Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph
S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General. MAY 1-SEPTEMBER 8, 1864.--The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign. APPENDIX. O.R.--
Part I (May)
May 3.--Major-General Schofield, with three divisions of the Twenty-third Army Corps, arrived at Cleveland, Tenn., from Charleston
at 10.30 a.m.: the head of his column arrived at 10 a.m. He passed through Cleveland, and camped for the night in the vicinity
of Blue Springs. Being ordered to start from Cleveland upon the arrival of General Schofield, the Third Division, Fourth Corps,
left Widow Tucker's at 12 m., the Second Division left Cleveland, and the First left Blue Springs at the same hour. General
Cruft's brigade (First Brigade, First Division), being posted at Ooltewah, marched at 12 m. to join the Third Division and
to march with it to Catoosa Springs, where it would join General Stanley's command. It camped this evening with General Wood.
The Third Division marched to the intersection of the old Alabama road with the road that runs from Red Clay to Ooltewah,
and there camped for the night. Made headquarters of the corps with this division. Along this route the roads in very good
condition, country well wooded, and plenty of water. The First Division (Stanley's), with the Second (Newton's) following,
marched to Red Clay and encamped for the night. Colonel McCook, with one brigade of cavalry, marched with this column. The
day was bright and warm; nothing of importance occurred during the march.
May 4.--Broke up camp and marched at 5 a.m. Headquarters moved with General Wood's column on the road to Catoosa Springs
via Salem Church. Arrived at this point at 9.30 a.m. The surrounding country was reconnoitered, and General Wood's division
was placed in column on the right of the road on which he marched, his pickets extending so as to connect with those of our
forces at Ringgold. Major-General Stanley's division and General Newton's broke camp at 5 a.m., moving from Red Clay down
the road to Catoosa Springs via Ellidge's Mill, Colonel McCook's brigade of cavalry moving on a road to the right of the column,
and arriving there at 10.30 a.m. Major-General Stanley s division was encamped on the left of the Salem Church and Catoosa
Springs road, his right joining with General Wood s left, and one brigade of General Newton s division joining on General
Stanley's left; the remaining two brigades of General Newton in reserve on our left. General McCook's brigade of cavalry encamped
on the left and in advance of General Newton. The line faces southeast and is along a ridge which covers Catoosa Springs,
the left is about 'one-half mile in a direct line west from Burke's Mill. McCook's cavalry is in that vicinity picketing the
road toward Varnell's Station and Parker's Gap. The wagon train is at Salem Church; this is about two and a half miles from
Parker's Gap. Such wagons as-contained baggage, &c., necessary for present use, were brought forward to-day to the three
divisions. The train will remain in park at the church until further orders. The road over which General Wood's column marched
to-day was good and dry; but little water until Salem Church was reached; from that point to Catoosa Springs it is bad, and
without being "worked" would be almost impassable in some places with heavy trains when muddy; it is also very narrow, small
undergrowth of pine, &c., growing very close to it; with the exception of a few isolated places trains could not pass
on this part of the road; it runs through a depression in the hills, and a small rill that courses along it would badly wash
it after heavy rains. Opened communication from Catoosa Springs to Ringgold by signal. An aide-de-camp, staff of Major-General
Thomas, reported from Ringgold at 3 p.m. Nothing of importance occurred during the day. The rebel outpost in one place, where
it was observed, was watching our movements. Major Mohrhardt, chief topographical engineer of the corps, arrived this p.m.
from Cleveland and reported for duty. Day clear and warm.
May 5.--Remained in camp. General Howard rode to Salem Church and vicinity to reconnoiter the country and examine the roads.
Major-General Thomas arrived from Ringgold at 10 a.m. General Howard returned about 11 a.m. General Thomas gave instructions
to be ready for orders to march toward the enemy with as little transportation as possible. Ordered corps, division, and brigade
headquarters to move, when orders came, with one wagon each; divisions to take only enough wagons to carry two days' rations
and forage; to take ammunition wagons and wagons with tools. General Stanley, under this order, reports that he will require
seventy-eight wagons. General Newton that he will require seventy, General Wood that he will require eighty-five. The rest
of the train parked at Salem Church to proceed at the same time to Ringgold via Parker's Gap, fill up with rations and forage,
and then wait for orders. One or two small squads of the enemy (scouts) have been seen in front of our left during the' day.
All quiet; nothing new. The day clear and very warm.
May 6.--Remained in camp at Catoosa Springs. Major-General Howard started over to Ringgold at 8 a.m. to see Major-General
Thomas, but on the way there he met Major-General Sherman coming to Catoosa Springs, and returned with him. Major-General
Sherman arrived at headquarters Fourth Corps at about 9 a.m. Division commanders called to see him. He gave General Howard
orders and instructions in reference to our movements--general orders and general instructions. At 12.30 p.m. received orders
from Major-General Thomas, directing this corps to march to-morrow (7th) at daybreak on Tunnel Hill by the road from Lee's
to that point, co-operating with Major-General Palmer, who would march direct on Tunnel Hill, the object being to drive the
enemy from there should he be in force, this corps to take him in flank, while General Palmer would attack in front. Major-General
Schofield has been ordered to march on Varnell's Station and to feel toward our left. Colonel McCook, commanding First Division
Cavalry, was also ordered to move under directions of Major-General Howard. At 2.30 p.m. Major-General Howard and staff rode
to Doctor Lee's house and vicinity to reconnoiter the roads thereabouts, and to take a view of the Tunnel Hill range. Part
of the staff returned at 4 p.m., and the general and the rest of the staff rode to Ringgold, he to consult with Major-General
Thomas at 5 p.m.; this in accordance with instructions received. At 5 p.m. orders were given to division commanders to march
the next morning as follows: The First Division to lead, moving via the Alabama, or the old Federal, road and the first road
to the right after leaving Ben. Clark's house; the Third Division to follow; the Second Division to move via Burke's Mill
to Doctor Lee's house; General (or Colonel) McCook's cavalry to move in conjunction with General Newton, and he to consult
with General N[ewton.] It is the intention to ascertain first whether the enemy occupies Tunnel Hill range in force; if not,
the hill to be taken possession of, the First Division forming a junction with Major-General Palmer's corps (Fourteenth),
which has been ordered to move directly on the tunnel from Ringgold, and the Third Division forming on the left of the First;
the Second Division to be massed in reserve opposite our left, as a strong cover to our left, and to await the arrival of
Major-General Schofield's corps (Twenty-third), which, since the order was given to go to Varnell's Station, has been ordered
to move and take position, with its right resting at Doctor Lee's and its left at Ellidge's. If the enemy are found in force,
it will be necessary to take the ridge at the most accessible points, and then change front toward the tunnel. The First and
Second Divisions are to draw out at 4.30 a.m. to-morrow, and the Third at 5 a.m. The wagon train that accompanies the troops
will leave Salem Church at 5 a.m., pass Catoosa Springs, and camp at some point on the Alabama road near the Springs, to be
indicated by a staff officer. The rest of the corps train will leave Salem Church at daylight for Ringgold via Parker's Gap.
Major-General Howard returned from Ringgold at 7.15 p.m. Nothing new in our front to-day. The pickets of the enemy have been
seen, but they are very quiet and not disposed to show themselves. Day very warm and clear.
May 7.--Movements were made at 4.30 and 5 a.m. as directed. Our cavalry skirmishers met the enemy's cavalry skirmishers at
Doctor Lee's house and Widow Gillilan's at 6 a.m., and skirmished all the way to Tunnel Hill. At 6 a.m. General Newton reported
that he had arrived at Doctor Lee's home and was taking position as directed. At 6.15 verbal orders were sent to division
commanders to consolidate their trains in the vicinity of Clark's house, under direction of Captain Schoeninger, acting assistant
quartermaster. General Howard, after visiting General Stanley's division, and then General Newton's, at Doctor Lee's house,
at 6.45 a.m. joined General Wood's division. After waiting at Gillilan's house for General Stanley's division to pass at 7.30,
soon rode forward and joined General Stanley's column, which was obliged to move slowly on account of the skirmishing in front
and on account of the road from Gillilan's to Tunnel Hill being blockaded by timber that was felled across the Same by the
enemy. Before being able to reach the head of the column which was advancing, General Stanley sent a messenger back, stating
that there was nothing but cavalry at Tunnel Hill, but that a division of rebel infantry was reported to be beyond it. Reached
the front on the ridge opposite Tunnel Hill at 8.45 a.m. Cruft's brigade, of First Division, was there, General Cruft having
communicated with Davis' division, of Palmer's corps, with the Second and Third brigades of his division, General Stanley
swinging around to Tunnel Hill range, and gained possession of the northern extremity of it and then advanced toward the tunnel.
At 9.20, while at Cruft's headquarters, we caught a rebel signal message stating that---
Fighting on Tunnel Hill; skirmishing on right
of the tunnel. No news from Cleveland. Can't see station.
continued in front of Cruft's division. The enemy opened artillery fire on Davis; did not amount to much. At 10 went to join
General Stanley, ascending the north end of Tunnel Hill. General Stanley met no opposition, except from skirmishers, the enemy's
cavalry having fled upon his approach. Joined General Stanley just as he took the hill, at the tunnel. It was taken at 11
a.m. Sent General Thomas a note informing him of this fact. Fine view of Buzzard Roost and Rocky Face Ridge from here. Rebel
infantry, about a brigade, was seen over at the gap in Rocky Face Ridge, probably there as a post of observation. Formed as
though for reconnaissance and started toward our position, but upon firing a few artillery shots at them they retired. At
11.05 a.m. received a note from Major-General Schofield, stating that his command was at Doctor Lee's house and his cavalry
at Varnell's Station. This note was sent by him at 9.30 a.m., and at 11.20 a reply was sent to him, informing him of our position.
At 1 a.m. received note from General McCook, dated Tunnel Hill road, giving his position, one brigade at Varnell's Station,
the other on the left of General Newton, and asking whether he should unite his brigades. As General Thomas and General Elliott,
chief of cavalry, were present, they replied, sending him instructions. As soon as Tunnel Hill was gained General Stanley
was placed in position, his line extending along the summit of the hill, the right resting on the road that crosses the same,
running from Ringgold to Dalton, and joining with the left of Palmer's corps. Next in line was Wood's division, his right
joining Stanley's left, and also extending along the summit of the ridge. Newton's division was massed in reserve in the valley
at the foot of the ridge, in the rear of General Wood's left, and in such position as to re-enforce the First or Second Division
or General Schofield at Doctor Lee's house. At 3.30 General Cruft reported rebel infantry column passing his front toward
his right. At 4.45 two or three of our guns on the right opened on some rebel cavalry that were seen moving about in the valley
between Tunnel Hill and Rocky Face Ridge. About 12 m. Generals Sherman and Thomas arrived on Tunnel Hill, and Major-General
Howard reported to them. Nothing further of interest occurred during the day. There is no water on Tunnel Hill, but it is
quite convenient and in sufficient quantities at the base thereof on the side toward Ringgold. The road from Doctor Lee's
to Ringgold is very good, but was full of felled timber, placed there by the enemy. The day has been very warm, and several
men have been sunstruck. About 4 or 5 killed and wounded in the Fourth Corps during the day. The troops bivouac on Tunnel
Hill and at General Newton's position to-night. Orders were received from Major-General Thomas at 9 p.m. Ordered the Fourth
Corps to threaten Buzzard Roost Pass, to occupy, together with other forces, Tunnel Hill, and to get if possible a force on
Rocky Face Ridge. The threats on Buzzard Roost not to lead to battle unless the enemy comes out of their works. If the enemy
leaves Buzzard Roost Gap, to follow them. At 9.30 p.m. orders were sent to Major-General Stanley and Brigadier-General Wood
to strengthen their picket-lines and push them forward as skirmishers at 6 the next morning, and at the same time to make
a show of their force for the purpose above mentioned. At the same time General Newton was ordered to move a brigade to the
north end of Rocky Face Ridge and to send a regiment to the summit of it, moving along so as to try and capture the rebel
signal station, the rest of the brigade to support the regiment.
May 8.--Brigadier-General Newton moved at 6 a.m., as directed. At 6.30 received a dispatch from General Stanley, stating
that the valley between Tunnel Hill and Rocky Face was covered with dense fog and that even the top of Rocky Face could not
be seen, and wished to know whether he should go ahead. He was informed verbally by General Howard that he should wait until
after the fog lifted. Stanley and Wood started at 8.30 a.m. Left headquarters for front at 7.45 a.m. At 8 a.m. sent a note
to General Thomas, stating that General Stanley would fire a few shots at the enemy near Buzzard Roost, which was done at
8.30 a.m. Before starting our skirmish line at 8.30, sent word to General Davis that we would do so, and requested him to
see that the enemy did not get between us. 8.50 a.m., aide-de-camp of Major-General Sherman reported that during the absence
of General S[herman] at General Schofield's and General Thomas at Hooker's, General Howard would command the forces operating
in the center. Immediately afterward sent a note to General Palmer, informing him of this fact, and asked him to put his troops
under arms and advance them a little so that the enemy might see them. 9.30, firing on the left, Newton skirmishing. Skirmishing
also opposite right of Stanley, and left and center of Wood. 9.30, sent Captain Stinson to see General Schofield to let him
know what we are doing. 9.50, messenger returned from Stanley. Stated that he was waiting for Palmer to form. Then sent word
to General Davis (commanding division, Palmer's corps), that Palmer had been directed to get under arms and advance skirmish
line, and requested him to do so without further orders. At 10 a.m. signaled message to Palmer, requesting him to get under
arms and advance his line of skirmishers slowly in conjunction with our line; object, to direct attention from Newton and
Schofield. General Wood reports rebels on Rocky Face Ridge opposite him. 10.40, Lieutenant Freeman reported from General Newton,
one regiment from Harker's brigade was one mile in advance of the signal station. Signaled this information to Stanley and
Wood, also to General Whipple, chief of staff, at 10.45 a.m., telling him also about the skirmishing. 10.50, sent an aide-de-camp
to General Newton, telling him to push up the rest of Harker's brigade to the support of the regiment on the ridge, and to
face his division so as to prevent the brigade from being turned; this to be done if he thought it practicable. 11.20, General
Stanley reported the rebels still in possession of the signal station on the ridge; that his skirmishers were talking with
them. It appearing that the messenger was mistaken as to what signal station one of Harker's regiments had passed, the dispatch
to General Whipple of 10.45, informing we had taken the station, was corrected 3 this in a dispatch at 11.45 a.m. 11.30 a.m.,
a staff officer was sent to General Newton to inform him that the rebels were marching along the summit of Rocky Face Ridge,
from our right to the left, and for him to instruct Harker to be ready to defend himself. At 11.35 Major Howard returned from
General Newton and informed the general that Harker had only reached half way- from the north end of the ridge to the rebel
signal station, where he met the enemy in force. At that point the ridge was very narrow; not a company could march abreast
on it, and cliffs on either side. At 12.30 a.m. instructions were sent to Generals Stanley and Wood to press forward as soon
as Harker could take the signal station. 12.30, General Sherman arrived; had conversation with General Howard, and left. 12.45,
by direction of General Sherman, General Palmer was directed to move Baird's division, with the leading brigade in column,
down the road on which his left rested, so that the enemy might see it. 12.50, instructed General Stanley to prepare his batteries
to act in immediate front if necessary. 1.10, directed General Wood to press forward his skirmishers, taking care to keep
up communication with Stanley. 1.20, signaled to General Sherman that the rebels appeared to be moving in force along the
summit of Rocky Face Ridge toward Harker. 1.25, sent word to Stanley to keep the two pieces of artillery below with him, and
that the rest had better be kept on the hill. At 1.40 General Howard went to General Sherman; then went to General Stanley.;
then to General Davis (of Fourteenth Corps), and found that he was just ready to push out a force to take Round Top Hill,
directly in front of his division, and nearly at the head of the valley, on the west of the ridge, and almost in front of
Buzzard Roost Gap. At 2.40 sent word to General Wood that Newton had been ordered to push Harker's brigade along the summit
of the ridge until he could take the signal station, if possible, and that General Howard had gone to conduct a reconnaissance
with Stanley's troops. At 3.30 sent word to Stanley to send forward skirmishers in conjunction with General Davis and to be
ready to support the movement if necessary. At 3.40 sent word to Wood that Davis was just about to make reconnaissance and
drive the enemy from hill in his front, and that he must press back the enemy's skirmishers from his front. 4 p.m., Stanley's
artillery opened upon the rebel pickets in their rifle-pits, and the skirmishers went forward. The rebels were driven from
the hill, which Davis took possession of, and their rifle-pits, which Stanley's skirmishers took possession of. At 4.15 Major
Howard, who had taken orders to General Newton to take the signal station on Rocky Face Ridge, returned and reported that
the position held by the enemy was such that Harker did not wish to attack him without further orders, and that General. Newton
wished directions in this matter. General Howard sent back word for General Newton to examine the ground in person, and not
to attack this evening if he deemed it inexpedient. The attack was not made. Rebel soldier captured by Stanley's skirmishers
says glad he was captured. Was an intelligent man, and gave a story that is partly corroborated by what is known. Further,
he says, considerable artillery in the valley east of Rocky Face Ridge, northeast of Dalton; nearly the whole of Johnston's
army there; Stewart's division on Rocky Face Ridge. The rebels are going to fight, and in good spirits. Hood's and Hardee's
corps in the valley. Loring's division has come from Rome; seven divisions besides Polk's; estimates divisions at about 6,000.
They have dammed up Mill Creek so that we will have to swim it. They have been fortifying for several days on Rocky Face Ridge,
&c. 6.05 p.m., General Newton directed to go into camp in the position he was occupying, and to connect pickets with General
Wood if possible. 7.30, received orders from General Thomas to send re-enforcements to General Wood, and to instruct him to
continue his reconnaissance as far as practicable. Immediately sent a note to him, asking what re-enforcements he needed,
and where he needed them; also, to reenforce his skirmish line, if it was too far advanced, and to connect it with Harker's.
At 9 p.m. General Wood replied that he did not need re-enforcements; that he had told General Barry, of Sherman's staff, that
he had pushed out his skirmish line to a great distance without being followed by solid lines, and out of this remark grew
the supposition that he needed re-enforcements. His line united with Harker's. At 9.15 p.m. (based upon verbal instructions
received from Major-General Thomas) sent note to General Newton stating that General Thomas desired to take possession of
Rocky Face Ridge in the morning, and that he would make a demonstration down the valley, and try to ascend the eastern slope
of the ridge, taking the enemy in flank and reverse; the movement to commence at 6 a.m. At 10.50 p.m. sent word to Schofield,
telling him that Newton would try to carry the ridge as stated, and asking him to cover his (Newton's) left. At 11 p.m. received
note from General Stanley stating that he held all the ground that his skirmishers had gained through the day, and if necessary
he would send out two brigades to support it in the morning. At once replied, "All right," and stated that General Palmer
would make a reconnaissance up to the enemy's works at 6 in the morning, and that he would support Palmer's line with his
right brigade. At 11.15 p.m. sent General Wood word of the work laid out for Newton in the morning, and directed him to keep
connection with Newton's skirmish line, and to feel his way carefully up the heights, and not to engage his main line if he
could avoid it. At 12 p.m. sent orders to Lieutenant-Colonel Remick, commissary of subsistence, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes,
quartermaster, to bring up three days' rations and forage in the morning from Ringgold. We lost about 15 men killed and wounded
in Newton's division during the skirmish on Rocky Face Ridge, and but 3 or 4 in other two divisions. The day was very clear
and warm. Troops in good spirits. While on skirmish line this p.m. General Howard's clothes were pierced by a rebel bullet.
May 9.--Left headquarters for the front at
6.05 a.m. 7.15, went up on Rocky Face Ridge, and the general ordered skirmish line to advance up the side of the ridge in
front, and to keep the attention of the enemy. Went to General Stanley's headquarters at 7.45 a.m., and at that time received
note from General Palmer, dated 7.20, stating that he saw a column of troops moving along the crest of Rocky Face north; seemed
to be large. Replied that a demonstration in our front had been ordered, and that Newton would carry the ridge if possible.
General Schofield's corps has formed with its right resting on Newton's left, being just in the gorge at the end of the ridge.
Skirmishing commenced this morning at 6.30. 9.05 a.m., General Newton reports that the rebels in Harker's front are falling
back to a stronger position, and that he thinks Harker has taken the signal station. This information at once sent to Generals
Stanley and Wood, and Wood was instructed to send word along his skirmish line of this fact, and to tell them to be cautious
and not fire into Harker's line; to keep up connection with it. Received a dispatch from General Newton, dated 8 a.m., at
9.10, inclosing dispatch to him from Harker, dated 7.15 a.m., stating that the enemy was falling back, and that he had taken
two strong positions. His artillery was working well. He also sent report of a deserter, who stated that two rebel brigades,
Pettus' and Brown's, eight regiments each, were on the line in front of Harker; that Loring's, Walker's, and Cheatham's divisions
were on summit of ridge, extending from the signal station to the Buzzard Roost; rifle-pits run down the ridge into the valley.
Sent this information to General Sherman. 9.15, General Howard went to General Wood's headquarters. 9.30, sent word to General
Stanley of Harker's progress, and asked him whether he could push a column up the side of the ridge covered by skirmishers.
At 10 he reported in person at headquarters, saying that it could not be done without great loss, perhaps not then. His skirmishers
were a short distance from the top--100 yards from the top, and they had arrived at a place where there were almost perpendicular
cliffs. At 10.15 General Howard went to join Colonel Harker on ridge. At 10.20 ordered the artillery that had been firing
since 8.40 at the enemy on summit of ridge in front of Harker to cease firing. At 11.10 a.m. received dispatch from General
Newton stating that he was up against the rebel signal station, and could not make headway, as the rebel works were very strong.
Sent copy of same to General Thomas. Skirmishing still continues in Harker's front and between Wood's and Stanley's skirmishers
and the enemy. At 12.45 General Howard returned from General Newton. At same time General Stanley reported that his skirmish
line had gone up on west side of the ridge as far as they could climb--up to the palisades. General Newton's entire division
on the ridge; ascended at the north end of it. At 12.05 p.m. General Howard sent dispatch to General Thomas, stating that
with the exception of at a few points it was impossible to ascend or descend Rocky Face; that Harker could not progress on
account of the narrow pass and the obstructions in his front previously put there. I p.m., General Howard received a dispatch
from Newton, stating that Schofield was advancing in the valley east of him, and had engaged the enemy's skirmishers, and
that all signs were that the enemy was retreating. This was sent to General Thomas. At 1.05 p.m. notified division commanders
that three days' forage and rations had been received for them at Tunnel Station. 1.15 p.m., General Howard went over to see
General Sherman in reference to movements and orders, wishing to be ordered to join Schofield in case the enemy was retreating.
At 2 p.m. received a dispatch from General Sherman, saying: "Press at all points and occupy the enemy, taking advantage of
any success. General McPherson is through Snake Creek Gap." 2 p.m., Newton signaled that Schofield was advancing, but had
not reached the enemy's works. 2.10 p.m., General Howard returned from General Thomas' headquarters and reported that he (General
Thomas) said that General Davis had been waiting for this command to support him before he moved on Buzzard Roost to reconnoiter,
but no notification of this fact had been given, or of the fact that these troops were needed for said purpose. General Thomas
directed General Howard to reconnoiter and feel the enemy at the head of the valley at Buzzard Roost Gap, to develop what
is there, and General Stanley's and General Wood's divisions were ordered out for this purpose. General Morgan's brigade,
of General Davis' division, was to lead. Orders to advance were given at 2.30 p.m. At 3 p.m. General Howard and staff went
forward in advance to reconnoiter, select points for batteries, &c. On the way to the front received note from General
Stanley, who said that General Davis said that all he said about support from Stanley was early in the morning, and that he
had more troops than he could use. On the way to the front the general and staff were fired at, in passing several different
points, by rebel sharpshooters. An orderly badly wounded; none others hurt. Went out on the skirmish line in Buzzard Roost
Gap. Remained out there the rest of the day. The lines did not get ready to advance until 6 p.m., when they marched out Buzzard
Roost Pass, or the gorge, moving over a small ridge running perpendicular to Mill Creek, and coming then in plain view of
the Rocky Face Ridge at the point where it clips down to the valley, and of the ridge lying opposite to Buzzard Roost, which
was strongly fortified; very heavy skirmishing here. The line was formed, Morgan's brigade, of Davis' division, on the right,
resting at about the foot and on the left at the bend of the gorge. On Morgan's left was Whitaker s brigade, of Stanley's
division, the rest of said division and Wood's division held as support: a part of Morgan s brigade also held as support.
This threat developed not only the force of the enemy and his guns, but the strength of his position. It would be impossible
to drive the enemy out of his works by a direct attack. At 6.20 the enemy opened three guns from his works on the ridge in
front of Buzzard Roost Gap; hard skirmishing until after dark. We advanced some, and gained position on part of that part
of Rocky Face Ridge just at Buzzard Roost; also advanced some distance in front of the gorge from which the reconnaissance
was made. 8.30 p.m., received orders from Major-General Thomas to hold corps where it now is for to-night, leaving one division
in reserve at Tunnel Hill to hold all ground we have gained and strengthen our position. These instructions given to division
commanders. In Stanley's and Wood's fronts the skirmishers advanced up the west side of Rocky Face Ridge as far as it was
possible on account of the nature of the ground--large cliffs. General Newton tried to push the rebels; drove them fifty yards;
could move no farther on account of the formation of the summit of the ridge. The losses of the day about 200 in Fourth Corps.
From what was seen it is supposed that the enemy are in force in our front--that is, from what was developed by the reconnaissance
this evening. But few troops and but little artillery were shown, but such were shown in such a manner as to lead to the belief
that the enemy was hiding his strength. 10.45 p.m., orders were given to General Newton to move Sherman's brigade from its
present position to the vicinity of the north end of Rocky Face at daylight to-morrow morning. Day very bright and warm. General
Howard and staff spent the latter part of the day on the skirmish line; remained on the field all day.
May 10.--Breakfast at 5 a.m.; went to the front at 5.30 a.m.; but little skirmishing or picket-firing this a.m.; General
Stanley compelled to bring in his lines in front a very little on account of the enemy's sharpshooters firing down from the
trees on Rocky Face Ridge into the rifle-pits he dug last night; his position strengthened again this a.m.; the head of the
corps in Buzzard Roost Gap. 8.45 a.m., signaled Harker on the ridge, asking the news and the condition of the enemy in front
of General Schofield. 9 a.m., this dispatch replied to by General Wagner, stating the enemy's works on the east of the ridge
all have troops in them; artillery seen in several places; think they are in strong force. 9.30 a.m., signaled Colonel Harker
to give us the first intimation he had of the enemy's pushing General Schofield or attempting to turn his left. 9.45,, began
to rain; at this time opened artillery fire from one of Wood s batteries on the enemy on the summit of the ridge; rained until
about 2 p.m. At 1 p.m. the enemy opened fire from two guns on the summit of Rocky Face Ridge, throwing shot and shell in Stanley's
camp; no casualties reported resulting from their fire. 3.10, received instructions from department headquarters to prepare
the corps for movement to-night, with three days' rations and as much more as we can carry; this order not to imply that the
troops now in front are to be withdrawn until the order to move is given. Upon inquiry at department headquarters it was ascertained
that it was the intention that we should take all of our wagons with us also. The foregoing instructions were at once given
to division commanders, and they commenced preparations in accordance therewith. 4 p.m., received dispatch from Harker stating
that Schofield had fallen back to his old position undisturbed; all quiet in his front; the enemy appeared in our front in
force to-day; none of his troops or guns appear to have been withdrawn. General Howard visited department headquarters at
8 p.m., and was told by General Thomas that it was the intention to keep the Fourth Corps in front to threaten the enemy and
to resist if attacked while the rest of the army moved to a certain point. Lost but few men to-day. Rained very hard from
8.30 p.m. till midnight. Remained on the field all day.
May 11.--Breakfasted at 5.30 a.m. Went to the front at 7. a.m. At 5.40 a.m.
received a letter of instructions from Major-General Thomas, stating that it had been decided to leave the Fourth Corps, with
Stoneman's and McCook's cavalry, to keep up the feint of a direct attack on Dalton through Buzzard Roost Gap, while the rest
of the army moved through Snake Creek Gap to attack the enemy in force from that quarter. Stating, further, that we would
strip light and send all spare wagons to Ringgold; to instruct the cavalry to watch well the passes at the north of Tunnel
Hill and at Ray's [Dug] Gap, where Geary is, and where he will remain until relieved by McCook's cavalry; in case the enemy
should attack us to fall back to Ringgold, and hold that place at all costs. The chief engineer of the railroad will keep
a locomotive and construction train to tear up the road so that the enemy may not follow in case we retire on Ringgold; the
depot of supplies to be at Ringgold, but the cars to bring us daily rations and forage. Morning cool and cloudy. Visited the
right at 9 a.m. At same hour sent dispatch to Major-General Thomas informing him of the condition of affairs in our front.
Early in the morning the enemy in Wood's front, on that side of Rocky Face Ridge, opened musketry fire by volley on his camp.
He moved his camp a little to the rear, under cover. Appears to be a force along the entire summit of Rocky Face, in front
of Harker. 12.30, received a message from Rocky Face Ridge signal station, stating that a heavy column of infantry was moving
through to Dalton, the enemy's advanced lines well massed, some horses harnessed, and one little camp being struck. 12.30,
Major-Generals Sherman and Schofield called at headquarters of General H[oward], on Rocky Face Ridge. They stopped but a few
minutes. At 1 p.m. received note from Major-General Palmer, stating that he was to move in the morning, and, as his troops
wished a night's rest, asked that they might be relieved at 8 p.m. A reply was
at once returned, saying that they would be relieved. At 1.30 p.m. received note from General Newton, dated 9.15 a.m., stating
that General Wagner had been reconnoitering the enemy in his front, and finds things the same as the day before, and that
during the night the enemy advanced his pickets in the valley, on the east side of the Rocky Face Ridge, and that the picket
officer reports that the enemy were busy chopping during the night opposite Colonel Harker. 1.40, too much firing along the
picket-line in front of General Wood; sent Captain Stinson to see what it was. Reported all right; the enemy firing. 2.10,
sent word to General Wood to strengthen the left of his picket-line at the point where it joins General Newton's right, and
to keep a good reserve for it. He reported that he had an extra reserve of one regiment at that point. This corps did not
march this a.m., in consequence of orders received from department headquarters directing it to remain at this point, and
to hold Buzzard Roost Gap and Tunnel Hill while the rest of the troops went to join McPherson via Snake Creek Gap. General
Stoneman's cavalry to be and remain on our left and McCook on our right. At 3.30 p.m. ordered division commanders to send
back to Ringgold, at daylight to-morrow a.m., all of their trains but one wagon to a regiment, division and brigade headquarters
wagon, ammunition wagons, and hospital wagons and ambulances. Ordered General Stanley to occupy the position now held by General
Davis, of Fourteenth Corps, at Buzzard Roost at 8 p.m., relieving Davis, and to place one brigade on the right of the railroad
and the other on the left; to place his remaining brigade and artillery in position near signal hill, moving to these positions
under cover from the enemy's fire and hiding them from his view. Ordered General Newton (at same hour) to take position before
morning in such manner as to defend, as long as practicable, the gap at the north end of Rocky Face Ridge, reserving one brigade.
Ordered General Wood (at same hour) to leave one brigade in the valley at the base of western side of Rocky Face Ridge; to
hold his picket-line in his present position, keeping up connection with Stanley on the right and Newton on the left, and
to place his remaining two brigades in the best defensible position on Tunnel Hill, near the crossing of the Tunnel Station
and Dalton road. In accordance with instructions from Major-General Sherman, ordered Major-General Stanley to make a reconnaissance
through Buzzard Roost Gap, to find out whether the enemy was yet in his works and had not retreated. Reconnaissance was made
at 5 p.m. to dusk, with Cruft's brigade, conducted by General Howard. Developed the enemy in front in considerable force.
Drew fire from seven guns in different positions, but the most of them behind the same line of works, directly in our front.
The fire of the enemy's sharpshooters very accurate (as it has been for the past few days) and severe. Reported this fact
to Major-General Sherman. At 7 p.m. received report from a rebel deserter, through Brigadier-General Wagner, stating that
only three divisions of the enemy now in front of Dalton; rest gone to Resaca; some went this afternoon. Received a dispatch
from General Wagner, on Rocky Face Ridge, stating that the enemy's regiments were leaving the valley on the west side of the
ridge, and moving toward Dalton, but that their front line across the valley was still kept up. General Stanley yet holds
the advanced position beyond the head of Buzzard Roost gorge that he had gained by reconnaissance of 9th. But little picket-firing
along the line during the day. The enemy did not open his artillery from the summit of Rocky Face to-day. Day cloudy and cool,
with little rain occasionally. Spent the latter part of the day on the picket-line. About 40 men killed and wounded to-day
in the corps.
May 12.--On the field at 8 a.m. General H[oward]
went to Newton's headquarters. Saw General Stoneman, examined General Wagner's position, and returned to field headquarters.
10.30 a.m., received note from General Stoneman, stating that brisk skirmishing along his front up to Varnell's Station, and
that a force of cavalry and footmen went up this a.m. from Dalton in direction of Cleveland. At once sent an officer to inquire
when this force passed up. He reported at 9 a.m. All the rest of the troops gone or starting to Resaca or Snake Creek Gap,
leaving the Fourth Corps here alone. 12 m., Colonel Sherman signaled from Rocky Face Ridge that the enemy was moving to our
left in two columns: "Infantry and artillery, heavy force; has been passing for two hours." Replied to dispatch, "Watch carefully
and report often." 12.15, General Newton says Colonel Sherman reports from Rocky Face Ridge that the enemy was passing to
his left in masses, double-quick, and he asked for re-enforcements. 12.20, Colonel Sherman reports from Rocky Face Ridge only
small force in enemy's works. Heavy masses of troops passing to our left, with large wagon train in rear of column; he can
see skirmishing toward Varnell's Station. At same time General Wood was ordered to move up the two brigades on Tunnel Hill
to the support of General Newton, and to leave his other brigade in its present position in the valley, and General Stanley
was ordered to open up fire at Buzzard Roost, making a noise by way of diversion. 12.20 p.m., sent to General Sherman (or
McPher-son) a report of movements of the enemy; also word to General Newton that Wood was to move at once to his support.
12.45 p.m., sent word to General Geary, on the march, of movements of the enemy, and asked him to delay his march southward.
At same time sent word of enemy's movements to General Schofield. 1.10 p.m., sent word to General Hazen to put one regiment
on the signal knoll near our field headquarters to make a show. 1.20, Remington, topographical engineer, signaled from Rocky
Face Ridge that enemy's ambulances had stopped in rear of the enemy's column, which was still moving. 2.30, signal officer
at signal hill on our right telegraphed that a line of rebel infantry was moving left toward Buzzard Roost Gap from John's
Mountain. Sent this information to General Newton. At same hour Remington, topographical engineer, signaled from Rocky Face
Ridge that heavy column of rebel cavalry advancing on our left on east side of Rocky Face Ridge. 3.10 p.m., sent word to General
Geary that as soon as the enemy's intentions were discovered, if he did not intend to attack, would send him word to move
on. 3.20 p.m., signaled to Colonel Sherman, asking, according to his judgment, how many of the enemy had passed to our left.
3.30, Sherman replied, "I believe not more than one division. Rebels are advancing in line on Harker's and Wagner's positions."
3.40, Captain Pearson was sent to General Geary to tell him not to stop longer; he did not know he was so far away on the
march, or he would not have stopped him; stated that it was only a raiding party passing around our left. 3.50, telegraphed
to commanding officer at Ringgold to know what force he had; that small raiding party was approaching R[inggold], and to hold
gap there at all hazards. 3.50, Colonel Sherman signaled, "The enemy are withdrawing infantry and cavalry from our front;
their wagons have been sent back." He thinks enemy had 10,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry. 4 p.m., signaled General Sherman
that the movement of the enemy was a diversion, and that he (the enemy) would be taken care of; that he was already falling
back. 4.15, General Newton sent word that he thought the rebels were going to Ringgold via Catoosa Springs or Alabama road,
and that he would try to send Stoneman to push to Ringgold as fast as he could. 5.30, in accordance with instructions from
General Stoneman, Colonel Butler, with Fifth Indiana Cavalry, reported to General Howard for instructions. He, together with
two guns of Captain Bradley's battery, were ordered to move to Ringgold at once by the direct road, to assist in the defense
of that place. 5.30, sent word to. General Stoneman that Colonel Butler had been sent to Ringgold, and that the large columns
of the enemy have returned to Dalton. 5.45, sent word to General Wood to retain his present position to-night. At same hour
sent a dispatch by Lieutenant Freeman to General Sherman, stating the movements of the enemy during the day, and telling him
that the raiding party that passed around our left at 9 a.m. may be moving toward Cleveland or Ringgold, and that had taken
precautions to head them off, and that General Geary was stopped through mistake, as it was supposed, by information received,
that he was just leaving camp for the march. 6.15, Colonel Sherman signaled that as the enemy, who advanced toward our left,
returned to Dalton he counted twenty regiments. 6.45, received dispatch from Lieutenant-Colonel Mil-ward, at Ringgold, stating
that he had only 300 men, and that he had notified the commanding officer at Parker's Gap of the approach of the raiding party.
Replied at once that a regiment of cavalry and section of artillery had been sent to his assistance. At 7 p.m. telegraphed
to Colonel Butler to return in the morning from Ringgold, and to bring the section of artillery as soon as he could find his
horses. At same time sent word to General Stoneman that Colonel B[utler] had been ordered back. 7.10, received note from General
Stoneman, dated 6 p.m., stating that after driving the enemy off from his front he was led to believe he (the enemy) was making
for Ringgold; he therefore sent a portion of his command to Tunnel Gap to hold it, if possible, and to push for Ringgold,
if the enemy went there; that part of his force at Varnell's Station also ordered to push for Ringgold, if the enemy went
there. 9.30, General Stone-man reported all quiet on his left. 9.40, Colonel Sherman reports at 7 p.m. the enemy in force
as usual in his front on Rocky Face Ridge. Day clear and warm; dusty.
May 13.--2.30 a.m., received a dispatch from General Sherman at Villanow, saying, "Feel the enemy's lines to-night with infantry
and cavalry, and, if possible, follow him if he is returning south; also stating that he was at Villanow and would start for
McPher-son; asking to signal to him the appearances from all points in our possession. Villanow will be held by Garrard until
he gets through. 3 a.m., signaled General Sherman that we felt the enemy at dark; found him in force, about 20,000. 3.30 a.m.,
sent written order to General McCook; also verbal order by Captain Kirlin to Generals Stanley, Stoneman, and Newton, to satisfy
themselves at daylight whether the enemy was yet in their front, and to inform the major-general commanding of the fact. 6.15
a.m., received report from General Stanley stating that the enemy had gone, and he possessed his works at 5 a.m. 6.30, received
report from General Hazen that Rocky Face Ridge was evacuated. General Stoneman arrived at headquarters at 6. 6.30 a.m., sent
Lieutenant Gilbreth to Snake Creek Gap to inform Major-General Sherman of the evacuation of the enemy in our front. As soon
as the news of the enemy's retreat was heard Generals Stoneman, Stanley, Newton, and Wood (Wood's division, all save Hazen's
brigade) were ordered to push after the enemy at once. General H[oward] left headquarters at 7 a.m. for Dalton. At 1.30 this
a.m. the enemy retreated, going to Resaca, where they intended to fight, so they say. General Howard reached Dalton at 9 a.m.
At once signaled Major-General Sherman that we were in Dalton. Stanley [started] at this time and met the rear of the enemy's
column, and had a slight skirmish. Doctor Heard sent back to order Hazen's brigade up to join Wood's division. 10.40 a.m.,
General Stanley ordered to push his division forward beyond Dalton toward enemy, and keep General H[oward] fully advised of
his position and condition, and was informed that McCook's cavalry would protect his right flank. 10.50, received dispatch
from Stanley, wishing to know which road to take beyond Dalton; replied at Once he would push forward slowly until the cavalry
would come up on the Sugar Valley road, watching his right. 11 a.m., General Newton arrived at Dalton; head of his column
just coming into town. 11.20 a.m., General Wood arrived; head of his column just coming into town. 12 m., Generals Newton's
and Wood's columns passed through town; at same time directed General Newton to leave a regiment to hold the town and protect
the depot. 3.45 p.m., General Sherman signaled, "Press the retreat of the enemy with cavalry, supported by infantry, and open
signal communication." The command moved from Dalton toward Resaca, on the Sugar Valley road, Stanley leading, then Newton,
then Wood. About four miles from Dalton the rear guard of the enemy opened fire with artillery and musketry on the head of
our column. He was soon driven back. On this account column was delayed one hour. Marched four miles more, and was met by
McCook's cavalry, which had been moving on road to our right; here halted. Stoneman's cavalry moved from Dalton on direct
road to Resaca, so as to cover our left. At last halt, eight miles from Dalton, received intelligence that the enemy were
in strong line of battle about one mile to our left. Put our forces in line, and sent out skirmishers to develop this fact.
Also ordered Stoneman and McCook to feel the enemy. About dusk McCook came up with the enemy; skirmished until an hour after
dark, and reported that the force was cavalry, supported by infantry; said to be Bate's division; went into camp for the night
at the place we halted, as just mentioned.? p.m., Major-General Stoneman reported his position. He came up with the enemy,
one brigade of infantry, with artillery, and about 500 cavalry, in too strong position to attack. 8.15 p.m., sent General
Sherman word of our position. 10 p.m., ordered division commanders to be ready to move at sunrise to-morrow. Sent word to
General Stoneman, at 11 p.m., that McCook would cover our front and left as far as Tilton and Resaca road, leaving to him
the Tilton and Resaca road and the country to the left of it. 11.15, General Stoneman reports the enemy's rear guard quite
strong, of all arms, and that if a night march could be made to Tilton this rear guard could be cut off. 12 midnight, received
note from Major-General Sherman, asking to have the railroad repaired to Dalton:
Move cavalry force forward carefully, supported
by infantry; select on south front of Dalton for forts, in case the enemy should turn; have not discovered whether he is at
Resaca or not; think he is about Swamp Creek; keep your troops light and feel to the right. Have a good force at the gap of
Snake Creek. Tell McCook and Stoneman to strike the retiring wagons of the enemy.
cavalry opened communication with General Sherman at about 7 p.m. to-day. Schofield's left about one mile from our right.
Took about 100 prisoners. Day clear and warm. Lost very few men in wounded in skirmish of today. Roads good, but very narrow.
Dense woods on either side the latter half of to-day's march Plenty of water.
May 14.--2.30 a.m.. instructed General Stanley to move directly on enemy's rear guard at sunrise in the morning, marching
across Swamp Creek, toward Tilton. 2 a.m., instructed Colonel McCook to move toward Tilton, covering General Stanley's right.
Informed General Stoneman, at 2 a.m., of this contemplated movement, and instructed him to press hard when he heard our guns.
At 2.45 instructed Generals Newton and Wood to be ready at sunrise in the morning to move to the support of General Stanley
or to fight in position. 5 a.m., received dispatch from General Sherman directing General Howard to effect junction with General
Schofield and to report to Major-General Thomas for orders. General Schofield will inform him of the instructions that have
been given. 5.15 a.m., received dispatch from Major-General Thomas to move our troops down the main roads toward Resaca until
a junction is formed with the rest of the army, when further orders will be given. At once gave orders for the corps to march,
in accordance with General Thomas' orders. Marched command at 6 a.m., General Stanley's division leading, then Newton, then
Wood. Left headquarters at 6.30 for front. Stanley commenced march at 5.30 a.m. for the direct Dalton and Resaca road. General
Newton and General Wood following, marched at sunrise on the road parallel and about two miles to the right of General Stanley.
All wagons but the ammunition wagons ordered to move on Sugar Valley road; ammunition wagons to follow divisions. 7.30 a.m.,
the head of Newton's column reached Widow Swift's house. 8.45 a.m., came up with General Schofield on the left of the line
of battle, as it was then formed, fronting Resaca. Received verbal instructions from General Thomas, through General Schofield,
to form on his left in line of battle, in the prolongation of the line as it then was formed. At once sent word to General
Stanley to cross over and form on General Wood's left. At 9.30 commenced to form line of battle. Some little confusion, caused
by General Cox (who was on Schofield's left) being lost with two brigades; formed though, on his left regiment, which was
isolated. A gap was then between this regiment and Schofield, and Newton temporarily filled it until Cox came up. 12.30, sent
note to General Thomas or Sherman, stating that Stanley was passing down the road just below Tilton, telling about the gap
in our line, and saying would push slowly and concentrate as we advanced. Our line was coming into position about 1 p.m.,
center of line about four miles from Resaca. At 1 p.m. sent word to Wood to advance, pushing out his skirmishers well. Stanley,
who reported his command near by, was at the same time instructed to advance as General Wood advanced. Newton was now advancing
on left of Schofield, and Wood was instructed to move to right oblique and close up on him. 1.10, General Cox, of Twenty-third
Corps, got into line. 1.15, Stanley joined on Wood and Wood on Newton. Lines now advanced and heavy skirmishing with the enemy
commenced. The line of battle was formed in rolling country, with occasional cleared fields, but we had not advanced more
than 300 yards when we came into a wilderness, through which it was almost impossible to pass. Added to the dense forest and
undergrowth were steep, narrow ridges, running perpendicular to Resaca. It was almost impossible to move the troops in line
through this country. Our advance was very slow, owing to the natural obstacles the country offered and the heavy fire of
the enemy. General Schofield drove the enemy out of the first line of rifle-pits in his front. Colonel Harker's brigade, of
Newton's division, occupied the first line of the enemy's rifle-pits in his front and he still holds them. General Hazen drove
the enemy out of two lines of rifle-pits in his front and occupied them, still holding them, and General Stanley drove the
enemy in his front. These rifle-pits were occupied by Harker at --p.m. and Hazen at -- p.m. Harker's brigade was relieved
by part of Colonel Sherman's. Our lines now became so contracted that Newton could only operate part of one brigade at a time
in front, the rest being in reserve, and Hazen's, Wood's and Willich's brigades, Beatty's being in reserve, and Stanley's,
Whitaker's, and Grose's, Cruft's being in reserve. Stanley's left, the left of our line and the extreme left of this army,
now rested on the direct road from Dalton to Resaca. There was much danger of its being turned by the enemy, and a battery
was placed in position, supported by part of Cruft's brigade, to repel a flank attack which might be made at this point. At
about 5 p.m. General Stanley reported a heavy column of the enemy moving around to his left. Support was asked for, and General
Thomas at once sent to this point General Williams' division, of Hooker's corps. This division arrived just in time to drive
the enemy back, as he was already driving away the support to the battery. He was handsomely repulsed. This was about sundown.
Afterward Hooker's corps was moved into position on our left, having been transferred from a position on the right of our
army. Thus matters stood at dark. We had gained considerable advantage, and were now pressing the enemy on all sides. At 10
p.m. sent General Thomas a report of our situation and the result of the day's work. In accordance with instructions, breast-works
were thrown up along our front, on the ridges we occupied at dark, before morning. Three hundred and fifty-two wounded; about
50 killed. The day was clear and warm.
May 15.--5 a.m., received orders from Major-General Thomas, dated 1.30 a.m., stating that this corps and Hooker's would attack
the enemy "in the morning directly down upon Resaca;" Schofield, when he became crowded out of his present position in line,
to move around to his proper position on the extreme left (this was done, before the attack of the a.m. commenced), and General
Palmer's corps would remain in a defensive position, holding his strong position on the right (General McPherson to operate
on the extreme right against the enemy's communications). As soon as this order was received it was sent to division commanders,
with instructions to examine the enemy's most vulnerable points in their fronts with a view to attack, and informing them
that this corps would conform its movements with General Hooker's. At 7 a.m. went to General Hooker's headquarters. Generals
Howard and Hooker had consultation about the attack. At 9.40 a.m. sent word to General Stanley that General Hooker would make
an attack on the right of the Dalton and Resaca road, and instructed him as Hooker advanced to reserve one brigade and to
follow up the movement with the other two brigades of his division. At same time sent word to Wood of the order of attack,
&c., and instructed him to select vulnerable points in the enemy's lines of works in his front, and, as soon as he saw
him wavering from General Hooker's attack, to seize the points by columns, and to follow up any advantage he might gain. At
same time sent word to General Newton of the order of attack, &c., and that he was to make a demonstration in his front
at the time of the advance of General Hooker, to hold the enemy in his front, and that he would follow up any movement of
General Wood. The enemy hold a very strong position in our front, ravines and open fields between us, and he is posted on
a strong series of ridges, with well-constructed breast-works and artillery, with direct and enfilading fires. General Hooker's
advance did not commence until after 12 m. During the mean time fire of sharpshooters, skirmishers, and of artillery was kept
up all along our line. 1 p.m., sent word to Major-General Hooker, by Colonel Asmussen, his assistant inspector-general, and
also by Captain Stevens, of General Stanley's staff, to call on this corps for re-enforcements whenever he wished them. 1.10
p.m., sent word by a staff officer to division commanders that Hooker was ascending the hill he was to storm on our left,
and that they must now push ahead and press the enemy. 2.20, Colonel Asmussen reported that General Hooker had secured a lodgment
on the ridge, and that he wished the Fourth Corps to make a demonstration and he would advance along it. A demonstration was
made along our entire line. Generals Hazen and Willich, of Wood's division, stormed the enemy's works in their front, but
the force of the enemy was so strong, and the direct and enfilading fire of artillery prevented them from holding the enemy's
lines which they took. The demonstration had the effect to hold the enemy in our front, and to prevent him from massing in
front of General Hooker. At this time General Whitaker's brigade, of Stanley's division, was in the rear of Hooker, waiting
orders to advance, while Schofield's command was acting as an immediate support. 2.50 p.m., General Hooker sent word that
he did not wish us to do anything more than to open artillery on the enemy. At same time seat word to General Hooker, by Lieutenant
Gilbreth, that it would be done, and offered to afford any assistance General H[ooker] might call for. 4.40 p.m., in accordance
with orders received from General Thomas, Generals Stanley, Newton, and Wood were ordered to press their skirmishers. This
was done, and fire continued along our line until dark. There was scarcely any cessation of fire along our whole line, in
fact, from daylight until dark. General Hooker secured a good lodgment on the ridge opposite our left, but was unable to pursue,
on account of heavy works and masses of the enemy's troops. The enemy's sharpshooters' fire very accurate and severe, and
many men were killed and wounded along our lines by them. We kept up a fire of artillery all night and also of skirmishers.
About 11 p.m. General Newton's skirmishers pressed up to the enemy's works to find out whether the forces in our front were
retreating. Found them there in force, and they fell back under a very heavy fire. The enemy also charged our lines in Newton's
front during the night and were repulsed. Our losses during the day about--. Day clear and warm.
May 16.--5.15 and 5.20, reports came from division commanders, stating that the enemy had abandoned their works on their
fronts, and that our men were entering them. 6 a.m., sent orders to division commanders to move forward to the town of Resaca
at once. 7.30 a.m., established corps headquarters in Resaca. Our troops commenced to arrive in Resaca at 8 a.m. 9 a.m., received
orders from Major-General Thomas, saying that we would pursue the enemy beyond Etowah River, and that we would move "substantially"
along the railroad to Kingston, together with the rest of General Thomas' command. At same time orders were sent to General
Stanley to leave one regiment behind as guard at Resaca, and to bring down the two regiments he left at Ooltewah to relieve
the one so left behind. Also, at same time, instructed General Wood to bring up the three regiments he left behind, the one
at Parker's Gap, the two at Cleveland, and at this time sent orders by Captain Kaldenbaugh to the division commanders to pass
over the river at R[esaca], moving to the left of General McPherson's troops. The enemy had burned the railroad bridge and
some of the main stringers of the wagon bridge. We had to repair the latter, so that the command could not commence to cross
until about 11 a.m. 11 a.m., ordered wagons of corps to park at Resaca until ordered up, and ammunition wagons to be filled
upon the arrival of the railroad train from Dalton. 2 p.m., ordered five ammunition wagons for Wood, five for Stanley, and
four for Newton, to accompany the troops. The crossing of the Oostenaula slow on account of bad condition of bridge. General
Newton had the advance, then Wood, then Stanley. About one-half mile from Resaca heavy skirmishing with the enemy commenced,
and our progress was therefore much impeded. We moved on the direct road from Resaca to Calhoun. Reached a point two miles
from R[esaca] at 4.25 p.m., when we met a deserter, who informed us that the enemy was drawn up in line of battle, three brigades
of infantry, one mile and a half from our left front. Instructed division commanders to watch well their left flank, to move
part of their force as flankers along the railroad, and to move all of their artillery on the dirt road. Deserter further
reported that the enemy evacuated their works in our front at from midnight to daylight; that Polk's corps moved on the road
upon which we are marching, Hardee's on the road to our right, and Hood's on the road to our left. 4.30, heard heavy firing
off to our right, and in advance on our left, in the direction of McPherson's troops. 6.45 p.m., arrived at point within one-half
mile of Calhoun. After heavy skirmish here, driving off regiment of infantry and rear guard of cavalry, went into camp to
bivouac for the night. Newton lost 2 men killed and 5 or 6 wounded in skirmishing. The day was bright and warm; roads very
dusty. Not much water on the road of to-day's march. Country rolling, covered with dense woods and undergrowth; occasional
clearing; many ridges, but not high; very good road. 7 p.m., sent dispatch to Major-General Thomas, informing him of our arrival
at this point, &c. 10 p.m., Colonel Hayes ordered to send up all of our loaded wagons from Resaca to-morrow a.m., to follow
the command; to start if possible before Palmer's corps; if not, immediately afterward, but not to interfere with the movements
of said corps. Losses up to date, from time of leaving Catoosa Springs, killed, 189; wounded, 1,078.
May 17.--Received no instructions in reference to to-day's march. Therefore started on the direct road to Kingston at 5.30
a.m., General Newton's division leading, then Wood's, then Stanley's. Wood's division moved on the railroad. 6.20, orderly
returned from Resaca; said he could not find Colonel Hayes. At once sent staff officer to deliver to him the same instructions
in reference to trains as contained in last night's note. Commenced to skirmish with the enemy as soon as we reached Calhoun.
7.30 a.m., the enemy opened fire upon our advance from two pieces of artillery. 7.30, sent word to General Wood to send two
regiments to our left as far as advisable, as flankers, which was done. 7.45, sent a staff officer over to the Rome road to
open communication with General McPherson. At 8.20 he returned, and reported that General McP[herson] was moving down said
road about two miles to our right. Owing to continued skirmishing with the enemy and occasional artillery firing, our advance
was very slow. From 5.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. we only marched about eight miles, arriving at that time two and a half miles from
Adairsville, with Newton's division moving on the direct road. At about the same time the head of General Wood's column arrived
three-fourths of a mile from Newton, on our right, on the railroad. Here and at this time the enemy stubbornly resisted our
advance, having now opposed to us infantry, cavalry, and artillery. 4.20, General Wood reported that citizens from Adairsville
had just informed him that there was a large force of the enemy's infantry in Adairsville. Commenced, after heavy skirmishing,
to form a line of battle to drive the enemy from our front or to repulse any attack that he might make. His line was formed
running across and at right angles to the road leading to the town. On the right of the dirt road, running parallel to it
and ending very nearly on the line of battle, was a low wooded ridge. On this rested the right of Newton's formation, which
was a column by regiments, prepared for an assault. On the left of the road, extending through a wheat field and to the woods,
rested his left, in two lines of battle. 4.30, word was sent to General Wood to move upon the enemy at once from the position
he occupied. This he could not do until he bridged a creek in his front, which could not be done before dark. At same time
General Stanley was ordered up to cover Newton's left flank, as the enemy was moving around it. During all of this time we
had heavy skirmishing, and the enemy firing artillery on Newton. 5.30, Stanley got into position, two brigades on the left
of Newton, extending into the woods and holding a small hill therein, and the other brigade massed in the rear of Newton's
left. 6 p.m., assault was ordered to be made by General Newton, and was just about to be made, when Major-General Thomas,
who had come up with Major-General Sherman, stopped the movement, saying that it was too late in the evening to make it. The
enemy kept up a steady fire along our line until dark, when it ceased. 7 p.m., General Wood reported his bridge finished,
and, if General H[oward] would advise it, he would cross some troops over and assault the enemy, who, he said, was intrenched
and was at Adairsville in force. General H[oward] replied, telling him to cross over and throw out strong line of skirmishers
to feel the enemy's position, but he would not advise a night attack. Wood's left was now not far from Newton's right. The
road we marched on was very good. The country along the road was rolling, and covered with dense woods and undergrowth, with
occasional cultivated fields. It was admirably suited for the movements of the enemy's rear guard, he being able to make a
stand, as he did, every few hundred yards, During the day we lost about 25 killed and 170 wounded. The first part of the day
very warm; heavy storm from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The next day we found out that the greater part of Johnston's army had been in
our front and that the enemy had well-constructed rifle-pits.
May 18.--5.30, General Newton reports that the enemy have left their rifle-pits and positions in his front. Instructions
were at once given to division commanders to march, following the enemy, and to press him closely; General Wood leading, then
Newton following, then Stanley. We marched at 6 a.m. 8.40, Colonel Hayes, who was with the column in advance, was ordered
back to Resaca to bring up all of our trains, and was instructed to take any regiment of this corps at R[esaca], or that might
arrive there in time, or on the way here from there, as a guard. 8.45, ordered by General Sherman to halt our column on the
other side of town until McPherson could come up, and to form with strong head of column, so that if Johnston offered battle
we would be prepared for him. 8.50, ordered General Wood, when he moved forward, to take the road that hugs the railroad.
9.45, division commanders ordered to instruct their ordnance officers to send to Resaca for all needed ammunition. 11.15 a.m.,
division commanders ordered to draw out their commands and to start on the march at 1 p.m. 12 m., instructions given division
commanders in reference to trains as follows: Each five ammunition wagons to follow divisions; after the corps, thirty wagons;
then the rest of the train to follow the Fourteenth Corps, which follows this corps on the march. The order of march was,
Wood to send two brigades on the dirt road and one on the railroad running parallel, while Newton was to send one on dirt
road and two on railroad; Stanley to follow Newton. Were ordered by General Sherman to camp six miles from Adairsville. Reached
the point designated at 6 p.m., on Connasene Creek; camped. No force of enemy sufficiently large to impede our march met in
our immediate front. Very little skirmishing. Roads fine; country rolling generally; many well-cultivated fields. Deserters
report this evening that the enemy has retreated beyond Kingston.
May 19.--Head of column moved forward at 5 a.m., marching on the direct road to Kingston, Major-General Stanley's division
leading, Wood's following, then Newton's. Very little skirmishing on the road as far as Kingston. 8 a.m., one-half of a mile
beyond the town met a force of the enemy posted on a ridge running at right angles with the road; appeared to be cavalry and
infantry. Citizens report Cheatham's division to be there. They opened six guns upon us and a brisk skirmish fire. Stanley's
division went into line of battle. 8.30, advance of the line was ordered, and at same time Wood was ordered up as a support.
The line was advanced and the enemy retired. 9 a.m., was ordered by General Sherman to advance down the road leading to Etowah,
four miles to a point near an old mill, where the road and railroad crosses, then to go into camp. 12 m., arrived at a point
within one-half mile of said mill, where we met the enemy drawn up in line of battle. At least one division could be seen,
with breast-works of rails. At once commenced to form in line of battle on some ridges that run at right angles to the road.
In our front, extending about one mile from the base of the ridge, were broad, open fields; on the other side of these were
the enemy's lines. One-fourth of a mile from the road, on our left, the ridge runs down to the railroad and a creek that runs
perpendicular to it. On this creek our left rested. On the right of the road the ridge extended a little in front of our left,
and then swept off to our right, and, in a short distance, turned to our rear. Stanley's division was on the left; then Wood's.
Newton's division followed the railroad, and went into position on our left. 12.45, an aide-de-camp reported from Major-General
Thomas (who had been informed of our situation) that Palmer's corps was coming up, and he would take care of our right. 1.10
p.m., General Newton was directed to relieve General Wood's brigade on his extreme left, and to supply its place by a brigade
from his own division. 1.30, opened artillery on the enemy. 2 p.m., advanced a strong reserve line for the support of the
skirmish line. The enemy at once commenced to retreat, and at same hour (2 p.m.) Stanley and Wood were ordered to advance.
They had not proceeded more than one-fourth of a mile when Major-General Thomas ordered them to halt until Newton could mass
on our left, on the opposite side of the creek, and drive out the forces that could be seen in the woods that appeared to
be turning our left flank. 2.45, orders were given to Newton for said movement, and it was consummated. 3.50, advance commenced.
The enemy was driven by us. We again took up the march in column, and again met the enemy one mile beyond his first position
at 5.30 p.m. Halted and formed line of battle. 5.40 p.m., General Sherman ordered General H[oward] to put thirty or forty
pieces of artillery in position; form two or three brigades in line of battle; then to shell the woods in our front vigorously;
afterward feel the enemy. 4.50, artillery fire commenced. 6.30, firing ordered to cease and skirmishers ordered forward, followed
by main lines, Wood on right and connecting with Baird's division, Fourteenth Corps; Stanley on Wood's left, and Newton yet
on the left, connecting with Stanley; Newton connecting with General Geary's division, of Hooker's corps, having formed such
connection at about 5.30 p.m. The line advanced, trying to move to Cassville. Skirmishing very heavy and progress quite slow.
7 p.m., a halt was ordered by Major-General Thomas, and he instructed General H[oward] to adjust his 1ines and remain in present
position for the night. Were then within one mile of Cassville. Passed through fine rolling country to-day. Many cultivated
fields. Heavy timber and undergrowth skirted the road the greater part of the way. Day warm and clear, and roads dusty. Eight
or 10 men killed and 35 wounded to-day. The whole of Johnston's force was before us at Cassville. Hooker advanced down a road
that came in on our left, and was to connect with us there. The enemy thought to strike him before we got up. The enemy had
strong rifle-pits and works, and Johnston had published an order to his troops saying that he would make his fight there;
this the night before we arrived.
May 20.--6 a.m., Captain Kellogg, aide-de-camp, brought instructions from Major-General Thomas to have this corps rest in
its present position to-day, and to supply ourselves with ten days' rations (three in haversacks and seven in wagons) from
to-morrow. Orders were at once given to division commanders to readjust their lines, if necessary, and to place their artillery
in position, then to rest their troops; also to send back their empty wagons to Kingston to reload, and to park the rest of
their trains, and to see that the troops have three days' rations in their haversacks, commencing to-morrow. Orders were also
given to Lieutenant-Colonel Remick, commissary of subsistence, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes, quartermaster, to have the trains
loaded with seven days' forage and rations from to-morrow morning. 3 p.m., received Special Field Orders, No. 9, headquarters
Military Division of the Mississippi, May 20, 1864, stating that General Thomas will group his army (of which this corps is
a part) around Cassville; Major-General Schofield, his army at or near Pettit's Creek, or along Nancy's Creek, and Major-General
McPherson, his at Kingston and the fords and bridges across the Etowah in that vicinity; also stating that the sick and wounded
and the worthless men and idlers be sent to the rear; that army commanders will make provision to subsist their troops independent
of the railroad for twenty days; that the whole army must be ready to march by May 23, stripped for battle, but equipped and
provided for twenty days; at the same time the wagon trains must be diminished rather than increased, as we can safely rely
on much meat, forage, and vegetables in the country to which we propose to go; further stating that the rations for troops
will be one pound of bread, flour, or meal, beef on the hoof, two days' allowance of bacon per week, and sugar, coffee, and
salt; four pounds of grain will be allowed each animal per day, and no more; all else must be gathered in the country. In
accordance with this order instructions were at once given to division commanders and to the chief quartermaster and commissary
of subsistence of this corps. The troops remained in camp to-day resting; all quiet; the day very warm.
May 21.--Remained in camp all day; the soldiers resting and being equipped for a long reach. A telegram sent to General Sherman
from the Secretary of War, congratulating his army for its success thus far, was read to the troops. Orders were issued to
division commanders to send all of their surplus baggage as soon as practicable to the Cassville Depot, for the purpose of
having the same sent to the rear. They were also ordered to organize foraging parties for each brigade for the purpose of
collecting supplies from the country, the parties to be under the control of brigade commissaries of subsistence and quartermasters,
and that they must take stringent measures to prevent theft and pillaging. There are 600 wagons in the corps; 1 wagon allowed
corps, division, and brigade headquarters; 150 wagons for ammunition, 3 hospital wagons to a brigade, 6 wagons to accompany
the ambulance train, 6 wagons for intrenching tools; the rest of the wagons to have forage and commissary stores for twenty
days. Telegrams were sent to Chattanooga for 5,000 shoes to supply the deficiency of the command. 10 p.m., shoes and commissary
stores not yet arrived from Chattanooga. Day very warm, dry, and dusty.
May 22.--Remained in camp all day receiving and loading supplies in our wagons and getting ready for the march. All sick
and wounded and worthless men being sent to the rear. 4 p.m., received orders from Major-General Thomas to march at 8 a.m.
to-morrow, following the Twentieth Army Corps, moving on the road from Cassville to Gillem's Bridge, to cross the Etowah River
at that place, and to encamp at night on the Euharlee Creek above the Twentieth Corps. 5 p.m., orders were sent, in accordance
with the above-mentioned order, for division commanders to march to-mor-row, but upon verbal instructions from Major-General
Thomas not to move until 12 m.; General Wood's division to lead, to be followed by Major-General Stanley, both following the
Twentieth Army Corps, and General Newton's division moving to Gillem's Bridge via Saltpeter Cave; the ambulance train to follow
each division, with one medicine wagon each, and the rest of the train to follow General Newton's division, he (General Newton)
to place one strong regiment in rear of the train as a guard. 9 p.m., commissary stores not all arrived yet; train only partially
loaded. Day very warm, hot, and dusty.
May 23.--Started at 12 m., Wood leading, then Stanley, then Newton, in the order indicated. Crossed the Etowah at Gillem's
Bridge. Head of column arrived at Euharlee Creek at 7 p.m., and, the rest of the command following, went into camp at about
11 p.m. two miles beyond. 11.30 p.m., received a note from Colonel Remick stating that all of the train that had been loaded
had started for Kingston to join the command, and that the sugar had not yet arrived, and that as soon as it did the rest
of the train would load and start. Roads good. Day hot. Road very dusty.
May 24.--Orders of march to-day are: Start at 6 a.m.: cross the Euharlee Creek at Barrett's Mill; thence to Stilesborough,
and follow the Twentieth Corps and encamp on the road to Dallas, connecting with the right of the Twentieth Corps. 6 a.m.,
commenced the march; Wood's division leading, then Newton's, then Stanley's. One of General Newton's regiments acting as train
guard relieved, and Stanley ordered to substitute one for it. 8.15, arrived at Stilesborough, and halted for General Williams'
division, Twentieth Corps, to move forward out of the way; halted and massed Third and Second Divisions. 9.45 a.m., General
Williams' division and ammunition train passed, and column commenced to draw out and march forward. Received instructions
from Major-General Thomas to move as much as possible through the woods alongside of road, so as not to interfere with trains.
5.30 p.m., head of column arrived at a point within one mile from Huntsville, or Burnt Hickory; went into camp, Wood's and
Newton's divisions on right of road and Stanley's division on left of road; rear of column got into camp at about 9 p.m.;
the wagon train all crossed Euharlee Creek, and, with its head at Raccoon Creek and extending back to Stilesborough, remained
for the night; it was impossible to cross Raccoon Creek with it. 11 p.m., sent word by Captain Schoeninger to Colonel Mackay,
chief quartermaster Fourteenth Corps, that his train must not pass ours, and to Stanley, that if said train does get in ahead
of ours to guard it with a brigade. 12 p.m., received orders from Major-General Thomas to march the corps at 9 a.m. to-morrow
for Dallas, following General Geary's and Williams' divisions, or on a road to the right, which may be pointed out in the
morning; orders were sent at once to division commanders to march the next a.m.--Newton at 9 o'clock, Stanley at 9.30, and
Wood at 10. Roads very dusty. Day pleasant. The country for the first three miles of our march to-day was very open and well
cultivated, then we reached the hills, quite rough and covered with pine woods.
May 25.--Troops moved as indicated in the order of march for the day. Took the road to the right and parallel to the Burnt
Hickory and Dallas road. 8 a.m., sent orders to Colonel Hayes, at Raccoon Creek, in the rear, to move his train over to the
road on which we were marching, and Lieutenant-Colonel Howard was sent to find a way and conduct it over to said road. When
the head of our column reached said road, at about 10 a.m., met the head of our train just arriving on the same. Let the baggage
wagons proceed, and then the corps moved, leaving the rest of the train to follow. Major-General Thomas' headquarters train
also crossed over to said road and moved in front of our baggage train, which preceded our troops. 1.30 p.m., halted at Harding's
house, said to be from six to seven miles from Dallas; head of column one-half of mile in our rear. 1.50 p.m., Lieutenant-Colonel
Mendenhall, of Major-General Thomas' staff, reported, and said that General T[homas] was now within two miles of Dallas, and
that he wished us to join him (he was with part of Hooker's corps) at that place at 2.30 p.m., stating that the enemy was
in his front. 2 p.m., Captain Schoeninger, who went forward with that part of the train in advance, returned and reported
that eleven rebel cavalrymen had fired on General Thomas' headquarters train. General Newton was at once ordered to send forward
a regiment to guard that part of our train ahead of us. Instructions were at this time sent to General Wood to guard the wagon
train following us and to watch on the right flank. As soon as Colonel Mendenhall reported, orders were sent to division commanders,
instructing them to close up their columns and hurry forward. After proceeding a few hundred yards from Harding's house, we
crossed over on a country road to the direct road leading from Burnt Hickory to Dallas, for the purpose of joining General
Thomas. 2.20 p.m., Captain Stone, of Major-General Thomas' staff, met us three miles from General Thomas' headquarters, and
said that the general wished us to hurry along; sent back word that we were pushing forward as fast as possible. 4.15, General
Howard reported to Major-General Thomas, in front on the skirmish line. Head of column one mile back. 4.20, sent an officer
to conduct that part of the wagon train which went off to the right, on the road via Lee's and Holland's house to Dallas,
back, and to bring it up to us; danger of being captured in the position in which it was. 5 p.m., Major-General Hooker's troops,
in the extreme front, nearly ready to advance in line of battle. 5.10 p.m., ordered General Newton, whose column had arrived,
to go into position in the rear of General Hooker on the right of the road. He threw lines of battalions one-half distance,
so as to be prepared to move to the front or right. 5.30, ordered Stanley in position, same formation as Newton, in Newton's
rear, on right of road, and to be prepared to front either way; and at same time ordered Wood into position, same formation
as Newton, on the left of the road near Turkey Creek. General Stanley was also ordered to keep closed up to General Newton,
and to move forward when he moved. 5.30, General Hooker advanced. 6.20, General Hooker sent word to General Howard to close
up his brigades in mass on his (Hooker's) right. He had met the enemy, had been fighting him, and although he held his ground
he was hard pressed. He had driven the enemy behind his breast-works. 6.30, General Newton ordered to advance in line of battle.
Had gone but a short distance when he found he could proceed in line no farther, owing to the formation of the ground, and
he was ordered to move into the road by the left flank and advance in column until he came near to General Hooker, and then
deploy in line of battle. The same orders were sent to General Stanley, but as he could not at first be found, it was after
7 p.m. when he commenced to move. Orders were also sent to General Wood to draw out in the road, advance to within supporting
distance, and to go into line of battle on the left of the road. The troops moved slowly on account of the crowded condition
of the road, full of stragglers and wounded men retiring to the rear; but one road, very narrow, and dense woods on either
side. 7.30, commenced to rain very hard and continued until about 10 p.m. General Newton got into position at about 8.30 p.m.,
and General Stanley 9.30 p.m. General Wood, who was moving along the road, was, at 9.40, ordered to halt and bivouac along
side of the road, on the left, for the night. No part of the corps became engaged to-day. 11 p.m., our train reported-in park,
on Raccoon Creek, about seven miles back. At this hour thirty ammunition wagons were ordered up, to come up at once. Very
pleasant day for marching; warm, but no dust. Hard to find safe roads through the country; full of heavy woods, cross-roads,
&c., and could procure no suitable guides. All intelligent persons had left the country, or had been driven out by the
enemy. Roads good, but narrow.
May 26.--Took breakfast at 3.30 a.m., and went to the extreme front. 5 a.m., received instructions from Major-General Sherman
to place the troops of this corps in the front on the left of the road and connecting with General Hooker on the right. Placed
them in position, Newton on the right and his right resting on the road, his First Brigade in two lines and his Second and
Third Brigades in three lines; General Wood on Newton's left, with one brigade in reserve, until General Schofield's corps
comes up (which will be on our extreme left), and Stanley's division massed in reserve in rear of Newton. 8 a.m., Newton ordered
to move forward until he connects with General Geary's left, General Wood to swing around, advancing, and to keep connection
with Newton, while Stanley to advance and take position vacated by Generals Newton and Wood. Newton and Wood ordered to push
out their skirmishers well. 11.15, General Wood was ordered to swing around his left and thus give a direct line of the troops
of this corps running east and west. The left of Wood's skirmish line was here advanced about one mile, and the rebel skirmishers
were driven before them. From our extreme left we now have a view of the Dallas and Marietta road and open fields, interspersed
with small growth of timber. Found a valley below the ridge on which we are stationed. 11.30, instructions were sent to General
Newton to swing around his skirmish line, advancing it, and keeping up connection with General Wood's. 11.30, received note
from Colonel Remick, stating that he could not get up our small supply train, with four days' rations, on account of parts
of Hooker's and Palmer's trains blocking the road. A request was at once sent to General Hooker to allow {t to pass, and General
Thomas sent an order to General Palmer to allow it to pass his train also. 1.40, General Wood crossed Brown's Mill creek with
his main line, in front of our left, through the open fields, and getting at right angles to and in sight of the right of
the enemy's line. Bridged the creek and took over a battery of artillery, which fired on the enemy's works for several hours,
and was responded to by a battery of the enemy in front and on our left. 2 p.m., Colonel Harker directed to place two of his
regiments on the front line of his left, relieving two of Colonel Gibson's. 5 p.m., all of the artillery of the corps, which
is on the other side of Turkey Creek, sent for, and ordered to join the divisions to which they are attached. 5.20, received
instructions from Major-General Sherman to put all of our artillery in position this evening, to be opened to-morrow. 8 p.m.,
division commanders were ordered to furnish each man with sixty rounds of ammunition during the night, and were instructed
that the three days' rations issued this evening must last four days. Quite heavy skirmishing along our whole line during
the day. In front of the position gained by General Wood, when he swung his division to the right this afternoon, for one
mile and a half and extending to the line of the enemy's works, were open fields, while from his left, and extending directly
in from and to the left of the open, were woods again. Late in the day General Schofield's command(General Cox in temporary
command) joined our command on the left, but it did not extend in a line in the same direction as General Wood's division,
his whole line being refused, being almost at right angles. Very pleasant day for operations. Cloudy most of the morning;
the rest of the day clear and not very warm. The Army of the Tennessee for the most part has been operating in the woods.
May 27.--2.30 a.m., received orders from Major-General Sherman, through General Thomas, to open all of our artillery that
could be got in position early in the morning; to keep up a persistent fire until 9 a.m., and then cease firing, unless there
was something that would warrant firing at; at 10 a.m. for this corps to swing around to the right, advancing our left to
the south and east of the cleared valley in front of our left, and gain possession of the commanding promontory which commands
the Marietta road; at the same hour an assault to be made by the whole army. 4.30 a.m., gave orders to division commanders
that General Newton form in two lines, his right resting on the road, and extending as far as he could to the left, to the
creek if possible, relieving General Stanley's troops; that General Stanley relieve General Wood on his line; that General
Wood, as soon as relieved by General Stanley, form a column of attack with four-regiment front, and attack at 10 a.m., moving
through the woods to the left of his front. This order was reported to General Thomas, and he reported it satisfactory. An
officer was sent to General Thomas at this hour to ask when the firing of our artillery should commence, and he replied, at
once. The artillery firing commenced along our line at 5.30 a.m., and enemy opened artillery on his right, enfilading our
batteries. It was discovered that to advance on the enemy at the point mentioned, with Wood's division, would expose the troops
to a murderous direct and cross fire of artillery from different points as they passed over open ground, and therefore it
was decided to form in mass for the assault on the extreme left of Schofield's (Cox's) line, thus avoiding entering a cul-de-sac, and turning the enemy's right flank. At
8.20 the troops commenced to move and take position, preparatory to advancing at 10 a.m. This was told to Major-General Thomas,
and he approved of it, and said that Johnson's division, of the Fourteenth Corps, would come up to our support. A brigade
of Cox's command was also to form on the left of our troops, to keep the left flank from being turned. 8.40, sent word to
General Stanley to watch the enemy's works in his front, and when General Wood arrived opposite to help him to secure the
position he may gain. 9.05, instructions sent to General Newton to make a strong demonstration at 10 a.m. exactly, and General
Stanley also to make a strong demonstration at the same hour, skirmishing strongly on both sides of Raper's Creek. Wood commenced
to move at 10.55 a.m., General Howard and staff accompanying him. Division was formed in column of six lines. 11.15, sent
word to Schofield stating that we had moved and that our first line had advanced half a mile, and to be ready to assist us
in holding any position or advantage that we might gain, Johnson's division, Fourteenth Corps, following us and covering our
right with skirmishers. 11.15, also sent word by Captain Stinson that we were advancing, and had gone half a mile without
meeting the enemy. 12 m., Major-General Stoneman reported that some of the enemy was in rear of our left, supposed to be cavalry.
General Wood was informed of this fact. He is half a mile from us. 12 m., halted to reform Wood's line to swing his left around
so that the line might move almost due south. Sent word to General McLean, commanding brigade of Schofield's corps, on our
right, to keep up connection with us. 12.30, Wood moving forward. 12.40, saw General Johnson, and instructed him to move up,
working to our left; that Wood had swung around, and to keep up connection with him. 1 p.m., have advanced about one mile
and a half, and country rolling and covered with timber and undergrowth; can see nothing fifty yards in front. 1.30, General
Wood has been moving to the left by flank to get around the enemy's line, and General McLean reports that he was disconnecting
with him. Orders were sent to McLean to keep up connection and to Wood to move not so far to the left. 1.45, first line of
Wood's division came in sight of the rebel Works over an open field; halted in the edge-of the woods to make preparations
to move again to our left for the purpose of getting around the enemy's works. General Howard at this time went to see General
Johnson to inform him of the situation and to tell him how to go into position on our left. 2.10, Wood commenced to move again.
3 p.m., sent request for General Schofield to swing his line around to the right so that his line would face east and west
and connect with our right and close up the gap between us. Captain Stinson wounded. 3.35 p.m., sent note to General Thomas
stating where we now are and telling of the difficulty of moving over the ground, and stating that it was supposed that we
were getting around the enemy's right flank. 3.45, General McLean reported that he was following General Johnson, according
to orders from Major-General Howard, delivered by Colonel Howard, and that he was in advance of his corps (Twenty-third),
leaving a gap of about three-quarters of a mile. 4 p.m., Colonel Morgan returned from Major-General Thomas, stating that General
Thomas says that Major-General Sherman wishes us to get on the enemy's right flank and rear as soon as possible. 3.50, a staff
officer from General McCook stated that McCook's cavalry was on our left, and that he was trying to connect with our left.
4 p.m., General Wood has halted and is now forming on the ridge for the attack on the enemy's right flank; told him not to
attack the enemy if they had works. 4.55, the advance sounded. 5 p.m., skirmishing commences; Hazen's brigade in front. Officers
(Colonels Howard and Morgan) were sent to Johnson, requesting him to order up his lines to the assistance of Hazen. 5.15 p.m.,
again sent word to General Johnson to press up a brigade to Hazen's left; he answered that he was sending one up, and that
it would soon be abreast with H[azen]; Hazen now becoming heavily engaged, found the enemy in his front in force and covered
by breast-works, which extended to our left farther than we could see--beyond the reach of General Johnson's troops also.
General Wood found it necessary to support his skirmish line with his main lines of troops. 6 p.m., received a dispatch from
Major-General Thomas, dated 5.15 p.m., stating that General Howard must connect his right with General Schofield's left, and
to take up a strong position which he could hold until he can be re-enforced, and if necessary to do this our left must be
refused; that he must not place his troops in such a position as to risk being turned, and to say to General Johnson that
he must place his troops so as to secure our left flank. General Thomas hopes to have Davis' division in the a.m., and then
Palmer will re-enforce our left. General Wood endeavored to carry the enemy's works in his front, but could not do so as the
enemy not only opened a murderous fire from their front line of works but also terrible cross-fires from both flanks. He planted
his colors, though, within twelve feet of the breast-works.
The enemy's artillery firing was very accurate
and effective. 6.30 p.m., General Wood(in accordance with General Thomas' instructions) commenced to withdraw from the front,
General Johnson's troops relieving him, and to move over to our right and little in the rear, taking the position held by
McLean s brigade, of Schofield's corps, an(t pushing McLean over to the right, thus endeavoring to close the gap between McL[ean]
and the rest of troops of the Twenty-third Corps, and make our connection with the same. A request was also sent to General
Schofield to connect with McLean. General Wood was instructed to strengthen his position during the night. The loss in killed
and wounded in the corps to-day was about 1,500, mostly in the Third Division. Day very hot. The enemy made an attack on Stanley's
and Newton's divisions at 4 p.m.; he was quickly driven back. Hazen reported this evening that he would have taken the works
in his front but Johnson did not properly support him, not coming within half a mile of his line; that there were no works
in front of Johnson, even two regiments of Hazen's brigade extended beyond them on the left.
After General Hazen's skirmishers became
engaged so closely to the enemy's works it was necessary to support them with main lines and drive the enemy into their works,
and, if possible, out of them. Without demonstrating on their works we could not have told whether they were held in very
strong force. The position we secured to-day will enable General Sherman to pass troops around our left for the purpose of
turning the enemy's right flank.
May 28.--Day opened with skirmishing and artillery firing by both armies. No orders for attack given. The general and staff
visited Wood's lines at 6.30 a.m., and Wood was then instructed to reform his lines, his right too much refused, and to send
out his skirmishers to his right, endeavoring to connect with Schofield. 11 a.m., orders received to make a general move of
troops to the left, but at 12 m. they were verbally countermanded by Major-General Thomas. 12 m., a staff officer from General
Ed. McCook, whose cavalry is on General Johnson's left, reported that a brigade of the enemy's cavalry had pushed around McCook's
left, and just coming into our rear. There being indications that the enemy was intending to turn our left, General Stanley
was directed to send a brigade of his division, to be posted as a reserve on the Acworth road, between Brown's and Pickett's
Mills, as soon as possible. At 12.15 he reported that he would send Cruft's brigade. 12.15, a report comes to corps headquarters
that the enemy is sending a large force of infantry (about one division) toward our right, supposed to be a blind to cover
a movement to our left. 4 p.m., the enemy made an attack on McPherson, on our extreme right. McPherson repulsed him. 4.30,
the enemy felt our lines in front of Stanley and Newton with strong skirmish lines, and found it not wise to attack us. His
skirmishers were repulsed. The enemy's lines now extend from the vicinity of Dallas to vicinity of Acworth, on the railroad.
7 p.m., General Wood reported that he made a connection with General Schofield at 3 p.m. Skirmishing all along our front to-day.
Day bright and warm. Lost but a few men killed and wounded to-day.
May 29.--2 a.m., received orders from department headquarters, dated May 28 (copy of orders from Military Division of the
Mississippi of same date), stating that there would be a general move of the army to the left, and that General Thomas would
connect with General McPherson, whose left would rest on the creek above the saw-mill, form a line facing nearly south across
both branches of Pettit's Creek, and covering all of the roads from Dallas to Allatoona and Acworth. The Fourth Corps will
be the right wing of Thomas' line. 6 a.m., the general started out to ride along our front to establish the line for this
new formation. 7 a.m., General Stanley was instructed to have his division ready to move as soon as McPherson arrived to relieve
him, and then to take position, his right resting on the creek, and his division, in two lines, to extend as far as he could
to the left, with two brigades facing nearly south. Orders for Newton to be given hereafter. Wood now in about proper position
for this new formation. 10 a.m., received orders from department headquarters to send all of the wagons of this corps, except
division ordnance trains and a few wagons loaded with subsistence, to the rear of Pumpkin Vine Creek, on the Burnt Hickory
road. Also to park all of our empty wagons at the same place, and to send them to Kingston on Tuesday next for such supplies
as we may need. The train to go to Kingston at that time to be guarded by a brigade from this corps. 11.30 a.m., sent an order
to General Stanley to furnish a brigade from his division for the train that is go to Kingston on Tuesday. 5 p.m., received
instructions from department headquarters to direct the officer in charge of the train guard which goes to Kingston on Tuesday
to look out for the enemy in the direction of Richland Creek as the train approaches Stilesborough, and to keep the train
at Kingston until the arrival of General Blair's command there, and follow it back as far as he marches on the return route.
6 p.m., directed General Stanley to give the above-mentioned instructions to the commanding officer of the train guard. 6
p.m., directed Generals Stanley and Newton that if Major-General McPherson arrived to-night to allow him to relieve their
troops on that part of their lines he is to occupy, and to bivouac said troops for the night in McPherson's rear. 11 p.m.,
the enemy attacked General Newton in force, and he was handsomely repulsed, losing quite heavily. Continued skirmishing along
our lines until and after daylight. 11.30, received instructions from Major-General Thomas to open all of our artillery upon
the enemy, and to make a strong demonstration with infantry if we heard heavy firing in the direction of McPherson's position.
2.30 p.m., heard very heavy firing on the extreme right of our lines, the enemy evidently attacking McPherson. At once ordered
Stanley and Newton to open their artillery and to make a demonstration. They could fire but a few rounds before the attack
on the right (which was on McPherson) ceased. It lasted about half an hour from the time when it commenced until we could
get our artillery to working. Irregular firing was kept up by Stanley and Newton until after daylight from a few guns. From
11 p.m. till daylight the enemy made several attempts on our lines, but made but one attack. Shells and musketballs have been
flying rather freely around our headquarters to-day and to-night, as has been the case for several days. Two or 3 of our provost-guard
and orderlies wounded. Lost but a few killed and wounded to-day. Day hot and bright.
May 30.--(Incidents of the morning until daylight noticed in yesterday's record.) 4 a.m., headquarters were moved to the
rear of what will be the center of our lines when McPherson arrives. 5 a.m., visited General Sherman's headquarters. 6 a.m.,
received note from department headquarters stating that Palmer needed more troops to prevent the enemy from gaining possession
of the road leading to Burnt Hickory from our left, and that General Cruft's brigade, of Stanley's division, was ordered to
report to him. 12 m., McPherson not yet arrived. 2 p.m., instructed General Wood to wheel his line so as to bring it in the
same direction as his picket-line, endeavoring to make a connection with the Twenty-third Corps. This would make his line
parallel to the blazed line; also to bring his line up as near as possible to the open field; to barricade his front and select
positions for artillery; also to effect this this p.m. Skirmishing through the entire day, but not so heavy as yesterday.
9 p.m., General Stanley said that he would send Cruft's brigade as the train guard in the a.m. to Kingston. No night attack.
Day very warm, dry, and dusty. Loss to-day, slight.
May 31.--3 a.m., received from department headquarters copy of Special Field Orders, No. 14, headquarters Military Division
of the Mississippi, stating that our lines would not be changed to-day, but that a general activity must be kept up along
our whole front, and that to-morrow, June 1, General McPherson's army and General Davis' division will move over to the left,
McPherson to occupy the place now held by Hooker, Davis to join Palmer's corps; that General Thomas' command will hold from
Hooker's present left around to the hill near Pickett's Mills, overlooking the Acworth road near Leverett's house; that Stoneman's
cavalry will move rapidly by any road east of Pumpkin Vine Creek and secure possession of the east end of Allatoona Pass and
the bridge over Allatoona Creek, while General Garrard's cavalry will move via Burnt Hickory and Richland Creek to the west
end of Allatoona Pass, communicating with General Stoneman. 6 a.m., instructed division commanders that there would be no
change of our lines to-day and to keep up a show of activity. 8.15 a.m., enemy felt part of our front by a bold attack with
a very heavy skirmish line. The attack commenced on Johnson's division, Fourteenth Corps, on our left; then rolled along Wood's
division, passing to Schofield's corps (part of which now separates Wood's division from Stanley's and Newton's of this corps)
and stopping there. General Wood's skirmishers fell back. (Our main (front) line was then attacked, and the enemy was quickly
driven back with considerable loss to him. 10 a.m., received Special Field Orders, current series, No. 148, Department of
the Cumberland, stating that upon the arrival of General McPherson's troops General Howard will move such portions of Stanley's
and Newton's divisions as can be spared from the trenches, with Wood's division, to occupy the interval which will be left
in the line by the withdrawal of General Schofield's command; that at same time Davis' division, Fourteenth Corps, will occupy
the position now held by General Wood's division, and that General Hooker will at same time move his corps to the left and
mass it behind Johnson's left, and east of what is known as Pickett's Mills creek; these movements to be made with as little
delay as possible. 10.15, staff officer reports that General Wood swung his line around last night to the position indicated
in instructions from these headquarters, connecting with Schofield, and that he had thrown up breast-works, &c. 4 p.m.,
Major-General Thomas has consented to leave General Wood's division in the present position it occupies, and to relieve the
Twenty-third Corps by Generals Stanley's and Davis' divisions upon the arrival of Major-General McPherson. General Wood instructed
to leave a thin line of troops in his rifle-pits, and to let the rest of them rest in the rear until there is an immediate
prospect of an engagement. 8 p.m., General Newton instructed to relieve the four right regiments of Grose's brigade tomorrow
a.m., two in the front line and two in the rear, and that those in the front line had better be relieved at break of day.
Stanley at same time instructed to shove over his command to the left the distance that he is to be relieved on the right
by General Newton and as much farther as possible, and to connect with General Davis' division when he goes into position,
he and Davis thus relieving Schofield. Skirmishing kept up in our front until dark. Day hot and dry. Loss not heavy to-day.