Report of Lieut. Col. Walter G. Morrill, Twentieth Maine Infantry.
TWENTIETH MAINE VOLUNTEERS, April 14, 1865. CAPT.: I have the honor to report the operations of the Twentieth Maine
Volunteers and First Michigan Volunteers, which were under my immediate command during the engagement at the Five Forks
on April 1, 1865.
At 3 p.m. we were formed for a charge, my command being in the third line; in this order we advanced
three-quarters of a mile and halted. Gen. Bartlett ordered me to move my command by the left flank some half a mile;
halted and fronted. Were ordered by him to charge the enemy on his flank, which I immediately did; carried the enemy's works,
capturing a large number of prisoners and the battle-flag of the Ninth Virginia Regt. After doing this the enemy began
to press us very hard on the right flank, and I sent Brevet Maj. Clark to report to Gen. Bartlett the state of affairs.
The enemy still continued to press us very hard, and we were losing men very fast. I also sent Capt. Sidelinger to Gen.
Bartlett, and he immediately ordered a regiment in on our right, which relieved us at once, and, more troops coming up, the
enemy began to fall back, and we continued to press him for the next three miles, when we gave up the pursuit and came
back to the breast-works and bivouacked for the night.
In justice to all under my command, I have only to say that
every officer and man did his duty well and faithfully; there was no skulking, and every one was in his place.
loss of the First Michigan I am not able to report. The loss in the Twentieth Maine was 7 killed and 23 wounded.
WALTER G. MORRILL, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Twentieth Maine Volunteers.
Capt. WILLIAM FOWLER, Asst. Adjt.
Gen., First Division, Fifth Army Corps.
Source: Official Records. N. AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD., AND PA. [CHAP. LVIII. Series I. Vol.
46. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 95.]