Maj. Gen. Carter L. Stevenson
1st Brigade
Brig. Gen. Seth Barton
40th Georgia, Col. Abda Johnson, Lt. Col. Robert M. Young
Georgia, Col. William E. Curtiss
42d Georgia, Col. Robert J. Henderson
43d Georgia, Col. Skidmore
Harris (k), Capt. Mathadeus M. Grantham
52d Georgia, Col. Charles D. Phillips (m), Maj. John J. Moore
Flying Artillery, Lt. Milton H. Trantham
Company A, Pointe Coupee Artillery, Lt. John Yoist
C, Pointe Coupee Artillery, Capt. Alexander Chust
2d Brigade
Brig. Gen. Alfred Cumming
34th Georgia, Col. James A.W. Johnson
36th Georgia, Col. Jesse
A. Glenn, Maj. Charles E. Broyles
39th Georgia, Col. Joseph T. McConnel (w), Lt. Col. J.F.B. Jackson
Georgia, Col. Elihu P. Watkins (w), Lt. Col. John T. Slaughter
57th Georgia, Lt. Col. Cincinnatus S. Guyton,
Col. William Barkuloo
Cherokee Georgia Artillery, Capt. Max Van Den Corput
3d Brigade
Brig. Gen. Edward D. Tracy (k)
Isham W. Garrott*
Brig. Gen. Stephen D. Lee
20th Alabama, Col. Isham W. Garrott (k), Col. Edmund W. Pettus
Alabama, Col. Franklin K. Beck
30th Alabama, Col. Sharles M. Shelley, Capt. John C. Francis
Alabama, Col. Daniel R. Hundley (w), Lt. Col. Thomas M. Arrington, Maj. George W. Mathieson
46th Alabama, Col.
Michael L. Woods (c), Capt. George E. Brewer
Waddell's Alabama Battery, Capt. James F. Waddell
*Garrott was killed on June 7, 1863. His commission as a brigadier
general, dated May 28, 1863, arrived after his death.
4th Brigade
Col. Alexander W. Reynolds
3d Tennessee (Provisional Army), Col. Newton J. Lillard
Tennessee, Col. William M. Bradford
43d Tennessee, Col. James W. Gillespie
59th Tennessee, Col.
William L. Eaken
3d Maryland Battery, Capt. Fred O. Claiborne (k), Capt. John B. Rowan
Waul's Texas Legion
Col. Thomas N. Waul
1st Infantry Battalion, Maj. Eugene S. Bolling
2d Infantry Battalion,
Lt. Col. James Wrigley
Zouave Battalion, Capt. J.B. Fleitas
Cavalry Detachment, Lt. Thomas J. Cleveland
Artillery Company, Capt. J.Q. Waul
Company C. 1st Tennessee Cavalry, Capt. Richard S. Vandyke
Virginia Artillery, Capt. John W. Johnston, Lt. Francis G. Obenchain
Signal Corps Detachment, Lt. C.H. Barrott
Maj. Gen. John H. Forney
1st Brigade
Brig. Gen. Louis Hebert
3d Louisiana, Lt. Col. Samuel D. Russell, Maj. David Pierson (w)
Louisiana, Col. Isaac W. Patton,
22d Louisiana (detachment), Col. Charles H. Herrick (mw), Lt. Col. John T. Plattsmier
36th Mississippi, Col. William W. Witherspoon
37th Mississippi, Col. Orlando S. Holland
Mississippi, Col. Preston Brent, Capt. Daniel B. Seal
43d Mississippi, Col. Richard Harrison
Mississippi Infantry Battalion, Capt. A.M. Dozier
Company C, 2d Alabama Artillery Battalion, Capt. T.K. Emanuel
(k), Lt. John R. Sclater
Appeal Arkansas Artillery, Capt. William N. Hogg, Lt. Christopher C. Scott, Lt. R.N.
2d Brigade
Brig. Gen. John C. Moore
37th Alabama, Col. James F. Dowdell
40th Alabama, Col. John H.
42d Alabama, Col. John W. Portis, Lt. Col. Thomas C. Lanier
35th Mississippi, Col. William
S. Barry, Lt. Col. Charles R. Jordan
40th Mississippi, Col. Wallace B. Colbert
2d Texas, Col. Ashbel
Companies A,C,D,E,G, I, and K, 1st Mississippi Light Artillery, Col. William T. Withers
Alabama Battery, Capt. Henry H. Sengstak
Company B, Pointe Coupee Artillery, Capt. William A. Davidson
Maj. Gen. Martin Luther Smith
Baldwin's Brigade
Brig. Gen. William E. Baldwin
17th Louisiana, Col. Robert Richardson
31st Louisiana, Lt. Col.
Sidney H. Griffin (k), Lt. Col. James W. Draughon
4th Mississippi, Lt. Col. Thomas N. Adaire (w), Capt. Thomas
P. Nelson
46th Mississippi, Col. Claudius W. Sears
Tobin's Tennessee Battery, Capt. Thomas F. Tobin
Shoup's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Francis A. Shoup
26th Louisiana, Col. Winchester Hall (w), Lt. Col. William C. Crow
Louisiana, Col. Leon D. Marks (k), Lt. Col. L.L. McLaurin (k), Capt. Joseph T. Hatch
29th Louisiana, Col. Allen
McNally's Arkansas Battery, Capt. Francis McNally
Vaughn's Brigade
Brig. Gen. John C. Vaughn
60th Tennessee, Capt. J.W. Bachman
61st Tennessee, Lt. Col. James
G. Rose
62d Tennessee, Col. John A. Rowan
**Mississippi State Troops
Brig. Gen. Jeptha V. Harris
5th Regiment, MST, Col. H.C. Robinson
3d Battalion, MST, Lt.
Col. Thomas A. Burgis
**Under General Vaughn's command.
14th Mississippi Light Artillery Battalion, Maj. Matthew S. Ward
Company Mississippi Partisan Rangers, Capt. J.S. Smyth
Signal Corps Detachment, Capt. M.T. Davison
Maj. Gen. John S. Bowen
1st (Missouri) Brigade
Col. Francis M. Cockrell
1st Missouri, Col. Amos C. Riley
2d Missouri, Lt. Col. Pembroke
Senteny (k), Maj. Thomas M. Carter
3d Missouri, Lt. Col. Finley L. Hubbard (mw), Col. William L. Gause, Maj.
James K. McDowell
5th Missouri, Lt. Col. Robert S. Bevier, Col. James McCown
6th Missouri, Col.
Eugene Erwin (k), Maj. Stephen Cooper
Guibor's Missouri Battery, Capt. Henry Guibor, Lt. William Corkery, Lt.
Cornelius Heffernan
Landis' Missouri Battery, Capt. John C. Landis, Lt. John M. Langan
Wade's Missouri
Battery, Lt. Richard C. Walsh
2d Brigade
Brig. Gen. Martin E. Green (k)
Thomas P. Dockery
15th Arkansas, Lt. Col. William W. Reynolds, Capt. Caleb Davis
Arkansas, Col. Thomas P. Dockery, Capt. James K. Norwood
20th Arkansas, Col. D.W. Jones
21st Arkansas,
Col. Jordan E. Cravens, Capt. A. Tyler
1st Arkansas Cavalry Battalion (dismounted), Capt. John J. Clark
Arkansas Sharpshooters Battalion, Capt. Griff Bayne, Lt. John S. Bell
1st Missouri Cavalry (dismounted), Col.
Elijah Gates, Maj. William C. Parker
3d Missouri Cavalry (dismounted), Lt. Col. D. Todd Samuel, Capt. Felix Lotspeich
3d Missouri Battery, Capt. William E. Dawson
Lowe's Missouri Battery, Capt. Schyler Lowe, Lt. Thomas
B. Catron
River Defenses
Col. Edward Higgins
1st Louisiana Heavy Artillery, Col. Charles A. Fuller, Lt. Col. Daniel Beltzhoover
8th Louisiana Hevy Artillery Battalion, Maj. Frederick N. Ogden
22d Louisiana (detachment), Capt.
Samuel Jones
1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery, Col. Andrew Jackson, Jr.
Tennessee Battery, Capt. J.B. Caruthers
***Johnston's Tennessee Battery, Capt. T.N. Johnston
***Lynch's Tennessee Battery, Capt. John P. Lynch
Company L, 1st Mississippi Light
Artillery, Capt. Samuel C. Bains
***These three companies were attached to the 1st Tennessee
Heavy Artillery.
54th Alabama, Lt. Joel P. Abney
6th Mississippi (detachment),
Maj. J.R. Stevens
City Guards, Capt. E.B. Martin
Signal Corps Detachment, Capt. C.A. King
Gen. Joseph E. Johnston
Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge
Adam's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Daniel W. Adams
32d Alabama, Lt. Col. Henry Maury
13th and 20th Louisiana (Consolidated),
Col. Augustus Reichard
16th and 25th Louisiana (Consolidated), Col. Daniel Gober
19th Louisiana,
Col. Wesley P. Winans
14th Louisiana Sharpshooters Battalion, Maj. John E. Austin
Helm's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Benjamin H. Helm
41st Alabama, Col. Martin L. Stansel
2d Kentucky, Lt. Col. James
W. Hewitt
4th Kentucky, Col. Joseph P. Nuckols, Lt. Col. John A. Adair
6th Kentucky, Lt. Col. Martin
H. Cofer
9th Kentucky, Col. John W. Caldwell
Stovall's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Marcellus A. Stovall
1st and 3d Florida (Consolidated), Col. William S. Dilworth
Florida, Col. Edward Badger
47th Georgia, Col. George W.M. Williams
60th North Carolina, Col. Washington M. Hardy, Lt. Col. James M. Ray
Maj. Rice E. Graves
Johnston (Tennessee) Artillery, Capt. John W. Mebane
Cobb's Kentucky
Battery, Capt. Robert Cobb
5th Company, Washington Artillery, Capt. Cuthbert H. Slocomb
Maj. Gen. Samuel G. French
McNair's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Evander McNair
1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles (dismounted), Col. Robert W. Harper, Lt. Col.
Daniel H. Reynolds
2d Arkansas Mounted Rifles (dismounted), Col. J. A. Williamson
4th Arkansas, Col. Henry G. Bunn
25th and 31st Arkansas (Consolidated), Col. Thomas H. McCray
29th North Carolina, Lt. Col. Creasman
39th North Carolina, Col. David Coleman
Maxey's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Samuel B. Maxey
4th Louisiana, Lt. Col. William F. Pennington, Col. Samuel E. Hunter
Louisiana (battalion), Lt. Col. Thomas Shields
42d Tennessee, Lt. Col. Isaac N. Hulme
46th and 55th
Tennessee (Consolidated), Col. Alexander J. Brown, Lt. Col. Gideon B. Black
48th Tennessee, Col. William M. Voorhees
49th Tennessee, Maj. David A. Lynn
53d Tennessee, Lt. Col. John R. White
1st Texas
Sharpshooter Battalion, Maj. James Burnet
Evan's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Nathan G. Evans
17th South Carolina, Col. Fitz William McMasters
18th South Carolina,
Col. William H. Wallace
22d South Carolina, Lt. Col. James O'Connell
23d South Carolina, Col. Henry
L. Benbow
26th South Carolina, Col. Alexander D. Smith
Holcombe Legion, Lt. Col. William J.Crawley,
Maj. Martin G. Zeigler
Fenner's (Louisiana) Battery, Capt. Charles E. Fenner
(South Carolina) Artillery, Lt. B.A. Jeter
Culpeper's (Sdouth Carolina) Battery, Capt. James F. Culpeper
Maj. Gen. William W. Loring
Adams' Brigade
Gen. Lloyd Tilghman (k)
Col. Arthur E. Reynolds
Brig. Gen. John Adams
1st Confederate Battalion, Lt. Col. George H. Forney
6th Mississippi,
Col. Robert Lowry
14th Mississippi, Lt. Col. Washington L. Doss
15th Mississippi, Col. Michael Farrell
20th Mississippi, Col. Daniel R. Russell, Lt. Col. William N. Brown
23d Mississippi, Col. Joseph
M. Wells
26th Mississippi, Col. Arthur E. Reynolds, Maj. Tully F. Parker
Lookout (Tennessee) Artillery,
Capt. Robert L. Barry
Buford's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Abraham Buford
27th Alabama, Col. James Jackson
35th Alabama, Col. Edward Goodwin
54th Alabama, Col. Alpheus Baker, Maj. T.H. Shackelford
55th Alabama, Col. John Snodgrass
Arkansas, Col. Isaac L. Dunlop
3d Kentucky, Col. Albert P. Thompson
7th Kentucky, Col. Edward Crossland
8th Kentucky, Col. Hylan B. Lyon, Lt. Col. A.R. Shacklett
12th Louisiana, Col. Thomas M. Scott
3d Missouri Cavalry (dismounted), Lt. Col. D. Todd Samuels
Company A, Pointe Coupee Artillery, Capt.
Alcide Bouanchaud
Featherston's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Winfield S. Featherston
Col. John A. Orr
3d Mississippi, Col. Thomas A. Mellon, Maj. Samuel A. Dyer
Mississippi, Col. Frank S. Schaller, Lt. Col. H.J. Reid
31st Mississippi, Col. John A. Orr, Lt. Col. Marcus D.L.
33d Mississippi, Col. David W. Hurst
1st Mississippi Sharpshooter Battalion, Maj. William
A. Rayburn, Maj. James M. Stigler
Charpentier's Alabama Battery, Capt. Stephen Charpentier
C, 14th Mississippi Artillery Battalion, Capt. J. Culbertson
Maj. Gen. William H.T. Walker
Ector's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Matthew D. Ector
9th Texas, Lt. Col. Miles A. Dillard
10th Texas Cavalry (dismounted),
Lt. Col. C.R. Earp
14th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), Col. John L. Camp
32d Texas Cavalry (dismounted),
Col. Julius A. Andrews
Battalion, 43d Mississippi, Capt. M. Pounds
Battalion, 40th Alabama, Maj.
Thomas O. Stone
McNally's Arkansas Battery, Lt. F.A. Moore
Gregg's Brigade
Brig. Gen. John Gregg
3d Tennessee, Col. Calvin H. Walker
10th Tennessee, Lt. Col.
William Grace
30th Tennessee, Col. Randall MacGavock (k), Lt. Col. James .J. Turner
41st Tennessee,
Col. Robert Farquharson
50th Tennessee, Lt. Col. Thomas W. Beaumont (w), Col. Cyrus A. Sugg
Tennessee Infantry Battalion, Maj. Stephen H. Colms
7th Texas, Col. Hiram B. Granbury
Missouri Battery, Capt. Hiram M. Bledsoe
Gist's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Gist
46th Georgia, Col. Peyton H. Colquitt
8th Georgia, Capt. Zachariah
L. Watters
16th South Carolina, Col. James McCullough
24th South Carolina, Col. C.H. Stevens
Ferguson's South Carolina Battery, Capt. T.B. Ferguson
Wilson's Brigade
Col. Claudius C. Wilson
25th Georgia, Lt. Col. Andrew J. Williams
29th Georgia, Col.
William J. Young
30th Georgia, Col. T.W. Mangham
1st Georgia Sharpshooter Battalion, Maj. Arthur
4th Louisiana Infantry Battalion, Lt. Col. John McEnery
Martin's Georgia Battery, Lt. Evan
P. Howell
Brig. Gen. William H. Jackson
1st Brigade
Brig. Gen. George B. Cosby
1st Mississippi Cavalry, Col. R.A. Pinson
4th Mississippi Cavalry,
Col. James Gordon, Maj. J.L. Harris
28th Mississippi Cavalry, Col. Peter B. Starke
Wirt Adams' Mississippi
Cavalry, Col. William Wirt Adams
Ballentine's Mississippi Cavalry, Lt. Col. William L. Maxwell
Mississippi Cavalry Battalion (State Troops), Maj. Abner C. Steede
Clark's Missouri Battery, Capt. Houston King
2d Brigade
Brig. Gen. John W. Whitfield
3d Texas Cavalry, Col. Giles S. Boggess
6th Texas Cavalry, Col.
Lawrence S. Ross, Maj. Jack Wharton
9th Texas Cavalry, Col. Dudley W. Jones
27th Texas Cavalry (also
called 1st Texas Legion), Lt. Col. John H. Broocks
Bridge's Arkansas Cavalry Battalion, Maj. H.W. Bridges
Escorts and Guards
Company A, 7th Tennessee Cavalry, Capt. W.F. Taylor
Company Louisiana Cavalry, Capt. J.Y. Webb
Provost Guard (Company D 4th Mississippi Cavalry), Capt. James Ruffin
Reserve Artillery
Maj. W.C. Preston
Columbus Georgia Battery, Capt. Edward Croft
Durrive's Louisana
Battery, Capt. E. Durrive, Jr.
Battery B, Palmetto South Carolina Artillery, Capt. J. Wates
Lt. Gen. E. Kirby Smith
Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor
Maj. Gen. John G. Walker
McCulloch's Brigade
Brig. Gen. Henry E. McCulloch
16th Texas, Col. George Flournoy
17th Texas, Col. R.T.P. Allen
19th Texas, Col. Richard Waterhouse
16th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), Lt. Col. E.P. Gregg (w), Maj.
W.W. Diamond (w), Capt. J.D. Woods
Edgar's Battery, Capt. William Edgar
Hawes' Brigade
Brig. Gen. James M. Hawes
13th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), Lt. Col. A.F. Crawford
Texas, Col. O. Young
18th Texas, Lt. Col. D.B. Culbertson
22d Texas, Col. R. Hubbard
Battery, Capt. Horace Halderman
Randall's Brigade
Col. Horace Randal
11th Texas, Col. O.M. Roberts
14th Texas, Col. E.
28th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), Col. E.H. Baxter
6th Texas Cavalry Battalion (dismounted),
Maj. R.S. Gould
Daniels' Battery, Capt. J.M. Daniels
Tappan's Brigade
Brig. Gen. James C. Tappan
27th Arkansas, Col. J.R. Shaler
33d Arkansas, Col. H.L. Grinsted
38th Arkansas, Col. R.G. Shaver
Cavalry (not brigaded)
13th Louisiana Cavalry Battalion, Col. Frank A. Bartlett
Louisiana Cavalry Battalion, Lt. Col. Isaac F. Harrison
Parson's Cavalry Brigade
Col. William H. Parsons
12th Texas Cavalry, Lt. Col. A.B. Burleson
21st Texas Cavalry,
Col. B.W. Carter
Pratt's Texas Battery, Capt. J.H. Pratt