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McClellan's failure to move against Johnston resulted in a restive
public and press. Richmond, rather than Centreville, now became the immediate Federal objective. Learning of an anticipated
movement against Richmond via Urbanna, Johnston, on March 9, fell back from Centreville to take up a position south of the
Rappahannock, with his right resting at Fredericksburg and his left at Culpeper Court House. This forced a modification of
McClellan's original plan. He thereupon decided to make the movement by water to Fortress Monroe and from there advance of
the Peninsula upon Richmond. On March 17, the Federal army embarked from Alexandria. McClellan
had anticipated the use of a force of about 155,000 men. The brilliant operations of "Stonewall" Jackson in the Shenandoah
Valley during the next 3 months, however, so alarmed President Lincoln as to cause him to immobilize nearly 40,000 of McDowell's
troops at Fredericksburg to secure the defenses of Washington. This, together with the detention of Banks' expected reinforcements
in the Valley, reduced McClellan's force to approximately 100,000, thereby materially minimizing his chances of success. Seldom
has so small a force as that of Jackson (approximately 16,000) so largely influenced the final outcome of a major military
operation. Johnston, in the meantime, had reinforced Magruder at Yorktown.
On May 4 the town was evacuated, and the next day a successful rear-guard action was fought at Williamsburg, covering the
Confederate withdrawal to Richmond. The Federal army followed by land and water to White House on the Pamunkey where, on May
16, McClellan set up his headquarters. The next day the Federal forces resumed their advance on Richmond. Gathering a force of some 63,000 men, Johnston then determined
to attack. On May 31, in the Battle of Seven Pines, followed by the Battle of Fair Oaks the next day, the Confederates were
repulsed, and Johnston was severely wounded. The command of the Army of Northern Virginia now devolved upon Robert E. Lee,
a command that he was not to relinquish until the end of the war. Within 2 weeks the defenses of Richmond had been strengthened
and the morale of the troops greatly improved. By June 25, Lee had assembled a force of about 90,000 men, including
Jackson's victorious command from the Valley. The next day he launched his great counteroffensive. In a series of desperately
contested operations, known as the Seven Days' Battles before Richmond, McClellan was forced back upon Harrison's Landing
on the James. Though the campaign was costly in Confederate casualties, Lee saved Richmond and cloaked his army with a sense
of invincibility.
The failure of Fremont, Banks, and McDowell in the Shenandoah
Valley convinced President Lincoln of the desirability of consolidating their armies under a single head. By order of June
26 the "Army of Virginia" was created, and Maj. Gen. John Pope, who had won recent successes in the West, was given the command.
Shortly thereafter, Gen. Henry W. Halleck was recalled from the West to be made general in chief of the Federal armies. To Pope was entrusted the responsibility for covering Washington,
protecting the Shenandoah Valley, and so operating against the Con federate communications at Gordonsville and Charlottesville
as to draw off heavy detachments from Richmond, thereby relieving the pressure on McClellan. On July 14, Pope ordered an advance
on Gordonsville. Lee, anticipating the movement, had ordered Jackson to this point the day before. On August 7, Jackson, having been reinforced by A. P. Hill,
moved toward Culpeper in the hope of capturing the town and using it in a series of operations against Pope. Two days later
he fell upon Banks at Cedar Mountain in a sharp but indecisive encounter. Lee now learned that McClellan had been ordered to evacuate
the Peninsula and reinforce Pope. Appreciating the necessity of striking Pope before he could be joined by such heavy reinforcements,
Lee moved with Longstreet's corps to reinforce Jackson. Pope's force now numbered about 47,000 effectives, while Lee had approximately
Pope's center was now at Cedar Mountain, his right at Robertson's
River, and his left near Raccoon Ford on the Rapidan. Thus stationed, his army was directly opposite Gordonsville where Jackson's
force had recently arrived. On Clark's Mountain (a high hill opposite Pope's left) the Confederates had established a signal
station. From here, stretching for miles, could be seen the white tents of the Federal encampment dotting the Culpeper tablelands.
Spurs from Clark's Mountain paralleled the Rapidan to Somerville Ford, located about 2 miles from Raccoon Ford. Lee was quick to appreciate the advantage this topography afforded
him. Massing his troops behind Clark's Mountain he might move under its protecting screen, fall upon Pope's left at Somerville
Ford, and cur off his retreat to Washington. The opportunity held bright possibilities of success, and August 18 was set as
the date for the initiation of the movement. Unforeseen delays postponed the movement until the 20th. Worse still for the
Confederates, Stuart's adjutant general was captured, bearing a copy of Lee's order. Thus warned, Pope withdrew his army behind the Rappahannock.
Lee followed closely on the 20th, crossing to the north side of the river. Pope took up an advantageous position where he
stood fast during 5 days of feints and demonstrations as Lee sought eagerly for an opening on the right. In the meantime,
Stuart had captured Pope's headquarters. Thus, Lee learned that 20,000 troops, composing the corps of Heintzelman and Porter
and the division of Reynolds, were within 2 days' march of the front. Within 5 days other expected reinforcements would swell
Pope's numbers to about 130,000 men. The situation was so desperate as to demand a bold expedient.
Quickly, Lee made his decision. Jackson, with Stuart's cavalry comprising about 24,000 men, was to be sent on a wide flanking
movement of Pope's right for the purpose of destroying his communications with Washington. Commenting on this decision, Henderson,
the English biographer of Jackson, says "we have record of few enterprises of greater daring." With Lee and Longstreet covering the line of the Rappahannock,
Jackson began his march from Jeffersonton on August 25. He moved through Amissville and Orlean to bivouac that night at Salem.
The next day he pushed on past Thoroughfare Gap and Gainesville to Bristoe. Never did the "foot cavalry" better deserve its
name for in 2 days it had covered approximately 51 miles. That night Jackson sent Stuart and two regiments to Manassas Junction
to capture Pope's great base of supplies. The task was accomplished with little effort. The next day Jackson left Ewell to cover the rear at Bristoe
and moved with the rest of his command to Manassas Junction. There then followed a scene of feasting and plunder the like
of which has seldom been witnessed. Knapsacks, haversacks, and canteens were filled with articles of every description. Added
to vast quantities of quartermaster and commissary supplies were innumerable luxuries from sutler stores, including expensive
liquors and imported wines. An eyewitness writes, "To see a starving man eating lobster salad & drinking rhine wine, barefooted
& in tatters was curious; the whole thing is indescribable." What could not be eaten or carried away was finally put to
the torch. With the destruction of these supplies one of the chief objectives of the campaign had been accomplished.
advised of the presence of Jackson in his rear, immediately ordered a concentration of his forces in order to crush him. McDowell's
and Sigel's corps, together with the division of Reynolds, were to move to Gainesville, while Reno's corps, with Kearny's
division of Heintzelman's corps, was to concentrate at Greenwich. By these dispositions Pope hoped to intercept any reinforcements
coming to Jackson by way of Thoroughfare Gap. With Hooker's division of Heintzelman's corps Pope moved along the railroad
to Manassas Junction. On the afternoon of August 27, Hooker attacked Ewell and drove
him back upon Bristoe. During the night, Ewell retired to Manassas where he joined the rest of Jackson's force. Pope now learned
for the first time that the whole of Jackson's command was at Manassas. New orders were issued for a concentration at that
point. Porter was ordered to march at 1 a. m. of the 28th from Warrenton Junction and be in position at Bristoe by daylight.
McDowell, Sigel, and Reno were to move at dawn upon Manassas Junction, while Kearny was to advance at the same hour upon Bristoe. About 3 a. m., August 28, Jackson began to move out of Manassas
toward Groveton. In order to mystify and mislead Pope, he sent Taliaferro along the Manassas-Sudley Road, Ewell along the
Centreville Road via Blackburn's Ford and the Stone Bridge to Groveton, and A. P. Hill to Centreville and thence along the
Warrenton Pike to a position near Sudley Church. Moving with Kearny's division, Pope arrived at Manassas Junction
at noon, to find the town deserted. Later in the day, word was received that the Confederates had been seen in Centreville.
Pope thereupon ordered a concentration at this place in the belief that Jackson's whole force was there. The corps of Heintzelman
and Reno moved along the Centreville Road; Sigel and Reynolds along the Manassas-Sudley Road; King's division of McDowell's
corps along the Warrenton Pike. Second
Battle of Bull Run SECOND PHASE—GROVETON, AUGUST 28. Jackson had but a short time
before concentrated north of the turnpike when word was received that King's Federal column was approaching from Gainesville.
There was now need for a quick decision. To allow King to pass unmolested would defeat the purpose of the campaign by permitting
Pope to assume an impregnable position on the heights at Centreville. To attack, without assurance as to when Longstreet would
arrive, was to invite the assault of Pope's whole force with possible fatal consequences. Without hesitation he ordered the
divisions of Taliaferro and Ewell to advance. A fierce and stubborn fight ensued which resulted in heavy losses on both sides.
Finally, about 9 p. m., King withdrew towards Manassas. In the meantime, Longstreet had reached Thoroughfare Gap at about 3
p. m. of the same day to find his way blocked by Federal troops under Ricketts. Outmaneuvering his opponent by way of Hopewell
Gap, he forced him to fall back to Gainesville. That night, without informing Pope of their intentions, King and Ricketts
decided to move towards Manassas. This enabled Longstreet to effect an easy junction with Jackson in the afternoon of the
following day. THIRD PHASE—MAIN BATTLE, AUGUST 29-30. When Pope learned
of the engagement of Groveton he mistakenly decided that King had met the head of Jackson's column in retreat. Confident of
success, he ordered a concentration of his leg weary troops to crush the Confederate force. Sigel and Reynolds were to attack
at dawn, reinforced by Heintzelman and Reno. McDowell and Porter were ordered to reverse their course and push toward Gainesville
in an effort to cut off Jackson's retreat. The text of this order known as the "Joint Order," which was
received about noon, reads as follows: HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF VIRGINIA Generals McDowell and Porter: You will please move forward with your joint commands toward
Gainesville. I sent General Porter written orders to that effect an hour and a half ago. Heintzelman, Sigel, and Reno are
moving on the War renton turnpike, and must now be not far from Gainesville. I desire that as soon as communication is established
between this force and your own the whole command shall halt. It may be necessary to fall back behind Bull Run at Centreville
to-night. I presume it will be so, on account of our supplies. . . . If any considerable advantages are to be gained by departing
from this order it will not be strictly carried out. One thing must be had in view, that the troops must occupy a position
from which they can reach Bull Run to-night or by morning. The indications are that the whole force of the enemy is moving
in this direction at a pace that will bring them here by to-morrow night or the next day. My own headquarters will be for
the present with Heintzelman's corps or at this place. Jno. Pope,
Prior to the receipt of the "Joint Order," Porter had reversed
his course to Centreville and had moved as far as Dawkin's Branch, located about 3 miles from Gainesville. Finding the Confederates
strongly posted in his front, he deployed a brigade of his leading division and waited. McDowell, who arrived shortly thereafter,
showed him a dispatch he had received a few minutes before from Buford, who commanded the Union cavalry on the right. The
dispatch stated that 17 regiments, 1 battery, and 500 cavalry had passed through Gainesville about 8:45 a. m. This was the
advance of Longstreet's command which had left Thoroughfare Gap early that morning and now, followed by heavy reinforcements,
was moving into position on Jackson's right (Porter's front). This information, the generals felt, had not reached Pope. After
a conference, it was decided that in face of this new development they would take advantage of the latitude the order granted:
McDowell would move towards Groveton, while Porter would remain in the vicinity of his present position. The relative quiet in this sector was in sharp contrast to the
heavy fighting now taking place along Jackson's front. With about 18,000 infantry and 40 guns, Jackson had taken up a position
along an unfinished railroad bed which extended from near Sudley Springs 2 miles south westerly to Groveton. The grades and
cuts of this road provided ready-made entrenchments and formed a very strong position. There, shortly after sunrise, Sigel's
and Reynolds' columns were seen at a distance deploying for the attack. About 7 a. m., the Federal batteries opened fire.
By 10:30 a. m., a number of sharp skirmishes had taken place, but no general assault had been made. About this time Federal
reinforcements of Reno and Kearny reached the field. It was not until 2 p. m., however, that the battle reached its height.
All afternoon in violent but uncoordinated attacks, blue columns gallantly assaulted Jackson's line. At one point the Confederate
left was pushed back dangerously near the breaking point, but the gray line steadied and held. Towards dusk, King's division,
of McDowell's corps, arrived in time to take part in the action, engaging a part of Longstreet's command which was then advancing
on a reconnaissance. Pope, still unaware of the arrival of Longstreet on the field,
late in the day sent Porter the following order to attack Jackson's right at once: HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD, Major-General Porter: Your line of march brings you in on the enemy's right flank.
I desire you to push forward into action at once on the enemy's flank, and, if possible, on his rear, keeping your right in
communication with General Reynolds. The enemy is massed in the woods in front of us, but can be shelled out as soon as you
engage their flank. Keep heavy re serves and use your batteries, keeping well closed to your right all the time. In case you
are obliged to fall back, do so to your right and rear, so as to keep you in close communication with the right wing. John Pope, This order, dated 4:30 p. m., was received by Porter at Bethlehem
Church about 6:30 p. m. Upon receipt of the order Porter immediately sent his chief of staff, Locke, to order Morell's division
to attack. Shortly thereafter Porter rode to the front to find Morell's preparations for the attack complete. By this time,
however, it was so late that Porter decided to rescind the order.* During the night the Confederates retired from the advanced
positions gained during the day to their original battleline. This fact was reported from the field early on the morning of
the 30th and later confirmed by a reconnaissance by McDowell and Heintzelman. This led Pope falsely to assume that Lee was
in retreat to Thoroughfare Gap. Immediately, plans were initiated to press a vigorous pursuit. At midday the following order
was issued: The following forces will be immediately thrown forward and
in pursuit of the enemy, and press him vigorously during the whole day. Major-General McDowell is assigned to the command
of the pursuit. Major-General Porter's corps will push forward on the Warrenton
turnpike, followed by the divisions of Brigadier-Generals King and Reynolds. The division of Brigadier-General Ricketts will
pursue the Hay Market road, followed by the corps of Major-General Heintzelman. . . . At 3 a. m. of the 30th, Porter received Pope's dispatch ordering
him to march his command immediately to the field of battle of the previous day. In compliance with this order he promptly
withdrew from his position facing Longstreet and marched rapidly along the Sudley Road to the center of the battlefield where
he reported to Pope for orders. Though this movement strengthened the center, it dangerously weakened the Federal left. From its contracted left near Groveton, the Federal line now
extended approximately 3 miles to Bull Run near Sudley Church. The opposing Confederate line was about 4 miles long. Jackson
held the left along the unfinished railroad, while Longstreet held the right, with the main body of his troops "bent to the
front" south of the Warrenton Pike. A heavy concentration of artillery was placed on high ground between the two wings. These
guns commanded the open fields and the stretch of woods near Jackson's right and center. Preparations completed about midafternoon, the Federal columns
of Porter and Heintzelman advanced three lines deep, preceded by a swarm of skirmishers and supported by great masses of men
and guns in the rear. A strange quiet pervaded the fields as the unsuspecting troops pushed forward. Behind their protective
cover, the Confederates watched the lines draw closer; then suddenly opened upon them a rapid artillery fire. Instantly, the
infantry bugles sounded the alarm alerting Jackson's men to action. The Federal advance line halted and staggered back. Other
brigades quickly pushed forward only to be broken by the raking force of the fire. Soon it was apparent that the main Federal assault was being
directed by Porter and Hatch against Jackson's right and center held by the divisions of Starke and Lawton. In gallant style,
a third line moved up and impetuously pressed the attack. The force of this forward movement pushed back the famous Stonewall
brigade, but later it reestablished its lines in a desperate countercharge. Heavy fighting at close quarters now ensued. At
one point in their line near a section of the railroad bed known as the "Deep Cut," Jackson's veterans, with ammunition exhausted,
partially repelled an attack with stones from the embankment. Finally, the pressure became so great that Jackson sent an urgent
request for reinforcements. Lee then ordered forward a brigade from Longstreet's command. Anticipating the request, Longstreet
had already moved up the batteries of Stephen D. Lee, which now opened a withering fire on the Federal columns on Jackson's
right and center. The effect was devastating. Within 15 minutes the whole aspect of the battle had changed. Shortly after the Federal brigades had engaged Jackson along
the unfinished railroad, Pope had ordered Reynolds' division from his left at Bald Hill to move up and support the attack
on the right. The weight of his numbers, however, proved insufficient to stem the tide of retreat that had now set in. Quickly,
Jackson ordered up two brigades to press a counterattack, moving forward his artillery as the infantry advanced. The transfer of Reynolds' division had again greatly weakened
the Federal left. Lee saw this and realized that here at last was the opportunity for which he had been waiting. The order
was sent immediately to Longstreet to deliver the counterstroke. Every regiment, battery, and squadron of both wings of the
army were to be employed. By sheer weight of numbers the attack was to be driven home in successive waves of assault, piling
one upon the other. Again, Longstreet had anticipated the order for which he had
been preparing since dawn. The long gray lines of infantry, restive for the fray, now swept forward in a furious assault.
In advance came Hood's Texans, their colors gleaming red in the evening sun. Above the thunderous roar of artillery and the
noise of battle could be heard the shrill cries of the rebel yell echoing through the Groveton valley. So intense was the
excitement that only with the greatest difficulty could the officers restrain their men. Rapidly moving up in support came
the divisions of Anderson, Kemper, and D. R. Jones. Across the rolling fields the attack pushed to gain the promontory of
Chinn Ridge despite a stubborn defense by the Union brigades of McLean, Tower, and Milroy, while Jackson's veterans successfully
assailed Buck Hill. On Henry Hill, poignant with memories of the previous year,
were now assembled Reynolds' divisions, Sykes' regulars, and other available troops. With courage and gallantry that matched
the crisis of battle, they hurled back repeated Confederate assaults that continued until dark. The successful defense of
Henry Hill made possible Pope's retreat over Bull Run, by the Stone Bridge and other fords, to the strong defenses of the
Centreville plateau. FOURTH PHASE—CHANTILLY, SEPTEMBER 1. Considering the Centreville
position as unfavorable for attack, Lee sent Jackson by Sudley Ford to the Little River Turnpike in an effort to turn the
Federal right and threaten communications with Washington. The movement, however, was anticipated by Pope, and the divisions
of Stevens and Kearny were sent to check it. In a sharp contest, fought in a rainstorm at Chantilly on September 1, Stevens
and Kearny were killed; but Jackson was repulsed. During the next 2 days Pope retired to the defenses of Washington.
an interesting contrast to the opening battle which had found two armies of raw, undisciplined volunteers courageously but
falteringly battling for supremacy. The raw volunteers had now been replaced by seasoned veterans, hardened by months of strenuous
campaigning. The campaign just ended had been one to test to the utmost the endurance and discipline of the men in the ranks
of both armies—a test they had met with valor and high honor. In contrast to the rout of First Manassas, the Federal
army which now retired upon Washington was a weary but defiant fighting machine. Its defeat had been accomplished by exceptional
daring, combined with a skillful coordination of Confederate commands. Gambling with long chances, Lee had succeeded in removing
some 150,000 invading troops from deep in Virginia and reversing the threat of impending attack upon the opposing capital. Commenting upon the battle, Henderson, the English soldier and
historian, writes: . . . If, as Moltke avers, the junction of two armies on the
field of battle is the highest achievement of military genius, the campaign against Pope has seldom been surpassed; and the
great counter-stroke at Manassas is sufficient in itself to make Lee's reputation as a tactician. . . . It was not due to
the skill of Lee that Pope weakened his left at the crisis of battle. But in the rapidity with which the opportunity was seized,
in the combination of the three arms, and in the vigour of the blow, Manassas is in no way inferior to Austerlitz or Salamanca. This brilliant success did much to offset Confederate reverses
in the West—the loss of Missouri, the defeats of Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh, and the fall of Nashville, New Orleans,
and Memphis. Contrary to the inactivity that followed First Manassas, Lee pressed his victory by the first invasion of the
North. On September 4, he began moving his troops across the Potomac with the hope of winning the support of Maryland and
possibly the recognition of the Confederacy by foreign powers. In the desperately fought battle of Antietam, September 17,
at Sharpsburg, Md., however, these hopes were dashed by McClellan, now returned to Federal command. From Antietam, Lee retired to Virginia. With the coming of winter snows he bloodily repelled
Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside in the Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. In the spring, Confederate arms achieved
brilliant success in the defeat of Maj. Gen. Joseph E. Hooker in the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1-6, 1863. Capitalizing on his victory, Lee again invaded the North. At
Gettysburg, July 1-3, he was defeated by Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade. The next day saw
the end of one of the most brilliant and decisive operations of the war with the surrender of Vicksburg to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. Its fall cut the Confederacy in two and opened
the Mississippi to Federal commerce and control. From the telling force of these simultaneous blows the Confederacy never
recovered. On March 9, 1864, Grant was placed in supreme command of all
Federal armies. Now as never before, the full strength and resources of the republic were marshalled for a great offensive
to be delivered simultaneously on all fronts. Attaching himself to Meade's army, Grant crossed the Rapidan on May 4 to launch
his Overland Campaign against Richmond, while Sherman began the famous march that was to carry him
to Atlanta and the sea. In the fiercely contested battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court House, May 5-6 and 8-21, respectively, Grant largely succeeded in destroying Lee's
offensive power, forcing his retirement upon Richmond. Repulsed with heavy losses at Cold Harbor, June 3, Grant moved upon Petersburg again to encounter Lee's army. Ten months of the Siege of Petersburg followed as Grant methodically cut the Confederate lifeline. On April 2, Lee
evacuated Petersburg with the hope of reaching the Danville railroad and possibly effecting a junction with Johnston's forces
in North Carolina. Grant's pursuit, however, was rapid and relentless. The cutting of the escape
route by the Danville line and the disastrous defeat of a large segment of his army in the Battle of Sailor's Creek forced Lee to move farther westward to Appomattox Court House. There at dusk, April the 8th, the widening circle of Federal campfires brought
realization that the end had been reached. The next day Lee surrendered to the magnanimous terms of Grant. On April 26, Johnston
yielded to Sherman and by June all isolated units of the Confederate forces had laid down their arms.
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