries were flanked. The artillery-men fought bravely, but were of course soon overpowered and compelled
to leave their guns in the hands of the enemy. A few of the "galvanized" Irish fought well, but the majority went over in
a body to the Federals soon after the fight commenced, leaving the artillery without support, and of course betraying the
weakness of the Confederates. A desultory fight was kept up till the suburbs of the town were reached, and then all order
and subordination were lost, the Confederates scattering through the town and to the woods beyond. Several of them were wounded,
and one or two were killed in the town. The loss of the Federals is unknown, but several were buried on the battlefield. A
number of Confederates were taken prisoners, some citizens, negroes, etc. By nine o'clock the place was in quiet possession
of the enemy, who galloped in with drawn swords and full of strange oaths. Many of the citizens, negroes, and children, were
in the doors and on the side-walks gazing for the first time at the Federal uniform. In the desultory running fight that was
kept up through the streets, one of the Irish recruits before mentioned, fighting bravely, was shot through the lungs; but
he continued to load and fire as he retreated till he fell on the piazza of Mrs. M. E. Ramsay. Though the balls fell thick
about him, and she was alone with her little children, she went out to him and managed to get him inside the house, where
she nursed and stimulated him the greater part of the day, till she could get a physician
Page 201
to him and have him removed to the hospital. He said to her, "They have killed
me, but I die a brave man; I fought them as long as I could stand." She supposed that of course his wound was wortal,
but a fortnight after, to her astonishment, he returned to thank her for her kindness.
Captain Frank Y. McNeely was
found in the Arsenal and shot. Lieutenant Stokes, of Maryland, was sitting on his horse in front of General Bradley Johnson's
headquarters, when a squad of the enemy dashed into the street. An officer in front cried out, "There's a d--d rebel--charge
him." The Lieutenant waited till the officer was in point-blank range, and then shot him through, and putting spurs to his
horse fled--hotly pursued. One of the pursuers was gaining on him, considerably in advance of the rest, and probably intended
to sabre him; but the Lieutenant suddenly reining his horse aside, let the raider pass, and as he passed fired and killed
him, and then made good his escape. The officer shot proved to be one of General Stoneman's staff.
A small squad of the Confederates
retreated fighting through the yard and premises of Frank Shober, Esq. One of their number was killed in the piazza of the
This hand-to-hand fighting
in the streets--such incidents as these, and the fact that Salisbury was an especial object of hatred to the invaders as the
prison depot of so many of their unfortunate comrades, whose graves were to be counted there by thousands--these things certainly
gave General Stoneman every
Page 202
excuse for the plunder and destruction of the whole town had he chosen to
interpret the laws of war as did General Sherman. But he did not so interpret them; he did not even fall back upon the reserve
that he was unable to restrain his justly infuriated soldiers. He declined to avail himself of General Gillam's burning zeal
for the honor of the Union. This latter officer was heard to say that, if he had his way, he would make the people of Salisbury
think "all hell was let loose upon them." Another account states that he declared that "though born in Salisbury, he
would be glad to lay it in ashes."
* Is General Gillam
a son of North-Carolina? I put the note and query for the future historian. If so, then we have only another proof that decency
and good principles are not always hereditary.
But General Stoneman's policy
toward the inhabitants of Salisbury is a very striking illustration of the principles which, in a previous chapter, I have
endeavored to show were the only true and generous and really politic guide for the commanders of an invading army. Private
property was protected, guards were stationed, and General Stoneman repeatedly gave strict orders for the enforcement of quiet
and protection of the citizens. He himself in person inspected the public stores, which were of course by the laws of war
doomed to destruction, and refused to allow the Confederate Quartermaster's depot to be burned lest it should endanger the
town. The officers, whether willingly or not, seconded their commander. Whatever plundering and insolence the people were
subjected to--and there were a number of such cases
Page 203
--was very evidently the work of unauthorized bummers, who appeared in mortal
dread of the guards, and did their work hurriedly and furtively. Corncribs and smoke-houses were entered, horses and mules
and arms were seized; but, on the whole, the general policy was the sound one of protection to non-combatants.
Early in the morning of the
attack several large trains with government stores made their escape from Salisbury toward Charlotte and Greensboro, but a
passenger train on the Western road was not so fortunate. Having proceeded a mile or two from town, the track was found obstructed;
and as soon as the train stopped, a volley was poured into it without any demand for surrender. Several passengers were wounded,
but happily none of the ladies, among whom were the widow and daughters of General Leonidas Polk. The cars being set on fire,
much of the baggage belonging to the passengers was burned--all that was rescued was plundered--and among Mrs. Polk's valuables
were found the sword, uniform, papers, and other cherished relics of her husband. These things were all seized with great
triumph, and though much that was taken besides was afterward restored to Mrs. Polk, no inducements could prevail upon the
gallant Colonel Slater of the Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry to return to the widowed lady these mementos of her husband. He claimed
them as "taken on the battle-field," and kept them.
As soon as the town was quiet,
a strong force was detailed to attack the railroad bridge across the
Page 204
Yadkin, six miles distant. Here strong fortifications on the Davidson side
of the river had been erected, under Beauregard's supervision, on a hill commanding the bridge and the Rowan shore. General
York of Louisiana, with ten or twelve hundred men--home-guards and "galvanized" Irish--defended the bridge: its preservation
was of the greatest importance to the Confederate cause, and strict orders had been issued by General Beauregard to defend
it at all hazards. At two o'clock P.M., on the twelfth, the raiders arrived, and brisk skirmishing was kept up on the Rowan
side. At three o'clock some of the cannon captured in the morning on the other side of Salisbury, were brought down, and opened
on the Confederate batteries. Heavy cannonading between the two continued till dark, when the raiders, thinking the place
too well fortified to risk an assault, returned to Salisbury, destroying the railroad as they went. A few Confederates were
wounded, one or two were killed. The Federal loss, if any, is unknown.
The assailants returned to
assist in the destruction of the public stores at Salisbury, which I have before stated were immense. They had been accumulating
there for weeks from Columbia, Charlotte, Richmond, Danville, and Raleigh. The clothing, provisions, medical stores, etc.,
were collected in the main street and fired. The length of four entire squares was occupied by the burning mass, valued at
at least a million in specie. Much was given away to negroes and the lower class of the white population--much was quietly
appropriated, and by some who should have known
Page 205
better. The distresses and privations of war make times of strong temptation,
and the general demoralization that prevailed all over our country was no greater at Salisbury than elsewhere. To people who
had been half starved for months, and many of them half clothed, it was hard to see such quantities of sugar, coffee, spice,
flour, bacon, luxuries to which they had long been strangers, burning in their streets like so much rubbish. The stores were
all emptied besides of private property--and many people were to be seen passing along the streets loaded with what they chose.
Many soldiers had dozens of coats, shirts, etc., piled up before them on their horses.
The value of the medical stores
alone was estimated at {$}100,000 in gold. It is a little curious that, while such an amount was being thrown into the flames,
one of the surgeons of the Federal army entered the office of one of the principal physicians in the place--Dr. J. J. Summerell--and
was about to carry off all his scanty store of medicine; but upon remonstrance, he agreed to divide, saying, he could
not bear to rob a brother practitioner.
On the night of the 12-13th
the ordnance stores, arsenal, foundry, with much valuable machinery, the Government steam distillery, the dépôts and other
buildings belonging to both the Central and Western roads, and other public buildings were fired. The night being perfectly
still, the sheets of flame rose steadily into the air, and the great conflagration was plainly visible at the distance of
fifteen miles; and for several hours the incessant and distinct explosions of
Page 206
shells and fixed ammunition conveyed the impression to the anxious watchers,
miles away, in the adjoining counties, that a fierce battle was raging. There was no hallooing by the soldiers--no shouts--only
the crackling of the flames and the bursting of the shells. Now and then a mounted troop swept through the streets, the horsemen
in profound silence, the lurid flames from the burning distillery making their rough faces look ghastly enough, while the
buttons and other mountings of their equipments sparkled in the firelight. No one thought of sleep that night, not even the
A large building, three stories
high, originally built for a cotton factory, but for some time past occupied by Federal prisoners--all of whom a few weeks
previously had been sent to Richmond and Wilmington for exchange -- together with the barracks and all other buildings connected
with it, were burned; and it may be well imagined that the Federal soldiers felt a peculiar satisfaction in the destruction
of a spot so memorable to them--the scene of so much wretchedness and want and despair. Many of the men with Stoneman had
been among the prisoners there, and many had had brothers and other relatives there. I have heard that General Gillam himself
had been one of the number before his promotion. No one who knows what the condition of these prisoners was, can wonder at
any amount of rage expressed by the survivors and avengers. The way in which both sides, during the war, treated their prisoners,
is an exceedingly curious commentary on the boasted Christian civilization of the whole country, from Maine to Texas.
Page 207
For the Northern side there is no excuse. For the Southern side there is one--and
but one. Our prisoners were starved, as I have said before, because we were starving ourselves; our children were crying for
bread, and our soldiers were fighting on half-rations of parched corn and peas. We could not tell our enemies this! We were
not to confess to them this fatal weakness in our cause! But what we could do to induce their Government to take these poor
wretches home and give us our own in exchange, we did do. Every inducement was offered to them again and again in vain. So
far, then, our skirts are clear. But brutality of speech and behavior, cruel indifference to their situation, unnecessary
harshness and violence to helpless unarmed men, diseased and dying--of this there may have been much among certain of our
officials, and for this we will yet have to repent before Him who hears the sighing of the prisoner.
It has been estimated that
the loss in buildings alone, which were mostly of brick, would reach to half a million in specie, and the total loss of all
property to several millions. Had the war continued, the capture of Salisbury would have been a stunning blow to General Johnston,
and would have severely crippled his movements. As it was, it is a matter of great regret that such a vast amount of most
valuable property should have been destroyed just at a time when its destruction was no longer necessary to the overthrow
of a cause already dead. General Stoneman might safely have held Salisbury from the hour he entered it, and preserved every
dollar's worth of its stores for
Page 208
the advantage of his own government. He might have prevented the further flight
of the Confederate Government, and President Davis and all his cabinet might have been forced to surrender with General Johnston.
And it would have been better if they had. But General Stoneman did not know what a brilliant part he was playing in the last
act of the great tragedy, and he hurried to get through with it and leave Salisbury as rapidly as he had entered it. On the
13th a terrific explosion of the magazine finished the work, and that evening the Federals moved off toward Statesville, riding
most of the night as if under apprehension of pursuit.
General Stoneman must certainly
be allowed to have accomplished his ends with a skill, celerity, and daring, which entitle him to high praise as a military
leader. Add to this the higher praise of humanity, and the ability to control his troops, and he well deserves a higher niche
than some who led grand armies on great marches. Salisbury, comparing her lot with that of Columbia and Fayetteville, may
well afford to hold General Stoneman's name in grateful remembrance.
I have taken no pleasure in
this recital of injuries, insults, inhumanity, and breach of faith. The truth of history demands that the facts shall be told
on both sides calmly and with impartiality. The world, which has heard so much of one side, should hear the other too; and
posterity, at whose bar we shall all stand for this four years' work, should have every opportunity afforded for a righteous
verdict. And there are other
Page 209
ways in which the truth plainly told may do good. People will be enabled,
looking at these details, to arrive at a just estimate of what war may become, even among Christian people, and shudder to
invoke its horrors lightly, and may teach their children so. How many of us knew in the spring of 1861 what was about to break
out among us--what wide-spread ruin, what raging passions, what furies of hell, which once evoked will not down at our bidding?
Quiet men, who were familiar with the pages of European history and knew what Christian armies had done again and again in
the fairest and most civilized portion of her empires, these came gravely from their studies with words of warning to the
gay throngs of young people who were cheering each other on to the impending strife. But these were the old fogies of that
day--cold-blooded--unpatriotic--who did not love the South. What a short and brilliant programme was laid down! The girls
made their silken banners, and the boys marched proudly off to glorious victory; England and France would see fair play; and
this dear and sunny South was to spring at once upward and onward in a career of glory. One of the most influential journals
in the South--one of the soberest--dealing lightly and easily with the great issues of the war; settling at a word the boundary
lines of the new Southern republic, and dotting what were to be our frontier States with a chain of forts; establishing the
new war office, and the standing army, henceforth to be a necessary feature, grew enthusiastic over the splendid resource
thus to be afforded to our "aristocratic young men of family
Page 210
and fortune." The army was to be especially for the gentlemen of the
South. Alas! and alas! Now, torn and bleeding and broken-hearted, humiliated, stripped, crushed, disfranchised, and helpless,
we may look back and learn a lesson.
It may be well, too, if public
attention can be directed by such narratives to an investigation of the laws of war, and some inquiry be suggested as to the
necessity of their being revised and mitigated. And it can not but a have a beneficial effect that even victorious military
heroes shall be made amenable to public opinion for the manner in which they have wielded the great powers intrusted to them,
and find, in some cases, their fresh-plucked laurels withering in their grasp.
The actual loss and injury
inflicted by the enemy, in the progress of the war, on personal and public property, was very far from being the greatest
evil which its continuance entailed upon us. I speak not now of losses by death. Inter arma leges silent is an old
saying; and though framed in a dead language, its drift is well understood and acted upon by people who can not even read
it. The longer the war lasted the more evident became the demoralization of our people, and their disregard for laws and principles
of action by which they had been guided all their lives. At the break-up respectable citizens, who would once have shrunk
from even the imputation of such conduct, helped themselves unblushingly to Government stores and public property, even when
it had been intrusted to them for safe keeping. When their betters set such
Page 211
an example, the common people of course threw off all restraint; and we could
then plainly see how petty, compared with the advantages gained, are the taxes which we pay for the support of law and government.
There seemed to be a general feeling, during the last ninety days, that there was no government outside of the military pressure
for conscripts, deserters, and tithes. I am reminded of a poor neighbor as I write, who, during the winter of '64-'65, like
many others, provided his family with wood to which he had no right. Being remonstrated with, he said with energy, "There
is no law in the land in these days," and continued his depredations openly. And I do believe the general feeling was, "What
else can he do, with wood at forty dollars a cord?"
Nor are such fruits of war
confined to the Southern side of the Potomac. The fires that have lit up so many Northern cities; the tales of murder, robbery,
and riot, which have crowded the columns of their journals for the past year; and the general lawlessness and contempt of
authority which prevail there, point unmistakably to the dangers which accompany a triumphant and utterly undisciplined army,
whether in the enemy's land or returning home flushed with victory and demoralized with licensed rapine and riot. Did Northern
people soberly believe that it was zeal for the Union and hatred of secession that prompted such wholesale plunder in the
South? Let their own experience since, and the records of their criminal courts within the last year, show, that when plunder
is to be had, lawless and unrestrained men care little
Page 212
whether it belongs to friend or foe; and that lust, once aroused and let loose,
can not distinguish, and is amenable to no laws. Herein, as in thousands of other instances, is that saying true, "The measure
we mete is measured to us again."
Human nature is indeed a wild
beast that has need to be chained and continually surrounded with restraints, or we should prey upon each other as savages
do, and so lapse into barbarism. Let the experience of the last five years teach the people of this great Republic henceforth
to preserve indissolubly the bonds of PEACE, that so, as a nation, they may do their appointed part toward hastening on the
coming of that PRINCE of whose kingdom there shall be no end.
"Te duce, qui maneant sceleris vestigia nostri
Irrita perpetuâ solvent formidine terras."
* With Thee for our guide,
whatever relics of our crimes remain shall be taken away, and free the world from perpetual fears.
Page 213
STATESVILLE was entered on
the night of the 13th, and occupied for a few hours only. Long enough, however, to insure the destruction of the Government
stores and railroad dépôt, and of the Iredell Express office, a paper which was obnoxious from the warmth with which
it had advocated the cause of the Confederacy. No county in the State had suffered more severely than Iredell in the loss
of her best and bravest sons in the army. The famous Fourth North-Carolina regiment was composed of Iredell boys, and the
colors of no regiment in the service were borne more daringly or more nobly. I remember to have heard it said, after one of
the great battles around Richmond, that half the families of Iredell were in mourning. When it became known that the Express
office was to be burned, the ladies and citizens plead earnestly that it might be spared for the sake
Page 214
of the town, which was in great danger of being involved in the conflagration.
The citizens offered to tear it down and remove the materials to a vacant square to be burned, but this was not allowed by
the officer who had charge of the business. The office was fired where it stood, and in consequence a large private dwelling,
belonging to Dr. Dean, standing near it, was also consumed, and a large family turned out houseless and utterly prostrated
otherwise--Gen. Sherman's army having just previously destroyed certain other resources of theirs. The wind providentially
blowing in the right direction, saved the town from general ruin. One of the citizens, Mr. Frank Bell, was cruelly beaten
and tortured to make him disclose the hiding-place of gold which they suspected he possessed. He, however, had none.
The raiders moved, on the
14th, to Taylorsville, Alexander county, and from thence to Lenoir, Caldwell county, which they reached on Saturday, 15th,
and occupied till Monday, 17th. On the road from Statesville a part of the command was dispatched in the direction of Lincolnton,
under General Palmer. Of this officer the same general account is given as of General Stoneman, that he exhibited a courtesy
and forbearance which reflected honor on his uniform, and have given him a just claim to the respect and gratitude of our
western people. The following pleasant story is a sample of his way of carrying on war with ladies: Mrs. Vance, the wife of
the Governor, had taken refuge, from Raleigh, in Statesville with her children. On the approach of General Stoneman's army,
Page 215
she sent off to Lincolnton, for safety, a large trunk filled with valuable
clothing, silver, etc., and among other things two thousand dollars in gold, which had been intrusted to her care by one of
the banks. This trunk was captured on the road by Palmer's men, who of course rejoiced exceedingly over this finding of spoil,
more especially as belonging to the rebel Governor Vance. Its contents were speedily appropriated and scattered. But the circumstance
coming to General Palmer's knowledge, within an hour's time he had every article and every cent collected and replaced in
the trunk, which he then immediately sent back under guard to Mrs. Vance with his compliments. General Palmer was aiming for
Charlotte when he was met by couriers announcing news of the armistice.
There was no plundering allowed
in Statesville. Mrs. Vance was treated with respect and entirely unmolested. But several weeks afterward, when Governor Vance
was a prisoner in Washington, a squad of Federal soldiers came to her residence and carried away every article of furniture
in the house. Some of this belonged to the Mansion House in Raleigh, and had been removed to Statesville for safety at the
same time when other Government property was sent off. The officer who was in command had the grace to appear ashamed of his
business, and apologized to Mrs. Vance repeatedly, stating that he was acting under orders, and that it was done at the suggestion
of North-Carolinians in Raleigh, who desired that the articles belonging to the executive mansion should be restored. Every
thing in the house was taken away, private
Page 216
property and all, and not one article ever reached the executive mansion.
Two queries occur: First, Who were the North-Carolinians who instigated this insult to Mrs. Vance? And second, Whatever did
become of the furniture? Every thing in the way of furniture was carried off, and Mrs. Vance, who was then ill, and her children
were left without even a bed. In less than twelve hours after this raid extraordinary became known to the people in the town
and neighborhood, the house was entirely refurnished with more than it had contained previously. I can well imagine that there
was no one who did not esteem it a privilege thus to testify their love and respect for the Governor and his family.
General Stoneman pressed on
toward Tennessee through Watauga county, with the prisoners, leaving General Gillam, with three hundred men, to proceed to
Asheville via Morganton.
Of the prisoners it was estimated
there were about nine hundred. Many of them were old men past the conscript age, some were boys, others were discharged Confederate
soldiers in feeble health or maimed, who had been captured at their homes. In regard to them no settled course or plan of
action seems to have been adopted. In some instances they easily escaped, or were allowed to do so tacitly, and regained their
homes in a short time. Most of them, however, were dragged on with every circumstance of barbarity and cruelty. A few instances
may be given illustrative of their treatment.
In Lenoir they were confined
in and about the
Page 217
Episcopal church, under a strong guard, with peremptory orders from General
Gillam to shoot every man who attempted to escape. The gallant General added, that he "would rather have ten men shot than
one escape." It must be remembered that a number of them were over sixty years of age; some were permanently diseased; some
were men who had not walked continuously five miles for years, or perhaps hardly in their whole lives; and that, when they
reached Lenoir, they had all of them marched twenty-five and thirty miles in eight or ten hours. They had been double-quicked
a good part of the way from Taylorsville to Lenoir, and arrived there on Saturday afternoon nearly exhausted with fatigue
and hunger. Notwithstanding their deplorable condition, they had nothing to eat after that march till Sunday at ten A.M.,
and then they were only partially supplied from the scanty stores of the plundered villagers; for Lenoir, having been pronounced
a "rebellious little hole," was sentenced to receive its full share of punishment at the hands of General Gillam. It was not
till the afternoon of Sunday that rations were issued. Whenever any of the towns-people carried any thing to the prison, the
scene was said to have been most piteous, so many men begging for just one morsel of dry bread. There seemed to be an especial
spirit of bitterness toward the prisoners among the Federal soldiers generally, and in some instances among the officers.
S. Hambright, Major and Provost-Marshal, with headquarters at the same place with General Gillam, was especially insulting
to citizens, and cruel to the prisoners. Dr. Ballew, a
Page 218
citizen of Lenoir, enfeebled and emaciated with consumption, was arrested
and carried to headquarters. Feeling exhausted with the effort to walk there, he sat down on the steps of the piazza, to await
the Major's pleasure. It was determined to send him to prison, and he was ordered to get up and march, but, from his feebleness,
not being able to move quickly enough to suit the chivalrous soldier, the Major, to help him rise, stepped behind and gave
him "a rousing kick." The citizens were heartily cursed for taking food to them. From Lenoir they were marched rapidly
up to the top of the Blue Ridge; several gave out, several who started from Salisbury died. They were all urged forward with
threats of death. A Lieutenant Shotwell attempted to escape, but being overtaken, surrendered. He was then shot down and left
on the roadside unburied. A Mr. Wilfong, who had captured a straggler of Kirk's command, brought him into Lenoir, not knowing
the Federals were there. The tables were of course turned, and he in his turn became a prisoner, and was given in charge to
his former captive, who wreaked such cruel vengeance on him that he died before reaching Greenville, Tenn. All who reached
Knoxville were sent to Camp Chase, Ohio.
General Gillam deserves especial
notice at the hands of the historian. All concurrent testimony represents him as most supercilious, insulting, and unfeeling.
His headquarters in Lenoir, were at Mr. Albert Hagler's. The family were all crowded off into one room, while the gallant
General and his staff appropriated
Page 219
all the rest of the premises, including kitchen and stables. To Miss Sarah
Hagler, an accomplished young lady, he was especially impertinent, though she parried his attacks with the civility of a lady.
On one occasion he said to her rudely, "I know you are a rebel from the way you move--an't you a rebel?" She replied, "General
Gillam, did you ever hear the story of the tailor's wife and the scissors?" "Yes." "Then I am a rebel as high as I can reach."
Coarseness, however, can not always be met playfully, and Mrs. Hagler incurred his anger to its fullest extent when, in reply
to his violent denunciation of the Confederates for starving their prisoners, she ventured to suggest that the Federal authorities
might have saved all this suffering had they agreed to exchange and take them North, where provisions were plenty. The General's
reply to this was the giving his men tacit license to plunder and destroy the houses of Mrs. H.'s married daughter and niece,
who lived very near her, and who, she had supposed, were to be protected, from his headquarters being at her house. No houses
in the place suffered more severely than theirs. The house of her daughter, Mrs. Hartley, was pillaged from top to bottom.
Barrels of sorghum were broken and poured over the wheat in the granary, and over the floors of the house. Furniture and crockery
were smashed, and what was not broken up was defiled in a manner so disgusting as to be unfit for use. Mrs. Clark, the niece,
was driven out of her house by the brutality of her plunderers. Her husband, Dr. Boone Clark, was a captain in the Confederate
service, had been wounded
Page 220
in the battle of Leesburg, early in the war--an admirable and most graphic
account of which engagement he wrote for the Raleigh Standard soon after. In several subsequent battles he had received
severe wounds, and though partially disabled by one of them at this time, he was endeavoring to raise a company of cavalry
for home defense, as marauders, under the notorious Keith and Blalock, were constantly threatening to pillage Lenoir. These
facts were known to some of Gillam's men, and they evidently enjoyed the opportunity to plunder his house and insult his defenseless
wife. He himself was at home, sitting at table, when the raiders dashed in town. Seizing his gun, he ran out and secreted
himself behind some adjoining buildings, and though a colonel did him the honor to enter his house almost immediately, and
with a squad made a thorough search for him, his retreat remained undiscovered, and at night he left for more secure quarters.
The raiders swarmed through the house that evening and night, breaking open trunks, wardrobes, drawers; searching for arms
and carrying off all the valuables, and destroying what they did not want. Finding a coat of the Captain's, they cut it to
pieces. They destroyed all the provisions, all the furniture, crockery, and wearing apparel. They tore up fine silk dresses
into ribbons for their hats, or cut large squares out and carefully wrapped up quids of tobacco in them and deposited them
on the mantel-piece. The little daughter's hat and garments were placed on the floor, and loathsomely polluted. They even
took the lady's thimble from her work-box, and carried off the
Page 221
likeness of her deceased mother, paying no regard to her entreaties. They
constantly addressed her, as she sat weeping and motionless amid the wreck they were making, in the most profane and obscene
and insulting language, repeatedly calling her a liar and other degrading names. They compelled her and her little daughter
to remain and witness the destruction; and, finally, when there was nothing more to break and steal, one of them approached
her and thrust his fist in her face. As she raised her head to avoid it, he struck her forehead, seized her by the throat,
cursing her furiously. She begged him not to kill her; he let her throat loose then; seizing the neck of her dress, tore it
open, snatched her gold watch, which hung by a ribbon, tore it off and left her. Half dead with fright, she rushed to the
door with the child, and amid curses and cries of "Stop her!" "Don't let her go!" got out of the house, ran down to her aunt's,
and fell fainting on the threshold. After she was recovered, the ladies begged General Gillam to interfere, but he refused,
saying, "There were bad men in all crowds." In the case of Mrs. Hartley he turned his back to the ladies without a word. Mrs.
Clark then appealed to Lieutenant Jerome B. Rice of the Signal Corps, and also to Lieutenant Theodore Mallobry in the same
command. These were gentlemen, and manifested a determination to protect her. One of them returned to her house with
her and viewed the utter destruction of her household property with every appearance of shame and indignation. As they entered
the house a soldier--the last of the gang--ran out. The Lieutenant had him
Page 222
arrested and carried to headquarters. When Mrs. Clark was called on to identify
him as one of the robbers, he denied having been near her house. "Why," said she, "that is a piece of a silk dress of mine
round your hat now." "Is it?" said he, coolly taking it off and handing it to her; "well, then, you may have it back." This
was in the presence of General Gillam, for whom, by the way, it was generally observed, the men seemed to have no respect.
General Brown sent a strong guard to Mrs. Clark's house; but it was too late to save any thing, and she had no redress.
I have been thus particular
to give an account which is, after all, a condensed one, of the treatment of one Southern lady by certain soldiers
of the army of the Union. There are thousands of such cases unreported. This I present as a sample. So much is said of the
"unharmonized" attitude of Southern women at present that I think it is as well to let the world see upon what ground it is
they feel as if some time must elapse before they can honestly profess to love their enemies.
While plundering one house
in the village, the marauders forced themselves into the chamber of a lady while she was in child-birth. With great difficulty
the attending physician prevented them from plundering that room.
Mrs. General Vaughn was residing
in Lenoir at this time. It is said that Generals Gillam and Vaughn had been friends before the war, and had agreed together
that if the family of one should fall into the hands of the other, they should be protected. General Gillam placed a guard
at Mrs. Vaughn's house; but as soon as
Page 223
he left the town, two of his men went in and demanded her watch. On her refusal
they attempted to search her. She drew a pistol, but they took it from her before she could fire. She resisted their search
with all her might, and at last they left her without the watch, having nearly torn her dress off. Shortly after, the same
two returned with five others, and with threats of violence compelled her to give the watch up. That night squads of half-intoxicated
men came back and committed further depredations in the village and neighborhood. The house of Dr. Felix Dula, with all its
furniture, was burned. This, however, it is conjectured, might have been done by deserters. They left Lenoir for Morganton
on the 17th, and on the way burned the house of a Mr. Johnston, one of the home guards. On reaching. Rocky Ford, on the Catawba
river, a mile or two from Morganton, they found a party of about fifty Confederates, strongly posted on the opposite side,
well armed, and with one brass howitzer. This party was under the command of Captain George West, Lieutenant-Colonel S. M'Dowell
Tate volunteering with them. They were well posted and sheltered on their side, while the enemy approached without cover to
attempt a very difficult ford. A sharp engagement ensued, which resulted in General Gillam's withdrawal toward Fleming's Ford,
a little higher up. He lost about twenty-five, killed and wounded. Few were wounded. An eye-witness says he counted eight
dead bodies of Federal soldiers floating down the stream. The Confederates lost none, their position being so advantageous.
At Fleming's
Page 224
Ford General Gillam easily forced his way, the fifty Confederates taking to
the mountains on finding themselves overpowered here.
The raiders remained at Morganton
a day or two. There was very little plundering done in the houses here. They exercised their ingenuity in searching for hidden
treasure out of doors. It seemed to have been understood that the Morganton people, warned of their approach, had cached
most of their valuables. These caches were hunted up with unremitting vigor, and most of them were discovered and rifled.
Many amusing stories are current now all through the South, of valuable deposits, scarcely hidden at all, which escaped, and
some, not so amusing, of others hidden in inscrutable places which were pounced upon at once. Of a quantity of old family
silver buried out of town, by a clump of rocks shaded with a persimmon-tree or two and a grape-vine, and on the departure
of the enemy the owner going out and finding that a camp had been made just there, and the camp-fire built just over the cache,
which was untouched. Of a valuable cache made by several families united, in a secluded spot in the woods, and found
afterward undisturbed save by the hoof of a raider's horse having sunk in upon it, having evidently caused a stumble, but
no suspicion of the cause. Of valuable papers and jewels so well hidden that it was months before the owners themselves could
find where they had put them.
Page 225
ON the road from Morganton
to Asheville General Gillam's men went through their usual programme, wherever a house was to be plundered and ladies were
to be insulted and robbed! At Pleasant Garden one of them, feeling that some clean linen was necessary to his comfort, demanded
a shirt of Colonel Carson. The Colonel assured him that the house had been thoroughly plundered, and the only shirt remaining
to him was the one he then had on. Having satisfied himself of this fact, the soldier compelled the Colonel (an old gentleman)
to strip, and carried off his sole remaining shirt. I believe no officers were present at the plundering of Colonel Carson's;
but at the house of the Rev. Mr. Paxton, an aged and amiable man, a minister of the Presbyterian Church, officers were present,
and countenanced, if they did not directly aid, the pillage. They carried off all that was portable, even to knives and forks,
and destroyed the rest of the furniture. Having found some marmalade and
Page 226
molasses, they made a mixture and smeared it over the bedroom furniture, etc.
Some of them locked Mrs. Paxton in her room, and attempted to torture her into the disclosure of hidden treasure, if she had
such. Her cries brought others to the door, and they desisted. Mr. Paxton's horse, watch, and all his clothing were taken
of course. Such were the rudeness and brutality which accompanied these robberies, that people were thankful to escape with
their lives.
About the time that General
Stoneman's return was expected in the West, a brigade of infantry, under command of a Colonel Kirby, was moved by the Federals
from Greenville, Tenn., on Asheville, N. C. It was supposed they would meet Stoneman there; but they arrived a little too
soon, during the second week of April, and were met by the Confederates near Camp Woodfire, and so successfully repulsed that
they turned about at once and returned to Greenville.
The troops by whom Kirby was
repulsed were a part of the command of General J. G. Martin, referred to in our first chapter as the originator of the plan
to furnish our soldiers through the blockade-runners. He was, as Governor Vance writes of him, a most gallant and efficient
officer, especially valuable for the prompt energy which he infused into every department of business under his control. When
it was found that General Gillam intended to take Asheville, General Martin ordered his whole command, consisting of Palmer's
brigade (composed of the Sixty-second, Sixty-fourth, and Sixty-ninth North-Carolina, and a South-Carolina battery) and Love's
regiment of
Page 227
Thomas's Legion, to the vicinity of Swannanoa Gap, on the road from Morganton
to Asheville. Love's regiment was ordered to the Gap. They reached it before Gillam did, and after cutting down some trees,
and making a few other arrangements to receive the raiders, waited their approach, and on their advance repulsed them without
difficulty. General Gillam spent two days at this Gap, vainly endeavoring to effect a passage, and finally moved off in the
direction of Hickory-nut Gap. Palmer's brigade was ordered to meet them there; but General Martin, giving an account of this
affair, adds, "I regret to say the men refused to go." Rumors of General Lee's surrender and of Johnston's armistice were
floating through the country, and men who fought bravely as long as there was hope were only too willing to lay down their
arms at the first news of peace.
General Martin ordered the
South-Carolina battery to Greenville, S. C., their horses being in too bad condition for active service. On its way it fell
in with General Gillam, and was captured. On Saturday, twenty-second of April, General Martin received notice of General Johnston's
armistice with Sherman, and immediately sent out two flags of truce, on different roads, to meet General Gillam. On Sunday
afternoon he was met on the Hendersonville road, about six miles from Asheville. He agreed to abide by the truce, and requested
an interview with General Martin, who accordingly, on Monday morning, twenty-fourth, went out to his camp. The interview resulted
in an agreement that General Gillam should go through
Page 228
Asheville to Tennessee, and that he should be furnished with three days'
rations for his men, and that they would observe the truce. General Gillam, it should be remarked, upon the testimony of his
own officers, had had official information of the armistice while at Rutherfordton, on his way from Swannanoa. But, nevertheless,
he had continued the same system of depredation all along his route from Rutherfordton, sweeping the country of horses, mules,
carriages, and property of every description, and destroying what they could not take along. On the twenty-fifth, General
Gillam arrived in Asheville. Perfect order was observed. The nine thousand rations required were duly issued to him. General
Gillam and his staff dined with General Martin; and as he was about to mount his horse to join his command, in the evening,
General Martin asked him if he would give him the forty-eight hours' notice provided for in the truce, before renewing
hostilities. General Gillam replied, "Certainly--that the notice should be given."
That night General Gillam
left his command encamped not far from Asheville, and went on to Tennessee. During the day, while the Federals were coming
in, a party of officers dashed into town from the French Broad road, in a state of very apparent excitement. This was the
notorious Colonel Kirke and his staff, who had approached at the head of two regiments for the
openly avowed purpose of plundering Asheville, having heard of the dispersion of the Confederates from Swannanoa, and feeling
sure of their prize at last. But finding the town quietly
Page 229
occupied by General Gillam, under the terms of the armistice, they expressed
deep disappointment, and swore roundly they would yet return and lay it in ashes. Now they were compelled to leave in advance
of General Gillam.*
* Perhaps it is not generally
known in North-Carolina that Colonel Kirke had ardent aspirations for the provisional governorship of his beloved native State.
I saw a letter from him just after the break-up, in which he avowed this noble ambition, evidently anticipating no very distant
day when a grateful country should reward his patriotism and gallantry. By the way, it is said that Colonel Kirke also is
a native of Salisbury. Both Kirke and Gillam! I am afraid there is a disposition to slander that fine old borough. The Federal army led in its rear an immense train of plunder--animals of all sorts,
and carriages and wagons piled with property--household goods and treasures. One load, however, was of questionable value,
being no less than fifteen negro babies, the mothers marching in the crowd. The Asheville people had the mortification of
seeing the guns of the South-Carolina battery, just captured, driven through by negroes. Not a citizen was visible in the
streets; doors and windows were all closed; but I have the best authority--that of a lady--for saying that from behind curtains
and blinds many a glance was shot from bright eyes, of contempt and hatred, on the blue jackets. Such lightning, however,
is unfortunately innocuous, and not known to produce fatal effects outside of romances; and so the raiders lounged carelessly
about, or sat down on the street-corners and played cards, while waiting for their rations, in perfect immunity from such
electrical batteries.
Tuesday night passed quietly,
and Asheville was beginning to hope that hostilities suspended would
Page 230
prove to be hostilities ended. Our troops had almost ceased to exist in an
organized form. The town was guarded by only one company--Captain Teague's scouts--besides General Martin and his staff, including
in all about thirty officers. A small party of Federals passed through during the twenty-sixth, under flag of truce, carrying
dispatches to General Palmer, who was then approaching from Lincolnton by the Hickorynut Gap. At sunset on the twenty-sixth,
General Brown, in command of a portion of the same troops that had just passed through with Gillam, suddenly reëntered the
place, capturing all the officers and soldiers, and giving up the town to plunder. The men were paroled to go home, the officers
to report to General Stoneman at Knoxville.
This, be it remembered, was
within twenty-four hours after the above agreement with General Gillam, on official news of General Sherman's armistice.
General Martin being arrested,
was taken to General Brown, and after less than an hour's absence, was permitted to return home in charge of a United States
officer. On arriving at his house, he found the ladies of his family, with lighted candles, going over the house at the bidding
of the marauders, lighting them while they broke open doors, trunks, drawers, and boxes, and helped themselves to what they
chose. And this was the experience of every house in the place that night. Many were entered by three or four different gangs
at once. They swarmed in at every avenue of entrance, generally by the back-door, having taken counsel with the negroes first.
Mrs. Martin recovered
Page 231
some of her stolen goods by the assistance of a guard who was detailed after
the house had been plundered. Not even the town of Fayetteville suffered more severely from pillage. Mrs. James W. Patton
and her sister were both sick in bed. Their house was entered from front and back at the same time. The ladies' rooms were
entered, they were dragged from their beds, their persons and the rooms searched, and their valuables taken. This was supposed
to have been done upon the information of a servant, who had told that there were four watches in the house. Of these four
watches, three were afterward recovered, through the agency of a Captain Patterson, Assistant Adjutant-General to General
Gillam, who had been quartered at Mrs. Patton's, and who proved to be one of the few gentlemen in that division of
the United States army.
Judge Bailey's family suffered
as severely as any others, every thing portable of value being carried off, even to the boots from the Judge's feet. The wedding-rings
of his wife and daughter were forced from their hands. Other ladies were stopped in the street and their jewelry forced from
them. Those who applied to General Brown, who had the honor to command this extraordinary expedition, received no redress
whatever. Dr. Chapman, a well-known and widely respected minister of the Presbyterian Church, was so entirely robbed of all
his goods and valuables, that he had not a change of clothes left beside what he wore. The Tenth and Eleventh Michigan regiments
certainly won for themselves in Asheville that
Page 232
night a reputation that should damn them to everlasting fame. No excuse was
given for this violation of the armistice, except a lame story of their having been attacked by General Vaughn and returning
to Asheville to revenge themselves. General Vaughn was at that time in Virginia. On Thursday, parties scoured the country
in all directions, carrying on the work of plunder and destruction. On Friday, they left, having destroyed all the arms and
ammunition they could find and burned the armory [Asheville Confederate Armory]. On Friday afternoon, they sent off the officers they had captured under a guard. The town being left thus without arms
or protectors, the citizens, remembering Kirke's threats, begged General Brown to leave a small force as guard; but he refused,
saying, "They might take care of themselves."
On the twenty-eighth, the
following dispatch from General Palmer--who was Brown's senior officer--to General Martin, released our officers and men from
their parole, and set the disgraceful circumstance of their surprise and capture in its proper light, though not stigmatizing
it as it deserved:
April 28, 1865.
GENERAL: I could not learn
any of the particulars of your capture and that of Colonel Palmer and other officers and men, at Asheville, on the twenty-sixth,
and as our toops at that point were obliged to leave immediately, there was no time for me to make
the necessary investigation.
Page 233
I therefore ordered your release
on a parole of honor, to report to General Stoneman.
On further reflection, I have
come to the conclusion that our men should have given you, under all the circumstances, notice of the termination of the armistice,
and that in honor we can not profit by any failure to give this notice. You will therefore please inform all the officers
and soldiers paroled by General Brown under the circumstances referred to, that the parole they have given (which was by my
order) is not binding, and that they may consider that it was never given.
Regretting that your brother
officers and yourself should have been placed in this delicate position, I am, General, respectfully your obedient servant,
WILLIAM J. PALMER, Brevet Brigadier-General Commanding.
General J. G. MARTIN, Asheville.
The citizens of Asheville
also owed it to General Palmer's interference that two regiments of negroes, which had been sent over into Yancey county,
and which were bearing down upon Asheville, (it was said, at the suggestion and with the concurrence of Kirke and Gillam,)
for the purpose of plunder and arson, were countermanded and sent over into Tennessee.
The Asheville pillage concludes
such accounts of General Stoneman's remarkable raid through Western Carolina as I have been able to collect. A rich harvest
of incident yet remains for the future historian. I have done little more than indicate his route. Much
Page 234
of the above is taken verbatim from a MS. narrative furnished me, at my request,
by Dr. R. L. Beall, of Lenoir, so admirably and accurately prepared that I hope it will be given to the public entire at no
distant day. It gives me pleasure to acknowledge here my indebtedness to this gentleman, and my thanks for the generous public
spirit he has displayed in his invaluable contribution to these pages. See also Civil War Cavalry Weapons, Battles, Uniforms, Role, Tactics, and
Text transcribed by Apex Data Services, Inc. Images scanned by Risa Mulligan Text
encoded by Apex Data Services, Inc., Amanda Page, and Elizabeth S. Wright First edition, 2005 ca. 475K University
Library, UNC-Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005.
© This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It may be used freely by
individuals for research, teaching and personal use as long as this statement of availability is included in the text.
Recommended Reading: The Last Ninety Days Of The War In North Carolina
(1866). Description: The author, Cornelia Phillips Spencer, was the widowed daughter of a University
of North Carolina faculty member and she experienced the Civil War from what was
then the village of Chapel Hill.
She was well-acquainted with North Carolina's leading citizens,
including Gov. Zebulon B. Vance and the president of the state university, former Gov. David Swain. Using this personal access,
and corresponding with other witnesses to the closing weeks of the war, she pieced together an engaging, if somewhat episodic,
account of those final days of conflict. Continued below…
After the war and publication
of this book, Spencer took an active role in "reconstructing" the University of North Carolina.
She is widely celebrated for her efforts that helped reopen the university in 1875. "The Last Ninety Days of the Civil War
in North Carolina" is a work of history as well as a first-hand account; indeed, the book
was originally a series of articles published late in 1865 in a New York City
periodical. Spencer deals with three major themes in the book: (1) the rapacious behavior of Union soldiers as they invaded
her home state; (2) the efforts of state officials to end the fighting and destruction in April 1865; and (3) the strong support
received by the Confederacy from a state that was, according to Spencer, strongly Unionist in its sentiment up until April
1861. Most observers, including Spencer, hold that President Lincoln's appeal to North Carolina
for troops to put down the rebellion in neighboring southern states turned most Tar Heels against the Union.
North Carolina was the last of the Confederate states to secede, on May 20, 1861, five weeks
after the attack on Fort Sumter.
Recommended Reading: Stoneman's Raid, 1865. Description: In the spring of 1865, Federal major general George Stoneman launched a cavalry raid deep into the heart of the
Confederacy. Over the next two months, Stoneman's cavalry rode across six Southern states, fighting fierce skirmishes and
destroying supplies and facilities. When the raid finally ended, Stoneman's troopers had brought the Civil War home to dozens
of communities that had not seen it up close before. In the process, the cavalrymen pulled off one of the longest cavalry
raids in U.S. military history. Continued below...
Despite its geographic scope, Stoneman's 1865 raid failed in its primary
goal of helping to end the war. Instead, the destruction the raiders left behind slowed postwar recovery in the areas it touched.
In their wake, the raiders left a legacy that resonates to this day, even in modern popular music such as The Band's ''The
Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.'' Based on exhaustive research in 34 repositories in 12 states and from more than 200
books and newspapers, Hartley's book tells the complete story of Stoneman's 1865 raid for the first time. About the Author:
Chris J. Hartley has worked in marketing and communications for several large companies. On the side, he chases the history
that has fascinated him since childhood. He has published several articles and is a frequent speaker about the Civil War.
He lives in Pfafftown, N.C.
Reading: George Stoneman:
A Biography of the Union General (Hardcover).
Description: During an 1865 raid through North Carolina,
Major General George Stoneman missed capturing the fleeing Jefferson Davis only by a matter of hours, timing somewhat typical
of Stoneman's life and career. This biography provides an in-depth look at the life and military career of Major General George
Stoneman, beginning with his participation in the 2,000-mile march of the Mormon Battalion and other western expeditions.
Continued below…
The main body
of the work focuses on his Civil War service, during which he directed the progress of the Union cavalry and led several pivotal
raids on Confederate forces. In spite of Stoneman's postwar career as military governor of Virginia and governor of California, his life was marked by his inability to reach ultimate success in war or politics,
necessitating a discussion of his weaknesses as a commander and a politician. Period photographs are included. About the Author:
Ben Fuller Fordney teaches American history at Blue Ridge Community
College in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
He serves as director of the Shenandoah Civil War Associates.
Recommended Reading:
The Campaigns Of General Nathan Bedford Forrest And Of Forrest's Cavalry.
Description: In June 1861, practically unschooled, without military training or experience, Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821–1877)
enlisted in the Confederate Army as a private. Yet by the Civil War's end he was a lieutenant general whose dazzling exploits
and bloody victories caused him to be regarded by his Northern opponents as a "devil," by Southerners as a living legend,
and by historians as the greatest cavalry commander and one of the few authentic military geniuses produced by the war. Continued
His spectacular, unparalleled
career has intrigued generations of Civil War scholars and enthusiasts. Subsequent biographies or studies of him have never
totally superseded The Campaigns of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (1868) by General Thomas Jordan (West Pointer and chief
of staff to Generals Beauregard, Albert Sidney Johnston, and Braxton Bragg) and the professional journalist J. P. Pryor. Forrest
himself gave them complete access to his military papers, spent many hours in interviews with them, and closely supervised
their writing. Hence, this work is not just a flat campaign study of Forrest—in effect, it is his military memoir and
as such remains the most valuable source on Forrest and his cavalry. About the Author: General Thomas Jordan, West Pointer,
was the chief of staff to Generals Beauregard, Albert Sidney Johnston, and Braxton Bragg. J. P. Pryor was a professional journalist.
Recommended Reading: The Civil War in North Carolina.
Description: Numerous battles and skirmishes
were fought in North Carolina during the Civil War, and
the campaigns and battles themselves were crucial in the grand strategy of the conflict and involved some of the most famous
generals of the war. Continued below...
John Barrett presents the complete story of military engagements and battles across the state, including
the classical pitched battle of Bentonville--involving Generals Joe Johnston and William
Sherman--the siege of Fort Fisher, the amphibious campaigns on the
coast, and cavalry sweeps such as General George Stoneman's Raid. "Includes cavalry battles, Union Navy
operations, Confederate Navy expeditions, Naval bombardments, the land battles... [A]n indispensable edition." Also
available in hardcover: The Civil War in North Carolina.
Reading: Cavalry Raids of the Civil War (Stackpole Military History Series). Description: In war, the raid is the epitome of daring. Usually outnumbered, raiders
launch surprise attacks behind enemy lines, taking prisoners, destroying communications, and seizing supplies. In the Civil
War, these men marauded on horseback, stunning opponents with their speed and mobility. This book covers the adventurous and
often dangerous exploits of the Union and Confederate cavalry officers who had a flair for
plunging into the enemy's lair. Continued below…
Covers raids
from J. E. B. Stuart's 1862 ride around McClellan's army to James Wilson's crushing raids in Alabama and Georgia in 1865. About the Author: Robert W. Black, a retired U.S. Army colonel
who served as a Ranger in Korea and Vietnam, is author of several books.
Recommended Reading: Bushwhackers, The Civil War
in North Carolina: The Mountains (338 pages). Description: Trotter's
book (which could have been titled "Murder, Mayhem, and Mountain Madness") is an epic backdrop for the most horrific
murdering, plundering and pillaging of the mountain communities of western North Carolina during the state’s darkest
hour—the American Civil War. Commonly referred to as Southern Appalachia, the North Carolina
and East Tennessee mountains witnessed divided loyalties in its bushwhackers and guerrilla
units. These so-called “bushwhackers” even used the conflict to settle old feuds and scores, which, in some cases,
continued well after the war ended. Continued below...
Some bushwhackers
were highly organized ‘fighting guerrilla units’ while others were a motley group of deserters and outliers,
and, since most of them were residents of the region, they were familiar with the terrain and made for a “very formidable
foe.” In this work, Trotter does a great job on covering the many facets of the bushwhackers, including their: battles,
skirmishes, raids, activities, motives, the outcome, and even the aftermath. This book is also a great source for tracing
ancestors during the Civil War; a must have for the family researcher of Southern Appalachia. "[T]he historical events that transpired in the region are brought
to life in this study."
Reading: The Last Confederate General: John C. Vaughn and His East
Tennessee Cavalry (Hardcover).
Description: John Crawford Vaughn was one of the most famous men in Tennessee
in the mid-nineteenth century. He was the first man to raise an infantry regiment in the state--and one of the very last Confederate
generals to surrender. History has not been kind to Vaughn, who finally emerges
from the shadows in this absorbing assessment of his life and military career. Making
use of recent research and new information, Larry Gordon’s biography follows Vaughn to Manassas,
Vicksburg and other crucial battles; it shows him as a close friend of Jefferson Davis, and
Davis’s escort during the final month of the war. Continued
And it considers
his importance as one of the few Confederate generals to return to Tennessee after Reconstruction, where he became President
of the State Senate. Gordon examines Vaughn’s (hitherto unknown) location
on the field of crucial battles; his multiple wounds; the fact that his wife and family, captured by Union soldiers, were
the only family members of a Confederate general incarcerated as hostages during the Civil War; and the effect of this knowledge
on his performance as a military commander. Finally, the book is as valuable
for its view of this little understood figure as it is for the light it casts on the culture of his day. Our History Project:
“The Last Confederate General is a fine read for anyone: Action, adventure, love, drama, war and perseverance. What
more can you ask for in a book. Five stars for Larry Gordon for a job well done…Larry Gordon seemed to have nailed both
recreational reading and historically accurate statistics in one read….a fascinating story of courage, determination
and self worth.”
Recommended Viewing: American Experience - Reconstruction: The Second Civil War (DVD). Description: Spanning
the years from 1863 to 1877, this dramatic mini-series recounts the tumultuous post-Civil War years. America was grappling
with rebuilding itself, with bringing the South back into the Union, and with how best to
offer citizenship to former slaves. Stories of key political players in Washington
are interwoven with those of ordinary people caught up in the turbulent social and political struggles of Reconstruction.