Battle of Chancellorsville Map |

Civil War Chancellorsville Battlefield Map |
Report of Capt. N. A. Pool, Seventh North Carolina Infantry.
--, 1863. SIR: [The following is] an account of the part acted by the Seventh Regt. North Carolina troops at the battle
of Chancellorsville, May 2 and 3:
At dark on the night of May 2, the Seventh North Carolina Regiment, commanded
by Col. E. G. Haywood, was ordered to the right of the Plank road. The Thirty-third Regt. North Carolina troops was on
the right, then the Seventh, Thirty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, and Eighteenth [North Carolina].
The Seventh, being
left in front, was ordered to countermarch, and take a position behind a line of breastworks which had been thrown up by
the Yankees. Before we were in position, the Thirty-third North Carolina troops were deployed as skirmishers in covering
our front. Soon after they advanced to the front, a heavy column of the enemy advanced by the right flank up the line
of breastworks, with the intention of occupying them, not knowing that the Confederates were so near. The Federals challenged
our line to know who we were. We answered, ''Confederates.'' The enemy said, ''Come in, Confederates.'' They asked whose
brigade we were. Answered, ''Gen. Lane's.'' They replied, ''Tell Gen. Lane to come in.'' The Seventh were about to fire
on them when they sent over a flag of truce, and, while the parley was going on, they demanded time, and again why their
flag of truce did not return, threatening to fie on us, and finally did fire a gun at our right, which caused the regiment
to fire on them, under the flag of truce, when some 250 leaped over the breastworks and surrendered prisoners of war.
They remained quiet until about 10 p.m., when there was considerable noise heard in front, and the command ''Forward''
distinctly heard, and a charge made by the enemy to try to break our lines. The Seventh Regt. lay still, quietly waiting
their appearance. They advanced on the right, and were repulsed with heavy loss by the troops on our right, not coming
within range of our guns. After that charge all was quiet during the night.
On the morning of May 3, soon after
sunrise, the lines were ordered forward, when the Seventh Regt. advanced forward through the woods under a galling fire
until we gained the enemy's works on the first hill, and, after a desperate struggle to hold them, we were compelled
to fall back for want of support.
The loss in the Seventh was heavy, including many officers killed and wounded.
Col. Haywood was wounded early in the engagement. Soon after, Maj. [William L.] Davidson was wounded, and, while at the
enemy's works, Lieut.-Col. [Junius L.] Hill was killed.
N. A. POOL, Capt. Company K, Cmdg. Seventh North Carolina
[Brig. Gen. JAMES H. LANE.]
General James Henry Lane |

Confederate General James H. Lane |
Source: Official Records, Series I, Vol. 25, Part I, Reports. Serial No. 39