List of Officers, 1st Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers

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1st North Carolina Infantry Regiment (6 months, 1861)
North Carolina Standard

List of Officers, 1st Regiment, NC Volunteers

Head Quarters 1st Regt. N.C. Vols.
Camp Fayetteville near Yorktown.

September 21st 1861.

J.G. Martin,
Adjt. Genl. N.C.S.T.

Dear Sir:

I herewith send you a list of the Commissioned Officers of this Regiment with the dates of their commissions:
Col. C.C. Lee-- Sept 1st 1861
Lieut. Col. James H. Lane-- Sept 1st 1861
Major Robt. F. Hoke-- Sept 1st 1861
Adjt. J.M. Poteat-- Not given
Quarter-Master I.B.F. Boone-- Not given
Commissary Jno. H. Wayt-- Apl 24th 1861
Chaplain Edwin A. Yates-- May 21st 1861
Surgeon P.E. Hines-- May 18th 1861
Asst. Surgeon J.H. Baker-- May 18th 1861
2nd Asst. Surgeon J.G. Hardy-- May 18th 1861
Co. A.
Capt. Whitnel Pugh Lloyd-- Sept 7th 1861
1st Lieut Wm Gaston Lewis-- Sept 7th 1861
2nd Lieut William S. Long-- Not given
Jr. 2nd Lieut Kenneth Thigpen-- Sept 7th 1861
Co. B.
Capt Lewis S. Williams-- Not given
1st Lieut William A. Owens-- Not given
[Page 2]
Co. B-Contd
2nd Lieut Wm P. Hill-- Oct 18th 1858
Jr 2nd Lieut Thos. D. Gillespie-- Apl 16th 1861
Co. C.
Capt E.A. Ross--Feby 1st 1861
1st Lieut E.B.-- Feby 1st 1861
2nd Lieut T.B. Trotter --Feby 1st 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut C.W. Alexander-- Feby 1st 1861
Co. D.
Capt Richd J. Ashe-- Nov 28th 1860
1st Lieut James R. Jennings-- July 29th 1861
2nd Lieut Richd B. Saunders-- Nov 28ty 1860
Jr. 2nd Lieut Richardson Mallett-- July 29th 1861
Co. E.
Capt Wm Wallis McDowell-- Apl 27th 1861
1st Lieut Washington Morrison Hardy-- Apl 27th 1861
2nd Lieut George Henry Gregory-- Apl 27th 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut James Alfred Patton-- Apl 27th 1861
Co. F.
Capt Joesph B. Starr-- Apl 29th 1861
1st Lieut Frank N. Roberts-- Apl 29th 1861
2nd Lieut John A. Pemberton-- Apl 29th 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut George Sloan-- Apl 29th 1861
Co. G.
Capt Clark M. Avery-- Apl 25th 1861
1st Lieut Calvin S. Brown-- Apl 25th 1861
2nd Lieut John A. Dickson-- Apl 25th 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut James C.S. McDowell-- Apl 25th 1861
Co. H.
Capt Wright Huske-- May 21st 1861
1st Lieut Benjamin Robinson Huske-- May 21st 1861

[Page 3]
Co. H. Contd
2nd Lieut Charles Betts Cook-- May 21st 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut Hector McKethan --May 21st 1861
Co. I.
Capt Francis M. Parker-- Augt 31st 1861
1st Lieut Montgomery T. Whitaker-- Jany. ___ 1860
2nd Lieut Carr B. Corbitt --Augt 31st 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut Cary Whitaker --Jany. ____ 1860
Co. K.
Capt William James Hoke --Apl 25th 1861
1st Lieut Wallace Moore Reinhardt --Apl 25th 1861
2nd Lieut William Rusk Edwards-- Apl 25th 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut Albert Sidney Haynes --Sept 7th 1861
Co. L.
Capt James K. Marshall May 24th 1861
1st Lieut Llewellyn P. Warren May 24th 1861
2nd Lieut Edward A. Small May 24th 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut Thomas Capehart No Commission
Co. M.
Capt J.C. Jacobs-- May 1st 1861
1st Lieut Stark A. Sutton-- May 1st 1861
2nd Lieut F.W. Bird-- May 1st 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut James J. Spellen-- May 1st 1861
The above is copied from a paper in my possession which states that Capt Williams-- Co "B"-- has resigned."
It also states that the first Field Officers were:
Col. D.H. Hill-- May 11th 1861
Lt. Col. C.C. Lee-- May 11th 1861
[Page 4]
Major James H. Lane-- May 11th 1861
and that the officers of Companies A-- I & K were as follows:
Co. A.
Capt John L. Bridgers-- Jany. 12-- 1860
1st Lieut Whitnel Pugh Lloyd-- Jany. 12-- 1861
2nd Lieut William S. Long --Not given
Jr. 2nd Lieut William Gaston Lewis-- Jany. 12-- 1861

Co. I.
Capt David P. Bell --Jany ___ 1860
1st Lieut Montgomery T. Whitaker-- Jany ___ 1860
2nd Lieut Francis M. Parker-- Jany ___ 1860
Jr. 2nd Lieut Cary Whitaker --Jany ___ 1860

I think I was temporarily in command of the Regiment at that time & that this letter was addressed to the Adjt. Genl. of N. Carolina by me.

Companies L & M were not assigned to this regiment until after the fight at Bethel.

[/s/] James H. Lane

Co. K.
Capt William James Hoke-- Apl 25th 1861
1st Lieut Wallace Moore Reinhardt-- Apl 25th 1861
2nd Lieut William Rusk Edwards --Apl 25th 1861
Jr. 2nd Lieut Robt. Frederick Hoke --Apl 25th 1861

Source: Auburn University Archives and Manuscripts Division.

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Recommended Reading: More Terrible than Victory: North Carolina's Bloody Bethel Regiment, 1861-65 (368 Pages). Description: Craig Chapman presents the definitive history of the First North Carolina Volunteers / 11th Regiment North Carolina Troops--the legendary Bethel Regiment. The 1st North Carolina Volunteers struck history as it engaged in the Civil War's first land battle and witnessed the first soldier killed in the great conflict. Chapman conveys the compelling history of these brave men as they left hearth and home in defense of their state, beliefs and ideals. Continued below...

Most of the unit's raw, young recruits had never traveled outside of North Carolina, nor fired a weapon in combat. "That all changed, and it dramatically changed their lives forever..." After an enlistment of six months, North Carolina's First Regiment disbanded. Most of the men then enlisted in the Eleventh NC Regiment, commonly referred to as the Bloody Bethel Regiment, and fought in the bloodiest battles and campaigns of the Civil War. About the Author: Craig S. Chapman commands one of the North Carolina National Guard infantry battalions that traces its lineage to the Eleventh Regiment North Carolina Troops, the unit that started out as the First North Carolina Volunteers and nicknamed the Bethel Regiment. Chapman resides in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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