
Ohio and the Civil War (1861-1865)
Ohio (1861-1865), part 1
Ohio Civil War Flag, The Buckeyes in Battle |

Soldiers took great pride in their battle banners, such as the 47th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry |
In common with her sister states of the north, Ohio was to a great extent
unprepared for the shock of the Civil war, when the rebellious guns in Charleston harbor sounded a suspension of national
peace and gave the signal for the fearful struggle that was to follow the attack upon Fort Sumter. The militia organ-
izations that had been so efifective in the pioneer days, guarding the frontier against the attacks of a savage foe,
had, after the disappearance of that menacing danger, gradually disintegrated, and during a long period of profound
peace the inhabitants of the Buckeye State had followed vocations and given their atten- tion to matters entirely
foreign to warlike tendencies. Some of her leading citizens, however, foresaw the inevitable conflict, and efforts
were made, but with little success, to establish a militia system within the state. Several years prior to the open- ing
of hostilities, Salmon P. Chase, then governor of Ohio, at- tempted to arouse interest in military organization and drill,
un- doubtedly because he anticipated an appeal of the great political questions to the high court of war. He was far
from a military man himself, but he sought to make the state capable of meeting any emergency. Ellsworth, at Chicago,
had shown that militia might be interested in something more than the manual of arms, and Chase, with some legislative
support, encouraged similar companies of Zouaves in Ohio. These were fancy French drilled companies and proved to
be failures in actual war. A new arsenal was established, new arms were received from the government, and such was
the interest finally excited that a convention of nearly two hundred officers assembled at Columbus to consult as to
the best means of developing and fostering a militia system ; and in 1859, Governor Chase had the satisfaction of reviewing
nearly thirty companies. But these were a mere bagatelle and can hardly be dignified by being called the nucleus of
the grand array of fighting men that Ohio contributed as her quota to the support of the Union cause in the great
conflict which was then so near at hand, but little anticipated by the people in general. Thus, while materially prosperous
and progressive, enjoying the benefits of fraternal relations with her sister commonwealths, Ohio was suddenly aroused
from her dream of peace, and the nation's defenders which she supplied were drawn from the dif- ferent walks of life.
Professors and plow-boys, merchants and mechanics, lawyers and laborers, were the ones who answered the call to arms,
and in the service of their country caste was obliterated. They all marched and fought as equals — defenders of
the flag.
The sentiment of the state was conservative and in complete accord with the ideas of Abraham Lincoln
whose election the voters of Ohio had so emphatically favored. The prevailing sentiment was that anything within reason
should be conceded to the South, excepting the one great principle for which the campaign of 1860 had been waged,
and upon which issue the presidential election had been won — slavery must not be extended over more United
States territory, or into new states formed therefrom. In the Congress of 1859-60, memorable for the long and bitter
and finally successful contest of the Southerners against the candidacy of John Sherman for speaker of the house, Thomas
Corwin had secured the preliminary adoption of an amendment to the United States constitution, guarding slavery forever
from interference, provided it remained within the limits then established. In this action Corwin had the support of his
constituents, as was evidenced later by Ohio's legislative endorse- ment of the proposed amendment, but this exceptional
action was the manifestation of a strong desire for national peace, and had the true sentiment of the people of Ohio
even then been expressed it would have been an emphatic disapproval of the institution of human slavery and an earnest
demand for its utter annihila- tion. So, when the Gordian knot had been cut by the initiative of the South, and an
appeal to arms had been taken in its effort to establish The Confederate States of America, the first and only attempt
ever made to organize a nation solely based on the principle of eternally perpetuating human slavery, Ohioans no longer
felt the necessity of restraint, and enthusiastially respond- ed to the call from the national government for aid in suppressing
the sectional uprising. Ohio, at this critical period, had a population of 2,343,739, and as this was fully one-eighth
of the people of the states that might be expected to unitedly support the national government, and, with about 500,000
men of military age within her borders, it was to be expected that the state would play an important part in the conflict.
And that such expecta- tions were more than realized a history of the bloody struggle gives abundant proof.
Carolina passed the first Ordinance of Secession Dec. 20, 1860, and four other slave states followed before Lincoln was
inaugurated and the Confederacy was formed at Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 8, 1861. The seceded states and the Confederacy
as soon as formed seized United States forts and arsenals, arms, ammunition and military supplies, capturing and paroling
United States troops, also of the United States mint and its contents of gold and silver and also custom houses, etc.,
until there remained only a few spots in the South Atlantic and Gulf states where the Stars and Stripes were flying.
The Ohio legislature met on the first Monday of Jan., 1861, amidst the general pervading excitement growing out
of these events, and the members thereof were keenly alive to the im- pending exigency in national affairs. On Jan.
12, they passed a series of joint resolutions, of which the following is a synopsis:
1st. The people of Ohio believe
that the preservation of this government is essential to the peace, prosperity and safety of the American people.
2nd. The general government cannot permit the secession of any state without violating the bond and compact of
3d. The power of the national government must be main- tained, and the laws of Congress enforced in the
states and territories, until their repeal by Congress, or they are adjudged to be unconstitutional by the proper
tribunal. All attempts by state authority to nullify the constitution and laws of Congress, or resist their execution,
are destructive of the wisest govern- ment in the world.
4th. The people of Ohio are opposed to meddling with
the internal affairs of other states.
5th. The people of Ohio will fulfill in good faith all their obligations
under the constitution of the United States, according to their spirit.
6th. Certain offensive laws in some of
the states are rendered inefficient by the constitution and laws of the Federal govern- ment, which guarantee to the
citizens of each state the privileges and immunities of the several states. The several state govern- ments should
repeal these offensive laws, and thus restore confi- dence between the states.
7th. All Union men condemn the
secession ordinances.
8th. We hail with joy the firm, dignified and patriotic message of the president, and pledge
the entire power and resources of the state for a strict maintenance of the constitution and laws by the general government,
by whomsoever administered.
9th. Copies of these resolutions shall be furnished to the senators and representatives
of both houses of Congress.
Yet there was a constant restraint exercised in Ohio as else- where, imposed more
particularly by the attitude of the border states and the hope that in some way means could be found whereby an honorable
peace could be maintained without the surrender of principle or the dissolution of the Union. At the peace conference,
called at the suggestion of the border states, and which was held in Washington in Feb., 1861, Ohio sent as delegates
Salmon P. Chase, John T. Wright, William S. Groesbeck, Franklin T. Backus, Reuben Hitchcock, Thomas Ewing, Valentine
B. Horton and C. P. Wolcott. Crafts J. Wright of Ohio was secretary of this peace conference. They deliberated upon
various plans to preserve both peace and the Union, the central idea of each scheme being the perpetuation of slavery
in the South and its limitation by definite boundary lines. But the conference was altogether futile, and the change
in adminis- tration of national affairs, on March 4, following, put the reins of government in the hands of those
who heartily endorsed the sentiment expressed by Jackson in the words: "The Union of the states must and shall be
On April 12, 1861, an act to enroll the militia of the state be- came a law. The following is a synopsis
of it:
1st. Assessors to prepare lists of all persons subject to military duty, and file the lists with the auditor,
who shall furnish a copy to the adjutant-general, and an abstract shall by him be forwarded annually to the war department
at Washington before Jan. 1 in each year. There shall also be a militia of the reserve; when 40 or more persons enroll
themselves, the adjutant may issue com- missions. When public service requires more force than "the active militia,"
this "militia of the reserve" shall be called into service.
On the same day was passed an act to secure the safe
keeping of arms in the hands of volunteer companies. It provided that each man should receive $5; that the commanders
should report lists of members; that the commanders should report all delin- quencies in the company; that delinquents
should be marked off by the adjutant-general, and the delinquents were not to receive the $5; that the aggregate should
not exceed 6,000 men.
On the 13th the following law was passed to amend the militia law of 1859. It provided for
carrying into effect the new military division of the state. The amendment was as follows:
Sec. 5. That the commander-in-chief
may, if he shall deem the same advisable, order a camp of instruction to be held, once a year, for four days, during
the period of legal encampments, at which time the officers of the volunteer militia, or the officers and all other
members of said militia, shall be drilled in the school of the soldier and the details of their respective duties; and
sec- tion 3 of the act entitled "an act for the further discipline of the militia and volunteer militia, passed March
23, 1859," and pro- viding a camp of instruction for officers only, is hereby repealed. These laws became inoperative
in the presence of the immediately succeeding war.
But a more striking proof of the conciliatory disposition which
possessed the legislature was to be given. The proposed consti- tutional amendment, which has been mentioned, and
which was carried through Congress by the efforts of Thomas Corwin, was submitted to the legislatures of the several
states for ratification; and before the beginning of actual hostilities in Charleston harbor, it was apparent that,
carrying the effort for conciliation to the furthest extreme, the legislature of Ohio meant to give (as it did) the
sanction of Ohio to this irreversible guarantee to slavery in the fundamental law of the land. Before its place on the
Ohio senate calendar was reached, however, came the bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861, the surrender of that
fort and the call of the president to "maintain the honor, integrity and exist- ence of the National Union." On April
15, the State of Ohio was wild with excitement over the receipt of the news of the call to arms. On the next day troops
began to arrive in Columbus in answer to the president's call, and the feeling, if possible, was even more intense.
The telegraphs and mails were burdened with exhortations to the legislature to grant money and men to any extent,
and the hot haste of the people to plunge into war seemed to cause the very air to become laden with the clamor. Notwith-
standing the pulse of the people, however, and as a last effort at conciliation, the state senate adopted the Corwin
constitutional amendment, and only eight members out of the whole body op- posed it. Maryland was the only other state
in the Union that ratified the Corwin amendment; even the southern states scorned it.
Although in this manner
the representatives of the people signified their desire for peace, they also promptly took all the necessary preliminary
steps in preparation for war. The presi- dent's requisition for 75,000 men having been received, Gov. William Dennison
issued the following proclamation:
"To the People of Ohio: — You are called upon to meet the gravest responsibilities,
and it may be sacrifices, to preserve your free institutions and your national independence.
"The attempt of your
government to supply a beleaguered garrison with provisions, has been met by open war, and the re- duction of the
garrison by force of arms. Your national flag has been insulted, and the constitutional authorities of the Union treasonably
"At such an hour, rising above all party names and party bias, resolute to maintain the freedom so dearly
purchased by our fathers, and to transmit it unimpaired to our posterity, let the people assert their power.
voice will be heard, your actions, giving hope to the overawed and oppressed in the rebellious districts, will strength-
en the hands and animate the hearts of the loyal thousands in the border states, and will bring back peace and order
to the nation, with a new assurance of the perpetuity of its priceless blessings. The general assembly, by acts just
passed, opens to you the method of testifying your devotion to our beloved state, to the Union as it is, and those
free institutions which have been alike the foundation and pledge of our national and individ- ual prosperity.
general orders issued through the proper department assert that method, and invite your response. Let us all be thankful
to Almighty God for past mercies, imploring His par- don for our many shortcomings, and trusting with Him the destinies
of our country, forget all but the pressing duty to cast aside the distinctions that have been the basis of transient
differ- ences, and demonstrate to the world that we are worthy sons of great ancestors, fit to be intrusted with the
liberties we inherit."
On April 16, within less than 24 hours after the president's call for troops had been received,
the state senate had matured, carried through the several readings, and passed a bill appro- priating $1,000,000 for
placing the state upon a war-footing, and for assisting the general government in meeting the shock of the sectional
uprising. Some days earlier a bill had been intro- duced appropriating $100,000 for war purposes, but on a hint from
the governor that perhaps other and more important meas- ures might be deemed advisable, action was delayed. Then the
$1,000,000 war bill was introduced, in response to a message from Gov. Dennison, in which he announced the call from
Washington, set forth the necessity of defending the integrity of the Union, and concluded as follows:
as the contest may grow to greater dimensions than is now anticipated, I deem it my duty to recommend to the general assembly
of this state to make provisions proportionate to its means to assist the national authorities in restoring the integ-
rity and strength of the Union, in all its amplitude, as the only means of preserving the rights of all the states,
and insuring the permanent peace and prosperity of the whole country. I ear- nestly recommend, also, that an appropriation
of not less than $450,000 be immediately made for the purchase of arms and equipments for the use of the volunteer
militia of the state. I need not remind you of the pressing exigency for the prompt organization and arming of the
military force of the state."




The debate which preceded the passage of this war-appro- priation bill illustrated the melting
away of party lines under the white heat of patriotism. As the members opposed to the insti- tution of slavery in
any locality had shown their willingness, in the interest of peace and national union, to support a constitu- tional
amendment that would preserve and protect it in a re- stricted territory, so did those who were opposed politically to
the national administration bury their partisan feelings and unite in the support of a measure which was to unmistakably
reflect Ohio's attitude in the impending crisis. Senator Orr, of Crawford county, was opposed to the war, and even
to the purposes of the bill, but he said he would vote for it as the best means of testifying his hostility to secession.
Judge Thomas M. Key, of Cincinnati, the ablest Democrat in the state senate, and who was subsequently colonel and
judge-advocate on Gen. McClel- lan's staff, said that he, too, was in favor of the bill. Yet he then seemed to regard
the measure as an unwarranted declara- tion of war against seven sister states. He entered his solemn protest against
the line of action announced by the executive, and declared the preparation for war was a usurpation by the president,
in whom and in whose advisers he had no confidence, and the beginning of a military despotism. He said he firmly believed
it to be the desire of the administration to drive off the border states, and to permanently sever the Union. But he was
opposed to secession, and in this contest he could do no other way than stand by the Stars and Stripes. The bill passed
by an almost unanimous vote, one senator alone voting against it, but under the terrible pressure of public condemnation,
espe- cially in his own district, that gentleman shortly afterward asked leave to change his vote. The bill was then
sent to the house, and the vote in that body, after its members had waited a day for public opinion, was unanimous,
and in the speeches made there were unreserved expressions of national spirit. Mr. Flagg, a Democrat of Hamilton county,
said he was "ready for peace for the Union, or war for it, love for it, hatred for it, everything for it." He was
glad that delay had produced unanimity. But he had been of the number that had favored instant action. He said he
was ready for immediate action because "Jefferson Davis had shown no hesitation in suspending the rules and marching through
first, second, and third readings without waiting to hear from his constituents." He had ever advocated peace, but always
a peace for the Union. Mr. Andrews, of Auglaize coun- ty, who had denounced the excitement on the subject of war as crazy
fanaticism, heartily supported the bill. He said: "The act of South Carolina towards the Democrats of the North was a
crime for which the English language can find no description. * * * It has forever severed the last tie that bound them
Amid such displays of patriotic feeling the bill was passed and
became effective on April 18. It appropriated $500,000 for the
purpose of carrying into effect any requisition of the president
to protect the national government; $450,000 for the purchase
of arms and equipments for the militia of the state; and the
remaining $50,000 as an extraordinary contingent fund
for use under the direction of the governor. The commission- ers of
the sinking fund were authorized to borrow the money, at six per cent, interest, and to issue certificates therefor which
should be free from state taxation.
In the passage of other war measures all semblance of fac- tious opposition was noticeably
absent. Under the leadership of William B. Woods, ex-speaker of the house and a Demo- cratic leader, who subsequently
rose to the rank of colonel of a three years' volunteer regiment and brevet major-general of volunteers, a bill passed
exempting the property of those who enlisted as soldiers from execution for debt during their serv- ice. Then, as
it became evident that far more troops were press- ing for acceptance than were needed to fill Ohio's quota of thirteen
regiments, the legislature acceded to the sagacious sug- gestion of the governor that the surplus should be retained for
the service of the state. The bill authorized the acceptance of ten additional regiments, provided $500,000 for the
payment of such troops, and $1,500,000 more were appropriated to be used in case of invasion of the state, or the
appearance of danger of invasion. On May 10, an act was passed, by which a tax of half a mill on the dollar of taxable
property was levied, to be applied to the relief of families of volunteers, the relief to be continued one year after
the death of the volunteer if he died in service. A bill defining and punishing treason also became a law.
April 26, an act was passed "To provide more effectually for the defense of the state against invasion." The appropria-
tion in this act amounted to $2,000,000, to meet which, the com- missioners of the sinking fund were empowered to
borrow the amount. The same act authorized the governor to call out nine regiments of infantry and eight of cavalry.
At this juncture,
however, a constitutional inhibition seemed to present itself, and those opposed to the act
made the most of the situation. The constitution of the state, Sec. 1, Art. VIII, limited the power of the state to
contract debts to cases of "casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expenses not otherwise provided for, but
the aggregate of such debts, direct and contingent, whether contracted by one or more acts of the general assembly, or
at different periods of time, shall never exceed $750,000." But section 2 of the same article provided that "In addition
to the above limited power, the state may contract debts to repel in- vasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state
in war, or to re- deem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state." The loan authorized by the act of April
18, 1861, was clearly within the powers granted by the constitution, but the one authorized by the act of April 26,
was one of graver character, not only in the amount but in the circumstances which would bring it with- in the powers
conferred by the constitution upon the general assembly and the commissioners of the sinking fund. The con- stitution,
however, did not specify who should decide on the question of danger of invasion, and hence the difficulty was overcome
by the governor assuming that prerogative and de- ciding that "Ohio is in danger of invasion," and therefore that the
debt was within the restrictions of the constitution.
On April 10, 1861, after there had been an actual condition
of war on the southern coast for many weeks, though not official- ly recognized, the people of Cincinnati had shown
a recogni- tion of the actual state of affairs by stopping the shipment of arms through that city to Arkansas. And
among the enactments of this session of the legislature was one providing against shipments of arms through the state
for disloyal uses. Other measures were adopted organizing the militia of the state; pro- viding suitable officers
for duty on the staff of the governor; requiring contracts for subsistence of the volunteers to be let to the lowest
bidder; and one authorizing the appointment of addi- tional general officers. In concert with Gov. Dennison the pre- paratory
war legislation was completed, and when, within one month after the first note of alarm from Washington had been sounded,
the general assembly adjourned, the state was on a war footing for the first time in its history-. The legislature had
made a grand record, and it reflected the patriotism which actuated its members, individually and collectively. And now
some of them were to enter other fields of usefulness in the service of their country. Before the final adjournment
the act- ing speaker had resigned to take a command in one of the regi- ments starting for Washingfton; two leading
senators had been appointed brigadier-generals; and large numbers of the other members had in one capacity or another
entered the military service.
The conduct of the governor and the members of the legis- lature in their official
capacity received the hearty approval and enthusiastic endorsement of a large majority of the citizens of the state.
Before the bombardment of Fort Sumter had ended all restraint was removed, the spirit of war was abroad, and twenty
full companies were offered to Gov. Dennison for im- mediate service. The response to the governor's proclamation was
so generous that when Gov. Magoffin telegraphed that "Kentucky would furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing
her sister Southern states," Dennison telegraphed to Washington, "If Kentucky will not fill her quota, Ohio will fill
it for her." There was no hesitation in the response to the call for troops in Ohio. Three months before, Lorin Andrews,
president of Kenyon college, had offered his services in case of war, and he now set about forming a company. He is
men- tioned here as a type of the men who enlisted or encouraged enlistment. As soon as the president had called for
troops, telegrams came to the governor from various towns, tendering companies. Cincinnati, Dayton and Cleveland offered
thou- sands. James Barrett Steedman, of Toledo, who had been a delegate to the Charleston Democratic convention, pledged
a regiment in lo days. Prominent men in every quarter, without regard to party, offered their services and asked what
they could do. The militia system was, as has been stated, worthless and of no avail in the emergency. There were
a few companies of volunteer infantry, armed and trained, and a few one-gun squads of artillery. The best known of
these companies imme- diately offered their services. It is interesting to note that Lu- cius V. Bierce, the invader
of Canada in 1838, was among those who raised companies, largely at his own expense. Later he was made assistant adjutant-general
of volunteers, under the national government, and was engaged for two years in the mustering of volunteers at Columbus.
The Lancaster Guards arrived at Columbus on April 15, close- ly followed by the Dayton Light Guards and Montgomery
Guards, and on the morning of April 18, two regiments were made up of the companies that had reached the capital.
The ist included the Lancaster Guards, the Lafayette Guards, and Light Guards and Montgomery Guards, of Dayton, the
Grays and the Hibernian Guards of Cleveland, the Portsmouth, Zanesville and Mansfield Guards, and the Jacksons of
Hamilton. In the 2nd regiment were the Rovers, Zouaves and Lafayettes of Cincinnati, the Videttes and Fencibles of
Columbus, the Springfield Zouaves, the Coving- ton Blues (of Miami county), one Steubenville and two Pickaway companies.
The men elected their own officers, and Edward A. Parrot was made temporary commander of the ist, and Lewis Wilson,
chief of police of Cincinnati, colonel of the 2nd. With- out uniform and without arms, they started by train the next
day under the command of George W. McCook, a Mexican war vet- eran, to defend the capital founded by the father of
a united country. The ist was mustered into the U. S. service at Lan- caster, Pa., by Lieut. Alexander McDowell McCook,
a New Lis- bon, Ohio, boy, who had been educated at West Point. He was then made colonel, and Parrot lieutenant-colonel.
The 2nd was mustered in at the same place and Wilson retained in command. Both regiments, after some delay, reached
Washington, and were assigned to a brigade under the command of Robert C. Schenck, of Dayton, Ohio, who was made a
brigadier-general of volun- teers and later became a major-general of volunteers.
The quota of Ohio, in the call
for 75,000 men, was 13,000, and after 2,000 had been sent to meet the most urgent demand, there remained the work
of organizing eleven regiments from the hosts that poured into Columbus, where there was no proper shelter for them,
no tents, no supplies, nobody with experience to take care of the men and organize them. Gov. Dennison established Camp
Jackson in the woods, naming it in honor of the old Dem- ocratic patriot, and the members of his staff, Adjt.-Gen. Henry
B. Carrington, Com.-Gen., George W. Runyan, and others, did the best they could under the circumstances, embarrassed
by the usual disparaging comment that accompanies the organization of armies. To command the troops the governor wanted
Irvin McDowell, who was then on the staff of Gen. Winfield Scott, U. S. A., but upon the urgent request of Cincinnati
friends he selected George B. McClellan and he was forthwith commissioned a major-general. For brigadier-generals
of volunteers Newton Schleich, a Democratic leader in the state senate, Joshua H. Bates, of Cincinnati, and Jacob
D. Cox were selected and each was com- missioned for three months. Presently the governor's staff was reinforced by
the addition of Catharinus P. Buckingham, adju- tant-general; George B. Wright, quartermaster-general; Colum- bus
Delano, commissary-general; and C. P. Walcott, judge-ad- vocate-general.
See also
Source: The Union Army, vol. 2
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