Atlanta Campaign: Civil War Battle of Atlanta Campaign

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Atlanta Campaign: Journal of the Atlanta Campaign for June 1864

Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps,
Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General.
MAY 1-SEPTEMBER 8, 1864.--The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign.
Part II (June)

June 1.--Before daylight the four regiments of Grose s brigade, relieved by Newton, were moved to Stanley's extreme left, two regiments crossing Brown's Mill creek. 7 a.m., General Stanley opened a battery on the enemy in his front, silencing a battery that had been firing upon us for several days. McPherson and Davis not yet arrived. 10 a.m., McPherson's troops commenced to arrive, followed by Davis' division. But little skirmishing through the day.
       The enemy tried our lines in General Wood's front this a.m., and to-night tried Stanley's front. Day very warm and dry. Lost a few men killed and wounded to-day.

June 2.--6 a.m., unusually quiet in our front. General Davis going into position between Stanley's and Wood's divisions, relieving Twenty-third Corps troops, Schofield moving to the extreme left of the army. The enemy tried our lines to-night, but did not succeed in driving our skirmishers back. About the usual loss in skirmishing to-day. Remained quiet, awaiting developments, &c. Heavy rainstorm from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.

June 3.--9 a.m., General Wood hid is pickets and skirmishers and struck tents to deceive the enemy and to try and induce him to attack us. The ruse did not succeed, although every appearance was that General Wood had withdrawn from his position. The same ruse was practiced by General Stanley at 9 a.m., with the same effect. But little picket and skirmish firing to-day. Nothing of special importance occurred in our front. 8 p.m., received verbal instructions from Major-General Thomas to relieve General Davis' division (between Wood and Stanley), in the morning by parts of Wood's and Stanley's divisions: 8.15 p.m., sent note to General Cruft at Kingston to start back with train at daylight in the a.m. or as soon as he got the note. 9 p.m., sent instructions to Wood to relieve the left half and to Stanley to relieve the right half of Davis' division at sunrise to-morrow, and to thin out their forces to one line in those parts of their positions which they deemed the strongest. At same hour sent instructions to General Newton to relieve Stanley's division as far as the creek on his (Newton's) left, at sunrise in the a.m., and to thin out his line in that place where he was the strongest; also informed him that General McPherson had been instructed to re-enforce him in case he was attacked; Wood's, Stanley's and Newton's divisions to hold their present lines. 9.30 p.m. received written instructions from headquarters Department of the Cumberland to withdraw Stanley's or Newton' division from its present position, leaving the other to cover the entire line of both as now posted, and relieve General Davis' division, of the Fourteenth Corps. This could not be done. It will be necessary to relieve Davis from the two divisions, Wood's and Stanley's, one on either side. 11 p.m., received note from General Newton stating that if he relieved any men from his present line that he could not give them any rest, and that they would stiffer from exhaustion, but that he would obey the order. Sent a reply at once to General N[ewton], stating that our lines had to be extended so as to embrace General Davis, that all of the troops would be relieved as soon as General Blair arrived at Allatoona, in two days perhaps, and that McPherson would help him in case of need, and that General Thomas had, in fact, ordered him to hold his own and all of General Stanley's line, but that this order had been changed for his benefit. Dark, cloudy, damp day. A few men killed and wounded on the skirmish line.

June 4.--6 a.m., General Stanley reported that he had relieved a little more than the right half of Davis division. No report yet from General Wood. 7 a.m., sent General Newton's note of last night, stating that it would exhaust his men to thin out his lines, to Major-General Thomas, with the statement that our position would be much strengthened if McPherson would relieve Stanley's right brigade. 7.30 a.m., received note from General Stanley stating that he could not straighten his line as he supposed he could (on Davis' right front)as a hill in front of his left that he expected to get was occupied by the enemy when Schofield established his line (before being relieved by Davis); that this point was in front of his present left and was covered by General Wood; that the enemy was in strength there and could at that point best attack us, and suggesting that our line be doubled there. This note was at 8 a.m. referred to General Wood. 8.30, General McPherson called at corps headquarters and said that he would relieve General Newton's right brigade with one of his. A staff officer was at once sent over to conduct General McP[herson]'s brigade to the position designated. This disposition was effected. The enemy felt our lines to-day and found us in force. 7 p.m., another order was sent to General Cruft to return to this place from Kingston as soon as possible. Raining nearly all day. The usual skirmishing and picket firing and loss to-day.

June 5.--6.15 a.m., General Stanley reports that the enemy has evacuated the rifle-pits in Colonel Grose's front. This report sent to department headquarters. Grose's men in enemy's first line of pits. 7.10 a.m., General Newton reports that the enemy has evacuated his first and second line of rifle-pits and that he has some force in his third line; supposed to be dismounted cavalry. He reports that a deserter says that Johnston has retreated beyond the Chattahoochee River. This report sent to department headquarters. 8 a.m., the enemy gone from our entire front. 9 a.m., General Wood called at headquarters and said that the enemy had retreated and that he had examined the place of his fight of the 27th, and that he now saw that he had been with his advance troops within eight paces of the rebel works. Our skirmishers now out a mile beyond the enemy's works. 11 a.m., General McPherson's troops passing along our rear, moving to the left. 11 a.m., received instructions from department headquarters, which were received from headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, dated June 4, stating that today, if the enemy did not "display more activity than now," that General McPherson would send his wagons to Burnt Church by a road to the rear of General Thomas' road, and move his command by both roads to a point north of and near Burnt Church, ready to move next day to Acworth, leaving his wagons behind Allatoona Creek; that, "General Thomas will refuse his right behind the creek on which Brown's Mill is located, and will prepare to move across Allatoona Creek to a point of the railroad in front of Acworth, say Big Shanty; General Schofield to strengthen his position and so distribute his wagons as to follow General Thomas and with his troops cover his movement." Allatoona to be the point of supply as soon as the railroad bridge can be completed, and all trains now at Kingston and Burnt Hickory to return via Allatoona, where General Thomas will lay a pontoon bridge. At the same time instructions were received from department headquarters stating that preparatory to this movement all of our wagons and hospitals must be moved at once to the east of Brown s Mill creek and Little Pumpkin Vine Creek. General Thomas verbally informed General Howard that as the enemy had gone he need not move his troops to-day, but to let them rest, and that the foregoing orders would be changed. Doctor Heard was directed to bring up all of his sick and wounded from our old hospital (on the road that we marched on when we crossed Pumpkin Vine Creek) to the rear of our present headquarters, preparatory to moving them to-morrow. 12 m., Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes, chief quartermaster, was instructed to move his train at once to the vicinity of Burnt Church, if it could be done without interfering with the movements of General McPherson's troops or trains. 1 p.m., sent instructions to General Stanley to detail one regiment from his command as a guard for corps train until it moves to and arrives at its new position (will move to-morrow). 8.30 p.m., received from department headquarters order of march for June 6. The Twentieth corps to move at daybreak, across Mason's Bridge, over the Allatoona Creek, and take up a position on the ridges in the angle between the road to Big Shanty and the one leading south to the east of Lost Mountain, right resting on Allatoona Creek. The Fourteenth Corps to follow the Twentieth, and to take up a position across the Sandtown and Marietta road and the road leading from Maloney's to Moore's Station. The Fourth Corps to follow the Fourteenth, turn to the left after crossing Mason's Bridge upon the road leading to Acworth, distant four miles (supposed to be from Acworth; the order ambiguous), and take up a position holding that road and the Sandtown and Marietta road. The First Cavalry Division to remain in its present position, and Colonel McCook to send out pickets upon the roads converging to the front of the army, &c. 9 p.m., sent to division commanders the order of march for Fourth Army Corps, for June 6, as follows: The corps to move at sunrise, the Third Division leading, followed by the First Division, then the Second. The troops to move on the most direct road from Dallas to Mason's Bridge, and thence to camp near Maloney's house, which is on the Acworth road. The Twentieth and Fourteenth Army Corps to have the right of way if they are found moving on the same road. The troops to move through the fields and by-ways, leaving the roads for the artillery and trains. The main corps train to move via Burnt Church across Allatoona Creek, under direction of Colonel Hayes, chief quartermaster. Ammunition trains and the artillery to move on the road near the troops. The hospitals will be moved to the vicinity of Acworth, under the direction of Surgeon Heard, and all empty wagons not in park to be sent to division hospital at daybreak for the purpose of transporting the sick. At same hour instructions sent to General Newton to leave his smallest brigade to cover our hospital at this place until the wounded can be transported to the railroad. Day cloudy and raining.

June 6.--Troops moved at sunrise, as indicated in the order of march for to-day. The country through which we moved covered with dense woods, with small cultivated fields interspersed. The main roads in a very bad condition; deep mud. After moving a short distance on the Allatoona road, and after crossing Allatoona Creek, General Wood's division crossed through the fields to the left, and moved on neighborhood road (to the left of Acworth road) almost direct to Maloney's house, where his head of column arrived at about 10 a.m. General Stanley moved on the direct Acworth road, arriving at Maloney's house at about 10.45 a.m., Palmer's corps (Fourteenth) following him. 10.45, staff officer sent back to guide General Newton on the same route that General Wood's division took. At same time sent a courier to Colonel Hayes, who had run into McPherson's army on the Allatoona road about a mile beyond Burnt Church, to turn him off of said road and to direct him to park the train at Palmer's house, about a mile from the place selected for our headquarters. 11 a.m., head-quarters established at Peters' house, on the Sandtown and Marietta road, about one-quarter of a mile from Maloney's house, and about three and a half miles from Big Shanty. General Wood commenced to put his troops in camp at 10.40, about 200 or 300 yards beyond our headquarters, on the Big Shanty road, his left resting on the road, his right a little refused, and his division in two lines. General Stanley's command was put in camp on the left of said road, his right resting on the road, his division in two lines and abreast with General Wood's command. 1 a.m., received note from General Cruft, dated Burnt Hickory, June 6, 10.40 a.m., stating that the train which he was guarding was passing through Burnt Hickory, and that he expected to park on Pumpkin Vine Creek to-night. This information was sent to Major-General Thomas, and he said that Cruft must not move to our old camp, via Owen's Bridge, over Pumpkin Vine Creek, but must move directly to this point via Burnt Church. This information was sent to General Cruft at 1.15 p.m. by Captain Kirlin, aide-de-camp, who was sent to conduct him and the train here. 2 p.m., General Newton's head of column arrived at his camp about three-quarters of a mile in our rear near the Marietta road, having been conducted by a staff officer over the same road that General Wood's division marched on. 9 p.m., sent instructions to division commanders to gather up all of their empty wagons and as many regimental wagons as possible, for a corps train to be sent in the morning to Etowah for supplies, General Wood to detail a regiment as a guard, and the commanding officer of the same to guard the train. The early part of the day cloudy; rest bright; day very warm. Roads very muddy. Country heavily wooded, well interspersed with cultivated fields. No casualties to-day.

June 7.--12 m., sent the train to Etowah, or to Cartersville depot if no supplies at Etowah. 4 p.m., General Cruft arrived with that part of our train which had been sent to Kingston for supplies. 1 p.m., received Special Field Orders, No. 20, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, June 7, stating that General Blair's command is at Kingston, and a good pontoon bridge at the railroad crossing; that the general commanding believed the enemy had gone across the Chattahoochee River, yet we must be prepared for battle near Kenesaw Mountain, and the following disposition to be completed, and the army be ready to move on lines to be hereafter designated, on Thursday, June 9, at 6 a.m.:(*) Nothing of importance occurred to-day. Troops resting. Day very warm.

June 8.--Nothing of importance occurred to-day; all quiet in our front; rumors of enemy being in line of battle at Kenesaw Mountain; troops remaining in camp resting, &c.; train not yet returned from Etowah and Cartersville Station; all of the sick and wounded have been transported to the new hospitals at Acworth. General Kimball's brigade reported to General Newton at 4 p.m. Day warm and clear.

June 9.--12 m., received note from Lieutenant-Colonel Remick, chief commissary of subsistence of the corps, at Cartersville Station, stating that only part of the forage and commissary stores necessary to load his train had arrived, and that as soon as it did he would finish loading and send all of the train that had not started; would start, probably, to-morrow morning. That part of the train which has started is under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Foy, Twenty-third Kentucky, who proposed to come through Allatoona Pass and then park it on this side for the night, but orders were sent to him at 12.15 p.m. to come here without delay. At same time instructions were sent to Lieutenant-Colonel Remick to move the rest of train, as soon as loaded, by the road upon which the troops march. I p.m., received orders from headquarters Army of the Cumberland stating that said army would march to-morrow on the main road to Marietta:

The Fourteenth Army Corps will leave, starting at 5 a.m.; the Fourth Corps will follow the Fourteenth, and the Twentieth will follow the Fourth. Only sufficient transportation will be taken to carry ten days' forage and provisions. Colonel McCook, commanding First Cavalry Division, will keep a small portion of his force in front and on the right flank. The remainder will move in rear of the infantry. Should no opposition be met with during the march to Kenesaw Station, the head of the column will halt there until the arrival of the head of the column of the Army of the Tennessee, unless it should have already arrived.

       Copies of this order were sent to division commanders. 5 p.m., the following order for march for the corps for June 10 was issued:

This corps will march on the main road to Marietta, which crosses the railroad at Kenesaw Station and passes on to Marietta, east of the Kenesaw Mountain, moving as follows: First, Major-General Stanley's division, then General Newton's, then General Wood's. General Stanley's division and Newton's division will march at 7 a.m., and General Wood's at 8 a.m. The ambulance trains will move in the rear of the respective divisions to which they are attached, and the ammunition train, having been massed, will follow immediately after the corps. The corps train will be drawn out on the same road upon which the troops march, and following them it will move at 10 a.m.

       That part of the supply train which Colonel Foy was guarding arrived near this point late to-night; portion of it at Allatoona. 10 p.m., instructions were given to Colonel Hayes, chief quartermaster, to follow the corps with his train to Adams' house, about two miles from here, and park it there; but if we meet with no opposition from the enemy to continue following the troops. Nothing of importance occurred to-day. The cavalry, which was reconnoitering to-day, reports the enemy in strength, with strong earth-works, just in front of our vedettes. Day clear and warm.

June 10.--4 a.m., received from department headquarters Special Field Orders, No. 21, Military Division of the Mississippi, June 9, stating that the army would move in the morning (June 10).(*) The corps moved this morning, Stanley starting at the hour indicated, other divisions following immediately after. 10.30 a.m., head of General Stanley's column arrived within one-quarter of a mile from the road coming into the Burnt Hickory and Marietta road, which is three and a half miles from our headquarters of last night, and upon which Palmer was marching. As Palmer's corps had not yet reached the Burnt Hickory and Marietta road, and as he was to precede us, we halted to wait for him; head of his column said to be over half a mile from said road. At this point we threw out skirmishers to our front and on our right flank; enemy said to be moving around our right flank; a regiment of cavalry just in our front, skirmishing with the enemy, but a very short distance off; enemy's works on Cedar Top Knob plainly seen, about a mile off. 11 a.m., advanced section of artillery to our skirmish line and opened fire upon the enemy. 11.30, sent an officer to General Palmer, who returned and reported that General P[almer] was waiting for more of his troops to come up before he advanced; he only had one-half of a division in front. 1.30, sent Captain Bridges to see General Thomas, who was with General Palmer, and find out whether General P[almer] was to advance, and whether there were any orders, &c. 2 p.m., Captain B[ridges] returned from General Thomas, who sent word that General Davis' division, of Palmer's corps, was deployed and would advance, supported by the rest of the corps, and that he wanted the brigade of Stanley's, now deployed in front, to advance at the same time, and the rest of this corps, following in column, to be ready to support it. 2.30 p.m., General Howard went over to see General Thomas. General T[homas] directed him not to proceed any farther, but to go into camp and hold our position. 3.30 p.m., directed General Stanley to connect with Palmer on the left-are very near together--and to go into position with one brigade front, his other two brigades massed and prepared to front to the left, and at the same time directed General Newton to place his command in position on the right of the road, in echelon, in column of two regiments front, uniting with Stanley, and prepared to face to the right if necessary, and directed Wood to go into position on the right of the road and in the rear of Newton, in column two regiments front, prepared to face to the right, and to fill the gap between Newton and Hooker's corps on our right. Our line now faces southeast, and fronts Pine Top Knob. Prisoners report the enemy in strength and well fortified, their works extending from Kenesaw Mountain to Lost Mountain. 5.30 p.m., General Wood's division covers Geary's (of Hooker's corps) entirely, and is in advance of it, and connects with the left of Butterfield's division, of same corps, Geary's division being refused on the left and Butterfield's division on his right facing east. Country covered with dense woods; few fields. Three or four very hard rain-storms during the day.

June 11.--1 a.m., received orders for June 11, 1864, from headquarters Department of the Cumberland. 5 a..m., the orders of the day were read to General Stanley, and instructions given in accordance therewith. They were also read to General Newton and General Wood soon afterward. 9 a.m., Palmer's troops commenced to move to the left, and after the movement was completed the gap left was filled by Grose's brigade and a few more troops of Stanley's division. Stanley goes into position in two lines, reserving two regiments. In accordance with orders given at 5 a.m., Newton's division moved in the rear of Stanley, and the small gap that he left was filled by Wood's division passing to the left. 7.10 p.m., received information that Baird's division, Palmer's corps, had been ordered to move to the left one mile, and was then moving, and was ordered to fill the gap which he would leave (Baird connected with Stanley's left). At once ordered Newton to fill the gap with his division. 10 p.m., Newton reported that he could not fill all of the gap. At once orders were given to General Wood to move his division to Newton's left at sunrise in the morning, and fill up all of the gap left between Newton and Palmer (Baird's division), and to keep all of his division not necessary to fill up the gap in reserve. Little skirmishing along our lines today. The enemy opened artillery fire from four guns on Stanley's left. He fired from a battery in his works on Pine Top Knob. Very heavy rain-storms through the day; rained nearly the entire day; mud deep. Country thickly wooded; very blind.

June 12.--7.40, reported that General Wood has not yet moved over to fill the gap on our left. 8 a.m., wrote a note to General Wood, wishing to know why the order was not obeyed; why he did not move at sunrise; that his assistant adjutant-general receipted for the order before midnight. 10 a.m., General Wood replied that he did not get the order before sunrise, through the fault of his assistant adjutant-general, and that he moved as soon afterward as possible. The gap was not as large as reported; was filled by one of Wood's regiments at about 9 a.m., the rest of his division going in reserve. 12.30, set 200 pioneers to work on the road leading from camp to Big Shanty road. They repaired the road before dark. 1 p.m., sent word to division commanders that the supply train was parked near Big Shanty, and to repair old roads or to cut new ones from their present positions to that place. 1.30 p.m., General Stanley reports that Colonel Champion, who is on the picket-line, reports that the enemy is moving in large force to our right; they have been passing for one hour and are now passing. At once sent this information to General Thomas at Big Shanty. 1.40, sent staff officer to Generals Newton and Stanley to tell them to order up their ammunition trains nearer to their divisions. 8.50 p.m., received note from General Thomas, dated 6 p.m., asking for further information of movements of the enemy (Lieutenant Gilman has been sent to General Thomas with such information, &c.), stating that it is reported that the enemy is retreating, that General Stanley's report confirms this report, and ordering our advance guard to be vigilant to-night and report all movements of the enemy which they are certain of. 9 p.m., sent substance of General Thomas' report to division commanders, and directed them to report to these headquarters any movements of the enemy which their pickets may observe and be certain of. 11.50 p.m., General Stanley reports that the officer in command of pickets reports the enemy moving his column, seeming from rebel right to left, and about Pine Top Knob; "their commands can be plainly heard, such as 'bring your column this way,' &c.;" that the enemy has built large fires on Pine Top, &c.; their picket-line remains unchanged. This report was sent at 12 midnight to General Thomas. Rained hard all day; deep mud. Trains can move only with great difficulty.

June 13.--6 a.m., received note from General Whipple, chief of staff, dated Big Shanty, June 13, 3.40 a.m., stating note had been received:

Should the enemy menace--might attack you--all that can be done is to hold yourself in readiness. Should he move to attack McPherson's left and get around his left flank at our wagon train, which is probably his other object, you will hold yourself in readiness to move to the left to Moon's Station. At the same time, at the first signal of activity in the rebel lines, yourself and General Hooker will open heavy with artillery on the enemy and push for Pine Hill. Major-General Sherman informs us that the enemy has had his cavalry feeling well in the space between McPherson's (Blair's) left and Garrard's.

       7 a.m., Generals Stanley and Newton report no change in their front. Enemy keeps up same show as yesterday. Rained all day. No change of importance in our lines. Nothing new. Only little picket-firing.

June 14.--5.30, general and staff started out to ride the lines. 9 a.m., ordered Generals Newton and Wood, through Colonel Sherman, to wheel the line to the right, conforming to the movement of General Baird, of Palmer's corps, who was to move forward the east of Pine Top. The whole of Palmer's corps was to move forward; Baird's was the right division. The movement commenced on the left of Palmer's corps and worked to the right. Movement reached our lines, and they commenced to go forward at about 9.30 a.m. 11 a.m., orders were given to all of our batteries to open on some of the enemy (infantry), who could be seen on Pine Top Mountain. 11 a.m., all of the division commanders were directed to move to the left, keeping closed on General Palmer. The orders were promptly executed. Brisk skirmishing commenced with the movement, and Baird was checked, and a battery was put in on Wood's left, by General Thomas' order, which opened fire on the enemy; this at 2 p.m. At 2 p.m. the movement of the corps was completed, except one brigade of Wood's division, which was moved out still farther to the left at 6 p.m. During the day the corps moved about 300 paces, and the left swung up three-fourths of a mile toward Pine Top Mountain. Had heavy skirmishing during the day. Day clear and cool.

June 15.--3 a.m., received Special Field Orders, No. 25, for movements to-morrow (to-day, June 15), dated June 14, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi. 6.20 a.m., word was received from General Newton that the enemy had evacuated his front and that his skirmishers had advanced half a mile. Within five minutes similar messages were received from Generals Wood and Stanley. 6.30, reports received from division commanders that they had possession of Pine Top Knob. 6.40, general and staff rode to Pine Top. 7 a.m., General Newton reported that Pine Top Knob was occupied by Hipsley, adjutant Forty-second Illinois, with a squad of men at 3 a.m. 11 a.m., received instructions from Major-General Thomas to form a column of attack and move southward to the left of Pine Top. 11.20, sent note to General Newton, informing him of General Thomas' instructions, stating that his division would lead, Stanley's would follow, and then Wood's; to bring up his reserve brigade and artillery immediately; to choose his formation, and to have all of his troops ready at 2 p.m. on the Marietta road; also stating that it was the wish of the general commanding to develop the point or points of attack by a strong skirmish line. At the same time verbal instructions were given to General Stanley to follow immediately after Newton and support him, and word was sent to General Wood, directing him to be ready to follow General Stanley at 2.30 p.m. l p.m., staff officer from General Thomas reported, stating that General McPherson, on the left, and Schofield, on the right, were pressing or driving the enemy, and that he (General T[homas]) wished General H[oward] to move out promptly and strongly at 2 p.m. The column of attack was formed, five regiments front, column doubled on the center, for Newton's division. General Stanley followed in deployed lines, four regiments front, and Wood marching on the road by flank, Hooker's corps supporting on the right, and Palmer's on the left. 2.50, instructions sent to Newton, telling him how the other divisions were forming, and to move his skirmishers forward at once to develop or find out what force and position the enemy are in, and for him not to make the attack unless he thought he could do so with success; this sent by Lieutenant Carrington, of Newton's staff. 3.20, column was ready to move, in position about half a mile or more from Pine Top Knob, but could not advance then on account of serious opposition by the enemy's skirmishers. There was no connection between Generals Newton's and Baird's (on left of Palmer's corps) skirmish lines; Newton's line working slowly forward and exposed to flank fires. 3.40, sent word to Baird to push up rapidly and connect with Newton. This connection was made at 4.10. 4.20, skirmishers ordered forward to take a hill in their front, which was held strongly by the enemy's skirmishers. 4.30, the hill taken in a gallant manner. The enemy was under cover of works of logs and rails. It was high and clear, but nothing could be seen on it on account of dense woods beyond. 4.45, sent word to General Thomas that we had taken this hill, which was about one mile from the point where we started, and that the main lines would now move forward to said hill, but not to expect anything remarkable, as the woods were so thick that we could hardly move through them. 4.50, column commenced to advance. 5.30, occupied the hill that the skirmishers had taken by Wagner's brigade, of Newton's division. 5.45, Captain Willard, from General Thomas, said that the general wished us to go as far as we could and then strengthen our position. 6 p.m., our skirmishers have found a second ridge, and are in sight of and within twenty-five yards of the enemy's main works. 6.15, enemy sends his main line out of works and drives back our skirmishers to the first ridge from their works, the one beyond the hill. 6.30, order sent to General Stanley to move one brigade abreast of Newton's advance brigade on the right on the hill, and request sent to General Palmer to advance a brigade on Newton's left and abreast with Wagner's (the advance brigade); Stanley sent Grose's brigade. 6.40, order sent to Wood to advance his column in rear of Newton's left, prepared to face to the left. 6.50, sent note to General Thomas, dated 6.30 p.m., stating that our skirmishers had developed the enemy and were within seventy-five yards of their works, and that they were pushed back by the enemy coming out of the same, drove them back a little way, but being re-enforced, they now held their ground on the crest in advance of the hill upon which Captain Willard, of his staff, found the general, and that on the hill from which we drove the enemy is our main line. 7 p.m., one of Baird's brigades, Palmer's corps, came up abreast of Newton, on his left, and commenced to strengthen the position. 7.10, General Wood's direction having been changed, he came up in the left rear of Stanley's division, prepared to face to the right or to act as a reserve. Our lines as follows: Newton--one brigade front, one brigade in echelon (on left), one brigade massed in rear; Stanley's left joining Newton's right, with two brigades front, one brigade massed in rear of his right, and Wood's division in rear of Stanley's right. Newton connects with the Fourteenth Army Corps (Palmer's) on the left. Our front covered by a strong line of skirmishers, five regiments, which connects with Baird's skirmishers on the left and Hooker's (Twentieth Army Corps) on the right. 8 p.m., received note from General Thomas, dated 6.30 p.m., stating if we could get no farther to fortify where we are, &c. The hill that our main line is now on is on the line of ridges that connects Lost Mountain and Kenesaw, and from which the waters flow toward the Chattahoochee. The country through which we moved and skirmished was rough and rolling, and was covered with dense woods and underbrush. Day bright and cool. About 45 killed and wounded to-day in the corps; nearly all in Newton s division.

June 16.--1 a.m., received order from department headquarters as follows:

Early to-morrow morning you will find as many positions as possible for batteries to bear upon the enemy's breast-works, and endeavor to destroy them or at least render them untenable.

       Opened artillery fire at 7 a.m. along our line. 11.45, received instructions from Major-General Sherman to push out our forces and occupy the ridge in our front, about 500 yards from our present position. 12 m., ordered Newton to put a battery on said ridge and support it with a brigade, and Grose to move out a brigade and gradually occupy it; after this, our forces to occupy it in strength, making it our main line. 6 p.m., General Stanley has taken possession of the knoll intermediate between General Hooker and himself, and has intrenched a battery and brigade; General Newton has advanced a brigade and battery to his skirmish line on the left side, and is already intrenched. Generals Stanley and Newton have been ordered to connect their two points by their first line to-night; some portion of the proposed line is yet in dispute. Our skirmishers occupy only part of the ridge. Captain Simonson killed while establishing General Stanley's battery on this line; he was Stanley's chief of artillery, and a superior officer. 8.30 p.m., sent General Thomas a statement of the position we held, &c. Our advance lines now about 200 paces from the enemy's works. Not many casualties to-day. Day clear and warm.

June 17.--4.20 a.m., received reports from Generals Stanley and Newton that the enemy had left their front and abandoned their works. Orders were at once sent to division commanders to push after them. 6 a.m., our skirmishers came up with the enemy about two and a half miles from our position. It appears that he has only swung around his left, taking up new lines. His lines now face nearly west. His left appears not to be Changed. 7.30, received orders from Major-General Thomas to get the troops ready to follow the enemy as soon as we could get orders from him as to the direction of march, and sent word back at same time that the troops were ready, and informing him of the enemy's position. 9 p.m., General Thomas requests (by Captain Pearson, who has been to him with a message) General Howard to attack the enemy as soon as he can, if his works are not too strong. 10.15 a.m., orders were given, and Wood formed in line of battle, moving eastward (to develop the enemy), working to the south, which would make his head of column point that way; Newton to work in on his left and Stanley in reserve; if the enemy is abandoning his position, then to move south by column, Wood leading, then Newton, then Stanley, the column covered by strong line of skirmishers. 1 p.m., heavy skirmishing in Wood's front, and it is reported that there is no connection with the skirmishers of the Fourteenth Corps on our left. At once sent word to General Thomas that we would have to advance without such connection if it was not kept up. 1.30, General Thomas sent word that he thought we were moving too much to the south. Sent reply that our line of battle was facing southeast, about. 1.50, General Wood's skirmishers report that the enemy has breast-works about 150 yards in their front. 3.45, General Wood commenced to move his main lines. Heavy skirmishing. 4.20, very heavy firing heard on our extreme left; supposed to be McPherson. 4.40, sent order to General Stanley to advance in line and form on the ridge in the rear of General Wood, which position he will hold until further orders, and give Wood any assistance he may need. 4.40, General Newton trying to get over the open field on General Wood's left, the same field that General Wood is trying to get over. 4.50, sent Wood word that Newton was working up on his left, and Stanley was ordered up in supporting distance in his rear. Wood and Newton could not advance their skirmish lines. The enemy had not abandoned their works on the left (in front of part of Palmer's corps), and at this time the lines were as in diagram below.
       6 p.m., General Thomas ordered artillery to be put in position along our front and to endeavor by fire from same to drive the enemy from the woods beyond the open field in front of Newton. 6.30 p.m., artillery in position, several guns bearing on the salient A, and opened, firing by volley. A terrific fire was kept up for more than half an hour, and then the strong skirmish lines of Wood's and Newton's divisions charged across the open field, drove the enemy from his rifle-pits, and held the edge of the woods beyond. General Newton at once pushed up a line as a support to his skirmish line, and General Wood pushed up his troops to the edge of the woods on this side of the open field, in easy supporting distance.
       At 7.15 a circular was sent to division commanders, directing to push forward strong-skirmish- lines at daybreak to-morrow morning--the most reliable skirmish regiments, and they must be designated to-night so as to avoid delay. 11 p.m., the enemy made an assault upon our intrenched line of skirmishers and were repulsed. Our losses for the day not heavy for the work done. Day cool and rainy.

June 18.--1 a.m., the enemy made another attack upon our lines and was repulsed. 4 a.m., skirmish line advanced, and the position gained was strengthened. 6 a.m., received note from General Thomas, stating that he wished us to shelter our skirmishers as much as possible and hold the position we gained last night, and see if we cannot get batteries in position to fire with as much success as yesterday, and drive the enemy again from our front. 6.30 a.m., sent note to General Thomas, informing him that the skirmishers of Hazen's and Knefler's brigades, of Wood's division, crossed the open field last evening at dark and made a lodgment in the woods beyond. At 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. the enemy made attempts on our lines, and were repulsed, and that the skirmishers again advanced at 4 a.m., and found the enemy in force. 6.45, one of General Wood's staff officers reports the enemy moving to our right, as if toward General Schofield's position. 6.50, directed General Newton to advance a strong line of skirmishers, and General Wood to follow up this movement with a similar line, to find out whether the enemy was leaving. This was done at once, with a yell and a rush. The skirmish line was so strengthened that it amounted to a line of battle. The enemy, after a strong resistance, was driven from his breast-works, that part of the old breast-works not evacuated by him yesterday in front of Newton's and Palmer's right, and the works in front of Hazen's brigade, of Wood's division. After the works were taken, the skirmish line remained in the enemy's works and was strongly re-enforced by Newton and Wood. 9 a.m., ordered Newton and Wood to advance their main lines and take possession of the ridge just this side and very near the rebel works that our skirmishers occupy. The movement was commenced at once. At same time General Baird, of Palmer's corps, was requested to move up on the prolongation of Newton's division, and he replied that he had positive orders from General Palmer not to advance. However, he moved up at 10 a.m. 10.15, Newton and Wood in position. One of Stanley's brigades has been placed in position on Newton's left, where Baird came up in reserve in rear of left, and one on Wood's right. This not to be done until after the fighting was over. 10.50 a.m., sent dispatch to Major-General Thomas, giving him information of our position, and telling what we had done. 12.15 p.m., the enemy have made vigorous attacks on our troops in their works, trying to drive them out, but have not succeeded. 12.20 p.m., received dispatch from General Thomas, stating that General McCook has turned the rebel left with his cavalry, taking a hospital, with prisoners, &c., and that we must take every opportunity to annoy the enemy now, that he must not be allowed to rest, but this not to be construed into an order to attack, unless an attack promises good results. 12.45 p.m., directed General Wood to relieve General Stanley's troops on his left, between his left and Newton's right, by two regiments, and, when relieved, for General Stanley to move these troops to the right of Wood's division, and to relieve the four right regiments of Hazen's brigade, Wood's division. 1.30 p.m., received note from General Thomas, stating report of 10.50 a.m. received, and was perfectly satisfactory; saying, do not lose connections with Palmer and Hooker unless flanks protected by bad ground or the enemy is retreating. In latter case to notify Hooker' and Palmer, and press the enemy with infantry, and give him as many shells as our artillery can throw. He also stated that "General Sherman is at last very much pleased; our consciences approve of our work, and I hope all will go right." 5 p.m., received note from General Thomas, with diagram of our lines, requesting General H [oward] to put a battery in front of Kimball's right, so as to enfilade the enemy's works in front of Baird, so that Baird may gain possession of the same, and plant a battery so as to enfilade the enemy's new line of works in front of Wood's division. 6.30 p.m., directed General Newton to have barricades made during the night in front of the line of skirmishers that connect the right of his main line and the left of Wood's skirmish line. 6.45, General H[oward] replies to General Thomas' note, received at 5 p.m., stating that he was already establishing a battery at the point indicated; that General Baird has batteries and works arranged very handsomely in the open field, and that the right of Baird's division is as good a point as any from which to move suddenly upon the enemy's works. Very heavy skirmishing all day; long and considerable fighting. Our artillery fire was very brisk all day long. The enemy replied with artillery, but did not fire from many guns. Our loss during the day in killed and wounded about 240. Rained hard all day long, and Mud Creek, which runs between Newton's and Wood's divisions, was very much swollen--swim a horse; it had to be bridged in several places.

June 19.--4.40, General Newton reports that the enemy has evacuated his last line of works in his front, and that his skirmish line now occupies the same. 5 a.m., General Wood reports the enemy gone from his front. 5 a.m., sent word to General Thomas that the enemy had gone. 6 a.m., ordered division commanders to march for Marietta, General Stanley's division to lead, and to march at once, Wood's division to follow, and then Newton's. 6.30, directed General Stanley to order a pioneer company from one of his regiments to report to Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes, chief quartermaster of the corps, for duty for a few days. 6.40 a.m., sent Captain Pearson to headquarters Army of the Cumberland to inform General Thomas that the corps was on the way, marching to Marietta. 7 a.m., our skirmishers came upon the enemy. He is posted on a line of ridges just west of Marietta. Stanley forming in line of battle. Word was sent to Newton to form one brigade on Stanley's left in line of battle, and to Wood to move up to Stanley's support. 7.30, word sent to Generals Hooker and Palmer that we had met the enemy, and asking that they would co-operate with us. 8 a.m., sent note to General Thomas of our position. 10.30, General Stanley going into position opposite enemy at right angles with Marietta road at Wallace's house. Newton forming brigade on his left, Wood coming up in his rear. As soon as he displays his force General Stanley to advance his line of battle, Newton to keep up connection. 10.40, received note from General Thomas, dated 6.30, stating that the enemy was retreating, and to follow him closely. 2 p.m., have had hard skirmishing all day. Newton just reports that he is about again to advance and to try and push up to Kenesaw Mountain, but a short distance in his front. Orders were sent to General Stanley to push up as quickly as he can in conjunction with Newton. 3.30 p.m., the left of Stanley's skirmish line driven back across Noyes' Creek by two of the enemy's main lines, which came out of the works. They were driven back but a very short distance and were then re-enforced. Newton's lines on the left were ordered to be strengthened and advanced, and Wood's two reserve brigades (one is on a prolongation of Stanley's right) ordered up to close support of Stanley. 3.45, General Newton reports that the enemy, with two main lines, twice charged his skirmish line, and the second time drove it back a short distance, taking 11 prisoners, and also stating that there was a gap of half a mile between his left and Palmer's right, and that Palmer's forces were in the rear. Word was at once sent to Palmer to close up on Newton, by General Thomas, and Captain Pearson, of the general's staff, was sent to conduct Palmer to the proper place. 6 p.m., received order from General Thomas to relieve Hooker's left division in the morning. 6.15, sent word to General Hooker that said division would be relieved at 5 a.m. to-morrow. At same time verbally instructed General Stanley to relieve the left of Hooker's left division by putting in a force with a front of three regiments, and General Wood to relieve the rest of said division with two of his brigades; all of this to be done at 5 a.m. to-morrow. We captured over 200 men and 14 officers of the enemy to-day. Our lines in all were not advanced over two miles to-day. Rained nearly all day, part of the time very hard. Lost in killed and wounded about 100 to-day. Troops strengthened their position during the night.

June 20.--Skirmishing all of last night, continuing along the greater part of our front. 11.30, General Newton has worked his way a little farther toward the enemy's works. 12 m., General Thomas verbally directed General Howard to push his command to the right as far as he could (not, however, to break connection on our left with the Fourteenth Corps) in order to relieve Hooker and enable him to attack a force of the enemy in Schofield's front, stating that Palmer would fill the interval on our left. 12.10, directed General Wood to extend his division to the right until he had only two lines. 12.20, directed General Newton to place his command in readiness to move to the right of General Wood's division, arriving there to relieve Hooker's troops as far as he could stretch in two lines, his left connecting with General Wood; to move his reserve brigade at 1.30 p.m., and his other two brigades as soon as relieved by General Palmer. 1.20 p.m., General Stanley reported that General Whitaker reported that he was about to be attacked by the enemy. Word was sent to General Newton at once not to move any of his troops until relieved by General Palmer. 1.40 p.m., General Wood reports that the enemy is forming a column as if for attack in front of his right. 2 p.m., received order from General Sherman to make demonstration by firing artillery, &c., so as to, call away attention front Schofield, who was trying to cross Noyes Creek; this to be at 4 p.m. 2.20, the enemy made an attack, but only with the reserves of his skirmish line, and it was made to drive back our skirmishers in front of Stanley. He was repulsed. 3.30, Wood ordered to stretch out to the right, and Newton ordered to move to the right of Wood, as directed, at 12.20 p.m.; the movement was delayed on account of the threatened attack of the enemy. 3.35, General Stanley reports that his position is endangered by the enemy's works on the hill in his front, and he was ordered to make a demonstration on the same at 4 p.m., and drive back the enemy if he could 4 p.m., our artillery opened all around, and in several places was replied to by the enemy's artillery. General Stanley advanced, and Whitaker's and Kirby's brigades handsomely drove the enemy from the hill, with a re-enforced skirmish line, taking his skirmish line prisoners and his skirmish rifle-pits. Whitaker strengthened his position at once, but Kirby did not, as he had not the force, so he reports. This was about 5.40 p.m. 6 p.m., the enemy charged General Whitaker's and Kirby's brigades. They were on the same hill, but separated by a marshy ravine, impracticable for the passage of infantry. He charged in three lines of battle, and in front of Whitaker was repulsed. Kirby's skirmishers, having no support, fell back a short distance and took a decided stand. In less than half an hour the enemy charged again, and was again repulsed handsomely. 6 p.m., General Newton's division not yet relieved by one of Palmer's, and he commenced to move to the right of Wood the brigade he had in reserve, but it was halted in the rear of Stanley's left as a support. 8 p.m., Wood ordered to relieve Stanley's right regiment, and Stanley ordered to move his two left regiments to the support of his right: General King, of Palmer's corps, who had just come to relieve Newton, engaging to relieve said two regiments on the left. 8.30 p.m., Newton ordered to move the reserve brigade (Wagner's) at daylight to-morrow to the rear of Kirby's brigade, of Stanley's division, and so as to cover the ravine and marsh between Kirby and Whitaker, and to move the other two brigades to the right of Wood at 5 a.m. 10 p.m., Newton ordered to move one regiment of the reserve brigade to the point to be occupied by the brigade to-morrow a.m. at once, so as to prevent any of the enemy from getting through between Whitaker and K[irby] to-night. 10 p.m., sent note to General Thomas, informing him of position of things, and asking him, in view of the threatening disposition of the enemy in Stanley's and Wood's front, whether Newton should be moved to Wood's right to relieve Hooker's corps in the a.m. 10.45, received note from Stanley, stating that the enemy again charged the left of Whitaker s brigade since dark, and drove the Thirty-fifth Indiana from their works, but he was at once driven back by the Fortieth Ohio and three companies of the Ninety-sixth Illinois, and that the Thirty-fifth Indiana behaved badly on account of its officers. Stanley lost about 225 killed and wounded during the day. No reports from Newton's and Wood's divisions. The enemy lost about 900 killed and wounded in assaulting Stanley's position last night. Heavy rains during the day. Stanley established a battery to-night in the advance position he gained, not over 100 paces from the enemy's works. The enemy made seven charges in the three attacks on Whitaker to-night.

June 21.--5 a.m., Newton moving his division to the right of Wood to relieve Hooker, as directed, with two brigades. 6 a.m., Newton's reserve brigade (Wagner's) also moving to the right of Wood. 11.30 a.m., assault ordered to be made by Colonel Kirby to drive the enemy from the hill that he was driven from last night; artillery to fire upon enemy; ordered some guns in position on the hill in front of Wood's division, to fire into the enemy's skirmish line. 12.30, Kirby about ready to advance; ordered all of the artillery in front of Wood's and Stanley's front to open and fire fifteen minutes; then the advance to be made. 12.45, Kirby advanced with a cheer; Colonel Nodine, commanding Willich's brigade (on the right of Stanley), Wood's division, sent out two regiments to assist. 12.55, the hill gallantly carried and the enemy driven back, the skirmish line of rifle-pits taken, with a number of prisoners. The line at once commenced to throw up rifle-pits in addition to those they captured, strengthening the old ones, &c. A regiment was sent out from Nodine's brigade to help hold the ground while Kirby's men constructed breast-works and rifle-pits; enemy commenced heavy artillery fire when the advance commenced, and are keeping it up. 1.20, Whitaker, of Stanley's division, ordered to swing around his right, so as to connect with Kirby: sent back word that he thought he could not do it. 1.50, orders sent to him by General H[oward] to strengthen his skirmish line, and push out if it could be possibly done, so as to keep up connection with Kirby. 2 p.m., directed General Stanley to bring Grose's brigade over from his left, and put it on the right of Whitaker and in rear of Kirby as a support. Grose at once proceeded to carry out the order. 2.30 p.m., Colonel Grose moving into position; General Wood's skirmish line, having advanced even beyond the position gained by Colonel Kirby on his right, drove the enemy off of some high ground, which would enable our lines to advance. 2.30 p.m., Generals Wood and Newton ordered to advance their main lines. 3 p.m., our lines now advanced about 400 yards. 5 p.m., received note, dated 4 p.m., from General Thomas, expressing his gratification at the conduct and progress made by the troops to-day, and telling us to strengthen our position, which has already been done. 6 p.m., received verbal instructions from General Thomas to follow up General Hooker's movement in the a.m., who would move directly on the enemy at 6 a.m. 6.30 p.m., instructed division commanders to be ready at 6 a.m. to follow up Hooker's movement, wheeling to the left; the movement to commence on the right. No report of losses to-day; not heavy in comparison with results. Rained hard almost all day. P. S.--Loss, 250 killed and wounded to-day.

June 22.--Skirmishing all morning. Hooker began to swing up at the hour indicated; moved forward without much opposition. 2.30, Hooker had advanced sufficiently for Newton's division to wheel partly to the left, and at this hour Kimball's brigade, of Newton's division, moved to the right of the division and wheeled a short distance to the left, connecting with Butterfield's division, of Hooker's corps. 4.30 p.m., Newton advanced his skirmish line about 350 yards, and drove the enemy before him. The fire was very hot. 5.15 p.m., General Hooker reported to General Thomas that Hood's corps was massing opposite him, and that he must have re-enforcements. At this hour General Thomas verbally directed General Howard to send a division to Hooker for that purpose, and that he would replace it by a division from Palmer's corps. 5.30 p.m., Stanley ordered to move over to Newton's left and connect with Butterfield's division, of Hooker's corps, as soon as relieved. 5.50 p.m., General Butterfield (Hooker's corps) requested General Howard to send him a brigade, as the enemy was threatening one of his batteries that had no support. Two regiments from Newton's and two from Stanley's divisions were sent at once. 6 p.m., orders sent to Colonel Grose, of Stanley's division, to send all of his troops not in line to Butterfield's assistance. 6.45 p.m., Generals Newton's and Wood's regiments (four) relieved Colonel Coburn's and Wood's brigades, of Butterfield's division, and Coburn's at once started to the relief of General Williams' division, on Hooker's right. 7.30 p.m., General Newton instructed to assist the four regiments that relieved Colonel Coburn's brigade, if they should be attacked, and he could possibly do it. 7.50 p.m., Colonel Grose's regiments (five) that were not in line go into position, re-enforcing the line held by Newton's and Wood's regiments (Coburn's and Wood's line). 8 p.m., received note from Major-General Thomas, stating that King s division will relieve Stanley's division as soon as it can be done under cover of darkness; King is close under the enemy s guns, and the movement would be observed in daylight. 10 p.m., Stanley went into position on the right of the corps. No, report of losses to-day, save in Ninety-seventh Ohio, of Wagner s brigade, which lost 7 commissioned officers and about 50 men, and in Second Division, in which it was about 115 killed and wounded. Day warm and bright. Skirmishing as usual all day and night. P.S.--Loss about 250 killed and wounded to-day.

June 23.--No change in the lines this a.m. Skirmishing along the whole length of the line. 12.30 p.m., General Thomas asked General Howard if he would not try and take the prominent hill in front of Wood's, Newton's, and Stanley's positions, which is held by the enemy, some time to-day; first to open a heavy artillery fire. Captain Bridges, chief of artillery, at once proceeded to look for suitable positions for planting batteries for the purpose mentioned. General Thomas did not order to attack with main lines. 3 p.m., division commanders directed to prepare strong skirmish lines, to be advanced, as soon as the artillery fire should cease, up said hill. 4.30, all of the artillery of the corps that could be brought into position to bear upon the hill was opened, and it was ordered that a rapid fire should be kept up for fifteen minutes. 4.45, the advance ordered, and the strong skirmish lines of Stanley, Newton, and Wood started forward under a heavy fire from the enemy. After a very stubborn fight, lasting until about 5.20, our lines gained the first crest of the hill, within from sixty to seventy yards from strong works of the enemy, which were held, as we afterward found out from prisoners, by Cheatham's and Cleburne's divisions, of Hardee's corps. On the first crest of the hill, in some places just below it,. we took the enemy's skirmish line of rifle-pits. Finding it impossible to attack the enemy's works without a column, so strong were they, our skirmish line, which, in fact, was a line of battle, being exposed to a murderous fire from said works, halted and commenced to strengthen their position. In front of Newton's left and Wood's right the enemy in very strong force came out of his works and compelled the right of Wood's and left of Newton's skirmish line to fall back to the position from which they started. The rest of these skirmish lines, however, held the advanced positions which they had gained, and repulsed all attacks of the enemy. Stanley's re-enforced skirmish line advanced about 400 yards on his right and over the first crest of the hill. His main lines were advanced over 100 yards, and held the first crest of the hill that he was striving for. He strengthened his position. 7 p.m., the enemy made an attack on Stanley's skirmish line, which he had protected by throwing up logs, &c., and was handsomely repulsed, he (the enemy) losing quite a number of men. Colonel Bartleson, One hundredth Illinois, Newton's division, officer of the day, was killed just as the skirmish line commenced to advance. 9 p.m., our position gained, securely held. We took a number of prisoners, about 40. Lost during the day in killed and wounded 279. Day very warm; clear. Headquarters in rather a hot place. Several of our tents shot through last night. In fact, headquarters have been in range of the enemy's fire for several weeks, more or less.

June 24.--8.40 p.m., received a note from Major-General Stanley stating that last night the enemy drove back the right of his picket-line, inflicting a loss of 30 men upon us. This was done by the enemy passing entirely around the right of his picket-line, which was easily done, as General Geary, of Hooker's corps, did not bring up his troops to correspond with Stanley's advance, Stanley having been already 400 yards in front of Geary when he advanced. Stanley's main line in its advanced position was not disturbed. The troops remained as quiet as possible to-day, trying to rest. Slight skirmishing through the day. Our loss was not over 40 in killed and wounded. Enemy has made no movements that we could observe. Day bright and very warm.

June 25.--We remained quiet to-day, resting. We made no demonstration, nor did the enemy. Picket-firing very heavy at times. Losses very few to-day. Day very hot. Remained quiet. Heavy picket-firing, and a few men lost in killed and wounded.
       9.20 p.m., General Stanley reports that he has directed Colonel Grose to relieve Kirby's brigade before daylight, but he will be strung out in one line. By extending, he can cover Whitaker's front. Shall he do so? 11 p.m., replied that General Palmer will be requested to relieve Whitaker's brigade in the morning.

June 26.--Was told by General Thomas this a.m. that we would attack the enemy to-morrow morning, and he indicated how it would be done. 12.15 p.m., received Special Field Orders, No. 28, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, dated near Kenesaw Mountain, June 24, 1864, stating :
       3 p.m., received Special Field Orders, No. --, dated headquarters Department of the Cumberland, in the field, near Kenesaw Mountain, June 26, 1864, stating:
       9 p.m., issued Special Orders, No. 98, from these headquarters (near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.), as follows :
       Last night Davis' division, of Fourteenth Corps, moved over and took position about the rear of Stanley's right and the left of the Twentieth Corps. Baird's division, of same corps, will move over to-day.

June 27.--5.30 a.m., the points at which Wood's and Stanley's divisions were to mass were pointed out. The country is so thickly wooded, and the topography is such that it is almost impossible to tell anything about the enemy's works. It cannot be done by a reconnaissance, as such would be almost as fatal as an assault. The works cannot be seen before we can get right upon them. We are about to make an assault upon works we know little about. The attack to be made by Newton's division at the point mentioned in Special Orders, No. 98, from these headquarters, June 26, 1864. Newton's division formed as follows: Harker's brigade was formed on the right in two columns. His right column consisted of one regiment, in close column by division, left in front. His left column was Composed of the balance of his regiments, in close column by division, right in front. General Wagner's brigade was on Harker's left, in one column, his regiments being formed in close column, left in front. General Kimball was in echelon on the extreme left, in one column, with the same formation, right in front. Grose's brigade, of Stanley's division, held Stanley's works. Whitaker's brigade, of same division, followed Harker's brigade as a support, in column of deployed regiments. Kirby's brigade, of same division, followed Wagner, in column with two regiments front, deployed. General Wood left one brigade in his works, and formed one in two lines in the rear of General Newton's division, and his remaining brigade in two lines in the rear and to the left of Newton's division, ready to protect the left. The troops could not be got ready to advance by 8 a.m.; also had to wait for General Palmer to get ready. 8 a.m., sent word to division commanders that the signal of advance would be the opening of the battery in front of Grose's brigade. 9 a.m., advance guns fired and skirmishing commenced directly afterward. 9.10 a.m., received word from General Thomas to push ahead. Enemy now opened artillery, with heavy fire of musketry. 9.25 a.m., General Harker sends a report (he is in front) that General Davis' division, which is on our right and is moving conjointly with us, is giving away. This report at once sent to General Thomas. General H[arker] also reports that the enemy's works are formidable, and that a heavy artillery fire is sweeping down our advance. 9.30 a.m., Colonel Bradley, in command of Harker's brigade, sends word by Colonel Opdycke that General H[arker] has just been mortally wounded, shot from his horse, while he was within fifteen paces of the enemy's works, and that the brigade cannot move any farther, though he is trying to work his way up; that he is on the same hill that the enemy's works are on, but the head of his column is all smashed up and disorganized. 9.40 a.m., Colonel Opdycke reports that the head of Wagner's brigade is broken up; that the brigade is within a few feet of the enemy's works, and that a well-organized column could be led through it over the enemy's works. General Newton at once sent word to General Kimball to oblique his brigade to the rear of Wagner's, and to rush it right through. 9.50 a.m., reported to General Thomas that in this first assault we failed to carry the works. 10.07 a.m., received orders from Major-General Thomas to make another attack. Kimball is preparing for it. 10.25 a.m., Colonel Bradley reports a large force of the enemy moving to our left. 10.30, Kimball made an assault; got up to the enemy's works, but as he had no support was obliged to fall back. 10.40, ordered Wood to keep Hazen's brigade to the left of the ravine and to move Knefier's brigade (now in Newton's works) to the rear line of works, to be ready to move over to the left. Wood was instructed to look well to the left of the ravine for any attack that may be made there. 11 a.m., our troops have fallen back to the position they held this a.m., but our skirmish line holds the skirmish rifle-pits that we took from the enemy. 11.30, sent staff officer to report results to General Thomas. 11.35, General Thomas sent word to General Howard that General Davis thought that he could take the enemy's works on his left, and he had sent a reconnoitering party to see whether it could be done. If it could, the attack would be made, and General H [oward] must support General D[avis] with the forces on our right. He also wished a main line established, with works, where our picket-line now is, if possible. 1 p.m., it was decided not to make another assault. 1.45 p.m., received word from General Thomas asking General H[oward] whether there is any point of the enemy's works in our front that can be assaulted this afternoon with any show of success. 2 p.m., sent note to division commanders asking them whether, in their opinion, any part of the enemy's works in their fronts could be carried by an assault this afternoon; they first to examine the same as well as they could. 2.40 p.m., General H[oward] sent communication to General Thomas informing him that he knew of no more favorable points of approach to the enemy's lines than the point assaulted by General Newton this a.m.; that the enemy's works in our front, so carefully prepared and flanked, can only be carried with great difficulty. 3.30 p.m., received notes from division commanders: First, General Stanley reported that upon a personal examination of the line and reports of intelligent men who saw the enemy's works, he is satisfied that the chances are against a successful assault in his front; second, General Newton reports that from his personal observation and reports of officers on the skirmish line, he considers it impossible to successfully assault the works in his front; third. General Wood gives reasons why an attack should not be made in his front. (See report.) 9 p.m., received note from General Stanley, stating that the left of Kirby's line was exposed to a constant flank fire, as General Kimball (on Newton's right) was not up with him, and that his position was very insecure. At once replied that there was a re-entering angle in the enemy's works at that point, and if Kimball advanced he would bring on an engagement; that if necessary Kirby could refuse his left, or protect his men by traverses. Our casualties during the day, 756. In Newton's division were 655 of this number. Day very hot and clear.

June 28.--2 a.m., received orders from department headquarters to make immediate preparations to move this corps with ten days' supply of forage and provisions, and to adopt every means to move with the greatest celerity. 7 a.m., sent copies of this order to division commanders and ordered them to make preparations secretly and at once. Troops resting. Nothing of importance occurred during the day. Some skirmishing and a little picket-firing. Loss during the day, casualties, not over 10. Day very hot.

June 29.--Nothing of importance occurred to-day. Making preparations to move. Usual picket-firing to-day, and loss in killed and wounded small. Day very hot.

June 30.--Nothing of importance occurred during the day. The usual picket-firing in front of part of our lines. In front of some of the brigades there is a cessation of firing, by mutual consent between our men and the enemy. Making preparations to move, getting commissary stores loaded in wagons, &c. 2 p.m., received information from general that the troops of this corps (and the Army of the Cumberland) would not move, but hold the works we now occupy, making some modifications in the same, while McPherson's army makes the contemplated movement. General Thomas told General H[oward] the part of the line he wished him to occupy. 4 p.m., gave General Stanley verbal instructions to make preparations to hold the line between his present right and Sutermeister's battery, and to reconnoiter it with a view to shortening and strengthening the position. At same time sent order to General Newton to occupy the ground between Sutermeister's battery and Dilger's battery, and to reconnoiter the ground with a view to shortening and strengthening the position, and ordered General Wood to relieve King's division (Palmer's corps), extending his division from Dilger's battery, on his right, to the left of King's present position, and to examine the ground with a view to shortening and strengthening the position. Division commanders were also ordered not to move into their new positions until further orders were issued for this purpose. But few casualties to-day. Very hot.

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